917 resultados para p38 MAPK inhibitor
Background: Allergic lung inflammation is impaired in diabetic rats and is restored by insulin treatment. In the present study we investigated the effect of insulin on the signaling pathways triggered by allergic inflammation in the lung and the release of selected mediators. Methods: Diabetic male Wistar rats (alloxan, 42 mg/kg, i.v., 10 days) and matching controls were sensitized by s.c. injections of ovalbumin (OA) in aluminium hydroxide, 14 days before OA (1 mg/0.4 ml) or saline intratracheal challenge. A group of diabetic rats were treated with neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin (NPH, 4 IU, s.c.), 2 h before the OA challenge. Six hours after the challenge, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was performed for mediator release and lung tissue was homogenized for Western blotting analysis of signaling pathways. Results: Relative to non-diabetic rats, the diabetic rats exhibited a significant reduction in OA-induced phosphorylation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK, 59%), p38 (53%), protein kinase B (Akt, 46%), protein kinase C (PKC)-alpha (63%) and PKC-delta (38%) in lung homogenates following the antigen challenge. Activation of the NF-kappa B p65 subunit and phosphorylation of I kappa B alpha were almost suppressed in diabetic rats. Reduced expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS, 32%) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2, 46%) in the lung homogenates was also observed. The BAL concentration of prostaglandin (PG)-E(2), nitric oxide (NO) and interleukin (IL)-6 was reduced in diabetic rats (74%, 44% and 65%, respectively), whereas the cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant (CINC)-2 concentration was not different from the control animals. Treatment of diabetic rats with insulin completely or partially restored all of these parameters. This protocol of insulin treatment only partially reduced the blood glucose levels. Conclusion: The data presented show that insulin regulates MAPK, PI3K, PKC and NF-kappa B pathways, the expression of the inducible enzymes iNOS and COX-2, and the levels of NO, PGE(2) and IL-6 in the early phase of allergic lung inflammation in diabetic rats. It is suggested that insulin is required for optimal transduction of the intracellular signals that follow allergic stimulation. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
A new piggyBac-related transposable element (TE) was found in the genome of a mutant Anticarsia gemmatalis multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus interrupting an inhibitor of apoptosis gene. This mutant virus induces apoptosis upon infection of an Anticarsia gemmatalis cell line, but not in a Trichoplusia ni cell line. The sequence of the new TE (which was named IDT for iap disruptor transposon) has 2531 bp with two DNA sequences flanking a putative Transposase (Tpase) ORF of 1719 bp coding for a protein with 572 amino acids. These structural features are similar to the piggyBac TE, also reported for the first time in the genome of a baculovirus. We have also isolated variants of this new TE from different lepidopteran insect cells and compared their Tpase sequences.
Kazal-type inhibitors play several important roles in invertebrates, such as anticoagulant, vasodilator and antimicrobial activities. Putative Kazal-type inhibitors were described in several insect transcriptomes. In this paper we characterized for the first time a Kazal unique domain trypsin inhibitor from the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Previously, analyses of sialotranscriptome of A. aegypti showed the potential presence of a Kazal-type serine protease inhibitor, in female salivary glands, carcass and also in whole male, which we named AaTI (A. aegypti trypsin inhibitor). AaTI sequence showed amino acid sequence similarity with insect thrombin inhibitors, serine protease inhibitor from Litopenaeus vannamei hemocytes and tryptase inhibitor from leech Hirudo medicinalis (LDTI). In this work we expressed, purified and characterized the recombinant AaTI (rAaTI). Molecular weight of purified rAaTI was 7 kDa rAaTI presented dissociation constant (K(i)) of 0.15 and 3.8 nM toward trypsin and plasmin, respectively, and it weakly inhibited thrombin amidolytic activity. The rAaTI was also able to prolong prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time and thrombin time. AaTI transcription was confirmed in A. aegypti female salivary gland and gut 3 h and 24 h after blood feeding, suggesting that this molecule can act as anticoagulant during the feeding and digestive processes. Its transcription in larvae and pupae suggested that AaTI may also play other functions during the mosquito`s development. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
A novel inhibitor of Schistosoma PNP was identified using an ""in silico"" approach allied to enzyme inhibition assays. The compound has a monocyclic structure which has not been previously described for PNP inhibitors The crystallographic structure of the complex was determined and used to elucidate the binding mode within the active site Furthermore, the predicted pose was very similar to that determined crystallographically, validating the methodology The compound Sm_VS1, despite its low molecular weight, possesses an IC(50) of 1 3 mu M, surprisingly low when compared with purine analogues This is presumably due to the formation of eight hydrogen bonds with key residues in the active site E203, N245 and T244. The results of this study highlight the importance of the use of multiple conformations for the target during virtual screening. Indeed the Sm_VS1 compound was only identified after flipping the N245 side chain It is expected that the structure will be of use in the development of new highly active non-purine based compounds against the Sclustosoma enzyme. (c) 2010 Elsevier B V. All rights reserved
The aim of this study was to evaluate the anti-tumor activity of Amblyomin-X, a serine protease Kunitz-type inhibitor. Amblyomin-X induced tumor mass regression and decreased number of metastatic events in a B16F10 murine melanoma model. Alterations on expression of several genes related to cell cycle were observed when two tumor cell lines were treated with Amblyomin-X. PSMB2, which encodes a proteasome subunit, was differentially expressed, in agreement to inhibition of proteasomal activity in both cell lines. In conclusion, our results indicate that Amblyomin-X selectively acts on tumor cells by inducing apoptotic cell death, possibly by targeting the ubiquitin-proteasome system. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cdc25 phosphatases involved in cell cycle checkpoints are now active targets for the development of anti-cancer therapies. Rational drug design would certainly benefit from detailed structural information for Cdc25s. However, only apo- or sulfate-bound crystal structures of the Cdc25 catalytic domain have been described so far. Together with previously available crystalographic data, results from molecular dynamics simulations, bioinformatic analysis, and computer-generated conformational ensembles shown here indicate that the last 30-40 residues in the C-terminus of Cdc25B are partially unfolded or disordered in solution. The effect of C-terminal flexibility upon binding of two potent small molecule inhibitors to Cdc25B is then analyzed by using three structural models with variable levels of flexibility, including an equilibrium distributed ensemble of Cdc25B backbone conformations. The three Cdc25B structural models are used in combination with flexible docking, clustering, and calculation of binding free energies by the linear interaction energy approximation to construct and validate Cdc25B-inhibitor complexes. Two binding sites are identified on top and beside the Cdc25B active site. The diversity of interaction modes found increases with receptor flexibility. Backbone flexibility allows the formation of transient cavities or compact hydrophobic units on the surface of the stable, folded protein core that are unexposed or unavailable for ligand binding in rigid and densely packed crystal structures. The present results may help to speculate on the mechanisms of small molecule complexation to partially unfolded or locally disordered proteins.
Background: The expression levels of the clotting initiator protein Tissue Factor (TF) correlate with vessel density and the histological malignancy grade of glioma patients. Increased procoagulant tonus in high grade tumors (glioblastomas) also indicates a potential role for TF in progression of this disease, and suggests that anticoagulants could be used as adjuvants for its treatment. Objectives: We hypothesized that blocking of TF activity with the tick anticoagulant Ixolaris might interfere with glioblastoma progression. Methods and results: TF was identified in U87-MG cells by flow-cytometric and functional assays (extrinsic tenase). In addition, flow-cytometric analysis demonstrated the exposure of phosphatidylserine in the surface of U87-MG cells, which supported the assembly of intrinsic tenase (FIXa/FVIIIa/FX) and prothrombinase (FVa/FXa/prothrombin) complexes, accounting for the production of FXa and thrombin, respectively. Ixolaris effectively blocked the in vitro TF-dependent procoagulant activity of the U87-MG human glioblastoma cell line and attenuated multimolecular coagulation complexes assembly. Notably, Ixolaris inhibited the in vivo tumorigenic potential of U87-MG cells in nude mice, without observable bleeding. This inhibitory effect of Ixolaris on tumor growth was associated with downregulation of VEGF and reduced tumor vascularization. Conclusion: Our results suggest that Ixolaris might be a promising agent for anti-tumor therapy in humans.
Sunflower trypsin inhibitor-1 (SFI-1), a natural 14-residue cyclic peptide, and some of its synthetic acyclic variants are potent protease inhibitors displaying peculiar inhibitory profiles. Here we describe the synthesis and use of affinity sorbents prepared by coupling SFTI-1 analogues to agarose resin. Chymotrypsinand trypsin-like proteases could then be selectively isolated from pancreatin; similarly, other proteases were obtained from distinct biological sources. The binding capacity of [Lys5]-SFTI-1-agarose for trypsin was estimated at over 10 mg/mL of packed gel. SFTI-1-based resins could find application either to improve the performance of current purification protocols or as novel protease-discovery tools in different areas of biological investigation. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Inosina extracelular como intermediária na silnalização do TNF-alfa em células de sertóli em cultura
As purinas extracelulares ATP e adenosina têm sido extensivamente estudadas em diferentes modelos e tipos celulares na modulação de várias respostas fisiológicas e patológicas. No entanto, a inosina extracelular, produto da degradação da adenosina pela Adenosina Deaminase (ADA), foi considerada por muito tempo um simples metabólito inativo. Recentemente, diversos trabalho têm demonstrado que este nucleosídeo possui importante papel na regulação de inúmeros processos. As células de Sertóli são as células somáticas dos túbulos seminíferos, e possuem fundamental importância na espermatogênese. Estas células, expressam diferentes purinoreceptores, estando estes envolvidos na regulação de diversas funções destas células relacionadas ao controle do desenvolvimento das células germinativas. No testículo, o TNF-α é produzido pelas espermátides redondas e pelos macrófagos ativados presentes no espaço intersticial. As células de Sertóli expressam os dois receptores descritos para TNF-α, TNF-RI (p55) e TNF-RII (p75), e diversos trabalhos tem descrito a modulação de diferentes funções destas células por esta citocina, incluindo a modulação da produção de NO e da fosforilação das MAPKs. Recentemente, foi descrita a modulação purinérgica da sinalização por TNF-α, bem como, a atividade ATPásica do receptor TNF-R1. Assim, nesta dissertação, foi estudado o efeito do TNF-α nos níveis das purinas extracelulares, além da possível participação purinérgica na sinalização desta citocina, em células de Sertóli em cultura. O tratamento destas células com TNF-α leva a um rápido aumento (5minutos) da concentração extracelular da inosina, que se prolonga até seis horas de incubação, sem alterar a concentração dos demais nucleotídeos e seus metabólitos. A inosina modula a produção de NO e a fosforilação das MAPKs ERK½ e p38 em células de Sertóli em cultura, aparentemente, através de diferentes mecanismos, sendo o primeiro efeito independente do receptor para adenosina A1 e o segundo efeito dependente da ativação deste receptor. Além disso, a inosina extracelular está envolvida na modulação da produção de NO e da fosforilação da MAPK ERK½ em células de Sertóli em cultura pelo TNF-α. A inibição do acúmulo de inosina estimulado pelo TNF-α através da incubação com um inibidor da adenosina deaminase cancela o aumento da produção de NO estimulada por esta citocina. Além disso, o bloqueio do receptor para adenosina A1 por antagonistas específicos impede o aumento na fosforilação da ERK½ estimulada por esta citocina. Assim, nesta dissertação, é descrito um papel intermediário da inosina extracelular na sinalização do TNF-α em células de Sertóli em cultura.
O cérebro é altamente dependente de um fluxo sanguíneo contínuo para suprimento de oxigênio e glicose, e por esta razão, eventos isquêmicos resultam em grande degeneração celular. O resveratrol é um antioxidante natural encontrado nas uvas e no vinho tinto que possui efeitos antitumoral e antiinflamatório, bem como propriedades cardioprotetoras. Neste trabalho, nós avaliamos o efeito neuroprotetor do resveratrol em um modelo in vitro de isquemia cerebral. Além disso, nós investigamos se este efeito estava correlacionado com as vias de sinalização da fosfoinositol3-quinase (PI3-k) e da proteína quinase ativada por mitógenos (mitogen-activated protein kinase-MAPK), ambas envolvidas na regulação da proliferação e sobrevivência celular. Para isto, nós usamos cultura organotípica de hipocampo exposta à privação de oxigênio e glicose (POG) como modelo de isquemia cerebral. A morte celular foi quantificada pela medida da incorporação de iodeto de propídeo (IP), um marcador de células mortas. Nas culturas expostas à POG na presença do veículo, aproximadamente 46% do hipocampo foi marcado com IP, indicando uma alta porcentagem de morte celular. Quando as culturas foram tratadas com resveratrol 10, 25 e 50µM, a morte celular foi reduzida para 22, 20 e 13%, respectivamente. Para elucidar o mecanismo pelo qual o resveratrol exerce seu efeito neuroprotetor nós investigamos a via PI3-k usando o inibidor LY294002 (5µM) e a via MAPK usando o inibidor PD98059 (20µM). A neuroproteção mediada pelo resveratrol (50µM) foi prevenida pelo LY294002, mas não pelo PD98059. A análise por immunoblotting revelou que o resveratrol 50µM induziu a fosforilação/ativação da Akt, a fosforilação/inativação da glicogênio sintase quinase-3β (GSK-3β) 1, 6 e 24 h após a POG e a fosforilação/ativação da quinase regulada por sinais extracelulares (extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1 and -2-ERK1/2) 6 e 24 h após a POG. Juntos, o aumento da fosforilação da Akt e GSK-3β induzida pelo resveratrol após a POG e o efeito da inibição da PI3-k pelo LY294002 levando a diminuição da neuroproteção mediada pelo resveratrol, sugerem que a via PI3-k/Akt, associada à GSK-3β , estão envolvidas no mecanismo pelo qual o resveratrol protege as culturas organotípicas da morte celular.
GOMES, Carlos E. M. et al. Effect of trypsin inhibitor from Crotalaria pallida seeds on Callosobruchus maculatus (cowpea weevil) and Ceratitis capitata (fruit fly). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (Paris), v. 43, n. 12, p. 1095-1102, 2005.ISSN 0981-9428. DOI:10.1016/j.plaphy.2005.11.004.
Fucan is a term used to denominate L-fucose rich sulfated polysaccharides. The fucans have been studied due their pharmacological activities like antithrombotic, antiproliferative and antioxidant. We have extracted three fucan fractions from the brown seaweed Spatoglossum schröederi. These fucans were denominated Fuc B 1, Fuc B 1.5 and Fuc B 2. The chemical analyzes show that the fucans have very similar composition as demonstrated by agarose electrophoresis gel, sugar and sulfate content. The antiproliferative effect was determined by MTT and BrdU methodologies in CHO cells. The inhibition of proliferation effect of the three fractions was about 40%. Therefore this we proceed just with the Fuc B 2 due the higher yield. There is no apoptosis indication using the anexin V/propidium iodide test. We found a cell cycle phase G1 arrest. The western blotting show that the PKC; pFAK; pERK 1/2 are activated when the cells were treated with fucans. The treatement with inhibitor of MAPK PD98059 extinguished the fucan effect. These results indicates that fucan act by the ERK pathway inducing the cell death.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)