911 resultados para managerial power approach.


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We revisit the visibility problem, which is traditionally known in Computer Graphics and Vision fields as the process of computing a (potentially) visible set of primitives in the computational model of a scene. We propose a hybrid solution that uses a dry structure (in the sense of data reduction), a triangulation of the type Ja
 1 , to accelerate the task of searching for visible primitives. We came up with a solution that is useful for real-time, on-line, interactive applications as 3D visualization. In such applications the main goal is to load the minimum amount of primitives from the scene during the rendering stage, as possible. For this purpose, our algorithm executes the culling by using a hybrid paradigm based on viewing-frustum, back-face culling and occlusion models. Results have shown substantial improvement over these traditional approaches if applied separately. This novel approach can be used in devices with no dedicated processors or with low processing power, as cell phones or embedded displays, or to visualize data through the Internet, as in virtual museums applications.


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A qualitative social and gender analysis was carried out in June 2015 in Luwingu and Mbala Districts in Northern Province, Zambia. The research explored the norms and power relations at various institutional levels that constrain certain social groups from benefiting from programmatic investments aimed at improving livelihoods, health status, and food and nutrition security within the Irish Aid Local Development Programme (IALDP). This technical paper provides a summary of the research findings, lessons learned and suggests options for action the IALDP could consider to help bring about gender transformative change in the lives and livelihoods of poor and vulnerable people.


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In the present paper, we discuss the time before the “age of reports”. Besides the Coleman Report in the period of Coleman, the Lady Plowden Report also appeared, while there were important studies in France (Bourdieu & Passeron, 1964; Peyre, 1959) and studies that inaugurated comprehensive education in Nordic countries. We focus on the period after the World War II, which was marked by rising economic nationalism, on the one hand, and by the second wave of mass education, on the other, bearing the promise of more equality and a reduction of several social inequalities, both supposed to be ensured by school. It was a period of great expectations related to the power of education and the rise of educational meritocracy. On this background, in the second part of the paper, the authors attempt to explore the phenomenon of the aforementioned reports, which significantly questioned the power of education and, at the same time, enabled the formation of evidence-based education policies. In this part of the paper, the central place is devoted to the case of socialist Yugoslavia/Slovenia and its striving for more equality and equity through education. Through the socialist ideology of more education for all, socialist Yugoslavia, with its exaggerated stress on the unified school and its overemphasised belief in simple equality, overstepped the line between relying on comprehensive education as an important mechanism for increasing the possibility of more equal and just education, on the one hand, and the myth of the almighty unified school capable of eradicating social inequalities, especially class inequalities, on the other. With this radical approach to the reduction of inequalities, socialist policy in the then Yugoslavia paradoxically reduced the opportunity for greater equality, and even more so for more equitable education. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Tämä diplomityö tutkii eri elinkaarihallinnan menetelmiä ja vertaa niitä TVO:n menetelmiin. Lisäksi TVO:n prosessin ongelmakohdat tunnistetaan ja niihin esitetään ratkaisuja. Vertailukohteina toimii ydinvoimateollisuuden lisäksi vesivoima, fossiiliset voimalaitokset sekä paperiteollisuus. Sähkön hinnan jatkaessa laskuaan on elinkaariajattelusta tullut ajankohtaista myös ydinvoimayhtiöille. Ydinvoimalaitoksien pitkän suunnitellun käyttöiän ansiosta laitoksen elinkaaren aikana voi tapahtua useita asioita, jotka vaikuttavat laitoksen investointitarpeisiin. Turvallisen sähköntuotannon varmistamiseksi eri laitososia on joko muokattava tai uusittava. Elinkaariajatteluun kuuluu tehokas laitoksen kunnon valvonta, laitoksen ikääntymiseen vaikuttavien ilmiöiden tunnistaminen, sekä ikääntymistä hillitsevien toimenpiteiden pitkän tähtäimen suunnittelu. Hyvällä ennakkosuunnittelulla pyritään varmistamaan se, että laitoksella voidaan tuottaa sähköä koko sen jäljellä olevan käyttöiän aikana. Kun tarpeiden tunnistus ja suunnittelu tehdään hyvissä ajoin mahdollistetaan myös investointien optimointi. Paras hyöty pyritään saamaan ajoittamalla oikeat investoinnit oikeaan aikaan.


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This dissertation presents the design of three high-performance successive-approximation-register (SAR) analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) using distinct digital background calibration techniques under the framework of a generalized code-domain linear equalizer. These digital calibration techniques effectively and efficiently remove the static mismatch errors in the analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion. They enable aggressive scaling of the capacitive digital-to-analog converter (DAC), which also serves as sampling capacitor, to the kT/C limit. As a result, outstanding conversion linearity, high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), high conversion speed, robustness, superb energy efficiency, and minimal chip-area are accomplished simultaneously. The first design is a 12-bit 22.5/45-MS/s SAR ADC in 0.13-μm CMOS process. It employs a perturbation-based calibration based on the superposition property of linear systems to digitally correct the capacitor mismatch error in the weighted DAC. With 3.0-mW power dissipation at a 1.2-V power supply and a 22.5-MS/s sample rate, it achieves a 71.1-dB signal-to-noise-plus-distortion ratio (SNDR), and a 94.6-dB spurious free dynamic range (SFDR). At Nyquist frequency, the conversion figure of merit (FoM) is 50.8 fJ/conversion step, the best FoM up to date (2010) for 12-bit ADCs. The SAR ADC core occupies 0.06 mm2, while the estimated area the calibration circuits is 0.03 mm2. The second proposed digital calibration technique is a bit-wise-correlation-based digital calibration. It utilizes the statistical independence of an injected pseudo-random signal and the input signal to correct the DAC mismatch in SAR ADCs. This idea is experimentally verified in a 12-bit 37-MS/s SAR ADC fabricated in 65-nm CMOS implemented by Pingli Huang. This prototype chip achieves a 70.23-dB peak SNDR and an 81.02-dB peak SFDR, while occupying 0.12-mm2 silicon area and dissipating 9.14 mW from a 1.2-V supply with the synthesized digital calibration circuits included. The third work is an 8-bit, 600-MS/s, 10-way time-interleaved SAR ADC array fabricated in 0.13-μm CMOS process. This work employs an adaptive digital equalization approach to calibrate both intra-channel nonlinearities and inter-channel mismatch errors. The prototype chip achieves 47.4-dB SNDR, 63.6-dB SFDR, less than 0.30-LSB differential nonlinearity (DNL), and less than 0.23-LSB integral nonlinearity (INL). The ADC array occupies an active area of 1.35 mm2 and dissipates 30.3 mW, including synthesized digital calibration circuits and an on-chip dual-loop delay-locked loop (DLL) for clock generation and synchronization.


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Thermal characterizations of high power light emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes (LDs) are one of the most critical issues to achieve optimal performance such as center wavelength, spectrum, power efficiency, and reliability. Unique electrical/optical/thermal characterizations are proposed to analyze the complex thermal issues of high power LEDs and LDs. First, an advanced inverse approach, based on the transient junction temperature behavior, is proposed and implemented to quantify the resistance of the die-attach thermal interface (DTI) in high power LEDs. A hybrid analytical/numerical model is utilized to determine an approximate transient junction temperature behavior, which is governed predominantly by the resistance of the DTI. Then, an accurate value of the resistance of the DTI is determined inversely from the experimental data over the predetermined transient time domain using numerical modeling. Secondly, the effect of junction temperature on heat dissipation of high power LEDs is investigated. The theoretical aspect of junction temperature dependency of two major parameters – the forward voltage and the radiant flux – on heat dissipation is reviewed. Actual measurements of the heat dissipation over a wide range of junction temperatures are followed to quantify the effect of the parameters using commercially available LEDs. An empirical model of heat dissipation is proposed for applications in practice. Finally, a hybrid experimental/numerical method is proposed to predict the junction temperature distribution of a high power LD bar. A commercial water-cooled LD bar is used to present the proposed method. A unique experimental setup is developed and implemented to measure the average junction temperatures of the LD bar. After measuring the heat dissipation of the LD bar, the effective heat transfer coefficient of the cooling system is determined inversely. The characterized properties are used to predict the junction temperature distribution over the LD bar under high operating currents. The results are presented in conjunction with the wall-plug efficiency and the center wavelength shift.


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Current space exploration has transpired through the use of chemical rockets, and they have served us well, but they have their limitations. Exploration of the outer solar system, Jupiter and beyond will most likely require a new generation of propulsion system. One potential technology class to provide spacecraft propulsion and power systems involve thermonuclear fusion plasma systems. In this class it is well accepted that d-He3 fusion is the most promising of the fuel candidates for spacecraft applications as the 14.7 MeV protons carry up to 80% of the total fusion power while ‘s have energies less than 4 MeV. The other minor fusion products from secondary d-d reactions consisting of 3He, n, p, and 3H also have energies less than 4 MeV. Furthermore there are two main fusion subsets namely, Magnetic Confinement Fusion devices and Inertial Electrostatic Confinement (or IEC) Fusion devices. Magnetic Confinement Fusion devices are characterized by complex geometries and prohibitive structural mass compromising spacecraft use at this stage of exploration. While generating energy from a lightweight and reliable fusion source is important, another critical issue is harnessing this energy into usable power and/or propulsion. IEC fusion is a method of fusion plasma confinement that uses a series of biased electrodes that accelerate a uniform spherical beam of ions into a hollow cathode typically comprised of a gridded structure with high transparency. The inertia of the imploding ion beam compresses the ions at the center of the cathode increasing the density to the point where fusion occurs. Since the velocity distributions of fusion particles in an IEC are essentially isotropic and carry no net momentum, a means of redirecting the velocity of the particles is necessary to efficiently extract energy and provide power or create thrust. There are classes of advanced fuel fusion reactions where direct-energy conversion based on electrostatically-biased collector plates is impossible due to potential limits, material structure limitations, and IEC geometry. Thermal conversion systems are also inefficient for this application. A method of converting the isotropic IEC into a collimated flow of fusion products solves these issues and allows direct energy conversion. An efficient traveling wave direct energy converter has been proposed and studied by Momota , Shu and further studied by evaluated with numerical simulations by Ishikawa and others. One of the conventional methods of collimating charged particles is to surround the particle source with an applied magnetic channel. Charged particles are trapped and move along the lines of flux. By introducing expanding lines of force gradually along the magnetic channel, the velocity component perpendicular to the lines of force is transferred to the parallel one. However, efficient operation of the IEC requires a null magnetic field at the core of the device. In order to achieve this, Momota and Miley have proposed a pair of magnetic coils anti-parallel to the magnetic channel creating a null hexapole magnetic field region necessary for the IEC fusion core. Numerically, collimation of 300 eV electrons without a stabilization coil was demonstrated to approach 95% at a profile corresponding to Vsolenoid = 20.0V, Ifloating = 2.78A, Isolenoid = 4.05A while collimation of electrons with stabilization coil present was demonstrated to reach 69% at a profile corresponding to Vsolenoid = 7.0V, Istab = 1.1A, Ifloating = 1.1A, Isolenoid = 1.45A. Experimentally, collimation of electrons with stabilization coil present was demonstrated experimentally to be 35% at 100 eV and reach a peak of 39.6% at 50eV with a profile corresponding to Vsolenoid = 7.0V, Istab = 1.1A, Ifloating = 1.1A, Isolenoid = 1.45A and collimation of 300 eV electrons without a stabilization coil was demonstrated to approach 49% at a profile corresponding to Vsolenoid = 20.0V, Ifloating = 2.78A, Isolenoid = 4.05A 6.4% of the 300eV electrons’ initial velocity is directed to the collector plates. The remaining electrons are trapped by the collimator’s magnetic field. These particles oscillate around the null field region several hundred times and eventually escape to the collector plates. At a solenoid voltage profile of 7 Volts, 100 eV electrons are collimated with wall and perpendicular component losses of 31%. Increasing the electron energy beyond 100 eV increases the wall losses by 25% at 300 eV. Ultimately it was determined that a field strength deriving from 9.5 MAT/m would be required to collimate 14.7 MeV fusion protons from d-3He fueled IEC fusion core. The concept of the proton collimator has been proven to be effective to transform an isotropic source into a collimated flow of particles ripe for direct energy conversion.


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This monograph is a literary analysis of the novel One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, by Ken Kesey published in 1962, that explores the power struggle between its two main characters: Randle Patrick McMurphy and Nurse Ratched. This struggle involves their ways of exerting power, their roles inside the ward, their distinct personalities, their actions, and even their ideas about life, especially what constitutes sanity and insanity. The analysis is based on techniques from New Criticism and the Psychological Critical Approach


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The barriers that people with disabilities face around the world are not only inherent to the limitations resulting from the disability itself, but, more importantly, these barriers rest with the societal technologies of exclusion. Using a mixed methodology approach, I conduct a quest to revealing several societal factors that limit full participation of people with disabilities in their communities, which will contribute to understanding and developing a more comprehensive framework for full inclusion of people with disabilities into the society. First, I conduct a multiple regression analysis to seek whether there is a statistical relationship between the national level of development, the level of democratization, and the level of education within a country’s population on one hand, and expressed concern for and preparedness to improve the quality of life for people of disabilities on another hand. The results from the quantitative methodology reveal that people without disabilities are more prepared to take care of people with disabilities when the level of development of the country is higher, when the people have more freedom of expression and hold the government accountable for its actions, and when the level of corruption is under control. However, a greater concern for the well-being of people with disabilities is correlated with a high level of country development, a decreased value of political stability and absence of violence, a decreased level of government effectiveness, and a greater level of law enforcement. None of the dependent variables are significantly correlated with the level of education from a given country. Then, I delve into an interpretive analysis to understand multiple factors that contribute to the construction of attitudes and practices towards people with disabilities. In doing this, I build upon the four main principles outlined by the United Nations as strongly recommended to be embedded in all international programmes: (1) identification of claims of human rights and the corresponding obligations of governments, hence, I assess and analyze disability rights in education, looking at United Nation, United States, and European Union Perspectives Educational Rights Provisions for People with Disabilities (Ch. 3); (2) estimated capacity of individuals to claim their rights and of governments to fulfill their obligations, hence, I look at the people with disabilities as rights-holders and duty-bearers and discuss the importance of investing in special capital in the context of global development (Ch. 4); (3) programmes monitor and evaluate the outcomes and the processes under the auspices of human rights standards, hence, I look at the importance of evaluating the UN World Programme of Action Concerning People with Disabilities from multiple perspectives, as an example of why and how to monitor and evaluate educational human rights outcomes and processes (Ch. 5); and (4) programming should reflect the recommendations of international human rights bodies and mechanisms, hence, I focus on programming that fosters development of the capacity of people with disabilities, that is, planning for an ecology of disabilities and ecoducation for people with disabilities (Ch. 6). Results from both methodologies converge to a certain point, and they further complement each other. One common result for the two methodologies employed is that disability is an evolving concept when viewed in a broader context, which integrates the four spaces that the ecological framework incorporates. Another common result is that factors such as economic, social, legal, political, and natural resources and contexts contribute to the health, education and employment opportunities, and to the overall well-being of people with disabilities. The ecological framework sees all these factors from a meta-systemic perspective, where bi-directional interactions are expected and desired, and also from a human rights point of view, where the inherent value of people is upheld at its highest standard.


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A smart solar photovoltaic grid system is an advent of innovation coherence of information and communications technology (ICT) with power systems control engineering via the internet [1]. This thesis designs and demonstrates a smart solar photovoltaic grid system that is selfhealing, environmental and consumer friendly, but also with the ability to accommodate other renewable sources of energy generation seamlessly, creating a healthy competitive energy industry and optimising energy assets efficiency. This thesis also presents the modelling of an efficient dynamic smart solar photovoltaic power grid system by exploring the maximum power point tracking efficiency, optimisation of the smart solar photovoltaic array through modelling and simulation to improve the quality of design for the solar photovoltaic module. In contrast, over the past decade quite promising results have been published in literature, most of which have not addressed the basis of the research questions in this thesis. The Levenberg-Marquardt and sparse based algorithms have proven to be very effective tools in helping to improve the quality of design for solar photovoltaic modules, minimising the possible relative errors in this thesis. Guided by theoretical and analytical reviews in literature, this research has carefully chosen the MatLab/Simulink software toolbox for modelling and simulation experiments performed on the static smart solar grid system. The auto-correlation coefficient results obtained from the modelling experiments give an accuracy of 99% with negligible mean square error (MSE), root mean square error (RMSE) and standard deviation. This thesis further explores the design and implementation of a robust real-time online solar photovoltaic monitoring system, establishing a comparative study of two solar photovoltaic tracking systems which provide remote access to the harvested energy data. This research made a landmark innovation in designing and implementing a unique approach for online remote access solar photovoltaic monitoring systems providing updated information of the energy produced by the solar photovoltaic module at the site location. In addressing the challenge of online solar photovoltaic monitoring systems, Darfon online data logger device has been systematically integrated into the design for a comparative study of the two solar photovoltaic tracking systems examined in this thesis. The site location for the comparative study of the solar photovoltaic tracking systems is at the National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan, R.O.C. The overall comparative energy output efficiency of the azimuthal-altitude dual-axis over the 450 stationary solar photovoltaic monitoring system as observed at the research location site is about 72% based on the total energy produced, estimated money saved and the amount of CO2 reduction achieved. Similarly, in comparing the total amount of energy produced by the two solar photovoltaic tracking systems, the overall daily generated energy for the month of July shows the effectiveness of the azimuthal-altitude tracking systems over the 450 stationary solar photovoltaic system. It was found that the azimuthal-altitude dual-axis tracking systems were about 68.43% efficient compared to the 450 stationary solar photovoltaic systems. Lastly, the overall comparative hourly energy efficiency of the azimuthal-altitude dual-axis over the 450 stationary solar photovoltaic energy system was found to be 74.2% efficient. Results from this research are quite promising and significant in satisfying the purpose of the research objectives and questions posed in the thesis. The new algorithms introduced in this research and the statistical measures applied to the modelling and simulation of a smart static solar photovoltaic grid system performance outperformed other previous works in reviewed literature. Based on this new implementation design of the online data logging systems for solar photovoltaic monitoring, it is possible for the first time to have online on-site information of the energy produced remotely, fault identification and rectification, maintenance and recovery time deployed as fast as possible. The results presented in this research as Internet of things (IoT) on smart solar grid systems are likely to offer real-life experiences especially both to the existing body of knowledge and the future solar photovoltaic energy industry irrespective of the study site location for the comparative solar photovoltaic tracking systems. While the thesis has contributed to the smart solar photovoltaic grid system, it has also highlighted areas of further research and the need to investigate more on improving the choice and quality design for solar photovoltaic modules. Finally, it has also made recommendations for further research in the minimization of the absolute or relative errors in the quality and design of the smart static solar photovoltaic module.


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The use of chemical control measures to reduce the impact of parasite and pest species has frequently resulted in the development of resistance. Thus, resistance management has become a key concern in human and veterinary medicine, and in agricultural production. Although it is known that factors such as gene flow between susceptible and resistant populations, drug type, application methods, and costs of resistance can affect the rate of resistance evolution, less is known about the impacts of density-dependent eco-evolutionary processes that could be altered by drug-induced mortality. The overall aim of this thesis was to take an experimental evolution approach to assess how life history traits respond to drug selection, using a free-living dioecious worm (Caenorhabditis remanei) as a model. In Chapter 2, I defined the relationship between C. remanei survival and Ivermectin dose over a range of concentrations, in order to control the intensity of selection used in the selection experiment described in Chapter 4. The dose-response data were also used to appraise curve-fitting methods, using Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) model selection to compare a series of nonlinear models. The type of model fitted to the dose response data had a significant effect on the estimates of LD50 and LD99, suggesting that failure to fit an appropriate model could give misleading estimates of resistance status. In addition, simulated data were used to establish that a potential cost of resistance could be predicted by comparing survival at the upper asymptote of dose-response curves for resistant and susceptible populations, even when differences were as low as 4%. This approach to dose-response modeling ensures that the maximum amount of useful information relating to resistance is gathered in one study. In Chapter 3, I asked how simulations could be used to inform important design choices used in selection experiments. Specifically, I focused on the effects of both within- and between-line variation on estimated power, when detecting small, medium and large effect sizes. Using mixed-effect models on simulated data, I demonstrated that commonly used designs with realistic levels of variation could be underpowered for substantial effect sizes. Thus, use of simulation-based power analysis provides an effective way to avoid under or overpowering a study designs incorporating variation due to random effects. In Chapter 4, I 3 investigated how Ivermectin dosage and changes in population density affect the rate of resistance evolution. I exposed replicate lines of C. remanei to two doses of Ivermectin (high and low) to assess relative survival of lines selected in drug-treated environments compared to untreated controls over 10 generations. Additionally, I maintained lines where mortality was imposed randomly to control for differences in density between drug treatments and to distinguish between the evolutionary consequences of drug treatment versus ecological processes affected by changes in density-dependent feedback. Intriguingly, both drug-selected and random-mortality lines showed an increase in survivorship when challenged with Ivermectin; the magnitude of this increase varied with the intensity of selection and life-history stage. The results suggest that interactions between density-dependent processes and life history may mediate evolved changes in susceptibility to control measures, which could result in misleading conclusions about the evolution of heritable resistance following drug treatment. In Chapter 5, I investigated whether the apparent changes in drug susceptibility found in Chapter 4 were related to evolved changes in life-history of C. remanei populations after selection in drug-treated and random-mortality environments. Rapid passage of lines in the drug-free environment had no effect on the measured life-history traits. In the drug-free environment, adult size and fecundity of drug-selected lines increased compared to the controls but drug selection did not affect lifespan. In the treated environment, drug-selected lines showed increased lifespan and fecundity relative to controls. Adult size of randomly culled lines responded in a similar way to drug-selected lines in the drug-free environment, but no change in fecundity or lifespan was observed in either environment. The results suggest that life histories of nematodes can respond to selection as a result of the application of control measures. Failure to take these responses into account when applying control measures could result in adverse outcomes, such as larger and more fecund parasites, as well as over-estimation of the development of genetically controlled resistance. In conclusion, my thesis shows that there may be a complex relationship between drug selection, density-dependent regulatory processes and life history of populations challenged with control measures. This relationship could have implications for how resistance is monitored and managed if life histories of parasitic species show such eco-evolutionary responses to drug application.


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Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common birth defect, causing an important rate of morbidity and mortality. Treatment of CHD requires surgical correction in a significant percentage of cases which exposes patients to cardiac and end organ injury. Cardiac surgical procedures often require the utilisation of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), a system that replaces heart and lungs function by diverting circulation into an external circuit. The use of CPB can initiate potent inflammatory responses, in addition a proportion of procedures require a period of aortic cross clamp during which the heart is rendered ischaemic and is exposed to injury. High O2 concentrations are used during cardiac procedures and when circulation is re-established to the heart which had adjusted metabolically to ischaemia, further injury is caused in a process known as ischaemic reperfusion injury (IRI). Several strategies are in place in order to protect the heart during surgery, however injury is still caused, having detrimental effects in patients at short and long term. Remote ischaemic preconditioning (RIPC) is a technique proposed as a potential cardioprotective measure. It consists of exposing a remote tissue bed to brief episodes of ischaemia prior to surgery in order to activate protective pathways that would act during CPB, ischaemia and reperfusion. This study aimed to assess RIPC in paediatric patients requiring CHD surgical correction with a translational approach, integrating clinical outcome, marker analysis, cardiac function parameters and molecular mechanisms within the cardiac tissue. A prospective, single blinded, randomized, controlled trial was conducted applying a RIPC protocol to randomised patients through episodes of limb ischaemia on the day before surgery which was repeated right before the surgery started, after anaesthesia induction. Blood samples were obtained before surgery and at three post-operative time points from venous lines, additional pre and post-bypass blood samples were obtained from the right atrium. Myocardial tissue was resected during the ischaemic period of surgery. Echocardiographic images were obtained before the surgery started after anaesthetic induction and the day after surgery, images were stored for later off line analysis. PICU surveillance data was collected including ventilation parameters, inotrope use, standard laboratory analysis and six hourly blood gas analysis. Pre and post-operative quantitation of markers in blood specimens included cardiac troponin I (cTnI) and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP), inflammatory mediators including interleukins IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, tumour necrosis factor (TNF-α), and the adhesion molecules ICAM-1 and VCAM-1; the renal marker Cystatin C and the cardiovascular markers asymmetric dymethylarginine (ADMA) and symmetric dymethylarginine (SDMA). Nitric oxide (NO) metabolites and cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) were measured before and after bypass. Myocardial tissue was processed at baseline and after incubation at hyperoxic concentration during four hours in order to mimic surgical conditions. Expression of genes involved in IRI and RIPC pathways was analysed including heat shock proteins (HSPs), toll like receptors (TLRs), transcription factors nuclear factor κ-B (NF- κ-B) and hypoxia inducible factor 1 (HIF-1). The participation of hydrogen sulfide enzymatic genes, apelin and its receptor were explored. There was no significant difference according to group allocation in any of the echocardiographic parameters. There was a tendency for higher cTnI values and inotropic score in control patients post-operatively, however this was not statistically significant. BNP presented no significant difference according to group allocation. Inflammatory parameters tended to be higher in the control group, however only TNF- α was significantly higher. There was no difference in levels of Cystatin C, NO metabolites, cGMP, ADMA or SDMA. RIPC patients required shorter PICU stay, all other clinical and laboratory analysis presented no difference related to the intervention. Gene expression analysis revealed interesting patterns before and after incubation. HSP-60 presented a lower expression at baseline in tissue corresponding to RIPC patients, no other differences were found. This study provided with valuable descriptive information on previously known and newly explored parameters in the study population. Demographic characteristics and the presence of cyanosis before surgery influenced patterns of activity in several parameters, numerous indicators were linked to the degree of injury suffered by the myocardium. RIPC did not reduce markers of cardiac injury or improved echocardiographic parameters and it did not have an effect on end organ function; some effects were seen in inflammatory responses and gene expression analysis. Nevertheless, an important clinical outcome indicator, PICU length of stay was reduced suggesting benefit from the intervention. Larger studies with more statistical power could determine if the tendency of lower injury and inflammatory markers linked to RIPC is real. The present results mostly support findings of larger multicentre trials which have reported no cardiac benefit from RIPC in paediatric cardiac surgery.


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This study identifies and compares competing policy stories of key actors involved in the Ecuadorian education reform under President Rafael Correa from 2007-2015. By revealing these competing policy stories the study generates insights into the political and technical aspects of education reform in a context where state capacity has been eroded by decades of neoliberal policies. Since the elections in 2007, President Correa has focused much of his political effort and capital on reconstituting the state’s authority and capacity to not only formulate but also implement public policies. The concentration of power combined with a capacity building agenda allowed the Correa government to advance an ambitious comprehensive education reform with substantive results in equity and quality. At the same time the concentration of power has undermined a more inclusive and participatory approach which are essential for deepening and sustaining the reform. This study underscores both the limits and importance of state control over education; the inevitable conflicts and complexities associated with education reforms that focus on quality; and the limits and importance of participation in reform. Finally, it examines the analytical benefits of understanding governance, participation and quality as socially constructed concepts that are tied to normative and ideological interests.


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Transportation system resilience has been the subject of several recent studies. To assess the resilience of a transportation network, however, it is essential to model its interactions with and reliance on other lifelines. In this work, a bi-level, mixed-integer, stochastic program is presented for quantifying the resilience of a coupled traffic-power network under a host of potential natural or anthropogenic hazard-impact scenarios. A two-layer network representation is employed that includes details of both systems. Interdependencies between the urban traffic and electric power distribution systems are captured through linking variables and logical constraints. The modeling approach was applied on a case study developed on a portion of the signalized traffic-power distribution system in southern Minneapolis. The results of the case study show the importance of explicitly considering interdependencies between critical infrastructures in transportation resilience estimation. The results also provide insights on lifeline performance from an alternative power perspective.


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Spectral identification of individual micro- and nano-sized particles by the sequential intervention of optical catapulting, optical trapping and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy is presented [1]. The three techniques are used for different purposes. Optical catapulting (OC) serves to put the particulate material under inspection in aerosol form [2-4]. Optical trapping (OT) permits the isolation and manipulation of individual particles from the aerosol, which are subsequently analyzed by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). Once catapulted, the dynamics of particle trapping depends on the laser beam characteristics (power and intensity gradient) and on the particle properties (size, mass and shape). Particles are stably trapped in air at atmospheric pressure and can be conveniently manipulated for a precise positioning for LIBS analysis. The spectra acquired from the individually trapped particles permit a straightforward identification of the inspected material. The current work focuses on the development of a procedure for simultaneously acquiring dual information about the particle under study via LIBS and time-resolved plasma images by taking advantage of the aforementioned features of the OC-OT-LIBS instrument to align the multiple lines in a simple yet highly accurate way. The plasma imaging does not only further reinforce the spectral data, but also allows a better comprehension of the chemical and physical processes involved during laser-particle interaction. Also, a thorough determination of the optimal excitation conditions generating the most information out of each laser event was run along the determination of parameters such as the width of the optical trap, its stability as a function of the laser power and the laser wavelength. The extreme sensibility of the presented OC-OT-LIBS technology allows a detection power of attograms for single/individual particle analysis.