999 resultados para item production


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Similarities and differences in antigenic humoral responses and electrophoretic patterns between Capillaria hepatica and pig-serum were investigated as a contribution to the understanding of hepatic fibrosis induced by the parenteral administration of foreign proteins. Only two out of 10 rats receiving repeated intraperitoneal injections of an extract of Capillaria hepatica-infected mouse liver presented septal hepatic fibrosis (20%). Under the same experimental conditions, 4 out of 9 rats (44.4%) developed septal fibrosis following whole pig-serum administration. Injections of normal mouse liver extracts did not result in hepatic fibrosis. Since a 100% septal fibrosis rate is observed in experimentally Capillaria hepatica-infected rats, it appeared that Capillaria hepatica products continuously released from inside the liver creates a much more effective fibrosis inducing mechanism than the parenteral administration of such factors. Thus, repeated peritoneal administration of a foreign protein to rats would not reveal the full fibrogenic potential it may have under natural conditions.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil de Gestão e Sistemas Ambientais


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica


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RESUMO: Nos últimos anos assistiu-se a um reposicionamento das pessoas portadoras de doença mental na sociedade, no sentido de viverem em pleno os seus direitos, sem restrições. Esta tendência acompanhou as transformações que se têm vivido na forma como os utentes dos serviços de saúde interagem com os mesmos e com os profissionais de saúde, de forma a permitir uma maior autonomização e responsabilização no que concerne ao tratamento da sua doença, a relação que estabelecem com o seu médico, e a participação na avaliação e monitorização da qualidade dos serviços. Mais recentemente, também no mundo científico, esta afirmação se fez sentir, com o surgimento de investigação liderada por utentes, no sentido de estudar de forma adequada questões que partem do seu ponto de vista, e que possibilitem a produção de conhecimento significativa no contexto das suas experiências. Com o presente trabalho pretende-se contribuir para a validação da versão portuguesa do VOICE (Service Users’ Perceptions of Inpatient Care, Views on Inpatient Care) (Evans et al., 2012), instrumento para a avaliação dos serviços de internamento de agudos em psiquiatria, construído a partir de um investigação liderado por utentes e partindo das suas perspectiva. O VOICE é constituído por 19 questões, agrupadas em sete domínios: admissão; cuidados e tratamento; medicação; equipa de técnicos do internamento; terapia e atividades; ambiente e diferenças. O presente estudo envolveu uma amostra de 85 utentes de um serviço de internamento de agudos de uma instituição psiquiátrica do Norte de Portugal. A versão portuguesa do VOICE apresentou boa aceitação por parte dos utentes e boas características psicométricas - a consistência interna foi alta (α = 0,87) e todos, exceto um item (item 6), apresentam elevadas correlações item-total (variando de 0,18 - item 6 a 0,71 - item 11; M = 0,54, DP = 0,15), sugerindo ser um instrumento útil na avaliação dos serviços de internamento de agudos. No futuro torna-se necessário alargar o estudo a outros contextos de internamento e envolvendo amostras mais alargadas.-------------- ABSTRACT: In recent years there has been a gradual process to help people with the experience of mental illness regaining their full rights. Following the advances in the understanding of mental health problems, and the use of medication to help patients overcome symptoms, service-users have become more autonomous and responsible in the way they deal with health professionals, and are now called to participate in assessing and monitoring mental health services and policies. In the context of these transformations we have assisted to the emergence of research led by service-users (in this case of psychiatric and mental health services) in order to emphasize their point of view, and to enable the production of significant knowledge resulting from their experiences, and perceptions. The present study aims to contribute to the dissemination of service-user led research, based on the adaptation and validation of the Portuguese version of the VOICE - Service Users' Perceptions Questionnaire, Views on Inpatient Care. (Evans et al., 2012). The VOICE is composed of 19 questions, grouped in seven domains: admissions, care and treatment, medication, team of technicians during hospitalization, therapy and activities, environment and diversity. The present study involved a sample of 85 inpatient of a psychiatric institution in Northern Portugal. The Portuguese version of the VOICE showed good psychometric properties and was well accepted by patients [high internal consistency (α = 0,87); and high correlation of each item, except item 6, with the total score (ranging from 0.18 on item 6 to 0.71 on item 11; average=0,54; SD=0,15), suggesting it to be a useful tool for assessing inpatient services. In the future there is a need to extend the study to other contexts and include larger samples.


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We analyzed the kinetics of cytokine production by mononuclear cells from 17 patients who had been treated for paracoccidioidomycosis, using the stimulus of gp43 peptide groups (43kDa glycoprotein of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis) at 0.1 and 1µM, gp43 (1µg/ml) and crude Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigen (PbAg; 75µg/ml). IFN-gamma production was a maximum at 144 hours in relation to the G2 and G8 peptide groups at 1µM and was greatest at 144 hours when stimulated by gp43 and by PbAg. The maximum TNF-alpha production was at 144 hours for the G2 group (0.1µM) and for gp43. IL-10 production was highest after 48 and 72 hours for G7 and G6 at 1µM, respectively. We also suggest the best time for analysis of IL4 production. These results may contribute towards future studies with gp43 peptides and encourage further investigations with the aim of understanding the influence of these peptides on the production of inflammatory and regulatory cytokines.


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Cell-to-cell communication is required for many biological processes in development and adult life. One of the most common systems utilized by a wide range of eukaryotes is the Notch signalling pathway. Four Notch receptors and five ligands have been identified in mammals that interact via their extracellular domains leading to transcription activation. Studies have shown that the Notch ligands expression is undetectable in normal breast tissues, but moderate to high expression has been detected in breast cancer. Thus, any of the Notch1 ligands can be studied as possible therapeutic targets for breast cancer. To study Notch pathway proteins there is the need to obtain stable protein solutions. E. coli is the host of excellence for recombinant proteins for the ease of use, fast growth and high cell densities. However, the expression of mammalian proteins in such systems may overwhelm the bacterial cellular machinery, which does not possess the ability for post-translational modifications, or dedicated compartments for protein synthesis. Mammalian cells are therefore preferred, despite their technical and financial increased demands. We aim to determine the best expression and purification conditions for the different ligand protein constructs, to develop specific function-blocking antibodies using the Phage Display technology. Moreover, we propose to crystallize the Notch1 ligands alone and in complex with the phage display selected antibodies, unveiling molecular details. hJag2DE3 and hDll1DE6 proteins were purified from refolded inclusion bodies or mammalian cell culture supernatants, respectively, and purity was confirmed by SDS-PAGE (>95%). Protein produced in mammalian cells showed to be more stable, apparently with the physiological disulfide pattern, contrary to what was observed in the refolded protein. Several nano-scale crystallization experiments were set up in 96-well plates, but no positive result was obtained. We will continue to pursue for the best expression for the Notch ligand constructs in both expression systems.


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Lagochilascaris minor is the causative agent of lagochilascariosis, a disease that affects the neck region and causes festering abscesses, with eggs, adult parasites and L3/L4 larvae within the purulent exudates. Today, mice are considered to be intermediate hosts for the parasite. C57BL/6 mice produce immunoglobulin IgM, IgA and IgG against the crude extract of the parasite; on the other hand, antibodies produced against the secreted/excreted antigens of Lagochilascaris minor present lower levels of IgM, IgA and IgG. This is the first description of antibody detection against different antigens of Lagochilascaris minor.


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INTRODUCTION: The production of anti-Cryptosporidium polyclonal antibodies and its use in direct immunofluorescence assays to determine the presence of Cryptosporidium in water are described in the present work. METHODS: Two rabbits were immunized with soluble and particulate antigens from purified Cryptosporidium oocysts. The sera produced were prepared for immunoglobulin G extraction, which were then purified and conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). Slides containing known amounts of oocysts were prepared to determine the sensitivity of the technique. To test the specificity, slides containing Giardia duodenalis cysts were prepared. RESULTS: The conjugate was successfully used in water samples experimentally contaminated with Cryptosporidium oocysts, and it was possible to detect up to five oocysts/spot, corresponding to contamination of 250 oocysts/mL. CONCLUSIONS: The three immunizations performed in the rabbits were enough to produce antibodies against Cryptosporidium, the standard direct immunofluorescence assay permitted the detection of five oocysts in 20% of the samples, and no cross-reaction with Giardia duodenalis cysts occurred.


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INTRODUCTION: Melanin production by species of Cryptococcus is widely used to characterize C. neoformans complex in mycology laboratories. This study aims to test the efficacy of methyldopa from pharmaceutical tablet as a substrate for melanin production, to compare the production of melanin using different agar base added with methyldopa, and to compare the melanin produced in those media with that produced in Niger seed agar and sunflower seed agar by C. neoformans, C. laurentii, and C. albidus. Two isolates of each species, C. neoformans, C. laurentii, and C. albidus, and one of Candida albicans were used to experimentally detect conditions for melanin production. METHODS: The following media were tested: Mueller-Hinton agar (MHA), brain and heart infusion agar (BHIA), blood agar base (BAB), and minimal medium agar (MMA), all added with methyldopa, and the media Niger seed agar (NSA) and sunflower seed agar (SSA). RESULTS: All isolates grew in most of the culture media after 24h. Strains planted on media BAB and BHIA showed growth only after 48h. All isolates produced melanin in MMA, MHA, SSA, and NSA media. CONCLUSIONS: Methyldopa in the form pharmaceutical tablet can be used as a substrate for melanin production by Cryptococcus species; minimal medium plus methyldopa was more efficient than the BAB, MHA, and BHIA in the melanin production; and NSA and SSA, followed by MMA added with methyldopa, were more efficient than other media studied for melanin production by all strains studied.


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INTRODUCTION: The innate immune response is the first mechanism of protection against Trypanosoma cruzi, and the interaction of inflammatory cells with parasite molecules may activate this response and modulate the adaptive immune system. This study aimed to analyze the levels of cytokines and chemokines synthesized by the whole blood cells (WBC) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of individuals seronegative for Chagas disease after interaction with live T. cruzi trypomastigotes. METHODS: IL-12, IL-10, TNF-α, TGF-β, CCL-5, CCL-2, CCL-3, and CXCL-9 were measured by ELISA. Nitrite was determined by the Griess method. RESULTS: IL-10 was produced at high levels by WBC compared with PBMC, even after incubation with live trypomastigotes. Production of TNF-α by both PBMC and WBC was significantly higher after stimulation with trypomastigotes. Only PBMC produced significantly higher levels of IL-12 after parasite stimulation. Stimulation of cultures with trypomastigotes induced an increase of CXCL-9 levels produced by WBC. Nitrite levels produced by PBMC increased after the addition of parasites to the culture. CONCLUSIONS: Surface molecules of T. cruzi may induce the production of cytokines and chemokines by cells of the innate immune system through the activation of specific receptors not evaluated in this experiment. The ability to induce IL-12 and TNF-α contributes to shift the adaptive response towards a Th1 profile.