863 resultados para informal discussion
A semiosfera da felicidade: lampejos e trajetos da marca publicitária no espaço do comércio informal
O processo de cuidar do idoso dependente é multidimensional e executado por cuidadores formais e informais. Sempre foi uma função designada à família onde havia divisão de tarefas entre os diversos membros,. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a sobrecarga dos cuidadores informais no desempenho de suas funções à pessoa idosa dependente, no concelho de Santana; estimando o nível de dependência dos idosos e determinando a satisfação, as dificuldades, o coping e a sobrecarga dos cuidadores. A população acessível foi constituída por 69 cuidadores informais. O estudo foi, transversal, descritivo - correlacional. O formulário inclui questões de caracterização sociodemográfica e escalas: de satisfação, de dificuldades em cuidar, e de estratégias de coping (Nolan et cols,1998), de percepção da sobrecarga do cuidador (adaptação de Zarit et cols,1983) validadas para Portugal (Sequeira 2007). Utilizou-se a Escala de Barthel (Mahoney; Barthel,1965) para determinar a dependência dos idosos. Dos resultados realçamos: a maioria dos cuidadores é mulher, casada, com escolaridade até o 6º ano, baixo nível sócio económico sendo familiar do idoso cuidado. Dos cuidadores, 38% são-no entre um a quatro anos e 72,5% cuidam 12 horas/dia A etapa do ciclo vital familiar dos cuidadores é o fim da vida (76,8% ). Dos idosos cuidados, 68% era muito dependente. Dificuldades no cuidar incluíram: restrições sociais, exigências e reações ao cuidar e estratégias de coping mais limitadas. Os cuidadores tendiam sentir-se satisfeitos com o cuidado. Não sofrem sobrecarga 36,3 % mas, 63,7% refere-a ligeira e intensa. Nos homens realçou-se a intensa e nas mulheres a ausência de sobrecarga. Ela foi mais significativa entre os analfabetos, os que sentiam dificuldades, os mais carenciados economicamente e que não gozavam de férias. Evidencia-se a importância da intervenção junto aos cuidadores informais por parte da rede formal de apoio para prevenção da sobrecarga.
A presente pesquisa faz parte de nosso estudo realizado junto a Orquestra Cidadã Meninos do Coque e tem por objetivo principal refletir acerca de como o ensino da música com vistas ao resgate da cidadania de crianças e adolescentes assistidos pelo projeto da referida orquestra pode ser visto sob a égide da inovação pedagógica. Para isso, num primeiro momento, em seu arcabouço teórico, que compreendido pelos capítulos segundo e terceiro, inicialmente traçamos nossas considerações sobre a prática pedagógica e a educação não formal, visando à questão da inovação e da formação para cidadania; e, logo em seguida adentramos na questão do ensino de música e a construção da cidadania, tendo-se por foco o trabalho realizado pela Orquestra Cidadã Meninos do Coque. Já num segundo momento, tratamos das questões metodológicas (capítulo quarto), cuja base foi a etnopesquisa orientado por Macedo (2006), a qual teve como instrumentos a observação participante, o uso de entrevistas e de questionários semiestruturados, além da análise documental, cujos resultados são apresentados no capítulo quinto, o qual traz como título “Educação informal e movimentos populares: a importância do ensino da música no resgate da cidadania de crianças assistidas pela ONG Orquestra Cidadã como uma forma de inovação pedagógica” diante do qual pudemos perceber o caráter inovador do trabalho empreendido pela orquestra em estudo, que na busca de atingir os objetivos pretendidos expande sua metodologia para a realidade de seus alunos e com isso alcança saltos de desenvolvimento, trazendo para as crianças e jovens um novo olhar sobre si mesmos e sobre o seu futuro.
This research approaches the issue of accessibility in informal settlements, seeking for the challenges and limits defined by informal urban settings, about the application of accessibility parameters. Take the empirical universe as the Conjunto Santa Terezinha, located in Fortaleza- Ce. Initially, the study presents a reflection about the housing issue in Brazil and the informal settlementes in view of the Right to the City. In this sense, the main references are, the works of Suzanne Pasternak (2008), Nabil Bonduki (1998) and Erminia Maricato (1996-97), among others. Follows with the discussion of the concepts and classifications of this type of settlement, making a content analysis of legislation and regulations relating to accessibility and proposed the discussion of the accessible route as the right strategy for the city. In another step, the methodology of 'walking together' created by Dischinger (2000) was applied in a passage previously chosen, which the researcher follows the disabled person during the journey through city making records like photos and video. The comments and perceptions are compared to the spatial analysis of urban morphology, made from the method of Del Rio (1990) and Panerai (2006), and the parameters of NBR 9050. Knowledge of the area is enriched by the methodology of the production of space made by Henri Lefebvre in his book 'The production of space' (1974) with these categories: space conceived, perceived and lived. Another key reference of this author it s the book 'The Right to the City' (991), which allowed in-depth reflections on the social function of town. In conclusion, the study finds that to guarantee a minimum access conditions in informal sittlements it´s necessary to know the specifics of their morphology, their relations and urban practices in view of the visitability- experiencebility, describing it as complementary concepts
This study presents research regarding affordable housing and their effects on the spatial reconfiguration of Natal/ RN, aiming to identify the specificities of the informality of urban land. This study aims to understand how informal housing market operates housing provision for the population located in popular informal settlements, through buying and selling market and rental market of residential properties irregular / illegal. This understanding will be through the neighborhood of Mãe Luisa, Special Area of Social Interest (SASI), located between neighborhoods with a population of high purchasing power and inserted into the tourist shaft of seaside of town. The characterization of informal housing market in Mãe Luiza, from buyers, sellers and renters, will help to understand how these informal transactions operate on SASI and housing provision for public policy development and implementation of housing programs and land regularization for low-income population, adequate to dynamic and reality of housing of informal areas
Confirming the Brazilian tendency in the field, the multifamily vertical condominium habitats in Natal are defined as buildings with three or more floors which have been an increasingly used solution. In the mentioned project, the connection between the projectarchitects and the user/ buyers are spread out, by which the first people conceive the realestate property as a creation for the market and not the individual client in specific. Such situation along with technical and financial limitations of the project lead to the adoption of standard solutions to be utilized by clients with different profiles. Besides that, there are various legal and urban parameters by the City Director Plan showing elements of great influence in the final solution adopted by the mentioned edifices. Moving to this subject in general, this project is focused on the case study of the Ed. Ville de Montpellier, having as a base of Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE), considered an efficient tool to analyze and keep up with the progress of the construction of the building, including technical approvals, the application of surveys with the local residents and the creation of informal interviews. The data shows that with time some items that initially motivated the acquisition of the realestate property (with a social common area) move to being less valued, and that the residents quickly alter the pre constructed space, thus seeking to alter the property in a more personal and conforming manner. The possibility of a new emphasis for projects on the mentioned space should also be in discussion, the created project calls for the attention of projected conceptual aspects and interdependence within project and construction which permits the indication of some recommendations for the projection of multifamily residential buildings within the studied realm
Este artigo deriva de uma pesquisa mais ampla sobre a educação em astronomia e a formação de professores, e apresenta um panorama geral sobre o tema em âmbito nacional. Procuramos gerar uma classificação das instituições e outras iniciativas brasileiras dedicadas à astronomia, levando em conta os seus objetivos, tais como o ensino formal, informal, não-formal, bem como aqueles destinados à popularização dessa ciência. Comenta-se, em forma de um breve ensaio, a importância da atuação contextualizada destas instâncias no ensino da astronomia, levantando um desafio ainda a ser considerado, referente ao estudo das possíveis relações entre estes estabelecimentos e iniciativas, visando o avanço da educação em astronomia, em um movimento contrário à dispersão e pulverização de atividades locais e pontuais dos mesmos. Argumentamos que a pesquisa em ensino de astronomia tem potencial para exercer este papel integrador.
Este texto busca evidenciar a relação trabalho e saúde em um lócus determinado: a produção calçadista em Franca, interior do estado de São Paulo. A discussão privilegia o processo sócio-histórico da referida atividade econômica em Franca, com ênfase na reestruturação produtiva que, a partir na década de 1990, disseminou parte da produção para as residências dos trabalhadores, constituindo as denominadas Bancas de Pespontos e de Corte em Calçados. Desse modo, a partir do conhecimento empírico, subsidiado pelas visitas a estes empreendimentos e de entrevistas com os trabalhadores e ainda com um relato de caso, enfatiza-se as relações sociais de trabalho que podem agredir à saúde. Todavia, diante da informalidade acabam não sendo consideradas na relação entre saúde e a atividade funcional exercida, ficando estes infortúnios distantes das negociações coletivas, fiscalizações, ou seja, de possíveis mudanças.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study aimed at exploring and describing children s perceptions in threatened natural settings, specifically, the Rain Forest in Brazil. Several studies point to the significance of perceptions for people s pro-environmental attitudes and actions. We try to understand the person-environment interaction from an ecological perspective, and we present theoretical references for the understanding of how crucial nature is for psychological development and well-being. The children s drawings, individual interviews, discussion groups, photographies and informal and indirect sources, as teachers, brought material for the analysis. Participated in our study, carried on through a multi-method strategy, 209 children from six to eleven years old, living in the neighborhood of the Biological Reserve of Una, State of Bahia, created to protect Rain Forest fragments. The Rain Forest landscape is well portrayed in children s drawings, the vegetal elements prevailing over artificial and human elements. The figured plants and trees, however, are pointed with no precision as to their species. Most of the defined species are eatable. The children seem to be aware of the environment degradation, and of the importance of its conservation, but they describe episodes of hunting and feeding wild threatened animals. Our results indicate a utilitarian trend in the perception of living beings, in terms of their immediate usefulness for people. The multimethod approach seems to be appropriate to the complexity of the theme; the methodological strategies were well accepted by the children, offering them opportunities to express themselves. We observed how children, in different life phases, organize natural elements and processes in their drawings, and how these images relate to the local landscape. We discuss the results in the light of theoretical references of personenvironment studies and from previous investigations about children s perceptions of natural environment
The purpose of this work is to map the family and community social supports for adolescents and young students from Bom Pastor Distric, West Zone of Natal/RN, as well as to describe how such resources are used by these individuaIs in that community. Social support refers not only to formal activities or organizations, but also to spontaneous or informal forms of support - friendship and solidarity nets available in the community, affective relations that are meaningful in the lives of children and young people. Our discussion is based on a research performed with 382 adolescents and young students from Jean Mermoz Public School (students from 5th to 11th grades, aged 13 to 14). We emphasized the situations of violence derived from family or community spheres faced by these students. In relation to this specific aspect, we observed the participants more frequently look for help from the informal social supports, mostly from their friends, which indicates that the formal ones are not considered to be effective instruments for social assistance. The search for informal social supports shows the relations informally established in the streets (for instance when they look for help from friends, rei atives or neighbors) have more effect and play an important role in which there are values and affections exchange. Thinking the strengthening of these social links is of extreme importance and leads to the weakening of the hegemonic logics focused on the production of subjects as private identities, and to the amplification of an ethics committed to the disassembly of a sociability anchored to fear, impotence, intolerance, discrimination, and reduction of spaces for circulating and confronting mechanisms of social exclusion. It is crucial that we concentrate our attention to building friendship as a system of reciprocity and affective exchanges, as a space for political actions and production of forms of lives that are potent against social anesthesia
This study aid to understand the work conditions of street vendors located on the sidewalks of two malls in Brazil Northeast Natal / RN - Both malls Natal Shopping and Via Direta, to analyze their inclusion in the informal economy and to study the supposed autonomy provided by work as self-employment in its both aspects economic and social analyzing the importance on the condition of "masters of their own business" has for the street vendors, as an alternative to not submission to the figure of the boss, that represents the exploitation of one class over another. The theoretical and methodological aspects that support this study was aimed in discussion on the restructuring of production, considering its effects on the world of work, pointing to unemployment as one of the potencies element of excluded processes that exciting workers to engage in the informal market. Informality is presented as a survival strategy and as integrating part of the reproduction of capital. This research was conducted under a critical perspective, whish has been utilized quantitative and qualitative analyses. The results of this study format questions that provided during the research process the socio-economic characterization of workers, main cause of this study, and how street vendors expres their status of workers as self-employed for their work, and the perception that they have on their form of inclusion in the informal market.
The thesis presented here is of interest management to analyze the performance of the State, through the materialization of the professional courses, the process of integration of users CRAS-Pajuçara informal. Therefore, we assume that poverty and inequality reach a significant portion of the world population, in a context where the working class family is seen as an alternative to face the multiple expressions of social issues. Thus, before the changes of Productive Restructuring, marked by flexibility, outsourcing and casualization of labor relations in the world, the working class family must find ways to ensure their survival. In this direction, we discuss the advances, limitations and challenges posed to the Social Assistance Policy in contemporary, situating this context, the role of the state. Furthermore, we discussed the functionality of informality to the capitalist system, showing how capital appropriates of informal work, placing it in its logic, and thus makes the capital-labor ratio increasingly predatory, inhuman and unequal. The methodological procedures for the preparation of this study constitute a literature and documentary, beyond 10 semi-structured interviews directed to users of CRAS-Pajuçara, participants of training courses for the period 2010-2011. In light of the critical-dialectical rationality, and in a context where informal work has increasingly been co-opted as an alternative to huge unemployment in the same direction in which the welfare rises in tackling social inequality, the scope of this study, discusses and reveals the truths and misconceptions that surround this bourgeois discourse, in times of crisis of capital, the city of Natal, Brazil
The consumption has become a major pillar of modern capitalism and at the same time, one of the factors that relate to social inequality. Karl Marx developed the theory of historical materialism which maintains a history of society determined by class struggle and the! exploitation of man by man. Considered to be overtaken by those who believe that Marxism is synonymous with real socialism, the Marxist ideals seem more present than in the Western world which each individual takes the individualization (loss of sense of public and collective) and the alienation by the work. Weassumed we could work on these issues in student education, even in elementary school, through questioning of the consumer society, with the criticism of television and the media, the main promoter of the current sense of consumption, as an initial step that could lead to future autonomy of theindividual. The theory of ideology and ideas of Paulo Freire's liberating education theory permeated the experience that happened as a participant observation of groups in the discipline of sociology in the unit 2 of the Colégio Pedro II in Rio de Janeiro, the state capital, an institution under the direct administration Ministry of Education. Wehave found fertile ground in which the students were able to understand and question the meaning of advertising media