961 resultados para high mobility group box domain
Hydrogels may be described as cross-linked hydrophilic polymers that swell but do not dissolve in water. The production of high water content hydrogels was the subject of investigation. Based upon copolymer compositions that had already achieved commercial success as biomaterials, new monomers were added or substituted in and the effects observed. The addition of N-isopropyl acrylamide to an acrylamide-based composition that had previously been designed to become a contact lens, produced materials that showed smart effects in that the water content showed dependence on the temperature of the hydrating solution. Such thermo-responsive materials have potential uses in drug delivery, ultrafiltration and cell culture surfaces. Proteoglycans in nature have an important role to play in structural support where a highly hydrophilic structure maintains lubricious surfaces. Certain functional groups that impart this hydrophilicity are present in certain sulphonate monomers, Bis(3-sulphopropyl ester) itaconate, dipotassium salt (SPI), 3-Sulphopropyl ester acrylate, potassium salt (SPA) and Sodium 2-(acrylamido)-2-methyl propane sulphonate (NaAMPS). These monomers were incorporated into a HEMA-based copolymer that had been designed initially as a contact lens and the resulting effects examined. Highly hydrophilic materials resulted that showed reduced protein deposition over the neutral core material. It is postulated that a sulphonate group would have a larger number of hydration shells around it than for example methacrylic acid, leading to more dynamic exchange and so reducing the adsorption of biological solutes. A cationic monomer was added to bring back the net anionic nature of the sulphonate hydrogels and the effects studied. Ionic interactions were found to cause a reduction in the water content of the resulting materials as the mobility of the network decreased, leading to stiffer but less extensible materials. The presence of a net dominant charge, whether negative or positive, appeared to act to reduce protein deposition, but increasing equivalence in the amount of both charges served to present a more 'neutral' surface and deposition subsequently increased. The grafting of hydrophilic hydrogel layers onto silicone elastomer was attempted and the results evaluated using dynamic contact angle measurements. Following plasma oxidation to reduce the surface energy barrier to aqueous grafting chemistry, it was found that the wettability of the modified elastomers could be significantly enhanced by such treatment. The SPA-grafted material in particular hinted at an osmotic drive for rehydration that may be exploited in biomaterials.
A three-dimensional model of human ABCB1 nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) was developed by homology modelling using the high-resolution human TAP1 transporter structure as template. Interactions between NBD and flavonoids were investigated using in silico docking studies. Ring-A of unmodified flavonoid was located within the NBD P-loop with the 5-hydroxyl group involved in hydrogen bonding with Lys1076. Ring-B was stabilised by hydrophobic stacking interactions with Tyr1044. The 3-hydroxyl group and carbonyl oxygen were extensively involved in hydrogen bonding interactions with amino acids within the NBD. Addition of prenyl, benzyl or geranyl moieties to ring-A (position-6) and hydrocarbon substituents (O-n-butyl to O-n-decyl) to ring-B (position-4) resulted in a size-dependent decrease in predicted docking energy which reflected the increased binding affinities reported in vitro.
A novel method of fiber Bragg grating design based on tailored group delay is presented. The method leads to designs that are superior to the previously reported results. © OSA 2012.
The contributions of this dissertation are in the development of two new interrelated approaches to video data compression: (1) A level-refined motion estimation and subband compensation method for the effective motion estimation and motion compensation. (2) A shift-invariant sub-decimation decomposition method in order to overcome the deficiency of the decimation process in estimating motion due to its shift-invariant property of wavelet transform. ^ The enormous data generated by digital videos call for an intense need of efficient video compression techniques to conserve storage space and minimize bandwidth utilization. The main idea of video compression is to reduce the interpixel redundancies inside and between the video frames by applying motion estimation and motion compensation (MEMO) in combination with spatial transform coding. To locate the global minimum of the matching criterion function reasonably, hierarchical motion estimation by coarse to fine resolution refinements using discrete wavelet transform is applied due to its intrinsic multiresolution and scalability natures. ^ Due to the fact that most of the energies are concentrated in the low resolution subbands while decreased in the high resolution subbands, a new approach called level-refined motion estimation and subband compensation (LRSC) method is proposed. It realizes the possible intrablocks in the subbands for lower entropy coding while keeping the low computational loads of motion estimation as the level-refined method, thus to achieve both temporal compression quality and computational simplicity. ^ Since circular convolution is applied in wavelet transform to obtain the decomposed subframes without coefficient expansion, symmetric-extended wavelet transform is designed on the finite length frame signals for more accurate motion estimation without discontinuous boundary distortions. ^ Although wavelet transformed coefficients still contain spatial domain information, motion estimation in wavelet domain is not as straightforward as in spatial domain due to the shift variance property of the decimation process of the wavelet transform. A new approach called sub-decimation decomposition method is proposed, which maintains the motion consistency between the original frame and the decomposed subframes, improving as a consequence the wavelet domain video compressions by shift invariant motion estimation and compensation. ^
Group VI metal hexacarbonyls, M(CO)6 (M = Cr, Mo and W), are of extreme importance as catalysts in industry and also of fundamental interest due to the established charge transfer mechanism between the carbon monoxide and the metal. They condense to molecular solids at ambient conditions retaining the octahedral (Oh) symmetry of gas phase and have been extensively investigated by previous workers to understand their fundamental chemical bonding and possible industrial applications. However little is known about their behavior at high pressures which is the focus of this dissertation. Metal hexacarbonyls were subjected to high pressures in Diamond-Anvil cells to understand the pressure effect on chemical bonding using Raman scattering in situ. The high-pressure results on each of the three metal hexacarbonyls are presented and are followed by a critical analysis of the entire family. The Raman study was conducted at pressures up to 45 GPa and X-ray up to 58 GPa. This is followed by a discussion on infra red spectra in conjunction with Raman and X-ray analysis to provide a rationale for polymerization. Finally the probable synthesis of extremely reactive species under high-pressures and as identified via Raman is discussed. The high-pressure Raman scattering, up to 30 GPa, demonstrated the absence of Π-backbonding. The disappearance of parental Raman spectra for (M = Cr, Mo and W) at 29.6, 23.3 and 22.2 GPa respectively was attributed to the total collapse of the Oh symmetry. This collapse under high-pressure lead to metal-mediated polymeric phase characterized by Raman active δ(OCO) feature, originating from intermolecular vibrational coupling in the parent sample. Further increase in pressures up to 45 GPa, did not affect this feature. The pressure quenched Raman spectra, revealed various chemical groups non-characteristic of the parent sample and adsorption of CO in addition to the characteristic δ(OCO) feature. The thus recorded Raman, complemented with the far and mid-infrared pressure quenched spectra, reveal the formation of novel metal-mediated polymers. The X-ray diffraction on W(CO)6 up to 58 GPa revealed the generation of amorphous polymeric pattern which was retained back to ambient conditions.
Inscriptions: Verso: [stamped] Photograph by Freda Leinwand. [463 West Street, Studio 229G, New York, NY 10014].
Inscriptions: Verso: [stamped] Credit must be given to Freda Leinwand from Monkmeyer Press Photo Service.
The second messenger c-di-GMP is implicated in regulation of various aspects of the lifestyles and virulence of Gram-negative bacteria. Cyclic di-GMP is formed by diguanylate cyclases with a GGDEF domain and degraded by phosphodiesterases with either an EAL or HD-GYP domain. Proteins with tandem GGDEF-EAL domains occur in many bacteria, where they may be involved in c-di-GMP turnover or act as enzymatically-inactive c-di-GMP effectors. Here, we report a systematic study of the regulatory action of the eleven GGDEF-EAL proteins in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola, an important rice pathogen causing bacterial leaf streak. Mutational analysis revealed that XOC_2335 and XOC_2393 positively regulate bacterial swimming motility, while XOC_2102, XOC_2393 and XOC_4190 negatively control sliding motility. The ΔXOC_2335/XOC_2393 mutant that had a higher intracellular c-di-GMP level than the wild type and the ΔXOC_4190 mutant exhibited reduced virulence to rice after pressure inoculation. In vitro purified XOC_4190 and XOC_2102 have little or no diguanylate cyclase or phosphodiesterase activity, which is consistent with unaltered c-di-GMP concentration in ΔXOC_4190. Nevertheless, both proteins can bind to c-di-GMP with high affinity, indicating a potential role as c-di-GMP effectors. Overall our findings advance understanding of c-di-GMP signaling and its links to virulence in an important rice pathogen.
Food safety has always been a social issue that draws great public attention. With the rapid development of wireless communication technologies and intelligent devices, more and more Internet of Things (IoT) systems are applied in the food safety tracking field. However, connection between things and information system is usually established by pre-storing information of things into RFID Tag, which is inapplicable for on-field food safety detection. Therefore, considering pesticide residue is one of the severe threaten to food safety, a new portable, high-sensitivity, low-power, on-field organophosphorus (OP) compounds detection system is proposed in this thesis to realize the on-field food safety detection. The system is designed based on optical detection method by using a customized photo-detection sensor. A Micro Controller Unit (MCU) and a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module are used to quantize and transmit detection result. An Android Application (APP) is also developed for the system to processing and display detection result as well as control the detection process. Besides, a quartzose sample container and black system box are also designed and made for the system demonstration. Several optimizations are made in wireless communication, circuit layout, Android APP and industrial design to realize the mobility, low power and intelligence.
We present new methodologies to generate rational function approximations of broadband electromagnetic responses of linear and passive networks of high-speed interconnects, and to construct SPICE-compatible, equivalent circuit representations of the generated rational functions. These new methodologies are driven by the desire to improve the computational efficiency of the rational function fitting process, and to ensure enhanced accuracy of the generated rational function interpolation and its equivalent circuit representation. Toward this goal, we propose two new methodologies for rational function approximation of high-speed interconnect network responses. The first one relies on the use of both time-domain and frequency-domain data, obtained either through measurement or numerical simulation, to generate a rational function representation that extrapolates the input, early-time transient response data to late-time response while at the same time providing a means to both interpolate and extrapolate the used frequency-domain data. The aforementioned hybrid methodology can be considered as a generalization of the frequency-domain rational function fitting utilizing frequency-domain response data only, and the time-domain rational function fitting utilizing transient response data only. In this context, a guideline is proposed for estimating the order of the rational function approximation from transient data. The availability of such an estimate expedites the time-domain rational function fitting process. The second approach relies on the extraction of the delay associated with causal electromagnetic responses of interconnect systems to provide for a more stable rational function process utilizing a lower-order rational function interpolation. A distinctive feature of the proposed methodology is its utilization of scattering parameters. For both methodologies, the approach of fitting the electromagnetic network matrix one element at a time is applied. It is shown that, with regard to the computational cost of the rational function fitting process, such an element-by-element rational function fitting is more advantageous than full matrix fitting for systems with a large number of ports. Despite the disadvantage that different sets of poles are used in the rational function of different elements in the network matrix, such an approach provides for improved accuracy in the fitting of network matrices of systems characterized by both strongly coupled and weakly coupled ports. Finally, in order to provide a means for enforcing passivity in the adopted element-by-element rational function fitting approach, the methodology for passivity enforcement via quadratic programming is modified appropriately for this purpose and demonstrated in the context of element-by-element rational function fitting of the admittance matrix of an electromagnetic multiport.
Efforts to push the performance of transistors for millimeter-wave and microwave applications have borne fruit through device size scaling and the use of novel material systems. III-V semiconductors and their alloys hold a distinct advantage over silicon because they have much higher electron mobility which is a prerequisite for high frequency operation. InGaAs/InP pseudomorphic heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) have demonstrated fT of 765 GHz at room temperature and InP based high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) have demonstrated fMax of 1.2 THz. The 6.1 A lattice family of InAs, GaSb, AlSb covers a wide variety of band gaps and is an attractive future material system for high speed device development. Extremely high electron mobilities ~ 30,000 cm^2 V^-1s^-1 have been achieved in modulation doped InAs-AlSb structures. The work described in this thesis involves material characterization and process development for HEMT fabrication on this material system.
When writing teachers enter the classroom, they often bring with them a deep faith in the power of literacy to rectify social inequalities and improve their students’ social and economic standing. It is this faith—this hope for change—that draws some writing teachers to locations of social and economic hardship. I am interested in how teachers and theorists construct their own narratives of social mobility, possibility, and literacy. My dissertation analyzes the production and expression of beliefs about literacy in the narratives of a diverse group of writing teachers and theorists, from those beginning their careers to those who are published and widely read. The central questions guiding this study are: How do teachers’ and theorists’ narratives of becoming literate intersect with literacy theories? and How do such literacy narratives intersect with beliefs in the power of literacy to improve individuals’ lives socially, economically, and personally? I contend that the professional literature needs to address more fully how teachers’ and theorists’ personal histories with literacy shape what they see as possible (and desirable) for students, especially those from marginalized communities. A central focus of the dissertation is on how teachers and theorists attempt to resolve a paradox they are likely to encounter in narratives about literacy. On one hand, they are immersed in a popular culture that cherishes narrative links between literacy and economic advancement (and, further, between such advancement and a “good life”). On the other hand, in professional discourse and in teacher preparation courses, they are likely to encounter narratives that complicate an assumed causal relationship between literacy and economic progress. Understanding, through literacy narratives, how teachers and theorists chart a practical path through or around this paradox can be beneficial to literacy education in three ways. First, it can offer direction in professional development and teacher education, addressing how teachers negotiate the boundaries between personal experience, theory, and pedagogy. Second, it can help teachers create spaces wherein students can explore the impact of paradoxical views about the role of literacy on their own lives. Finally, it can offer direction in public policy discourse, extending awareness of what we want—and need—from English language arts education in the twenty-first century. To explore these issues, I draw on case studies and ethnographic observation as well as narrative inquiry into teachers’ and theorists’ published literacy narratives. I situate my findings within three interrelated frames: 1) the narratives of new teachers, 2) the published works of literacy educators and theorists, and 3) my own literacy narrative. My first chapter, “Beyond Hope,” explores the tenuous connections between hope and critique in literacy studies and provides a methodological overview of the study. I argue that scholarship must move beyond a singular focus on either hope or critique in order to identify the transformative potential of literacy in particular circumstances. Analyzing literacy narratives provides a way of locating a critically informed sense of possibility. My second chapter, “Making Teachers, Making Literacy,” explores the intersection between teachers’ lives and the theories they study, based on qualitative analysis of a preservice course for secondary education English teachers. I examine how these preservice English teachers understood literacy, how their narratives of becoming literate and teaching English connected—and did not connect—with theoretical and pedagogical positions, and how these stories might inform their future work as practitioners. Centering primarily on preservice teachers who resisted Nancie Atwell’s pedagogy of possibility because they found it too good to be true, this research concentrates on moments of disjuncture, as expressed in class discussion and in one-on-one interviews, when literacy theories failed to align with aspiring teachers’ understandings of their own experiences and also with what they imagined as possible in disadvantaged educational settings. In my third and fourth chapters, I analyze the narratives of celebrated teachers and theorists who put forth an agenda that emphasizes possibilities through literacy, examining how they negotiate the relationship between their own literacy stories and literacy theories. Specifically, I investigate the narratives of three proponents of critical literacy: Mike Rose, Paulo Freire, and Myles Horton, all highly respected literacy teachers whose working-class backgrounds influenced their commitment to teaching in disenfranchised communities. In chapter 3, “Reading Lives on the Boundary,” I demonstrate how Mike Rose’s 1989 autobiographical text, Lives on the Boundary, juxtaposes rhetorics of mobility with critiques of such possibility. Through an analysis of work published in professional journals, I offer a reception history of Rose’s narrative, focusing specifically on how teachers have negotiated the tension between hope and critique. I follow this analysis with three case studies, drawn from a larger sampling, that inquire into the personal connections that writing teachers make with Lives on the Boundary. The teachers in this study, who provided written responses and participated in audio-recorded follow-up interviews, were asked to compare Rose’s story to their own stories, considering how their personal literacy histories influenced their teaching. My findings illustrate how a group of teachers and theorists have projected their own assessments of what literacy and higher education can and cannot accomplish onto this influential text. In my fourth chapter, “Horton and Freire’s Road as Literacy Narrative,” I concentrate on Myles Horton and Paulo Freire’s 1990 collaborative spoken book, We Make the Road by Walking. Central to my analysis are the educators’ stories about their formative years, including their own primary and secondary education experiences. I argue that We Make the Road by Walking demonstrates how theories of literacy cannot be divorced from personal histories. I begin by examining the spoken book as a literacy narrative that fuses personal and theoretical knowledge, focusing specifically on its authors’ ideas on theory. Drawing on Bakhtin’s notion of the chronotope—the intersection of time and space within narrative—I then explore the literacy narratives emerging from the production process of the book, in a video production about Horton and Freire’s meeting, and ultimately in the two men’s reflections on their childhood years (Dialogic). Interspersed with these accounts is archival material on the book’s editorial production that illustrates the value of increased dialogue between personal history and theories of literacy. My fifth chapter is both a reflective analysis and a qualitative study of my work at a men’s medium-high security prison in Illinois, where I conducted research and served as the instructor of an upper-level writing course, “Writing for a Change,” in the spring of 2009. Entitled “Doing Time with Literacy Narratives,” this chapter explores the complex ways in which literacy and incarceration are configured in students’ narratives as well as my own. With and against students’ stories, I juxtapose my own experiences with literacy, particularly in relation to being the son of an imprisoned father. In exploring the intersections between such stories, I demonstrate how literacy narratives can function as a heuristic for exploring beliefs about literacy between teachers and students both inside and outside of the prison-industrial complex. My conclusion pulls together the various themes that emerged in the three frames, from the making of new teachers to the published literacy narratives of teachers and theorists to my own literacy narrative. Writing teachers encounter considerable pressure to align their curricula with one or another theory of literacy, which has the effect of negating the authority of knowledge about literacy gleaned from experience as readers and writers. My dissertation contends that there is much to be gained by finding ways of articulating theories of literacy that encompass teachers’ knowledge of reading and writing as expressed in personal narratives of literacy. While powerful cultural rhetorics of upward social mobility often neutralize the critical potential of teachers’ own narratives of literacy—potential that has been documented by scholars in writing studies and allied disciplines—this is not always the case. The chapters in this dissertation offer evidence that hopeful and critical positions on the transformational possibilities of literacy are not mutually exclusive.
Room temperature electroreflectance (ER) spectroscopy has been used to study the fundamental properties of AlxInyGa${}_{1-x-y}$N/AlN/GaN heterostructures under different applied bias. The (0001)-oriented heterostructures were grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy on sapphire. The band gap energy of the AlxInyGa${}_{1-x-y}{\rm{N}}$ layers has been determined from analysis of the ER spectra using Aspnes' model. The obtained values are in good agreement with a nonlinear band gap interpolation equation proposed earlier. Bias-dependent ER allows one to determine the sheet carrier density of the two-dimensional electron gas and the barrier field strength.
Mycobacterium bovis populations in countries with persistent bovine tuberculosis usually show a prevalent spoligotype with a wide geographical distribution. This study applied mycobacterial interspersed repetitive-unit-variable-number tandem-repeat (MIRU-VNTR) typing to a random panel of 115 M. bovis isolates that are representative of the most frequent spoligotype in the Iberian Peninsula, SB0121. VNTR typing targeted nine loci: ETR-A (alias VNTR2165), ETR-B (VNTR2461), ETR-D (MIRU4, VNTR580), ETR-E (MIRU31, VNTR3192), MIRU26 (VNTR2996), QUB11a (VNTR2163a), QUB11b (VNTR2163b), QUB26 (VNTR4052), and QUB3232 (VNTR3232). We found a high degree of diversity among the studied isolates (discriminatory index [D] = 0.9856), which were split into 65 different MIRU-VNTR types. An alternative short-format MIRU-VNTR typing targeting only the four loci with the highest variability values was found to offer an equivalent discriminatory index. Minimum spanning trees using the MIRU-VNTR data showed the hypothetical evolution of an apparent clonal group. MIRU-VNTR analysis was also applied to the isolates of 176 animals from 15 farms infected by M. bovis SB0121; in 10 farms, the analysis revealed the coexistence of two to five different MIRU types differing in one to six loci, which highlights the frequency of undetected heterogeneity.