977 resultados para hereditary spastic paraplegia


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Introducción: La Parálisis Cerebral (PC) es la enfermedad neurológica más incapacitante en niños, su historia natural tiende al deterioro motor y funcional. Con este estudio se busca establecer sí las cirugías múltiples de miembros inferiores, en un tiempo quirúrgico, mantienen el nivel motor y funcional. Material y Método: Estudio analítico de cohortes. Se compara un grupo de pacientes sometidos a cirugías múltiples contra un grupo de pacientes no operados, en el Instituto de Ortopedia Infantil Roosevelt. Se evaluaron los pacientes con dos Laboratorios para el Análisis del Movimiento (LAM) y se midieron los desenlaces mediante el cambio en la puntuación del perfil de marcha (GPS) y el nivel funcional motor grueso (GMFCS). Resultados: 109 pacientes cumplieron con los criterios de selección, 67 pacientes fueron sometidos a cirugía y 42 pacientes no. Los pacientes operados mejoraron el GPS promedio (diferencia -1,94; p=0,002) comparado con los pacientes no operados (diferencia 1,74; p=0,001), indicando una mejoría significativa de la cinemática de la marcha. En un modelo de regresión logística predictivo, el paciente que es operado tiene una probabilidad del 78% de mantener su patrón de marcha, mientras que sí no se opera su probabilidad disminuye al 37%. El nivel funcional motor GMFCS no mostró cambios significativos entre los grupos. Discusión: Las cirugías múltiples de miembros inferiores mantienen de manera significativa el patrón de marcha en pacientes con PC. Se destaca el seguimiento de los pacientes mediante el LAM y se sugiere el uso del GPS para valorar resultados en este tipo de pacientes.


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Introducción: El cáncer colorrectal es el tercer cáncer más diagnosticado en los hombres y el segundo en las mujeres a nivel mundial. Hasta 1.000 casos nuevos se diagnostican en Colombia cada año, por lo que es importante conocer la experiencia con esta patología en un centro de experiencia recientemente creado en el “Méderi, Hospital Universitario Mayor”. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal de la población con diagnóstico de cáncer colorrectal atendida entre agosto 2012 y diciembre 2014 que corresponde al tiempo de funcionamiento del servicio de Coloproctología. Resultados: Se atendieron un total de 152 pacientes con cáncer colorrectal en la institución. Se operó el 91% de los pacientes. El estadío más frecuente fue el IV. Solo el 4.9% presentó dehiscencia de anastomosis, datos concordantes con la literatura cuando el manejo es a cargo de expertos. El subtipo histológico más frecuente fue adenocarcinoma moderadamente diferenciado y la mortalidad perioperatoria de 2.63%. Discusión: El cáncer colorrectal es una entidad con alta morbimortalidad lo cual puede cambiar si se realizan pruebas de tamizaje, para realizar un manejo temprano y oportuno. Además juega un papel importante la experiencia del cirujano y la discusión de los pacientes en juntas multidisciplinarias. Palabras clave: cáncer de colon, cáncer de recto, epidemiología, estadificación


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La infertilidad afecta en la actualidad a aproximadamente 1 de cada 7 parejas a nivel mundial. La falla ovárica prematura (FOP) es una condición común en la población femenina, afectando al 1% de mujeres menores de 40 años. La etiología de la FOP es idiopática entre el 50% y el 80% de los casos, lo que sugiere causas genéticas, epigenéticas y ambientales aún desconocidas. A pesar de los avances en las técnicas de cartografía genética y de sistematización de la técnica de Sanger, pocos genes etiológicos de FOP fueron identificados en los últimos 20 años. Este fracaso relativo se asoció principalmente a que cientos de genes, que abarcan grandes regiones del genoma, son candidatos pero la técnica de secuenciación directa sólo permite el análisis de unas 700bp en cada reacción. En el presente trabajo se empleó la secuenciación de siguiente generación (NGS) para la búsqueda de mutaciones en 70 genes candidatos que potencialmente contribuyen con el desarrollo de la patología. Se identificaron mutaciones en 3 de 12 pacientes. La paciente POF-7 presentaba una mutación no sinónima en el gen ADAMTS19 (c.2828C>T, p.Thr943Ile). La proteína ADAMTS19 se clasifica dentro de la familia ADAMTS como huérfana ya que no se ha identificado su sustrato. Mediante el sistema de doble hibrido en levaduras se buscó identificar las potenciales proteínas que interactúan con ADAMTS19. Permitió identificar, a partir de las versiones murinas, la interacción de Adamts19 y Col6a2. Para comprobar la interacción entre las proteínas ADAMTS19 y COL6A2 humanas se empleó el sistema de doble hibrido en células eucariotas. Los hallazgos no permitieron replicar los resultados obtenidos previamente. En síntesis de identificó una mutación potencialmente causal de FOP en un gen nuevo y una muy probable interacción entre ADAMTS19 y COL6A2.


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El retorno a la vida cotidiana para una persona con lesión medular después del periodo de rehabilitación en régimen hospitalario, es un proceso difícil no exento de dificultades y nuevos retos personales. En este trabajo nos planteamos identificar aquellos factores más relevantes que contribuyen a mejorar su calidad de vida, desde la perspectiva de las propias personas afectadas. Hemos realizado dos grupos de discusión: uno formado por 12 personas con paraplejia y otro formado por 6 personas con tetraplejia. El análisis de contenido realizado indica que, para los participantes existen dos dimensiones relacionadas con su percepción de calidad de vida una vez salen del centro de rehabilitación: a) necesidad de atención al entorno más próximo y b) preparación para el mundo real. Concluimos señalando la importancia de realizar programas de rehabilitación integral, que incluyan, rehabilitación física, aprendizaje de habilidades que posibiliten el máximo de independencia y autonomía personal y trabajo de apoyo a la familia


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A inclusão de alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais, na especificidade «Distúrbio Hiperactividade com Défice de Atenção» em turmas do Ensino regular, requer alguma prudência, pois as opiniões são muitas e por vezes controversas. A inclusão, é um modelo educacional, que contém vantagens e desvantagens na sua aplicação. No entanto, um modelo educacional que contemple a inclusão deve ser dirigido a todos os alunos, com vista ao sucesso e tendo em conta o ritmo próprio de cada um. Neste âmbito, avaliar o conhecimento dos docentes acerca da hiperactividade, conhecer a opinião dos professores relativa ao processo de inclusão de alunos com DHDA, bem como a utilização de terapias e ainda o modo como os professores olham para a resposta que a escola dará no futuro às crianças hiperactivas foi a meta traçada para a nossa investigação. A amostra foi constituída por 50 professores dos vários níveis de ensino que residem na cidade do Fundão. O questionário foi o instrumento de trabalho utilizado para avaliar os dados do estudo. Como resultados do estudo, verifica-se que de um modo geral todos os docentes conhecem o distúrbio DHDA e as causas que indiciam este distúrbio, sendo o factor hereditário o mais apontado. Na questão da inclusão de alunos portadores de DHDA todos os inquiridos consideram válido o seu percurso no ensino regular. Referem, também que a experiência profissional, a formação e as terapias são também uma mais-valia na relação com estes alunos. O trabalho desenvolvido com estas crianças é caracterizado pelos docentes como difícil mas motivante. Numa panorâmica futura para a Educação Especial os docentes entendem ser necessário produzir mudanças que vão ao encontro destes alunos. O trilho percorrido é positivo, porém, muito mais temos que percorrer para evitar a discriminação a todos aqueles a quem a vida trocou as voltas e nasceram diferentes, oferecendo a todos as mesmas oportunidades, que é uma escola inclusiva.


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O presente estudo de investigação-ação partiu da necessidade de investigar e aprofundar a aprendizagem do mecanismo da leitura e da escrita numa criança com Paralisia Cerebral mediante a aplicação do software educativo “Comunicar com Símbolos”. O trabalho desenvolveu-se inicialmente num Centro Escolar de um Agrupamento de Escolas da zona centro do país, no distrito de Santarém, passando a realizar-se, após avaliação diagnóstica, numa Instituição Particular de Segurança Social - Centro de Deficientes Profundos da mesma região e analisa essencialmente o desenvolvimento da aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita numa criança com Paralisia Cerebral Espástica Bilateral com predomínio nos membros inferiores através da aplicação de dez sessões planificadas com base na utilização do software educativo Comunicar com Símbolos, da Cnotinfor – Imagina. Após a intervenção e a análise dos resultados, concluiu-se que o programa informático supramencionado apresenta vantagens significativas na consolidação da leitura e da escrita da criança com Paralisia Cerbral. Este trabalho de natureza interventiva não pretende, de forma alguma, dar respostas únicas na implementação de estratégias na melhoria do desenvolvimento do mecanismo da leitura e da escrita em crianças com Paralisia Cerebral, mas apenas contribuir para uma reflexão aprofundada sobre a importância da aplicação das tecnologias de apoio na prática pedagógica com crianças com Necessidades Educativas Especiais, no geral.


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Introduction: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is the most common hereditary renal disease in humans. Objective: To examine the prevalence, clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients with polycystic kidneys and relate disease manifestations by gender. Methods: This was an observational and retrospective study. All the medical records of patients with polycystic kidneys who initiated hemodialysis between 1995 and 2012, in four centers that treat patients of the coverage area of the 15th regional health Paraná (Brazil), were analyzed. Results: The study included 48 patients with polycystic kidneys, the primary cause of stage 5 CKD. Disease prevalence was one in 10,912 people. The average age of dialysis initiation was 50.7 years and the follow-up time on dialysis until transplantation (36.5 months) was lower among men. Hypertension was the most frequent diagnosis in 73% of patients, predominantly in women (51.4%). The liver cyst was the most frequent extrarenal manifestations in men (60.0%). The death occurred in 10.4% of patients using hemodialysis, and 60% of men. The class of antihypertensive drug used was that acts on the renin-angiotensin system with higher frequency of use among women (53.3%). The post-dialysis urea was significantly higher in men. Conclusion: The prevalence of the disease is low among hemodialysis patients in southern Brazil. The differences observed between genders, with the exception of the post-dialysis urea, were not significant. The findings are different from those reported in North America and Europe.


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Plants may be regenerated from stomatal cells or protoplasts of such cells. Prior to regeneration the cells or protoplasts may be genetically transformed by the introduction of hereditary material most preferably by a DNA construct which is free of genes which specify resistance to antibiotics. The regeneration step may include callus formation on a hormone-free medium. The method is particularly suitable for sugar beet.


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Drawing their power not from the ballot box but from a supposedly ancient wellspring of power, hereditary traditional authorities in postcolonial Africa have frequently posed challenges for incoming ‘democratic’ governments. The situation in post-apartheid South Africa is no different. However contentious their role under the colonial and apartheid systems of government was, the Constitution of the new South Africa (1996) recognised traditional authorities and afforded them opportunities for a political resurgence. This paper reviews the changing status of traditional authorities in the Eastern Cape Province over the twenty years since 1994. It explores the resurgence of the chiefs in relation to the consolidation of both democratic processes and of emergent, neo-patrimonial modes of government. It briefly considers the role of traditional authorities in three key and closely related spheres, namely the institution of the Eastern Cape House of Traditional Leaders, the question of how gender is handled by and within traditional institutions, and the continuing challenges of land administration and development in rural areas. In all these spheres, and in the face of real opposition, the voice and influence traditional authorities have emerged stronger than ever. We conclude by suggesting that as they are drawn deeper into governance and have to play a formal role in addressing the myriad institutional challenges, new questions will and should be asked about the status and influence of traditional authorities, and their substantive contribution to democracy in South Africa.


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Objectives. To assess the prevalence of untreated dental caries in children with cerebral palsy and to assess socio-demographic, behavioural, and clinical covariates. Design. Cross-sectional assessment of 200 children and adolescents with cerebral palsy (2-17 years old) enrolled in a specialized healthcare unit in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The dental examination followed the World Health Organization`s guidelines for oral health surveys; familial caretakers informed on socio-economic status and behaviour; the patient`s medical record informed their clinical status. Results. The proportion of children that presented at least one tooth affected by untreated caries was 49.5%. Poor socio-economic standings and a higher frequency of sugar consumption associated with a worse profile of dental health; different types of cerebral palsy (spastic, tetraparesis) did not. The prevalence of untreated caries was higher than reference values assessed for the overall population of the same age range. Conclusions. The high burden of untreated dental caries on cerebral palsy patients reinforces the importance of the dentist in the interdisciplinary healthcare team attending these children. Factors associated with this outcome are the same for the general population; these findings underscore the necessity of implementing effective caries prevention in this population of cerebral palsy children.


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Samples from 30 deaf probands exhibiting features suggestive of syndromic mitochondrial deafness or from families with maternal transmission of deafness were selected for investigation of mutations in the mitochondrial genes MT-RNR1 and MT-TS1. Patients with mutation m. 1555A>G had been previously excluded from this sample. In the MT-RNR1 gene, five probands presented the m. 827A>G sequence variant, of uncertain pathogenicity. This change was also detected in 66 subjects of an unaffected control sample of 306 Brazilian individuals from various ethnic backgrounds. Given its high frequency, we consider it unlikely to have a pathogenic role on hereditary deafness. As to the MT-TS1 gene, one proband presented the previously known pathogenic m. 7472insC mutation and three probands presented a novel variant, m. 7462C>T, which was absent from the same control sample of 306 individuals. Because of its absence in control samples and association with a family history of hearing impairment, we suggest it might be a novel pathogenic mutation.


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Objective: Hereditary nonsyndromic deafness is an autosomal recessive condition in about 80% of cases, and point mutations in the GJB2 gene (connexin 26) and two deletions in the GJB6 gene (connexin 30), del(GJB6-D13S1830) and del(GJB6-D13S1854), are reported to account for 50% of recessive deafness, Aiming at establishing the frequencies of GJB2 mutations and GJB6 deletions in the Brazilian population, we screened 300 unrelated individuals with hearing impairment, who were not affected by known deafness related syndromes. Methods: We firstly screened the most frequently reported mutations, c.35delG and c.167delT in the GJB2 gene, and del(GJB6-D13S1830) and del(GJB6-D13S1854) in the GJB6 gene, through specific techniques. The detected c.35delG and c.167delT mutations were validated by sequencing. Other mutations in the GJB2 gene were screened by single-strand conformation polymorphism and the coding region was sequenced when abnormal patterns were found. Results: Pathogenic mutations in GJB2 and GJB6 genes were detected in 41 individuals (13.7%), and 80.5% (33/41) presented these mutations in homozygosis or compound heterozygosis, thus explaining their hearing defect. The c.35delG in the GJB2 gene was the most frequent mutation (37/300; 12.4%), detected in 23% familial and 6.2% the sporadic cases. The second most frequent mutation (1%; 3/300) was the del(GJB6- D13S1830), always found associated with the c.35delG mutation. Nineteen different sequence variations were found in the GJB2 gene. In addition to the c.35delG mutation, nine known pathogenic alterations were detected 0 67delT, p.Trp24X, p.Val37lle, c.176_191del16, c.235delC, p.Leu90Pro, p.Arg127His, c.509insA, and p.Arg184Pro, Five substitutions had been previously considered benign polymorphisms: c.-15C>T, p.Val27lle, p.Met34hr, p.Ala40Ala, and p.Gly160Ser. Two previously reported Mutations of unknown pathogenicity were found (p.Lys168Arg, and c.684C>A), and two novel substitutions, p.Leu81Val (c.G241C) and p.Met195Val (c.A583G), both in heterozygosis without an accompanying mutation in the other allele. None of these latter four variants of undefined status was present in a sample of 100 hearing controls. Conclusions: The present study demonstrates that Mutations in the GJB2 gene and del(GJB6 D13S1830) are important causes of hearing impairment in Brazil, thus justifying their screening in a routine basis. The diversity of variants in our sample reflects the ethnic heterogeneity of the Brazilian population.


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Nonsyndromic autosomal recessive deafness accounts for 80% of hereditary deafness. To date, 52 loci responsible for autosomal recessive deafness have been mapped and 24 genes identified. Here, we report a large inbred Brazilian pedigree with 26 subjects affected by prelingual deafness. Given the extensive consanguinity found in this pedigree, the most probable pattern of inheritance is autosomal recessive. However, our linkage and mutational analysis revealed, instead of an expected homozygous mutation in a single gene, two different mutant alleles and a possible third undetected mutant allele in the MYO15A gene (DFNB3 locus), as well as evidence for other causes for deafness in the same pedigree. Among the 26 affected subjects, 15 were homozygous for the novel c.10573delA mutation in the MYO15A gene, 5 were compound heterozygous for the mutation c.10573delA and the novel deletion c.9957_9960delTGAC and one inherited only a single c.10573delA mutant allele, while the other one could not be identified. Given the extensive consanguinity of the pedigree, there might be at least one more deafness locus segregating to explain the condition in some of the subjects whose deafness is not clearly associated with MYO15A mutations, although overlooked environmental causes could not be ruled out. Our findings illustrate a high level of etiological heterogeneity for deafness in the family and highlight some of the pitfalls of genetic analysis of large genes in extended pedigrees, when homozygosity for a single mutant allele is expected.


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Context: Iodide transport defect (ITD) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by impaired Na(+)/I(-) symporter (NIS)-mediated active iodide accumulation into thyroid follicular cells. Clinical manifestations comprise a variable degree of congenital hypothyroidism and goiter, and low to absent radioiodide uptake, as determined by thyroid scintigraphy. Hereditary molecular defects in NIS have been shown to cause ITD. Objective: Our objective was to perform molecular studies on NIS in a patient with congenital hypothyroidism presenting a clinical ITD phenotype. Design: The genomic DNA encoding NIS was sequenced, and an in vitro functional study of a newly identified NIS mutation was performed. Results: The analysis revealed the presence of an undescribed homozygous C to T transition at nucleotide -54 (-54C>T) located in the 5`-untranslated region in the NIS sequence. Functional studies in vitro demonstrated that the mutation was associated with a substantial decrease in iodide uptake when transfected into Cos-7 cells. The mutation severely impaired NIS protein expression, although NIS mRNA levels remained similar to those in cells transfected with wild-type NIS, suggesting a translational deficiency elicited by the mutation. Polysome profile analysis demonstrated reduced levels of polyribosomes-associated mutant NIS mRNA, consistent with reduced translation efficiency. Conclusions: We described a novel mutation in the 5`-untranslated region of the NIS gene in a newborn with congenital hypothyroidism bearing a clinical ITD phenotype. Functional evaluation of the molecular mechanism responsible for impaired NIS-mediated iodide concentration in thyroid cells indicated that the identified mutation reduces NIS translation efficiency with a subsequent decrease in protein expression and function. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 96: E1100-E1107, 2011)