964 resultados para grade de ocupacao.
Pinctada margaritifera is an economically important marine bivalve species for cultured pearl production in French Polynesian aquaculture. In order to evaluate the influence of donor oyster age on pearl quality traits, experiments were conducted over 6 years using both grafts and surgreffe operations. At harvest, 6 pearl quality traits were recorded and compared: surface defects, luster, grade, darkness level, and visual color. Analyzing the quality traits of pearls harvested in the initial graft process and those of pearls obtained from surgreffe experiments allowed a comparison of the influence of pearl sac cells originating from the initial mantle graft, which aged together with their recipient oysters. The results demonstrated a significant decrease between these successive grafts in luster, grade (A-B-C,) darkness level, and green color – traits that are of major importance in the pearl market. The duplicated graft experiment allowed the comparison of donor oyster families at 2 and 5 years old, where a mantle graft was inserted into recipient oysters aged 2.5 years old. The results showed the same tendencies to a lesser extent, with 1) an improved pearl grade, predominantly through a most important rate of 0 surface defect category, and 2) a green / grey ratio in favor of the younger donor. A comparison between the graft-surgreffe and the duplicated graft experiments also highlighted: 1) the indirect role played by the younger recipient oysters, which must be optimized for optimal pearl quality realization, and 2) the complex interplay between donor and recipient oysters.
En plus d’être associé à une espérance de vie précaire, les gliomes de haut grade (GHG) s’accompagnent de déficits cognitifs ayant le potentiel d’avoir un impact majeur sur la qualité de vie. Il demeure une compréhension limitée de l’étendue et de la nature des déficits cognitifs des patients en début de parcours de soins, de l’effet de la tumeur elle-même sur les fonctions cognitives tout comme de son lien avec la qualité de vie. L’objectif général de la présente étude était d’effectuer une évaluation cognitive de patients atteints de GHG avant tout traitement afin de décrire leur profil cognitif. Plus précisément, on visait à décrire l’étendue et la nature des déficits cognitifs des patients et explorer la relation entre les fonctions cognitives des patients et les caractéristiques tumorales (volume tumoral et de l’atteinte parenchymateuse) et le niveau de qualité de vie. Une seconde partie de l’étude visait à explorer l’utilité du Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA), un test de dépistage, pour détecter des déficits cognitifs chez des patients atteints d’un GHG. Une étude descriptive transversale exploratoire, comportant un échantillon de 14 patients atteints de GHG nouvellement diagnostiqués et recrutés au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke, a été conduite. Les évaluations cognitives ont été effectuées à l’aide d’une batterie de six tests neuropsychologiques et du MOCA. Les volumes tumoraux provenant des imageries par résonance magnétique ont été obtenus grâce à une méthode volumétrique rigoureuse alors que la qualité de vie a été évaluée à l’aide du Sherbrooke Neuro-oncology Assessment Scale. Les résultats ont démontré que des déficits cognitifs sont bien présents en début de parcours de soins chez ces patients. En ce qui à trait aux caractéristiques tumorales, notre étude n’a pu démontrer de corrélation entre les déficits cognitifs et le volume tumoral, soulevant la possibilité d’une absence de lien entre ces deux variables. L’atteinte parenchymateuse créée par la tumeur corrèle avec un test d’évaluation de la vitesse de traitement de l’information (⍴ = -0,784, p = 0,01). Il semblerait par ailleurs que les fonctions cognitives ne soit pas corrélées avec le niveau de qualité de vie. Finalement, le MOCA semble être un outil prometteur pour l’évaluation cognitive des patients présentant des GHG, alors qu’il semble présenter une valeur prédictive positive satisfaisante malgré une sensibilité plus modeste.
Dissolving-grade pulps are commonly used for the production of cellulose derivatives and regenerated cellulose. High cellulose content, low content of non-cellulosic material, high brightness, a uniform molecular weight distribution and high cellulose reactivity are the key features that determine the quality of a dissolving pulp. The first part of this work was an optimization study regarding the application of selected enzymes in different stages of a new purification process recently developed in Novozymes for purifying an eucalypt Kraft pulp into dissolving pulp, as an alternative to the pre-hydrolysis kraft (PHK) process. In addition, a viscosity reduction was achieved by cellulase (endoglucanase) treatment in the beginning of the sequence, while the GH11 and GH10 xylanases contributed to boost the brightness of the final pulp. The second part of the work aimed at exploring different auxiliary enzyme activities together with a key xylanase towards further removal of recalcitrant hemicelluloses from a partially bleached Eucalypt Kraft pulp. The resistant fraction (ca. 6% xylan in pulp) was not hydrolysable by the different combinations of enzymes tested. Production of a dissolving pulp was successful when using a cold caustic extraction (CCE) stage in the end of the sequence O-X-DHCE-X-HCE-D-CCE. The application of enzymes improved process efficiency. The main requirements for the production of a dissolving pulp (suitable for viscose making) were fulfilled: 2,7% residual xylan, 92,4% of brightness, a viscosity within the values of a commercial dissolving pulp and increased reactivity.
Esta propuesta did?ctica basada en un enfoque por g?neros textuales o ?Genre-Based Instruction? (GBI) para ense?ar en un grado decimo de una escuela secundaria con ?nfasis comercial, trata de poner en relieve la importancia de aplicar un enfoque de ense?anza que tenga en cuenta varios par?metros, tales como las necesidades del estudiante, el uso de textos aut?nticos, l?xico especializado y principalmente los g?neros textuales en la escritura de textos acad?micos. En t?rminos pedag?gicos, este enfoque por g?neros textuales permite trabajar desde situaciones significativas relacionadas con las expectativas de los estudiantes para aprender algo, porque el maestro debe contextualizar la acci?n docente para cumplirlas. Esto significa que el profesor debe ser capaz de gestionar ciertos aspectos de las disciplinad, en este caso, el ?rea comercial.
Nowadays language communication plays an important role in the world. For the technological explosion in the 20th century, the electronic mass media collapsed space and time barriers in human communication, enabling people to interact and live on a global scale. In this sense, the earth has been turned into a village by the electronic mass media. It not only changes the distance between countries, societies, but also shortens it between people. It means that the technological advancement makes the earth become a village. Since the distance between people is shortened, language communication becomes more important than before. To enhance language abilities, people can apply many different types of language learning strategies according to the learning styles that they have in order to learn the target language. In the Foreign Language Department of University of El Salvador Seminar students year 2006 apply different language learning strategies which make some of them get a grade either above eight or below it. To understand learning strategies, people can go back to basic term, strategy. This word comes from the ancient Greek term strategia meaning generalship or the art of war. A different, but related, word is tactics, which are tools to achieve the success of strategies. The two expressions share some basic implied characteristics: planning, competition, conscious manipulation, and movement toward a goal.
A qualitative study was conducted in a large urban school district in the Mid-Atlantic region of the Unites States to investigate the perceptions of parents and teachers regarding the adjustment to sixth grade across school configurations. The investigation revealed the psychosocial and environmental factors that have an impact on sixth graders according to their grade span configurations. The study was conducted in the large urban school district, referred to as the “County,” which has a history of low and inconsistent achievement of sixth graders across a variety of grade span configurations. Through the analysis of the teacher and parent interviews conducted in two K-6 schools and two 6-8 middle schools, four themes were identified: transitioning, cultural awareness, social adjustment, and preparedness. The four themes emerged from the perceptions and observations of sixth graders, as shared by parents and teachers of sixth graders, according to their grade span configurations. Each of the responses was compared according to the identified grade span configuration K-6 and 6-8. From the data collected, recommendations were provided to the school district in which the study was conducted to better support teachers, parents, and sixth graders. Further research was also recommended of larger samples of sixth grade span configurations to better understand the complex dynamics of the relationships between grade span configurations for sixth graders and student achievement.
In this study, relations among students’ perceptions of instrumental help/support from their teachers and their reading and math ability beliefs, subjective task values, and academic grades, were explored from elementary through high school. These relations were examined in an overall sample of 1,062 students from the Childhood and Beyond (CAB) study dataset, a cohort-sequential study that followed students from elementary to high school and beyond. Multi-group structural equation model (SEM) analyses were used to explore these relations in adjacent grade pairs (e.g., second grade to third grade) in elementary school and from middle school through high school separately for males and females. In addition, multi-group latent growth curve (LGC) analyses were used to explore the associations among change in the variables of interest from middle school through high school separately for males and females. The results showed that students’ perceptions of instrumental help from teachers significantly positively predicted: (a) students’ math ability beliefs and reading and math task values in elementary school within the same grade for both girls and boys, and (b) students’ reading and math ability beliefs, reading and math task values, and GPA in middle and high school within the same grade for both girls and boys. Overall, students’ perceptions of instrumental help from teachers more consistently predicted ability beliefs and task values in the academic domain of math than in the academic domain of reading. Although there were some statistically significant differences in the models for girls and boys, the direction and strength of the relations in the models were generally similar for both girls and boys. The implications for these findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.
Several researchers have shown that invented spelling activities in kindergarten foster preschool children’s early literacy skills. However, few studies have assessed its impact on learning to read and write in the first year of primary school. Our goal was to analyse the impact of an invented spelling programme with kindergarteners on their literacy skills until the end of Grade 1. A follow-up study was conducted with 45 five-year-old Portuguese children attending two classes of two schools in Lisbon. The teaching effect was controlled as children from each class were randomly assigned into two groups (experimental/control) — equivalent on letter knowledge, cognitive abilities and phonological awareness. The participants were assessed in kindergarten with a pre-test, immediate post-test and delayed post-test (spelling; reading; phonemic awareness) and at the end of Grade 1 (spelling; reading). The experimental group participated in invented spelling sessions, while control children participated in storytelling activities. Data analysis revealed statistically significant differences between the two groups. The experimental group scored higher, not only in kindergarten but also in the follow-up year for all literacy measures.
Este trabajo de investigación se trata de Cuentacuentos de respuesta física total y su influencia en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de Inglés como segunda lengua de los estudiantes del octavo grado de Educación General Básica del Colegio "INTEGRACIÓN ANDINA" en la ciudad de Cuenca en el Año Lectivo 2014 y 2015. Es necesario un nuevo sistema educativo para responder a las necesidades de la sociedad actual para permitir el desarrollo general de la educación, implementando un nuevo programa de enseñanza en el aprendizaje del Inglés a través de la narración. La búsqueda de una mejor manera de aprender y enseñar es responsabilidad ineludible de todos los maestros que deben enfrentar los desafíos con entusiasmo mientras se mira hacia innovaciones futuras permitiendo a los estudiantes mejorar sus habilidades de escucha y demás destrezas. Dado que el 90% de conocimiento de un nuevo idioma se adquiere a través de la lectura; el uso de Cuentacuentos ayuda a los estudiantes a adquirir el conocimiento necesario que será la base para un alto nivel cultural, tanto en el aprendizaje y en el desarrollo de habilidades de lenguaje, la lectura es un medio esencial para el desarrollo cultural en Educación. La falta de preparación en la lectura obstaculiza los esfuerzos del maestro secundario para lograr una formación integral en el alumno. Es necesario implementar estrategias para tratar de superar la falta de lectura, mediante el uso de la narración de cuentos en clase para animar a los estudiantes a leer en casa.
When underground mines close they often fill with water from ground and surface sources; each mine can contain millions to billions of gallons of water. This water, heated by the Earth’s geothermal energy, reaches temperatures ideal for heat pumps. The sheer scale of these flooded underground mines presents a unique opportunity for large scale geothermal heat pump setups which would not be as economically, socially, and environmentally feasible anywhere else. A literature search revealed approximately 30 instances of flooded underground mines being used to heat and cool buildings worldwide. With thousands of closed/abandoned underground mines in the U.S. and a million estimated globally, why hasn’t this opportunity been more widely adopted? This project has found perception and lack of knowledge about the feasibility to be key barriers. To address these issues, this project drafted a guidebook for former mining communities titled A Community Guide to Mine Water Geothermal Heating and Cooling.
The burden of foodborne disease has large economic and social consequences worldwide. Despite strict regulations, a number of pathogens persist within the food environment, which is greatly contributed to by a build-up of resistance mechanisms and also through the formation of biofilms. Biofilms have been shown to be highly resistant to a number of antimicrobials and can be extremely difficult to remove once they are established. In parallel, the growing concern of consumers regarding the use of chemically derived antimicrobials within food has led to a drive toward more natural products. As a consequence, the use of naturally derived antimicrobials has become of particular interest. In this study we investigated the efficacy of nisin A and its bioengineered derivative M21A in combination with food grade additives to treat biofilms of a representative foodborne disease isolate of Listeria monocytogenes. Investigations revealed the enhanced antimicrobial effects, in liquid culture, of M21A in combination with citric acid or cinnamaldehyde over its wild type nisin A counterpart. Subsequently, an investigation was conducted into the effects of these combinations on an established biofilm of the same strain. Nisin M21A (0.1 μg/ml) alone or in combination with cinnamaldehyde (35 μg/ml) or citric acid (175 μg/ml) performed significantly better than combinations involving nisin A. All combinations of M21A with either citric acid or cinnamaldehyde eradicated the L. monocytogenes biofilm (in relation to a non-biofilm control). We conclude that M21A in combination with available food additives could further enhance the antimicrobial treatment of biofilms within the food industry, simply by substituting nisin A with M21A in current commercial products such as Nisaplin® (Danisco, DuPont).
This document is designed to: provide examples of the standards, skills, and knowledge your child will learn in English language arts and should be able to do upon exiting fifth grade ; suggest activities on how you can help your child at home ; offer additional resources for information and help.
This document is designed to: provide examples of the standards, skills, and knowledge your child will learn in English language arts and should be able to do upon exiting fourth grade ; suggest activities on how you can help your child at home ; offer additional resources for information and help.
This document is designed to: provide examples of the standards, skills, and knowledge your child will learn in mathematics and should be able to do upon exiting fourth grade ; suggest activities on how you can help your child at home ; offer additional resources for information and help.
This document is designed to: provide examples of the standards, skills, and knowledge your child will learn in mathematics and should be able to do upon exiting third grade ; suggest activities on how you can help your child at home ; offer additional resources for information and help.