982 resultados para emparelhamento de faces
En el presente trabajo se analiza la primera novela de Gioconda Belli La mujer habitada desde la perspectiva de la aventura mítica del héroe analizada en el libro The hero with a thousand faces de Joseph Campbell. Se estudia la trayectoria arriesgada de la protagonista, una joven heroína contemporánea que, sin embargo, no se diferencia mucho de las andanzas peligrosas de héroes míticos. El trabajo consta de tres capítulos dedicados al estudio de la protagonista y su semejanza con la figura del héro mítico, de su aventura, y de las funciones de algunos personajes secundarios dentro de esta, respectivamente
La finalidad de este proyecto es la construcción de un framework para la capa de presentación para aplicaciones web bajo la plataforma J2EE.
The Condemned es un juego de lucha en dos dimensiones desarrollado en Flash CS4 y ActionScript 3. El juego consta de cuatro pantallas, en cada una de ellas el jugador se enfrenta a un enemigo controlado por el ordenador a través de una inteligencia artificial. En la creación de este videojuego se ha pasado por todas las fases de desarrollo: diseño gráfico de personajes y escenarios, programación y control de errores.
Este estudo teve como objetivos: verificar se a escala de faces de intensidade de dor possibilita ao pré-escolar identificar sua experiência dolorosa; identificar comportamentos indicadores de dor em pré-escolares submetidos a procedimentos doloroso conhecer palavras utilizadas pelo pré-escolar para descrever a dor em relação a procedimento doloroso. Para tanto foram aplicados três instrumentos em 41 crianças hospitalizadas submetidas a curativo ou coleta de sangue. Os instrumentos utilizados foram escala de faces, indicadores comportamentais e palavras descritoras de dor. A maioria dos pré-escolares compreendeu e utilizou corretamente a escala de faces, o que foi evidenciado pelo movimento crescente 0 (sem dor)® 4 (dor máxima) na escolha das faces antes e depois do procedimento doloroso. Os comportamentos choro imóvel e franzir a testa predominaram como indicadores comportamentais, mostrando-se intensificados na vigência do procedimento. As verbalizações do pré-escolar relativas a sua dor revelaram uma tendência na utlização de termos concretos e de natureza avaliativa ou indicativa, resultando em conceitos variados e pouco precisos.
Considerando, as transformações sócio-político-econômicas que vem ocorrendo, a construção da história da Enfermagem Psiquiátrica, bem como as modificações no ensino de enfermagem pela nova Lei de Diretrizes e Bases e, ainda, a preocupação existente por parte de algumas facções no que se refere ao cumprimento e ao respeito aos Direitos Humanos e Direitos do Paciente, este estudo propõe reflexões sobre as condutas éticas de profissionais de enfermagem em relação ao paciente internado em hospital psiquiátrico, ressaltando o respeito pela dignidade humana. A discussão se dá à luz da Cartilha dos Direitos do Paciente, proposta pela Secretaria de Estado da Saúde do Governo do Estado de São Paulo e da Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos. Dá destaque à responsabilidade da área do ensino no tocante ao processo de mobilização para a transformação de preconceitos sobre a loucura, buscando a prática efetiva regida pelos princípios de igualdade, democracia, liberdade e exercício da cidadania.
Relative cognitive impairments are common along the schizophrenia spectrum reflecting potential psychopathological markers. Yet stress, a vulnerability marker in schizophrenia (including its spectrum), is likewise related to cognitive impairments. We investigated whether one such cognitive marker (attenuated functional hemispheric asymmetry) during stressful life periods might be linked to individuals' schizotypal features or rather to individuals' stress-related experiences and behaviours. A total of 58 students performed a left hemisphere dominant (lateralised lexical decisions) and right hemisphere dominant (sex decisions on composite faces) task. In order to account for individual differences in stress sensitivity we separated participants into groups of high or low cognitive reserve according to their average current marks. In addition, participants filled in questionnaires on schizotypy (short O-LIFE), perceived stress, stress response, and a newly adapted questionnaire that enquired about potential stress compensation behaviour (elevated substance use). The most important finding was that enhanced substance use and cognitive disorganisation contributed to a right and left hemisphere shift in language dominance, respectively. We discuss that (i) former reports on right hemisphere shifts in language dominance with positive schizotypy might be explained by an associated higher substance use and (ii) cognitive disorganisation relates to unstable cognitive functioning that depend on individuals' life circumstances, contributing to published reports on inconsistent laterality-schizotypy relationships.
We examined how general intelligence, personality, and emotional intelligence-measured as an ability using the MSCEIT-predicted performance on a selective-attention task requiring participants to ignore distracting emotion information. We used a visual prime in which participants saw a pair of faces depicting emotions; their task was to focus on one of the faces (the target) while ignoring the other (the distractor). Next, participants categorized a string of letters (word or nonword), which was either congruent to the target or the distractor. The speed of response to categorizing the string was recorded. Given the emotional nature of the stimuli and the emotional information processing involved in the task, we were surprised to see that none of the MSCEIT branches predicted performance. However, general intelligence and openness to experience reduced response time.
Introduction: Neuroimaging of the self focused on high-level mechanisms such as language, memory or imagery of the self. Recent evidence suggests that low-level mechanisms of multisensory and sensorimotor integration may play a fundamental role in encoding self-location and the first-person perspective (Blanke and Metzinger, 2009). Neurological patients with out-of body experiences (OBE) suffer from abnormal self-location and the first-person perspective due to a damage in the temporo-parietal junction (Blanke et al., 2004). Although self-location and the first-person perspective can be studied experimentally (Lenggenhager et al., 2009), the neural underpinnings of self-location have yet to be investigated. To investigate the brain network involved in self-location and first-person perspective we used visuo-tactile multisensory conflict, magnetic resonance (MR)-compatible robotics, and fMRI in study 1, and lesion analysis in a sample of 9 patients with OBE due to focal brain damage in study 2. Methods: Twenty-two participants saw a video showing either a person's back or an empty room being stroked (visual stimuli) while the MR-compatible robotic device stroked their back (tactile stimulation). Direction and speed of the seen stroking could either correspond (synchronous) or not (asynchronous) to those of the seen stroking. Each run comprised the four conditions according to a 2x2 factorial design with Object (Body, No-Body) and Synchrony (Synchronous, Asynchronous) as main factors. Self-location was estimated using the mental ball dropping (MBD; Lenggenhager et al., 2009). After the fMRI session participants completed a 6-item adapted from the original questionnaire created by Botvinick and Cohen (1998) and based on questions and data obtained by Lenggenhager et al. (2007, 2009). They were also asked to complete a questionnaire to disclose the perspective they adopted during the illusion. Response times (RTs) for the MBD and fMRI data were analyzed with a 3-way mixed model ANOVA with the in-between factor Perspective (up, down) and the two with-in factors Object (body, no-body) and Stroking (synchronous, asynchronous). Quantitative lesion analysis was performed using MRIcron (Rorden et al., 2007). We compared the distributions of brain lesions confirmed by multimodality imaging (Knowlton, 2004) in patients with OBE with those showing complex visual hallucinations involving people or faces, but without any disturbance of self-location and first person perspective. Nine patients with OBE were investigated. The control group comprised 8 patients. Structural imaging data were available for normalization and co-registration in all the patients. Normalization of each patient's lesion into the common MNI (Montreal Neurological Institute) reference space permitted simple, voxel-wise, algebraic comparisons to be made. Results: Even if in the scanner all participants were lying on their back and were facing upwards, analysis of perspective showed that half of the participants had the impression to be looking down at the virtual human body below them, despite any cues about their body position (Down-group). The other participants had the impression to be looking up at the virtual body above them (Up-group). Analysis of Q3 ("How strong was the feeling that the body you saw was you?") indicated stronger self-identification with the virtual body during the synchronous stroking. RTs in the MBD task confirmed these subjective data (significant 3-way interaction between perspective, object and stroking). fMRI results showed eight cortical regions where the BOLD signal was significantly different during at least one of the conditions resulting from the combination of Object and Stroking, relative to baseline: right and left temporo-parietal junction, right EBA, left middle occipito-temporal gyrus, left postcentral gyrus, right medial parietal lobe, bilateral medial occipital lobe (Fig 1). The activation patterns in right and left temporo-parietal junction and right EBA reflected changes in self-location and perspective as revealed by statistical analysis that was performed on the percentage of BOLD change with respect to the baseline. Statistical lesion overlap comparison (using nonparametric voxel based lesion symptom mapping) with respect to the control group revealed the right temporo-parietal junction, centered at the angular gyrus (Talairach coordinates x = 54, y =-52, z = 26; p>0.05, FDR corrected). Conclusions: The present questionnaire and behavioural results show that - despite the noisy and constraining MR environment) our participants had predictable changes in self-location, self-identification, and first-person perspective when robotic tactile stroking was applied synchronously with the robotic visual stroking. fMRI data in healthy participants and lesion data in patients with abnormal self-location and first-person perspective jointly revealed that the temporo-parietal cortex especially in the right hemisphere encodes these conscious experiences. We argue that temporo-parietal activity reflects the experience of the conscious "I" as embodied and localized within bodily space.
El projecte es basa en un aplicatiu web de gestió de tornejos, combats i cursos de diferents modalitats d'arts marcials, principalment de MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). L'aplicació està desenvolupada en J2EE, Java Server Faces, Prime Faces, Spring, Hibernate i utilitzant PostreSQL.
Puerperium is a period of great changes in women's lives, in physiological, psychological and socio-cultural terms. Female sexuality is a broad topic that should be explored vis-à-vis the singularity of woman's experiences which themselves vary at different moments in time. This article is part of the project: Sexuality in the Puerperium, the objective of which was to understand what women's experience of their sexuality is in the postpartum period. Observation and semi-structured interview were used. The research approach was qualitative and narrative was used as the conceptual and methodological method. Six primiparas who gave birth in a public hospital in São Paulo took part in the study. Observation took place in the in-patients unit in the immediate post-partum period. The interviews were conducted in the women´s homes. The results of the study have enabled an understanding to be formed of the meanings and changes in sexuality during the postpartum period as well as of the experiences every woman faces in her new roles, relationships and difficulties.
O objetivo do estudo foi verificar e descrever, sob o enfoque de gênero, as associações entre o sexo e as variáveis específicas da dor pós-operatória em pediatria. Corte transversal com 77 crianças, com idades entre seis e 13 anos (M=9 anos; dp=2,2 anos), ASA I e II, 77,9% pertencentes às classes socioeconômicas C e D, 68,8% meninos e 32,8% meninas. Os dados foram coletados no primeiro dia pós-operatório, por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada e quatro escalas de medida. As principais doenças de base foram adenoamigdalite e fraturas. A prevalência de dor foi de 91,7% para meninas e 75,5% para meninos (p>0,05). Não houve associação entre intensidade de dor e sexo; as palavras mais utilizadas para descrever a dor foram corta e aperta. A escala preferida foi a Escala de Faces do Cebolinha e da Mônica. O manejo da dor em pediatria ainda é inadequado e o gênero pode influenciar na resposta dor.
BACKGROUND: Visual behavior is known to be atypical in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Monitor-based eye-tracking studies have measured several of these atypicalities in individuals with Autism. While atypical behaviors are known to be accentuated during natural interactions, few studies have been made on gaze behavior in natural interactions. In this study we focused on i) whether the findings done in laboratory settings are also visible in a naturalistic interaction; ii) whether new atypical elements appear when studying visual behavior across the whole field of view. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Ten children with ASD and ten typically developing children participated in a dyadic interaction with an experimenter administering items from the Early Social Communication Scale (ESCS). The children wore a novel head-mounted eye-tracker, measuring gaze direction and presence of faces across the child's field of view. The analysis of gaze episodes to faces revealed that children with ASD looked significantly less and for shorter lapses of time at the experimenter. The analysis of gaze patterns across the child's field of view revealed that children with ASD looked downwards and made more extensive use of their lateral field of view when exploring the environment. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The data gathered in naturalistic settings confirm findings previously obtained only in monitor-based studies. Moreover, the study allowed to observe a generalized strategy of lateral gaze in children with ASD when they were looking at the objects in their environment.
With no less than 15,000 estimated new cases diagnosed per year, non melanomatous carcinomas are the commonest cutaneous cancers in the Swiss population. About 1 in 3 new cancer case is a basal (BCC) or a squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Incidence rates are steadily increasing, faster for BCC than SCC. Rates are higher for men than women and increase exponentially with age. Systematic population-based registration of non melanomatous skin cancers faces many challenges that few cancer registries can meet. Rates of these cancers in Switzerland are among the highest in Europe. Primary and secondary nationwide prevention campaigns have been carried out for nearly 20 years with a focus on the deadliest cutaneous cancer: melanoma. However, detection of non melanomatous skin cancers benefits from these campaigns since prevention messages and means of early detection are similar for melanomas and other skin cancers.
Objective To understand the trajectories that women go through from entering into to leaving relationships involving intimate partner violence (IPV), and identify the stages of the transition process. Method We utilized a constructivist paradigm based on grounded theory. We ensured that the ethical guidelines of the World Health Organization for research on domestic violence were followed. The analysis focused on narratives of 28 women survivors of IPV, obtained from in-depth interviews. Results The results showed that the trajectories experienced by women were marked by gender issues, (self) silencing, hope and suffering, which continued after the end of the IPV. Conclusion The transition process consists of four stages: entry - falls in love and becomes trapped; maintenance - silences own self, consents and remains in the relationship; decides to leave - faces the problems and struggles to be rescued; (re) balance - (re) finds herself with a new life. This (long) process was developed by wanting (and being able to have) self-determination.
The present study examined the bottom-up influence of emotional context on response inhibition, an issue that remains largely unstudied in children. Thus, 62 participants, aged from 6 to 13 years old, were assessed with three stop signal tasks: one with circles, one with neutral faces, and one with emotional faces (happy and sad). Results showed that emotional context altered response inhibition ability in childhood. However, no interaction between age and emotional influence on response inhibition was found. Positive emotions were recognized faster than negative emotions, but the valence did not have a significant influence on response inhibition abilities.