614 resultados para discontinuity


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Studying landscape evolution of the Earthís surface is difficult because both tectonic forces and surface processes control its response to perturbation, and ultimately, its shape and form. Researchers often use numerical models to study erosional response to deformation because there are rarely natural settings in which we can evaluate both tectonic activity and topographic response over appropriate time scales (103-105 years). In certain locations, however, geologic conditions afford the unique opportunity to study the relationship between tectonics and topography. One such location is along the Dragonís Back Pressure Ridge in California, where the landscape moves over a structural discontinuity along the San Andreas Fault and landscape response to both the initiation and cessation of uplift can be observed. In their landmark study, Hilley and Arrowsmith (2008) found that geomorphic metrics such as channel steepness tracked uplift and that hillslope response lagged behind that of rivers. Ideal conditions such as uniform vegetation density and similar lithology allowed them to view each basin as a developmental stage of response to uplift only. Although this work represents a significant step forward in understanding landscape response to deformation, it remains unclear how these results translate to more geologically complex settings. In this study, I apply similar methodology to a left bend along the San Andreas Fault in the Santa Cruz Mountains, California. At this location, the landscape is translated through a zone of localized uplift caused by the bend, but vegetation, lithology, and structure vary. I examine the geomorphic response to uplift along the San Andreas Fault bend in order to determine whether predicted landscape patterns can be observed in a larger, more geologically complex setting than the Dragonís Back Pressure Ridge. I find that even with a larger-scale and a more complex setting, geomorphic metrics such as channel steepness index remain useful tools for evaluating landscape evolution through time. Steepness indices in selected streams of study record localized uplift caused by the restraining bend, while hillslope adjustment in the form of landsliding occurs over longer time scales. This project illustrates that it is possible to apply concepts of landscape evolution models to complex settings and is an important contribution to the body of geomorphological study.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Background: It is generally assumed that fascial defects in the rectovaginal septum are the result of childbirth. However, rectoceles do occur in women who have never delivered vaginally. Aims: To determine the incidence of rectocele in a cohort of asymptomatic, young nulliparous women. Methods: Observational cohort study on 178 nulliparous caucasian women (aged 18-24) recruited for a twin study of pelvic floor dysfunction. All women were interviewed and examined by translabial ultrasound, supine and after voiding. In 52 women, 3D imaging was obtained and 171 datasets were complete and available for analysis. Ultrasound findings were reviewed for rectovaginal septal integrity by an assessor blinded against interview and demographic data for rectovaginal septal integrity. Results: A discontinuity of the anterior rectal wall with extrusion of rectal mucosa or contents (depth of ! 10 mm) was observed in 21/171 (12%). The depth of this herniation ranged from 10 to 25 mm and was filled with stool (n = 10) or rectal mucosa (n = 11). Defects were associated with a higher BMI (P = 0.049), with the complaint of constipation (P = 0.049) and non-significantly with straining at stool (P = 0.09). Descent of the ampulla to beyond the level of the symphysis pubis without fascial defect, that is, significant perineal relaxation, was observed in 23/171 (13%). Conclusions: Twelve percent of 171 young nulligravid caucasian women showed a defect of the rectovaginal septum. Associations were observed with higher body mass index and a history of constipation. It is hypothesised that in some women defects of the rectovaginal septum and perineal hypermobility may be congenital in nature.


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Short proteins play key roles in cell signalling and other processes, but their abundance in the mammalian proteome is unknown. Current catalogues of mammalian proteins exhibit an artefactual discontinuity at a length of 100 aa, so that protein abundance peaks just above this length and falls off sharply below it. To clarify the abundance of short proteins, we identify proteins in the FANTOM collection of mouse cDNAs by analysing synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions with the computer program CRITICA. This analysis confirms that there is no real discontinuity at length 100. Roughly 10% of mouse proteins are shorter than 100 aa, although the majority of these are variants of proteins longer than 100 aa. We identify many novel short proteins, including a dark matter'' subset containing ones that lack detectable homology to other known proteins. Translation assays confirm that some of these novel proteins can be translated and localised to the secretory pathway.


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The particle-based lattice solid model developed to study the physics of rocks and the nonlinear dynamics of earthquakes is refined by incorporating intrinsic friction between particles. The model provides a means for studying the causes of seismic wave attenuation, as well as frictional heat generation, fault zone evolution, and localisation phenomena. A modified velocity-Verlat scheme that allows friction to be precisely modelled is developed. This is a difficult computational problem given that a discontinuity must be accurately simulated by the numerical approach (i.e., the transition from static to dynamical frictional behaviour). This is achieved using a half time step integration scheme. At each half time step, a nonlinear system is solved to compute the static frictional forces and states of touching particle-pairs. Improved efficiency is achieved by adaptively adjusting the time step increment, depending on the particle velocities in the system. The total energy is calculated and verified to remain constant to a high precision during simulations. Numerical experiments show that the model can be applied to the study of earthquake dynamics, the stick-slip instability, heat generation, and fault zone evolution. Such experiments may lead to a conclusive resolution of the heat flow paradox and improved understanding of earthquake precursory phenomena and dynamics. (C) 1999 Academic Press.


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Rotational degrees of freedom in Cosserat continua give rise to higher fracture modes. Three new fracture modes correspond to the cracks that are surfaces of discontinuities in the corresponding components of independent Cosserat rotations. We develop a generalisation of J- integral that includes these additional degrees of freedom. The obtained path-independent integrals are used to develop a criterion of crack propagation for a special type of failure in layered materials with sliding layers. This fracture propagates as a progressive bending failure of layers – a “bending crack that is, a crack that can be represented as a distribution of discontinuities in the layer bending. This situation is analysed using a 2D Cosserat continuum model. Semi-infinite bending crack normal to layering is considered. The moment stress concentrates along the line that is a continuation of the crack and has a singularity of the power − 1/4. A model of process zone is proposed for the case when the breakage of layers in the process of bending crack propagation is caused by a crack (microcrack in our description) growing across the layer adjacent to the crack tip. This growth is unstable (in the moment-controlled loading), which results in a typical descending branch of moment stress – rotation discontinuity relationship and hence in emergence of a Barenblatt-type process zone at the tip of the bending crack.


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A importância das micro e pequenas empresas na economia brasileira já é sentida desde há muito tempo, pois esse segmento é fundamental na geração de riqueza para a sociedade. Apesar da importância econômica, ainda persiste um elevado grau de descontinuidade nas mesmas, o que lhes outorga dificuldades de transporem os dois primeiros e mais críticos anos de existência. Esta pesquisa visa identificar os fatores determinantes da sobrevivência das micro e pequenas empresas do setor industrial na cidade de Santos. A relevância do estudo se intensifica em decorrência da cidade de Santos estar vivenciando um momento de desenvolvimento econômico impulsionado pelas descobertas de petróleo na camada do pré-sal. Isso poderá aumentar ainda mais o número de criação de MPEs, principalmente no setor industrial, e que provavelmente necessitarão de informações nas quais possam se espelhar. O estudo é de caráter exploratório e descritivo. Os dados foram colhidos por meio de uma pesquisa de campo com aplicação de um questionário baseado em quatro dimensões: empreendedorismo, ambiental, recursos financeiros e organização interna. A pesquisa apresentou como principais fatores de sobrevivência o tempo dedicado à empresa; a adequação dos produtos a demanda; a capacidade de assumir riscos e a liderança do gestor. A amostra de estudo foi definida por conveniência, constituída de MPEs pertencentes ao setor econômico industrial, pois é o mais aderente à cadeia de exploração de petróleo. Foram consideradas as empresas que ultrapassaram os dois primeiros anos de existência, de acordo com os critérios de avaliação de sobrevivência adotado pelo SEBRAE (2011).


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A discussão sobre a formação de Professores sempre foi um desafio, especialmente em se tratando dos caminhos e descaminhos acerca das práticas cotidianas e, muito mais, ainda hoje, com a inserção da tecnologia dentro das salas de aula. A pesquisa investigou se o uso da tecnologia favorece a interação professor-aluno e se isso se torna um facilitador na busca de novos conhecimentos, colaborando para a alteração da prática cotidiana. Para desenvolver tais discussões realizamos uma revisão da literatura e da legislação sobre a formação de professores no contexto brasileiro e sobre a formação de professores e as tecnologias. Elaboramos análises das ações do Governo Federal, privilegiando o contexto do Estado de São Paulo por ser o foco da nossa investigação. Para a realização da pesquisa de campo contamos com a colaboração de professores do Ensino Fundamental II e do Ensino Médio de Escolas Estaduais e os responsáveis das Oficinas Pedagógicas das Diretorias de Ensino dos Municípios de Santo André e Mauá para a aplicação de um questionário e realização de entrevistas de aprofundamento. Verificamos que os esforços de implantação de projetos desenvolvidos pela rede estadual esbarram na burocracia e na descontinuidade, provocadas pela mudança de administração, onde se priorizam os interesses pessoais em detrimento dos interesses coletivos. Em contrapartida, encontramos os formadores nas Diretorias de Ensino, que precisam atender todas as questões administrativas e políticas, e, ao mesmo tempo, darem conta da formação continuada dos professores, resolvendo problemas que, muitas vezes, estão longe de suas possibilidades e verificamos também que o uso da tecnologia na atividade docente ainda não é o esperado, ou seja, estes professores não fazem uso pedagógico do computador, porém, o uso aumentou sistematicamente, mas trazê-lo para a sala de aula ainda é um desafio e reflete a forma de agir e de pensar dos professores envolvidos no processo desta pesquisa.


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The blood types determination is essential to perform safe blood transfusions. In emergency situations isadministrated the “universal donor” blood type. However, sometimes, this blood type can cause incom-patibilities in the transfusion receptor. A mechatronic prototype was developed to solve this problem.The prototype was built to meet specific goals, incorporating all the necessary components. The obtainedsolution is close to the final system that will be produced later, at industrial scale, as a medical device.The prototype is a portable and low cost device, and can be used in remote locations. A computer appli-cation, previously developed is used to operate with the developed mechatronic prototype, and obtainautomatically test results. It allows image acquisition, processing and analysis, based on Computer Visionalgorithms, Machine Learning algorithms and deterministic algorithms. The Machine Learning algorithmsenable the classification of occurrence, or alack of agglutination in the mixture (blood/reagents), and amore reliable and a safer methodology as test data are stored in a database. The work developed allowsthe administration of a compatible blood type in emergency situations, avoiding the discontinuity of the“universal donor” blood type stocks, and reducing the occurrence of human errors in the transfusion practice.


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Gaussian Processes provide good prior models for spatial data, but can be too smooth. In many physical situations there are discontinuities along bounding surfaces, for example fronts in near-surface wind fields. We describe a modelling method for such a constrained discontinuity and demonstrate how to infer the model parameters in wind fields with MCMC sampling.


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A Bayesian procedure for the retrieval of wind vectors over the ocean using satellite borne scatterometers requires realistic prior near-surface wind field models over the oceans. We have implemented carefully chosen vector Gaussian Process models; however in some cases these models are too smooth to reproduce real atmospheric features, such as fronts. At the scale of the scatterometer observations, fronts appear as discontinuities in wind direction. Due to the nature of the retrieval problem a simple discontinuity model is not feasible, and hence we have developed a constrained discontinuity vector Gaussian Process model which ensures realistic fronts. We describe the generative model and show how to compute the data likelihood given the model. We show the results of inference using the model with Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods on both synthetic and real data.


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Gaussian Processes provide good prior models for spatial data, but can be too smooth. In many physical situations there are discontinuities along bounding surfaces, for example fronts in near-surface wind fields. We describe a modelling method for such a constrained discontinuity and demonstrate how to infer the model parameters in wind fields with MCMC sampling.


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Measurements were carried out to determine local coefficients of heat transfer in short lengths of horizontal pipe, and in the region of an discontinuity in pipe diameter. Laminar, transitional and turbulent flow regimes were investigated, and mixtures of propylene glycol and water were used in the experiments to give a range of viscous fluids. Theoretical and empirical analyses were implemented to find how the fundamental mechanism of forced convection was modified by the secondary effects of free convection, temperature dependent viscosity, and viscous dissipation. From experiments with the short tube it was possible to determine simple empirical relationships describing the axial distribution of the local 1usselt number and its dependence on the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers. Small corrections were made to account for the secondary effects mentioned above. Two different entrance configurations were investigated to demonstrate how conditions upstream could influence the heat transfer coefficients measured downstream In experiments with a sudden contraction in pipe diameter the distribution of local 1u3se1t number depended on the Prandtl number of the fluid in a complicated way. Graphical data is presented describing this dependence for a range of fluids indicating how the local Nusselt number varied with the diameter-ratio. Ratios up to 3.34:1 were considered. With a sudden divergence in pipe diameter, it was possible to derive the axial distribution of the local Nusse1t number for a range of Reynolds and Prandtl numbers in a similar way to the convergence experiments. Difficulty was encountered in explaining some of the measurements obtained at low Reynolds numbers, and flow visualization techniques wore used to determine the complex flow patterns which could lead to the anomalous results mentioned. Tests were carried out with divergences up to 1:3.34 to find the way in which the local Nusselt number varied with the diameter ratio, and a few experiments were carried out with very large ratios up .to 14.4. A limited amount of theoretical analysis of the 'divergence' system was carried out to substantiate certain explanations of the heat transfer mechanisms postulated.


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The present investigation is based on a linguistic analysis of the 'Housing Act 1980' and attempts to examine the role of qualifications in the structuring of the legislative statement. The introductory chapter isolates legislative writing as a "sub-variety “of legal language and provides an overview of the controversies surrounding the way it is written and the problems it poses to its readers. Chapter two emphasizes the limitations of the available work on the description of language-varieties for the analysis of legislative writing and outlines the approach adopted for the present analysis. This chapter also gives some idea of the information-structuring of legislative provisions and establishes qualification as a key element in their textualisation. The next three chapters offer a detailed account of the ten major qualification-types identified in the corpus, concentrating on the surface form they take, the features of legislative statements they textualize and the syntactic positions to which they are generally assigned in the statement of legislative provisions. The emerging hypotheses in these chapters have often been verified through a specialist reaction from a Parliamentary Counsel, largely responsible for the writing of the ‘Housing Act 1980’• The findings suggest useful correlations between a number of qualificational initiators and the various aspects of the legislative statement. They also reveal that many of these qualifications typically occur in those clause-medial syntactic positions which are sparingly used in other specialist discourse, thus creating syntactic discontinuity in the legislative sentence. Such syntactic discontinuities, on the evidence from psycholinguistic experiments reported in chapter six, create special problems in the processing and comprehension of legislative statements. The final chapter converts the main linguistic findings into a series of pedagogical generalizations, offers indications of how this may be applied in EALP situations and concludes with other considerations of possible applications.


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This article considers why the family nurse partnership (FNP) has been promoted as a means of tackling social exclusion in the UK. The FNP consists in a programme of visits by nurses to low-income first-time mothers, both while the mothers are pregnant and for the first two years following birth. The FNP is focused on both teaching parenthood and encouraging mothers back into education and/or into employment. Although the FNP marks a considerable discontinuity with previous approaches to family health, it is congruent with an emerging new approach to social exclusion. This new approach maintains that the most important task of social policy is to identify quickly the most 'at-risk' households, individuals and children so that interventions can be targeted more effectively at those 'at risk', either to themselves or to others. The article illustrates this new approach by analysing a succession of reports by the Social Exclusion Unit. It indicates that there is a considerable amount of ambiguity about the relationship between specific risk-factors and being 'at risk of social exclusion'. Nonetheless, this new approach helps to explain why British policy-makers may have chosen to promote the new FNP now. © 2009 Cambridge University Press.