975 resultados para digital resources
The purpose of this study is to investigate the association between the satisfaction with HRM practices in an organization and the workers' perceived performance. We are interested in learning if indeed workers that are more satisfied with the organization’s practices will also perceive themselves as more hardworking than others, thus confirming the happy-productive worker hypothesis, from an individual perception standpoint. Data originates from a large Portuguese hospital, with a sample of 952 clinical and nonclinical hospital workers. Data was originally explored using SPSS software and later tested in AMOS software where a multiple regression model was constructed and tested. Results indicate that overall satisfaction with HRM practices are related with the workers’ perceived performance; most of the HRM satisfaction subscales also relate, except for pay and performance appraisal, that do not seem to be good predictors of the workers perceived performance. The present study is based on a single large public hospital, and thus, these findings need to be further tested in other settings. This study offers some clues regarding the areas of HRM that seem to be more related with the workers’ perceived performance, and hence provide an interesting framework for managers dealing with healthcare teams. This study contributes to the happy-productive worker hypothesis research, by including seldom used variables in the equation and taking a different perspective. Results provide new clues for investigation and practice regarding the areas of action in HRM that seem to be more prone to elicit perceived effort from the workers.
Identity achievement is related to personality, as well as cognitive and interpersonal development. In tandem with the deep structural changes that have taken place in society, education must also shift towards a teaching approach focused on learning and the overall development of the student. The integration of technology may be the drive to foster the needed changes. We draw on the literature of multiple subject areas as basis for our work, namely: identity construction and self-representation, within a psychological and social standpoint; Higher Education (HE) in Portugal after Bologna, college student development and other intrinsic relationships, namely the role of emotions and interpersonal relationships in the learning process; the technological evolution of storytelling towards Digital Storytelling (DS) – the Californian model – and its connections to identity and education. Ultimately we propose DS as the aggregator capable of humanizing HE while developing essential skills and competences. Grounded on an interpretative/constructivist paradigm, we implemented a qualitative case study to explore DS in HE. In three attempts to collect student data, we gathered detailed observation notes from two Story Circles; twelve student written reflections; fourteen Digital Stories and detailed observation notes from one Story Show. We carried out three focus groups with teachers where we discussed their perceptions of each student prior to and after watching the Digital Stories, in addition to their opinion on DS in HE as a teaching and learning method and its influence on interpersonal relationships. We sought understandings of the integration of DS to analyze student selfperception and self-representation in HE contexts and intersected our findings with teachers’ perceptions of their students. We compared teachers’ and students’ perspectives, through the analysis of data collected throughout the DS process – Story Circle, Story Creation and Story Show – and triangulated that information with the students’ personal reflections and teacher perceptions. Finally we questioned if and how DS may influence teachers’ perceptions of students. We found participants to be the ultimate gatekeepers in our study. Very few students and teachers voluntarily came forth to take part in the study, confirming the challenge remains in getting participants to see the value and understand the academic rigor of DS. Despite this reluctance, DS proved to be an asset for teachers and students directly and indirectly involved in the study. DS challenges HE contexts, namely teacher established perception of students; student’s own expectations regarding learning in HE; the emotional realm, the private vs. public dichotomy and the shift in educational roles.
Com a implementação do Plano Tecnológico da Educação e consequente apetrechamento das Escolas com recursos tecnológicos avançados, surge agora a necessidade de criar condições favoráveis para a efetiva integração das TIC no currículo, nomeadamente na área das Artes. Decorrente das características singulares desta área curricular, são muitas as ferramentas digitais que podemos utilizar em contexto educativo mobilizando-as para experiências de aprendizagem baseadas em projetos que integrem as tecnologias. Este é o caso do EVTux, uma distribuição livre de Linux que permite a criação efetiva de projetos de cinema de animação em contexto educativo com recurso às tecnologias, caso que agora se apresenta como exemplo neste artigo e que atualmente faz parte de uma síntese do trabalho que se integra no projeto europeu TACCLE2 no qual participamos.
O carácter dinâmico das Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação determina mudanças fugazes nas identidades profissionais dos docentes, desafiando novas competências e novos sentidos na aprendizagem que enriquecem e transformam o currículo. Configura, ainda, momentos de inquietação que reformam velhos hábitos e dão alento a uma escola renovada capaz de responder às exigências desta nova geração de jovens multimédia. Reconhecendo a importância das competências e dos saberes dos professores para ultrapassarem os desafios da era digital e adaptarem-se a novos contextos metodológicos, pedagógicos, estratégicos e tecnológicos, é importante desenvolver estudos que incluam não só a análise dos conhecimentos dos professores em TIC, mas também o tipo de práticas pedagógicas que realizam com os alunos e como as avaliam, para se compreenderem efectivamente as mudanças que ocorrem com o uso das TIC e o seu significado no currículo ou nas tradições dos docentes. O estudo que apresentamos envolveu cerca de 1300 professores do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico de seis concelhos da região do grande Porto, tendo como base a análise de dois inquéritos. Um dos inquéritos pretendia analisar a experiência com TIC dos professores, o outro solicitava a apresentação de boas práticas realizadas com recurso às novas tecnologias. Verificou-se existir um grupo de ferramentas TIC que os professores revelaram não ter conhecimentos suficientes para as integrarem nas usas práticas e outro grupo, de dimensão mais reduzido, que envolve ferramentas dominadas satisfatoriamente pelos professores. Os conhecimentos e a frequência de utilização de ferramentas tecnológicas têm uma associação estatisticamente significativa com os obstáculos à integração das TIC. Constatou-se, ainda, que para uns, a integração de novas tecnologias poderá ter representado o passo para um novo perfil de professor e de aluno, uma escola sem fronteiras, aberta e transparente, pelas diferentes metodologias de trabalho, pelos novos ambientes de aprendizagem, pelas novas competências exigidas aos alunos, professores e pais. Enquanto, para outros não passou de mais uma ferramenta de trabalho pelo que a tecnologia se converteu num instrumento de exposição e de consolidação. As boas práticas exigem políticas educativas eficientes e boas lideranças de escolas, uma adequação do currículo aos tempos actuais para que se assegurem as condições necessárias à implementação de uma nova era na educação – a educação digital…
Prometeu, é uma peça de teatro multimédia inspirada no teatro de sombras indonésio, Wayang Kulit.O projecto Prometeu apresenta uma abordagem inovadora misturando a linguagem do teatro de sombras com a linguagem cinematográfica tendo a multimédia como elemento agregador. Um espectáculo de silhuetas/marionetas que promove o cruzamento entre o tradicional e a modernidade, o analógico e o digital, o performativo e o autómato, ou procedural. Uma visão ampla da tecnologia ao serviço da dramaturgia explorando a harmonia entre diferentes meios. Este projecto tem vindo a ser apresentado ao público, desde 2009, em locais e eventos distintos. Festivais de música, festivais de cinema, e festivais de teatro em Portugal e Espanha, são exemplos da abrangência deste espectáculo tendo sido já reconhecido com um prémio. Com o presente trabalho pretende-‐se demonstrar as competências profissionais a que Luís Leite se apresenta como candidato a especialista. Competências na área das artes da imagem, particularmente na área da multimédia. Luís Leite foi convidado pelo Teatro de Formas Animadas e pela Casa da Música para desenhar e desenvolver uma solução multimédia que respondesse aos complexos requisitos do projecto, bem como para a concepção e produção de conteúdos de animação e pós-produção digital. Competências importantes para as unidades curriculares de animação e multimédia que lecciona.
Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar o estado atual da preservação digital no tecido empresarial português, particularmente nas empresas de média e grande dimensão. Para tal, expôs-se o referencial teórico da preservação digital, necessário para uma melhor compreensão desta temática, nomeadamente através da apresentação de definições de diversos autores, de estratégias e boas práticas, e de algumas das iniciativas internacionais mais relevantes. De seguida apresentou-se a importância que a informação tem para uma organização, sobretudo aquela informação criada no âmbito laboral. Realizou-se, também, uma caracterização dos vários tipos de empresas, de acordo com diretivas europeias, e efetuou-se uma breve análise das empresas portuguesas. Para atingir esse objetivo elaborou-se um inquérito, por questionário, fazendo- se uso de uma plataforma de questionários online. Este foi remetido a 1.358 médias e grandes empresas que atuam em Portugal, com o objetivo de compreender – entre outros – a importância dada, pelas empresas, ao material existente em formato digital, quais as tecnologias responsáveis pelo seu armazenamento e quais os cuidados realizados para assegurar o seu acesso por longos períodos de tempo. Ao analisar os resultados, e pese embora a baixa taxa de resposta ao questionário, foi possível concluir que quase todas as empresas participantes já procuram substituir os documentos em papel por documentos em formato digital e que se preocupam em manter o acesso prolongado à informação. Não obstante, dois terços dos participantes conhecem o conceito de preservação digital e apenas 44% afirmam aplicar estratégias desse tipo na sua empresa. Apesar de cerca de 70% dos participantes reconhecerem a importância do uso de formatos abertos para a preservação digital, na realidade ainda se verifica uma utilização massiva de formatos proprietários ao nível dos documentos de texto e das folhas de cálculo. Para além deste contributo analítico sobre o estado da preservação digital no tecido empresarial português, prepararam-se alguns documentos que visam auxiliar a elaboração de um plano de preservação digital e, consequentemente, permitir a sustentabilidade a longo prazo da informação digital.
The aim of this paper is to present the main Portuguese results from a multi-national study on reading format preferences and behaviors from undergraduate students from Polytechnic Institute of Porto (Portugal). For this purpose we apply an adaptation of the Academic Reading Questionnaire previously created by Mizrachi (2014). This survey instrument has 14 Likert-style statements regarding the format influence in the students reading behavior, including aspects such as ability to remember, feelings about access convenience, active engagement with the text by highlighting and annotating, and ability to review and concentrate on the text. The importance of the language and dimension of the text to determine the preference format is also inquired. Students are also asked about the electronic device they use to read digital documents. Finally, some demographic and academic data were gathered. The analysis of the results will be contextualized on a review of the literature concerning youngsters reading format preferences. The format (digital or print) in which a text is displayed and read can impact comprehension, which is an important information literacy skill. This is a quite relevant issue for class readings in academic context because it impacts learning. On the other hand, students preferences on reading formats will influence the use of library services. However, literature is not unanimous on this subject. Woody, Daniel and Baker (2010) concluded that the experience of reading is not the same in electronic or print context and that students prefer print books than e-books. This thesis is reinforced by Ji, Michaels and Waterman (2014) which report that among 101 undergraduates the large majority self-reported to read and learn more when they use printed format despite the fact that they prefer electronically supplied readings instead of those supplied in printed form. On the other side, Rockinson-Szapkiw, et al (2013) conducted a study were they demonstrate that e-textbook is as effective for learning as the traditional textbook and that students who choose e-textbook had significantly higher perceived learning than students who chose to use print textbooks.
In this paper, three approaches for the assessment of credibility in a web environment will be presented, namely the checklists model, the cognitive authority model and the contextual model. This theoretical framework was used to conduct a study about the assessment of web resources credibility among a sample of 195 students, from elementary and secondary schools in a municipality in Oporto district (Portugal). The practices that young people and children claim to use regarding the use of criteria for web resources selection will be presented. In addition, these results will be discussed and compared with the perceptions that these respondents have demonstrated for the use of criteria to establish or assess authorship, originality, or information resources structure. These results will be also discussed and compared with the perceptions that these respondents have demonstrated for the elements that make up each of these criteria.
First IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and Its Application - 19-21 July 2004, Enseirb, Bordeaux, France - FDA'04
This paper analyses the performance of a Genetic Algorithm using two new concepts, namely a static fitness function including a discontinuity measure and a fractional-order dynamic fitness function, for the synthesis of combinational logic circuits. In both cases, experiments reveal superior results in terms of speed and convergence to achieve a solution.
Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
The fast development of distance learning tools such as Open Educational Resources (OER) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC or MOOCs) are indicators of a shift in the way in which digital teaching and learning are understood. MOOC are a new style of online classes that allow any person with web access, anywhere, usually free of charge, to participate through video lectures, computer graded tests and discussion forums. They have been capturing the attention of many higher education institutions around the world. This paper will give us an overview of the “Introduction to Differential Calculus” a MOOC Project, created by an engaged volunteer team of Mathematics lecturers from four schools of the Polytechnic Institute of Oporto (IPP). The MOOC theories and their popularity are presented and complemented by a discussion of some MOOC definitions and their inherent advantages and disadvantages. It will also explore what MOOC mean for Mathematics education. The Project development is revealed by focusing on used MOOC structure, as well as the quite a lot of types of course materials produced. It ends with a presentation of a short discussion about problems and challenges met throughout the development of the project. It is also our goal to contribute for a change in the way teaching and learning Mathematics is seen and practiced nowadays, trying to make education more accessible to as many people as possible and increase our institution (IPP) recognition.
Consumer-electronics systems are becoming increasingly complex as the number of integrated applications is growing. Some of these applications have real-time requirements, while other non-real-time applications only require good average performance. For cost-efficient design, contemporary platforms feature an increasing number of cores that share resources, such as memories and interconnects. However, resource sharing causes contention that must be resolved by a resource arbiter, such as Time-Division Multiplexing. A key challenge is to configure this arbiter to satisfy the bandwidth and latency requirements of the real-time applications, while maximizing the slack capacity to improve performance of their non-real-time counterparts. As this configuration problem is NP-hard, a sophisticated automated configuration method is required to avoid negatively impacting design time. The main contributions of this article are: 1) An optimal approach that takes an existing integer linear programming (ILP) model addressing the problem and wraps it in a branch-and-price framework to improve scalability. 2) A faster heuristic algorithm that typically provides near-optimal solutions. 3) An experimental evaluation that quantitatively compares the branch-and-price approach to the previously formulated ILP model and the proposed heuristic. 4) A case study of an HD video and graphics processing system that demonstrates the practical applicability of the approach.
Dissertação e Trabalho de Projecto apresentados para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Novos Media e Práticas Web
Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão do Território na Área de Especialização em Detecção Remota e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica