834 resultados para destination loyalty
The tourism image is an element that conditions the competitiveness of tourism destinations by making them stand out in the minds of tourists. In this context, marketers of tourism destinations endeavour to create an induced image based on their identity and distinctive characteristics.A number of authors have also recognized the complexity of tourism destinations and the need for coordination and cooperation among all tourism agents, in order to supply a satisfactory tourist product and be competitive in the tourism market. Therefore, tourism agents at the destination need to develop and integrate strategic marketing plans.The aim of this paper is to determine how cities of similar cultures use their resources with the purpose of developing a distinctive induced tourism image to attract tourists and the extent of coordination and cooperation among the various tourism agents of a destination in the process of induced image creation.In order to accomplish these aims, a comparative analysis of the induced image of two cultural cities is presented, Girona (Spain) and Perpignan (France). The induced image is assessed through the content analysis of promotional brochures and the extent of cooperation with in-depth interviews of the main tourism agents of these destinations.Despite the similarities of both cities in terms of tourism resources, results show the use of different attributes to configure the induced image of each destination, as well as a different configuration of the network of tourism agents that participate in the process of induced image creation
The illicit drug cutting represents a complex problem that requires the sharing of knowledge from addiction studies, toxicology, criminology and criminalistics. Therefore, cutting is not well known by the forensic community. Thus, this review aims at deciphering the different aspects of cutting, by gathering information mainly from criminology and criminalistics. It tackles essentially specificities of cocaine and heroin cutting. The article presents the detected cutting agents (adulterants and diluents), their evolution in time and space and the analytical methodology implemented by forensic laboratories. Furthermore, it discusses when, in the history of the illicit drug, cutting may take place. Moreover, researches studying how much cutting occurs in the country of destination are analysed. Lastly, the reasons for cutting are addressed. According to the literature, adulterants are added during production of the illicit drug or at a relatively high level of its distribution chain (e.g. before the product arrives in the country of destination or just after its importation in the latter). Their addition seems hardly justified by the only desire to increase profits or to harm consumers' health. Instead, adulteration would be performed to enhance or to mimic the illicit drug effects or to facilitate administration of the drug. Nowadays, caffeine, diltiazem, hydroxyzine, levamisole, lidocaïne and phenacetin are frequently detected in cocaine specimens, while paracetamol and caffeine are almost exclusively identified in heroin specimens. This may reveal differences in the respective structures of production and/or distribution of cocaine and heroin. As the relevant information about cutting is spread across different scientific fields, a close collaboration should be set up to collect essential and unified data to improve knowledge and provide information for monitoring, control and harm reduction purposes. More research, on several areas of investigation, should be carried out to gather relevant information.
BACKGROUND: The travel clinic in Lausanne serves a catchment area of 700 000 of inhabitants and provides pre- and post-travel consultations. This study describes the profile of attendees before departure, their travel patterns and the travel clinic practices in terms of vaccination over time. METHODS: We included all pre-travel first consultation data recorded between November 2002 and December 2012 by a custom-made program DIAMM/G. We analysed client profiles, travel characteristics and vaccinations prescribed over time. RESULTS: Sixty-five thousand and forty-six client-trips were recorded. Fifty-one percent clients were female. Mean age was 32 years. In total, 0.1% were aged <1 year and 0.2% ≥80 years. Forty-six percent of travellers had pre-existing medical conditions. Forty-six percent were travelling to Africa, 35% to Asia, 20% to Latin America and 1% (each) to Oceania and Europe; 19% visited more than one country. India was the most common destination (9.6% of travellers) followed by Thailand (8.6%) and Kenya (6.4%). Seventy-three percent of travellers were planning to travel for ≤ 4 weeks. The main reasons for travel were tourism (75%) and visiting friends and relatives (18%). Sixteen percent were backpackers. Pre-travel advice were sought a median of 29 days before departure. Ninety-nine percent received vaccine(s). The most frequently administered vaccines were hepatitis A (53%), tetanus-diphtheria (46%), yellow fever (39%), poliomyelitis (38%) and typhoid fever (30%). CONCLUSIONS: The profile of travel clinic attendees was younger than the general Swiss population. A significant proportion of travellers received vaccinations that are recommended in the routine national programme. These findings highlight the important role of travel clinics to (i) take care of an age group that has little contact with general practitioners and (ii) update vaccination status. The most commonly prescribed travel-related vaccines were for hepatitis A and yellow fever. The question remains to know whether clients do attend travel clinics because of compulsory vaccinations or because of real travel health concern or both.
El presente trabajo de investigación se ha enfocado principalmente en el estudio de la promoción turística en línea que realizan las DMOs (Destination Management Organization) de regiones gastronómicas de Europa. Se parte de la comprensión de que el turismo gastronómico es un tema que en la actualidad requiere de aportación académica para entender su dinámica y que hablar de gastronomía es referirse a turismo cultural
Este trabajo pretende estudiar el uso que se hace de la iluminación para la puesta en valor del patrimonio. Aquí veremos las medidas, normativas, y usos que emplea la ciudad en el espacio nocturno y la relación que tiene con el turismo. Ver si se transmite a través de la imagen inducida nocturna de la ciudad. En un segundo tiempo, miraremos si esas medidas influyen en la imagen del destino. Es decir, si las intenciones de los agentes inductivos, con las medidas, proyectos y normativas se ven reflejados y presentes en las imágenes inducidas del destino
L’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi és explorar el rol del cinema com a generador d’imatge de la destinació turística. El cinema és capaç de promoure, confirmar i reforçar les imatges, les opinions i la identitat d’una destinació de manera molt poderosa
L'objectiu principal d’aquest estudi és determinar la rellevància del turisme de moda en una destinació turística. El cas concret d’estudi és la ciutat de Barcelona
The objective of this master’s thesis was to develop a model for mobile subscription acquisition cost, SAC, and mobile subscription retention cost, SRC, by applying activity-based cost accounting principles. The thesis was conducted as a case study for a telecommunication company operating on the Finnish telecommunication market. In addition to activity-based cost accounting there were other theories studied and applied in order to establish a theory framework for this thesis. The concepts of acquisition and retention were explored in a broader context with the concepts of customer satisfaction, loyalty and profitability and eventually customer relationship management to understand the background and meaning of the theme of this thesis. The utilization of SAC and SRC information is discussed through the theories of decision making and activity-based management. Also, the present state and future needs of SAC and SRC information usage at the case company as well as the functions of the company were examined by interviewing some members of the company personnel. With the help of these theories and methods it was aimed at finding out both the theory-based and practical factors which affect the structure of the model. During the thesis study it was confirmed that the existing SAC and SRC model of the case company should be used as the basis in developing the activity-based model. As a result the indirect costs of the old model were transformed into activities and the direct costs were continued to be allocated directly to acquisition of new subscriptions and retention of old subscriptions. The refined model will enable managing the subscription acquisition, retention and the related costs better through the activity information. During the interviews it was found out that the SAC and SRC information is also used in performance measurement and operational and strategic planning. SAC and SRC are not fully absorbed costs and it was concluded that the model serves best as a source of indicative cost information. This thesis does not include calculating costs. Instead, the refined model together with both the theory-based and interview findings concerning the utilization of the information produced by the model will serve as a framework for the possible future development aiming at completing the model.
This article aims to provide an overview of the products Catalonia has to offer in terms of religious tourism. The growing interest in this kind of tourism worldwide, and in Catalonia itself, along with the region's wealth of religious heritage (particularly connected to the Christian Church) contrast with the lack of religion-based tourism products available, which results in its absence from the region's image as a tourism destination. In view of this, the Faculty of Tourism (University of Girona), the Vic Bishopric's Albergueria-Centre for Cultural Dissemination and the Tarraconense Episcopal Conference's Interdiocese Secretariat for the Custody and Promotion of Holy Art (SICPAS) decided to address the situation with the help of funding from the Autonomous Government of Catalonia. In order to re-position Christian religious heritage in the image of Catalonia as a tourist destination, the aforementioned parties embarked upon a project to set up a series of routes throughout the region, branded under the name Catalonia Sacra
The objective of this study is to resolve how customer retention is managed in Finnish health and fitness clubs, and how is this comparable with the theoretical aspects of customer retention. It is also discussed how the process leading to customer retention is handled, and what the essential elements of customer retention and loyalty are specifically in the health and fitness club industry. In addition, it is discussed to what extent do health and fitness club companies implement the elements of customer retention in their businesses. Finally, there is discussion about the relationship and priority between the behavioral and attitudinal methods of creating retention in the companies. The data was collected by interviewing the management of six health and fitness clubs from different geographical regions in Finland. Results indicated that the most important constructs concerning customer retention were switching barriers, pricing strategy, competitive aspect, corporate image, service quality, employee retention, and customer satisfaction. In addition, the implementation of customer retention was found to vary between different sized companies and companies from different geographical locations. Moreover, it was discovered that the companies put more effort in constructs that are considered to create customer loyalty instead of retention.
Tulevaisuusorientaatio on tullut entistä tärkeämmäksi myös koulumaailmassa johtuen yhteiskunnassa nopeasti eteen tulevista muutoksista. On myös esitetty epäilyjä, että tulevaisuuteen reagoimisessa heikoin tilanne olisikin juuri kuntatason päätöksenteossa. Ymmärrys ja tieto opettajan työstä nimenomaan opettajan omasta perspektiivistä tarkasteltuna mahdollistavat lähtökohdan ja edellytykset todelliselle koulun uudistamiselle. Peruskysymys, johon tässä tutkimuksessa etsittiin vastausta oli: Millaisia ovat lukion aineenopettajien käsitykset lukion muutosprosesseista ja miten he visioivat oman lukionsa ja yleensä lukioiden tulevaisuutta? Aineiston keruu osui ajankohtaan, joka oli hyvin otollinen tulevaisuuden tarkasteluun, sillä uusi opetussuunnitelma otettiin käyttöön kaikissa Suomen lukioissa viimeistään lukuvuonna 2005-2006. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana kaksi hyvin erilaista lukiota Länsi-Suomen läänistä eli pieni maaseudun lukio ja hyvin suuri kaupunkilukio. Tutkimusaineiston keruu eteni kaksivaiheisesti: informoitu kysely ja teemahaastattelu. Tutkimusjoukon suuruus oli yhteensä 20, joista puolet oli miehiä ja puolet naisia. Aineenopettajien käsityksiä muutoksista ja visioista tutkittiin fenomenografisen tutkimusotteen avulla. Fenomenografiassa kiinnostuksen kohteena ovat ihmisten erilaiset käsitykset todellisuudesta ja näin saatava ymmärrys tavoista, joilla ihmiset kokevat tilanteita ja maailmaa. Organisaation muutosprosesseja voidaan kutsua myös oppimiseksi. Tutkimuksen oppivan organisaation näkökulmat perustuivat juuri yhteistyössä tapahtuvaan yhteisen toiminnan kehittämiseen. Aineenopettajien käsityksiä työyhteisöstään tarkasteltiin seuraavista oppivan organisaatiomallin näkökulmista: vuorovaikutus, päätöksenteko sekä rehtorin ja aineenopettajan rooli ja asema työyhteisössä. Aineenopettajien keskeisimmät käsitykset muutoksista lukiossa viime vuosina kohdistuivat aineenopettajan ammattirooliin ja lukio-opiskelijaan sekä opiskelijalta vaadittaviin lukio-opintoihin. Muutokset ammattiroolissa korostavat tutkimustulosten perusteella aineenopettajilta vaadittavia muitakin kuin opetettavien aineiden hallintataitoja. Suoranaista ammattitaidon puutetta opettajat kokivat varsinkin ryhmänohjaustehtävien yhteydessä, osittain myös uusien oppimisympäristöjen, esimerkiksi verkkopedagogisten taitojen, yhteydessä. Opettajien lisäkoulutuksen tarve koetaan konkreettisena, mutta sekä koulutusten sisältöihin, järjestelyihin ja ajankohtiin että koulun sijais- ym. järjestelyihin kaivattaisiin parannuksia. Verrattuna aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin näyttäisi siltä, että luokaton lukio on saanut opettajat enenevässä määrin huolestumaan opiskelijoiden syrjäytymisriskistä ja hyvinvoinnista. Opiskelijoiden syrjäytymisriskin kasvu lukio-opintojen aikana nouseekin yhdeksi lukion pessimistiseksi skenaarioksi. Muista pessimistisistä skenaarioista lukiolle, jotka saattoi johtaa tutkimustuloksista, voidaan mainita työyhteisön demokratiavajeen syveneminen sekä opetussuunnitelmasisältöjen ja ylioppilastutkintovaatimusten välisen kuilun syveneminen. Aineenopettajien käsitykset oman lukionsa visioista olivat sisällöiltään pääosin välineellisiä ja ne kohdentuivat kaikki opiskelijoihin. Esimerkiksi työyhteisöllisiä kehittämisajatuksia ei visioissa ilmennyt. Myöskään visioinnin dynaamisuus ei aineistossa korostunut. Aineenopettajien käsitykset visioiden arvopohjasta heijastivat perinteistä suomalaista arvomaailmaa eli itsekuria, velvollisuudentuntoa, kuuliaisuutta esivaltaa kohtaan ja perinteisten arvojen kunnioittamista. Sen sijaan antiikista perityviä Sokrateen edustamia keskustelua ja auktoriteettien kyseenalaistamista ei arvoissa ilmennyt, eikä myöskään uusliberalistista individualismia. Käsitykset visioiden synnystä näyttävät parhaiten selittävän opettajan muita käsityksiä liittyen visioon, visiointiin ja työyhteisöllisiin vaikutusmahdollisuuksiin sekä opettajan tulevaisuusorientoitumiseen.. Käsitykset vision syntytaustasta voidaan jakaa seuraaviin pää- ja alakategorioihin: 1. auktoriteettikeskeinen visiointi: johdon linjaus tai valtakunnallinen linjaus, 2. yhteisökeskeinen visiointi: yhteisöllinen linjaus tai toiminnallinen linjaus ja 3. yksilökeskeinen visiointi. Pessimistisimmiksi eli vähiten tulevaisuusorientoituneiksi opettajiksi työyhteisössä osoittautuivat ne opettajat, jotka pitivät oman lukionsa visiota koulun johdon sanelemana. Monet teoriat oppivasta organisaatiosta korostavat johtajuuden merkitystä työyhteisöä kehitettäessä. Johtajuuden merkitys nousi tämänkin tutkimuksen aineistosta keskeisesti esiin. Pyrkimystä kohti oppivaa organisaatiota opettajien puheista löytyy paljonkin, esimerkkeinä viittaukset johtajuuden ja vuorovaikutustapojen kehittämistarpeisiin. Sen sijaan opettajien puheet omista työyhteisöllisistä kehittymistarpeistaan, ns. alaistaidot, jäivät vähäisiksi. Tutkimustuloksista on luotu sovellusmalli kouluyhteisöjen visioinnin ja muun kehittämistyön tueksi.
L’objectiu d’aquesta treball és proposar un model de relacions causals i unes hipòtesis de treball sobre la lleialtat dels turistes a les destinacions transfrontereres en el context de la Unió Europea
Polyaniline (PAni) is one of the most studied conducting polymer. It can be synthesized by two methods: electrochemical or chemical oxidation. The chemical oxidation is more adequate to produce large quantities of polymer. Regardless of the synthesis scale, the treatment of the residues before its final destination is very important and necessary because it contains toxic aniline derivatives (carcinogens in some cases), acids and inorganic salts, both with low toxicity. In this work we discuss the methods used to treat these residues and to eliminate and discard the toxic substances. These were extracted from the reaction residues by using activated coal and the pH of the residue was neutralized.
In this article, a new technique for grooming low-speed traffic demands into high-speed optical routes is proposed. This enhancement allows a transparent wavelength-routing switch (WRS) to aggregate traffic en route over existing optical routes without incurring expensive optical-electrical-optical (OEO) conversions. This implies that: a) an optical route may be considered as having more than one ingress node (all inline) and, b) traffic demands can partially use optical routes to reach their destination. The proposed optical routes are named "lighttours" since the traffic originating from different sources can be forwarded together in a single optical route, i.e., as taking a "tour" over different sources towards the same destination. The possibility of creating lighttours is the consequence of a novel WRS architecture proposed in this article, named "enhanced grooming" (G+). The ability to groom more traffic in the middle of a lighttour is achieved with the support of a simple optical device named lambda-monitor (previously introduced in the RingO project). In this article, we present the new WRS architecture and its advantages. To compare the advantages of lighttours with respect to classical lightpaths, an integer linear programming (ILP) model is proposed for the well-known multilayer problem: traffic grooming, routing and wavelength assignment The ILP model may be used for several objectives. However, this article focuses on two objectives: maximizing the network throughput, and minimizing the number of optical-electro-optical conversions used. Experiments show that G+ can route all the traffic using only half of the total OEO conversions needed by classical grooming. An heuristic is also proposed, aiming at achieving near optimal results in polynomial time
This work presents a detailed routine applied to the identification of unknown chemicals and wastes. 786 specimens were analyzed during 20 months. Unknown materials fell into three basic classes: (i) commercial chemicals without labels or illegible ones; (ii) laboratory synthesis products; (iii) used solvents (including mixtures). Uranium and thorium were recovered form their wastes. Unknown chemicals were mainly inorganic compounds, many of which had never been opened. Alkaline salts were dominant, but also precious metal compounds were identified. Laboratory synthesis products were organic compounds. The final destination depended on the nature of the chemical. Most organic compounds were sent to incineration; inorganic salts were distributed among several public organizations, including secondary and technical schools. The work described in this paper greatly reduced the amount of wastes that had to be sent to disposal.