906 resultados para dependência temporal
Ecological network patterns are influenced by diverse processes that operate at different temporal rates. Here we analyzed whether the coupled effect of local abundance variation, seasonally phenotypic plastic responses, and species evolutionary adaptations might act in concert to shape network patterns. We studied the temporal variation in three interaction properties of bird species (number of interactions per species, interaction strength, and interaction asymmetry) in a temporal sequence of 28 plant frugivore interaction networks spanning two years in a Mediterranean shrubland community. Three main hypotheses dealing with the temporal variation of network properties were tested, examining the effects of abundance, switching behavior between alternative food resources, and morphological traits in determining consumer interaction patterns. Our results demonstrate that temporal variation in consumer interaction patterns is explained by short-term variation in resource and bird abundances and seasonal dietary switches between alternative resources (fleshy fruits and insects). Moreover, differences in beak morphology are associated with differences in switching behavior between resources, suggesting an important role of foraging adaptations in determining network patterns. We argue that beak shape adaptations might determine generalist and specialist feeding behaviors and thus the positions of consumer species within the network. Finally, we provide a preliminary framework to interpret phylogenetic signal in plant animal networks. Indeed, we show that the strength of the phylogenetic signal in networks depends on the relative importance of abundance, behavioral, and morphological variables. We show that these variables strongly differ in their phylogenetic signal. Consequently, we suggest that moderate and significant phylogenetic effects should be commonly observed in networks of species interactions. Read More: http://www.esajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1890/07-1939.1
Residues of herbicides from sugarcane were monitored in waters and sediments of Corumbataí River and tributaries. Ametryne, atrazine, simazine, hexazinone, glyphosate, and clomazone were detected in water samples, with negligible levels of ametryne and glyphosate in sediment samples. The area of recharge of the Guarani aquifer presented the highest triazine and clomazone levels. The triazines were detected at higher levels, with atrazine above Brazil's potability and quality standards. Total herbicide levels at some sampling points were 13 times higher than the European Community potability limit. There is no Brazilian standard for ametryne, although the risk is larger due to ametryne's higher toxicity for the aquatic biota.
The proposal to work on this final project came after several discussions held with Dr. Elzbieta Malinowski Gadja, who in 2008 published the book entitled Advanced Data Warehouse Design: From Conventional to Spatial and Temporal Applications (Data-Centric Systems and Applications). The project was carried out under the technical supervision of Dr. Malinowski and the direct beneficiary was the University of Costa Rica (UCR) where Dr. Malinowski is a professor at the Department of Computer Science and Informatics. The purpose of this project was twofold: First, to translate chapter III of said book with the intention of generating educational material for the use of the UCR and, second, to venture in the field of technical translation related to data warehouse. For the first component, the goal was to generate a final product that would eventually serve as an educational tool for the post-graduate courses of the UCR. For the second component, this project allowed me to acquire new skills and put into practice techniques that have helped me not only to perfom better in my current job as an Assistant Translator of the Inter-American BAnk (IDB), but also to use them in similar projects. The process was lenggthy and required torough research and constant communication with the author. The investigation focused on the search of terms and definitions to prepare the glossary, which was the basis to start the translation project. The translation process itself was carried out by phases, so that comments and corrections by the author could be taken into account in subsequent stages. Later, based on the glossary and the translated text, illustrations had been created in the Visio software were translated. In addition to the technical revision by the author, professor Carme Mangiron was in charge of revising the non-technical text. The result was a high-quality document that is currently used as reference and study material by the Department of Computer Science and Informatics of Costa Rica.
Aquest estudi té com objectiu observar les relacions entre les estratègies de cura (formal, informal, mixta) que fan servir els cuidadors de persones grans dependents, la seva situació social i les seves motivacions per la decisió respecte a com fan la cura. L’estat del tema destaca el predomini de les cures informals sobre les formals en els models de benestar mediterranis i la rellevància de la interacció entre factors personals socioculturals i les polítiques socials en la presa de decisions individuals sobre la cura de la dependència. La llei de la dependència, de recent implementació a l’Estat espanyol, ha universalitzat l’accés als recursos formals, creant un nou paradigma d’interacció cuidadors-recursos. Es tracta d’un estudi observacional, transversal, descriptiu de tipus mixt quantitatiu/qualitatiu realitzat a partir d’entrevistes individuals als cuidadors de dependents ingressats en una unitat geriàtrica d’atenció intermèdia. Es recullen dades sobre el context sociofamiliar, l’estratègia de cura, l’autopercepció i les motivacions. Els resultats mostren que els cuidadors combinen prestacions econòmiques i serveis (públics i privats) per adaptar al màxim l’estratègia a les condicions del dependent i a les seves pròpies. Tenen la convicció generalitzada que l’atenció cal fer-la al domicili per motius de reciprocitat i respecte a la persona cuidada. El pas a l’atenció residencial és una decisió molt difícil pels cuidadors. La implantació de la llei de la dependència ha normalitzat la relació entre cuidadors i recursos formals, però la burocratització i la insuficiència de l’oferta de serveis no afavoreixen canvis substancials en la provisió de l’ajut, que continua essent majoritàriament informal. La millora en la percepció de continuïtat d’atenció entre el domicili i la residència, i també en la gestió i l’oferta de serveis formals públics es presenten com a reptes de treball importants al nostre país.
The aim of this study is to determine the profile of dependent elderly people users of the home care services (SAD) of the regional council in Osona (Consell Comarcal d´Osona) , and the characteristics of formal and informal types of support they use. Methodology. An observational study of a transversal format has been carried out, with retrospective and descriptive purposes. The target population is 63 people (26 men and 37 women) included in the program of the regional SAD They have a recognized dependence grade approved by the law 39 /2006, December 14th , promoting the individual autonomy and care of elderly people in a dependent situation. The data were collected by social workers of basic social services, first with a home visit and followed by handed out questionnaires, specifically designed for this study, in order to obtain information on socio-demographic characteristics, and the type of support formal and informal. The obtained results on the SAD users are women in a 58.7% and a 41.3 % are men. The 84% of the total sampling are 80 years old and more, being the average age of 85.2 years old. 45% of them are married, 41% are widows and widowers and 14% are single. 54% are rated with severe dependence (grade II), 42.8% with high dependence (grade III). 86% live accompanied. 100% have an informal caregiver and a 95% of the times, the caregiver is a relative who in 73% of the cases the dedication time is permanent. The coverage of the SAD has an average of 4.27 hours per week and per user. The formal services most used are the technical (62%), also the assessment of an occupational therapist at home (57%) and the telecare service in a (56%). Conclusions. The SAD is used primarily for women in an advanced age and severe dependence. The informal assistance structures have an informal caregiver, being a member of the family mostly, living with the dependent, and mainly in a permanent dedication basis. The SAD has a varied intensity in each case. The formal support services complementary to the SAD, are largely used in all cases.
The medial temporal lobe (MTL)-comprising hippocampus and the surrounding neocortical regions-is a targeted brain area sensitive to several neurological diseases. Although functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been widely used to assess brain functional abnormalities, detecting MTL activation has been technically challenging. The aim of our study was to provide an fMRI paradigm that reliably activates MTL regions at the individual level, thus providing a useful tool for future research in clinical memory-related studies. Twenty young healthy adults underwent an event-related fMRI study consisting of three encoding conditions: word-pairs, face-name associations and complex visual scenes. A region-of-interest analysis at the individual level comparing novel and repeated stimuli independently for each task was performed. The results of this analysis yielded activations in the hippocampal and parahippocampal regions in most of the participants. Specifically, 95% and 100% of participants showed significant activations in the left hippocampus during the face-name encoding and in the right parahippocampus, respectively, during scene encoding. Additionally, a whole brain analysis, also comparing novel versus repeated stimuli at the group level, showed mainly left frontal activation during the word task. In this group analysis, the face-name association engaged the HP and fusiform gyri bilaterally, along with the left inferior frontal gyrus, and the complex visual scenes activated mainly the parahippocampus and hippocampus bilaterally. In sum, our task design represents a rapid and reliable manner to study and explore MTL activity at the individual level, thus providing a useful tool for future research in clinical memory-related fMRI studies.
In this manuscript, seasonal and spatial trends of water collected from two sampling places in the Preto River in the Turvo-Grande watershed were evaluated. Water samples were collected during June/07 to July/08 and parameters sulphate, total organic carbon, ammonia, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, dissolved total solids and nitrate were quantified. Seasonal trend indicated sanitary effluents as a point source of contamination in both sampling points. Vertical trends demonstrated that the Municipal Dam was not stratified and received a diffuse source of pollutants from flooding and agriculture runoffs. It was also verified that there is relatively fast ammonia consumption kinetics having a half-life time of 1.43 h which can explain the low ammonia concentrations found in these aquatic bodies.
This work aims to study spatial and seasonal variability of some chemical-physical parameters in the Turvo/Grande watershed, São Paulo State, Brazil. Water samples were taken monthly, 2007/07-2008/11, from fourteen sampling stations sited along the Turvo, Preto and Grande Rivers and its main tributaries. The Principal Component Analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis showed two distinct groups in this watershed, the first one associated for the places more impacted by domestic effluent (lower levels of dissolved oxygen in the studied region). The sampling places located to downstream (Turvo and Grande rivers) were discriminate by diffuse source of pollutants from flooding and agriculture runoffs in a second group.
Spatiotemporal pattern formation in reaction-transport systems takes place spontaneously when the system is kept far from thermodynamic equilibrium. Targets, reaction fronts, waves, spirals, spots and stripes are some typical examples of selforganized structuring. In electrochemical systems, monitoring spatiotemporal patterns of potential in the solid/liquid interface can be done by the use of equally distributed microprobes located close to the working electrode. However, the physical size of each probe can limit the spatial resolution and alter mass transport properties. In contrast, the direct measurement of discrete electrodes does not suffer from this limitation and allows the accurate manipulation of the spatial coupling through changes in resistors connected to the electric circuit. In this paper, the development of an electrochemical setup for multichannel data acquisition with spatiotemporal resolution is described, especially to monitor low levels of currents usually observed in the electro-oxidation of small organic molecules.
A evolução de lançamentos e de flores de cupuaçuzeiro (Theobroma grandiflorum) com sintomas de vassoura-de-bruxa e a produção de basidiocarpos do patógeno (Crinipellis perniciosa) foram monitoradas em plantas enxertada e não-enxertadas de um campo experimental no município de Belém, PA. Modelos epidemiológicos (logístico, Gompertz, e as somas logístico + logístico e Gompertz + Gompertz) foram ajustados a curvas de progresso da doença bianuais (1993 e 1994 para incidência da doença em lançamentos e basidiocarpos produzidos nesses lançamentos) e anuais (1994), para incidência da doença em flores e basidiocarpos produzidos nessas flores. A soma de duas equações logísticas apresentou bom ajuste aos dados bianuais e o modelo logístico, aos dados anuais. O início da manifestação dos sintomas esteve, geralmente, associado ao período seco enquanto que a produção de basidiocarpos coincidiu com o período chuvoso. A maior emissão de vassouras-de-bruxa ocorreu de julho a outubro e a maior frutificação, entre maio e julho.
The progress of the severity of southern rust in maize (Zea mays) caused by Puccinia polysora was quantified in staggered plantings in different geographical areas in Brazil, from October to May, over two years (1995-1996 and 1996-1997). The logistic model, fitted to the data, better described the disease progress curves than the Gompertz model. Four components of the disease progress curves (maximum disease severity; area under the disease progress curve, AUDPC; area under the disease progress curve around the inflection point, AUDPCi; and epidemic rate) were used to compare the epidemics in different areas and at different times of planting. The AUDPC, AUDPCi, and the epidemic rate were analyzed in relation to the weather (temperature, relative humidity, hours of relative humidity >90%, and rainfall) and recorded during the trials. Disease severity reached levels greater than 30% in Piracicaba and Guaíra in the plantings between December and January. Lower values of AUDPC occurred in later plantings at both locations. The epidemic rate was positively correlated (P < 0.05) with the mean daily temperatures and negatively correlated with hours of relative humidity >90%. The AUDPC was not correlated with any weather variable. The AUDPCi was negatively related to both variables connected to humidity, but not to rain. Long periods (mostly >13 h day-1) of relative humidity >90% (that corresponded to leaf wetness) occurred in Castro. Severity of southern rust in maize has always been low in Castro, thus the negative correlations between disease and the two humidity variables.
Este trabalho objetivou esclarecer se o progresso da Clorose Variegada dos Citros (CVC) diferia entre três regiões de São Paulo, distintas quanto à incidência da CVC em citrus (Citrus spp.). Foram avaliadas três áreas, Noroeste, Centro e Sul de São Paulo, durante dois anos, em avaliações quinzenais, quando eram mapeadas as plantas sintomáticas. Tentou-se o ajuste de nove modelos ao progresso da doença, além do ajuste de três modelos a segmentos das curvas originais. Foram estimadas também as diferenciais e as diferenciais secundárias de cada curva de progresso. Apenas quando as curvas foram divididas é que foram obtidos bons ajustes aos modelos de progresso. A diferencial (velocidade da doença) e diferencial secundária (aceleração do aparecimento de novas plantas doentes) apresentaram diversos picos ao longo do tempo. Esses picos ocorreram em meses de Primavera e Verão. Levanta-se aqui a hipótese de que os picos de diferencial - incomuns na quantidade encontrada - estejam relacionados a determinados picos de emissão de brotações, já que as novas brotações são o local preferido de alimentação dos vetores de Xylella fastidiosa.
A sarna da macieira, causada por Venturia inaequalis, é uma das principais doenças da cultura. Devido à grande preocupação com os riscos de contaminação ambiental e intoxicação humana, o cultivo orgânico surge como uma alternativa, buscando preservar a qualidade do produto final em relação ao sistema convencional. Com o objetivo de avaliar a epidemiologia da sarna da macieira nos sistemas convencional e orgânico de produção, foi empregada a técnica de análise da dinâmica temporal, nas cultivares Royal Gala e Fuji, nas condições edafo-climáticas do Sul do Brasil. A incidência foi quantificada semanalmente, gerando 16 mapas em cada sistema de produção e quinzenalmente, a severidade da doença foi avaliada em 100 folhas, distribuídas em quatro ramos, de acordo com escala diagramática específica, com 12 repetições. Foram plotadas curvas de progresso da doença e as epidemias comparadas em relação a) início do aparecimento dos sintomas (IAS); b) tempo para atingir a máxima intensidade da doença (TAMID); c) valor máximo de severidade da doença (y max) e d) área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD). Os dados de incidência foram analisados por meio de análise de regressão linear simples, ajustados para três modelos empíricos, Logístico, Monomolecular e Gompertz. As cultivares avaliadas foram suscetíveis à V. inaequalis, com diferenças significativas entre as cultivares e entre os sistemas de produção. Houve maiores níveis de intensidade de doença e taxa de progresso da doença (r) no sistema orgânico que no sistema convencional de produção, sendo que o modelo mais apropriado para descrever a curva de progresso da doença foi o Logístico.
A densidade populacional do ácaro vetor de Citrus leprosis virus (CiLV), Brevipalpus phoenicis, num talhão, é o principal indicador para a tomada de decisão de medidas de controle da leprose dos citros. Há pouca informação sobre o crescimento da incidência de plantas com leprose dos citros isoladamente ou em conjunto com a população do ácaro. Este trabalho teve por objetivo caracterizar o progresso temporal da população de B. phoenicis e da incidência de leprose dos citros e a relação entre essas populações, sob condições naturais de epidemia. Dois talhões de laranja doce, cvs. Valência e Natal, foram monitorados de 2002 a 2004, em intervalos de 22 dias, em média. O crescimento da incidência da doença foi lento e estimativas da taxa de progresso da doença foram bastante baixas, variando de 0,0126 a 0,0448 para 'Valência' e de 0,0044 a 0,0525 para 'Natal'. A quantidade de inóculo inicial nos ramos cresceu significativamente de um ciclo para outro. Ao final do período, a incidência foi de 32% das plantas de 'Valência' e de 6,8% na cv. Natal. Apesar de não ser sistêmica, a leprose dos citros comporta-se como poliética com acúmulo de inóculo de ano para ano, especialmente nos ramos. A incidência não esteve correlacionada com a presença de ácaros na planta em levantamentos anteriores, mas apresentou correlação positiva significativa (P<0,001) com a própria incidência da doença registrada anteriormente. Isto indica que a presença de sintomas, e não somente a de ácaros, deve ser considerada em amostragens visando controle da doença.