899 resultados para currency hedging


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This study proposes a new method for testing for the presence of momentum in nominal exchange rates, using a probabilistic approach. We illustrate our methodology estimating a binary response model using information on local currency / US dollar exchange rates of eight emerging economies. After controlling for important variables a§ecting the behavior of exchange rates in the short-run, we show evidence of exchange rate inertia; in other words, we Önd that exchange rate momentum is a common feature in this group of emerging economies, and thus foreign exchange traders participating in these markets are able to make excess returns by following technical analysis strategies. We Önd that the presence of momentum is asymmetric, being stronger in moments of currency depreciation than of appreciation. This behavior may be associated with central bank intervention


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A finales del Siglo XX, Colombia se encontraba en un escenario bastante complicado en relación con la situación del país en años anteriores. Todo esto, debido a que el país se vio afligido por una serie de situaciones adversas: el desempleo, la violencia y catástrofes naturales, fueron una de las muchas cosas que generaron un grave periodo de recesión en el país. Frente a estos desafortunados acontecimientos, y en búsqueda de propiciar y fortalecer la economía del país, el Gobierno decide en su momento, intervenir en la economía local, principalmente en el Sector Privado, con el fin de normalizar la actividad productiva del país en todos los sectores económico. Para esto, el Gobierno en conjunto con la Superintendencia de Sociedades y teniendo en cuenta la devaluación de la moneda, las altas tasas de interés que existían en ese entonces, y, la disminución de la demanda, deciden desarrollar mecanismos de conciliación tanto para los deudores como para los acreedores con el fin de reactivar la economía y mejorar la situación financiera y contable del sector productivo y de servicios, con el fin de superar la crisis en la que se encontraban sumergidos en ese entonces. La ley 550, constituida en el año 1999 y también conocida como la Ley de Insolvencia Económica, otorgo herramientas para la reestructuración de empresas que decidieron acogerse a dicha ley, a un total de 1.323 empresas que se encontraban en proceso de liquidación. Para poder acceder a este proceso de reestructuración, además de cumplir con ciertos requisitos que se mencionaran posteriormente, las empresas que podían acceder a esta ley, debían encontrarse en mora en el pago de 2 o más obligaciones por un periodo mayor a noventa días, o, se debían encontrar envueltas en por lo menos 2 demandas ejecutivas por mora en el pago de cualquier deuda adquirida en nombre de dichas empresas.


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Bank managers often claim that equity is expensive, which contradicts the Modigliani-Miller irrelevance theorem. An opaque bank must signal its solvency by paying high and stable dividends in order to keep depositors tranquil. This signalling may require costly liquidations if the return on assets has been poor, but not paying the dividend might trigger a run. A strongly capitalized bank should keep substantial amounts of risk-free yet non-productive currency because the number of shares is high, which is costly. The dividend is informative of the state of the bank; rational depositors react to it.


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La presente monografía busca explicar el proceso a través del cual China, en calidad de potencia en el Sudeste Asiático, ha implementado reglas a su favor en las cuales su moneda y la competitividad de sus productos han resultado beneficiados. De esta manera, la teoría de la Estabilidad Hegemónica de Robert Gilpin, la cual plantea que los Estados poderosos buscan crear regímenes internacionales con el fin de promover sus propios intereses, es un instrumento para analizar una serie de acciones que China ha emprendido que van encaminadas a la progresiva liberalización de su moneda y a brindar un ambiente cada vez más confiable para incentivar el libre comercio en la región, con el fin de implementar un régimen monetario y comercial acorde con sus intereses.


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Salgado analiza cómo algunos cambios ocurridos en las condiciones de la economía mundial, durante las últimas décadas, han incidido sobre el funcionamiento de las economías nacionales y por ende en los esquemas de integración, lo que lleva a plantearse la necesidad de repensar el modelo hasta ahora seguido por la CAN. Dichos cambios son: la internacionalización de la producción, la internacionalización y desregulación financieras, vigencia de monedas fiduciarias, cambios profundos en la composición de la producción, una profunda reestructuración geográfica con la emergencia de los países asiáticos como polos de desarrollo y crecimiento y la presencia de elevados riesgos ambientales.


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Los procesos de cambio que propiciaron la adopción del dólar como moneda única en el Ecuador, si bien fueron devastadores en la economía, dieron la oportunidad de establecer nuevas políticas a través de las cuales se logró la apertura de la economía nacional a lo que se denomina “globalización”, rigiéndose por el libre mercado, lo que obligar a revisar y modificar las legislaciones de los países que forman parte de esta libre economía y comercio para enmarcarlas dentro de los lineamientos actuales y evitar conflictos normativos y económicos al momento de realizar las transacciones. En el Ecuador la adopción del dólar significó la pérdida en la toma de decisiones de tipo monetario, sin embargo, no quedaron rezagadas las relaciones comerciales a nivel mundial, y se tomaron medidas para fortalecer el Servicio de Rentas Internas (SRI), mejorando las políticas y sistemas para evitar la evasión fiscal.


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This paper focuses upon the policy and institutional change that has taken place within the Argentine electricity market since the country’s economic and social crisis of 2001/2. As one of the first less developed countries (LDCs) to liberalise and privatise its electricity industry, Argentina has since moved away from the orthodox market model after consumer prices were frozen by the Government in early 2002 when the national currency was devalued by 70%. Although its reforms were widely praised during the 1990s, the electricity market has undergone a number of interventions, ostensibly to keep consumer prices low and to avert the much-discussed energy ‘crisis’ caused by a dearth of new investment combined with rising demand levels. This paper explores how the economic crisis and its consequences have both enabled and legitimised these policy and institutional amendments, while drawing upon the specifics of the post-neoliberal market ‘re-reforms’ to consider the extent to which the Government appears to be moving away from market-based prescriptions. In addition, this paper contributes to sector-specific understandings of how, despite these changes, neoliberal ideas and assumptions continue to dominate Argentine public policy well beyond the postcrisis era.


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The recently formulated metabolic theory of ecology has profound implications for the evolution of life histories. Metabolic rate constrains the scaling of production with body mass, so that larger organisms have lower rates of production on a mass-specific basis than smaller ones. Here, we explore the implications of this constraint for life-history evolution. We show that for a range of very simple life histories, Darwinian fitness is equal to birth rate minus death rate. So, natural selection maximizes birth and production rates and minimizes death rates. This implies that decreased body size will generally be favored because it increases production, so long as mortality is unaffected. Alternatively, increased body size will be favored only if it decreases mortality or enhances reproductive success sufficiently to override the preexisting production constraint. Adaptations that may favor evolution of larger size include niche shifts that decrease mortality by escaping predation or that increase fecundity by exploiting new abundant food sources. These principles can be generalized to better understand the intimate relationship between the genetic currency of evolution and the metabolic currency of ecology.


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There is growing evidence that, rather than maximizing energy intake subject to constraints, many animals attempt to regulate intake of multiple nutrients independently. In the complex diets of animals such as herbivores, the consumption of nutritionally imbalanced foods is sometimes inevitable, forcing trade-offs between eating too much of nutrients present in the foods in relative excess against too little of those in deficit. Such situations are not adequately represented in existing formulations of foraging theory. Here we provide the necessary theory to fit this case, using an approach that combines state-space models of nutrition with Tilman's models of resource exploitation (Tilman 1982, Resource Competition and Community Structure, Princeton: Princeton University Press). Our approach was to construct a smooth fitness landscape over nutrient space, centred on a 'target' intake at which no fitness cost is incurred, and this leads to a natural classification of the simple possible fitness landscapes based on Taylor series approximations of landscape shape. We next examined how needs for multiple nutrients can be assessed experimentally using direct measures of animal performance as the common currency, so that the nutritional strategies of animals can be mapped on to the performance surface, including the position of regulated points of intake and points of nutrient balance when fed suboptimal foods. We surveyed published data and conducted an experiment to map out the performance landscape of a generalist leaf-feeding caterpillar, Spodoptera littoralis. (C) 2004 Tire Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Poblished by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The River Lugg has particular problems with high sediment loads that have resulted in detrimental impacts on ecology and fisheries. A new dynamic, process-based model of hydrology and sediments (INCA- SED) has been developed and applied to the River Lugg system using an extensive data set from 1995–2008. The model simulates sediment sources and sinks throughout the catchment and gives a good representation of the sediment response at 22 reaches along the River Lugg. A key question considered in using the model is the management of sediment sources so that concentrations and bed loads can be reduced in the river system. Altogether, five sediment management scenarios were selected for testing on the River Lugg, including land use change, contour tillage, hedging and buffer strips. Running the model with parameters altered to simulate these five scenarios produced some interesting results. All scenarios achieved some reduction in sediment levels, with the 40% land use change achieving the best result with a 19% reduction. The other scenarios also achieved significant reductions of between 7% and 9%. Buffer strips produce the best result at close to 9%. The results suggest that if hedge introduction, contour tillage and buffer strips were all applied, sediment reductions would total 24%, considerably improving the current sediment situation. We present a novel cost-effectiveness analysis of our results where we use percentage of land removed from production as our cost function. Given the minimal loss of land associated with contour tillage, hedges and buffer strips, we suggest that these management practices are the most cost-effective combination to reduce sediment loads.


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This paper, examines whether the asset holdings and weights of an international real estate portfolio using exchange rate adjusted returns are essentially the same or radically different from those based on unadjusted returns. The results indicate that the portfolio compositions produced by exchange rate adjusted returns are markedly different from those based on unadjusted returns. However following the introduction of the single currency the differences in portfolio composition are much less pronounced. The findings have a practical consequence for the investor because they suggest that following the introduction of the single currency international investors can concentrate on the real estate fundamentals when making their portfolio choices, rather than worry about the implications of exchange rate risk.


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There is widespread evidence that the volatility of stock returns displays an asymmetric response to good and bad news. This article considers the impact of asymmetry on time-varying hedges for financial futures. An asymmetric model that allows forecasts of cash and futures return volatility to respond differently to positive and negative return innovations gives superior in-sample hedging performance. However, the simpler symmetric model is not inferior in a hold-out sample. A method for evaluating the models in a modern risk-management framework is presented, highlighting the importance of allowing optimal hedge ratios to be both time-varying and asymmetric.


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This paper builds upon previous research on currency bands, and provides a model for the Colombian peso. Stochastic differential equations are combined with information related to the Colombian currency band to estimate competing models of the behaviour of the Colombian peso within the limits of the currency band. The resulting moments of the density function for the simulated returns describe adequately most of the characteristics of the sample returns data. The factor included to account for the intra-marginal intervention performed to drive the rate towards the Central Parity accounts only for 6.5% of the daily change, which supports the argument that intervention, if performed by the Central Bank, it is not directed to push the currency towards the limits. Moreover, the credibility of the Colombian Central Bank, Banco de la República’s ability to defend the band seems low.


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In this paper we examine the order of integration of EuroSterling interest rates by employing techniques that can allow for a structural break under the null and/or alternative hypothesis of the unit-root tests. In light of these results, we investigate the cointegrating relationship implied by the single, linear expectations hypothesis of the term structure of interest rates employing two techniques, one of which allows for the possibility of a break in the mean of the cointegrating relationship. The aim of the paper is to investigate whether or not the interest rate series can be viewed as I(1) processes and furthermore, to consider whether there has been a structural break in the series. We also determine whether, if we allow for a break in the cointegration analysis, the results are consistent with those obtained when a break is not allowed for. The main results reported in this paper support the conjecture that the ‘short’ Euro-currency rates are characterised as I(1) series that exhibit a structural break on or near Black Wednesday, 16 September 1992, whereas the ‘long’ rates are I(1) series that do not support the presence of a structural break. The evidence from the cointegration analysis suggests that tests of the expectations hypothesis based on data sets that include the ERM crisis period, or a period that includes a structural break, might be problematic if the structural break is not explicitly taken into account in the testing framework.


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European economic and political integration have been recognised as having implications for patterns of performance in national real estate and capital markets and have generated a wide body of research and commentary. In 1999, progress towards monetary integration within the European Union culminated in the introduction of a common currency and monetary policy. This paper investigates the effects of this ‘event’ on the behaviour of stock returns in European real estate companies. A range of statistical tests is applied to the performance of European property companies to test for changes in segmentation, co-movement and causality. The results suggest that, relative to the wider equity markets, the dispersion of performance is higher, correlations are lower, a common contemporaneous factor has much lower explanatory power whilst lead-lag relationships are stronger. Consequently, the evidence of transmission of monetary integration to real estate securities is less noticeable than to general securities. Less and slower integration is attributed to the relatively small size of the real estate securities market and the local and national nature of the majority of the companies’ portfolios.