992 resultados para consumer attitude


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Cet article examine les complications juridiques mises de l’avant par la récente étude « Credibility on the Web » publiée par le groupe Consumers International. Selon cette étude, plusieurs sites n’étant affiliés à aucun manufacturier ou vendeur font leur apparition sur le Web afin d’offrir aux consommateurs certaines informations générales concernant divers produits et services. Malheureusement, puisque ces sites sont gérés par des tiers n’étant pas partie à la relation consommateur-commerçant, une nouvelle problématique juridique peut être mise de l’avant : quelle protection accorder aux consommateurs eu égard à leurs achats effectués suite aux mauvais conseils de ces sites ? Ce texte vise à mettre sur pied les fondements d’une telle problématique selon le droit de la consommation québécois et à envisager certaines pistes de solutions possibles concernant les recours que pourraient avoir les consommateurs contre de tels sites.


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Le conseil épicurien d’éviter la participation politique a reçu maintes interprétations, souvent obscures et mal fondées. L’attitude apolitique ne peut être définie comme un simple manque d’intérêt ou de préoccupation pour la politique ; en effet, selon l’opinion de Pierre Hadot, la philosophie ancienne est profondément ancrée dans l’existence et les doctrines philosophiques n’acquièrent de l’importance que lorsqu’elles assistent le praxis. L’attitude d’Épicure est donc enracinée dans le refus de vivre selon des normes prescrites par l’établissement politique. Selon lui, la politique traditionnelle est vouée à l’échec puisqu’elle poursuit aveuglément le pouvoir et la richesse. En réaction à cette situation, Épicure crée une communauté qui instaure de nouvelles valeurs et au sein de laquelle il est possible de vivre conformément à ces nouvelles valeurs. Se situant en totale opposition aux modes de vie les plus fondamentaux de la cité, les adeptes d’Épicure, s’ils participaient à la vie politique, déclencheraient une grande hostilité de la part des partisans des valeurs traditionnelles. Pour cette raison, l’attitude épicurienne peut d’abord représenter une manière d’éviter la persécution politique. De plus, s’il est admis que la politique implique la poursuite du pouvoir, les épicuriens ne peuvent s’y adonner puisque cela serait contradictoire à leur quête d’ataraxie. À tous égards et indépendamment de ces deux motifs justifiant le retrait de la vie politique, il est clair que si l’attitude d’Épicure ne reposait pas sur une conscience politique, alors, ses critiques à l’égard de la vie politique, son désir de s’y soustraire et la création d’une communauté distincte n’auraient pas été. La politique a le pouvoir de profondément modeler la vie des gens. Considérant que ce conditionnement s’appuie sur des valeurs malsaines, le projet épicurien s’applique donc à remodeler, à la lumière de nouvelles valeurs, la vie de ceux qui ne trouvent aucune satisfaction à poursuivre la vie de la cité.


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Department of Applied Economics, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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Farm communication and extension programs are vital part of the farm development attempts. Electronic media plays a major role in farm extension activities. Kerala, the consumer state, which was a complete agricultural state in pre-independence period, is the sprouting land of agricultural extension and publication activities in print media. Later AIR (All India Radio) farm programs and farm broadcasting of Doordarshan enriched the role of electronic media in farm extension activities. The media saturated southern state of India received this new electronic media farm communication revolution whole heartedly. However, after 1990, Kerala witnessed a flood of private T V channels and currently there are 24 channels in this regional language, named Malayalam. All major news and entertainment channels are broadcasting farm programs. Farm programs of AIR and Doordarshan, broadcasted in Malayalam language, have been well accepted to the farmers‘ in Kerala. However, post-independence period, witnessed the formation of Kerala state in Indian Union and the first ballot-elected communist Government started its administration. After the land reform bills, the state witnessed a gradual decrease in agricultural production. Even if it is not reflected much in the attitude and practices of farm community and farm broadcast of traditional electronic broadcasting, a change is observable after the post-liberalization era of India. Private Television channels, which were focused on entertainment value of programs, started broadcasting farm programs and the parameters of program production went through certain changes. In this situation, there is ample relevance for a study about the farm programs of electronic media in terms of a comparative study of audience perception. The study is limited in the state of Kerala as it is the most media saturated state in India. The study analyzes the rate, nature and scope of adoption of farming methods transmitted through electronic media (T.V. and Radio) in Malayalam language.All kinds of Farm programs including comprehensive program serials, success stories, seasonal cropping methods, experts opinion, been analyzed on the basis of the following objectives.  To find whether propagating new farm methods through farm programs in electronic media or the availability of adequate infrastructure and economic factors make a farmer to adopt a new farming method.  To find which electronic media has more influence on farmers to adopt agricultural programs.  To find which form of electronic media gets better feedback from farmers  To find out whether the programs of T.V. or Radio is more acceptable to farmers than the print media.  To find whether farmers gets the message through their preferred medium for the message. The researcher recorded opinions from a panel of agricultural officers, farm Information officers, agro extension researchers and experts. According to their opinions and guidelines, a pilot study is designed and conducted in Kanjikuzhy Panchayath, in Alappuzha district, Kerala. The Panchayath is selected by considering its ideal nature of being the sample for a social Science research. Besides, the nature of farming in the Panchayath, which devoid of the cultivation of cash crops also supported its sample value. As per the observations from the pilot study, researcher confirmed the Triangulation method as the methodology of research. The questionnaire survey, being the primary part contained 42 Questions with 6 independent and 32 dependent variables. The survey is conducted among 400 respondents in Idukki, Alappuzha and Pathanamthitta districts considering geographical differences and distribution of different types of crops. The response from a total of 360 respondents, 120 from each district, finally selected for tabulation and data analysis.The data analysis, based on percentage analysis, along with the results from focus group discussion among a selected group of 20 farmers, together produced the results as follows. Farmers, who are the audience of farm programs, have a very serious approach towards the medium. They are maintaining a critical point of view towards the content of the programs. Farmers are reasonably aware about the financial side of the programs and the monitory aspirations of both private and Government owned Television channels. Even though, the farmers are not aware on the technical terminology and jargons, they have ideas about success stories, program serials and they are even informed about channels are not maintaining an audience research section like AIR. Though the farmers accept Doordarshan as the credential source of farm information and methods, they are inclined to the entertainment value of programs too. They prefer to have more entertainment value for the programs of Doordarshan. Surprisingly, they have very solid suggestions on even about the shots which add entertainment value to the farm broadcasting methods of Doordarshan. Farmers are very much aware about the fact that media is just an instrument for inspiration and persuasion. They strongly believe that the source of information and new methods is agricultural research and an effective change happens only when there are adequate infrastructure and marketing facilities, along with the proper support from Government agricultural guideline and support systems like Krishi Bhavans. They strongly believe that media alone cannot create any magic in increasing agricultural production. Farmers are pointing out the lack of response to the feedback and queries of farmers on farming methods, as an evidence for the difference in levels of commitment of Government and private owned Television channels.Farmers are still perceiving AIR farm programs are far more committed to farmers and farming than any other electronic medium. However, they are seriously lacking Radio receivers with medium wave reception facility. Farmers perceive that the farming methods on new crops are more adoptable than the farming methods of traditional crops in both private and Government owned Television channels. There are multiple factors behind this observation from farmers. Farmers changed in terms of viewing habits and they prefer success stories, which are totally irrelevant and they even think that such stories encourage people to go for farming and they opined that such stories are good sources of inspiration. However, they are all very much sure about the importance and particular about the presence of entertainment factor even in farm programs. Farmers expect direct interaction of any expert of the new farming method to implement the method in their agriculture practices. Though introduction of a new idea in the T.V. is acceptable, farmers need the direct instruction of expert on field to start implementing the new farming practices Farmers still have an affinity towards print media reports and agricultural pages and they have complaints to print media on the removal of agricultural information pages from news papers. They prefer the reports in print media as it facilitates them to collect and refer articles when they need it. Farmers are having an eye of doubt about the credibility of farm programs by private T.V. channels. Even if they prefer private Television channels for listening and adopting new farming methods and other farm information, they scrutinize programs to know whether they are sponsored programs by agrochemical or agro-fertilizer manufacturer.


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The study was an attempt to find out the effect of Sales Promotion,Price and Premium Promotion,on Consumer Based Brand Equity.The dimensions of consumer Based Brand Equity under study were Brand Awareness and Associations,Perceived Quality and Brand Loyalty.The Product categories under study were Convenience Products,shopping Products and Specialty Products and the product classes taken were Toothpastes,Colour Television and Athletic Shoes.The brands under study were Convenience Products-Anchor,Closeup,Colgate and Dabur:Shopping products-LG,Onida,Samsung and Sony and Specialty Products-Action,Adidas,Nike and Reebok.The primary objective of the study was to examine the effect of Sales Promotion,Price and Premium Promotion,on Consumer Based Brand Equity(CBBE)


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The overall focus of the thesis involves the legal protection for consumers of pharmaceutical products.The work on “Legal Protection for Consumers of Pharmaceutical Products” is undertaken to study the legal framework that is existing for this purpose and the functioning of regulating mechanism that is envisaged under it. The purpose of the study is to analyse how far these measures are effective in adequately protecting various aspects of consumer interest. Methodology adopted for the study is analytical.The present study revealed that the theory of freedom of contract is only an ideal relevant when the parties are assumed to be on equal footing.In a more complicated social and economic society, it ceased to have any relevance. Many countries in the world enacted legislations to protect the consumers of pharmaceutical products.The meaning of ‘consumers of drugs’ provided in the law is inclusive and not exhaustive one. The definition of ‘drug’ as interpreted by the courts is comprehensive enough to take in it not only medicines but also substances. The meaning of the word substances has been widened by the interpretation of the courts so as to include all the things used in treatment.The definition of the word ‘consumer’ has been liberally interpreted by the courts so as to provide protective net to a large section of the public.The studies subsequent to this report also revealed that there is a shortage of essential drugs necessary to cure local diseases like tuberculosis and malaria where as drugs containing vitamins and other combinations which are more profitable for the manufacturers are produced and marketed in abundance.The study of the provisions in this regard revealed that the duty of the drug controlling authorities is confined to scrutinize the data of the clinical test already conducted by the sponsor of the drug.Study of the clinical trial procedure under the U.S. law revealed that there is a continuous supervision over clinical trials and controls are provided on the treatment use of an investigational productStudy of the clinical trial procedure under the U.S. law revealed that there is a continuous supervision over clinical trials and controls are provided on the treatment use of an investigational product.the study of the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act and the rules framed under it revealed that the law in this regard is comprehensive to protect the consumer provided it is sufficiently supported by adequately equipped enforcement machinery.


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This is a study on “Professional Services: Civil Liability for Deficiency”. This study is made with special reference to medical profession. The importance of qualitative professional services does not require any emphasis. It is a matter of great concern for the people as they are consumers.This study is divided into 12 chapters. The introductory chapter deals with characteristics of profession, basis of professional liability and international efforts to check abuse of position by professional men. Consumers as laymen can not perceive the intricacies of professional services. As a result professional men could misuse their superior position to expose consumers to hardship through deficient services. This is obvious from the fact that deficiency in professional services has assumed a menacing proportion. It is indicative of failure of internal control through self-regulation to check the abuse of position by the professional men. The professional bodies entrusted with the task of enforcing disciplinary measures show a very callous and indifferent attitude towards the repressive conduct of their members. These bodies are more concerned to protect the interest of their members. They are not free from institutional bias. They have put the interest of consumers into oblivion. In effect remedies through professional bodies has become a myth. All these factors make the external control of professional services mandatory to protect the consumers from the clutches of unscrupulous professional men, who abuse their superior position. The professional men who abuse their position are exposed to liability. Their liability arises under contract, tort and statutory law. The present study substantially concentrates on professional liability of medical men. The obvious reason is that of all professional services medical services are the frequently availed services by the consumers. Medical negligence cases account for bulk of the professional negligence cases. ln India also large number of cases are coming before consumer forae. The legal principles evolved in this sphere of professional service confers an insight into legal control of other professional services as well. The same principles are applied to other professions also, as by and large all the professions share common characteristics. Such principles are modified wherever necessary to make room for differential aspects of particular profession


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This research work was to study the level of awareness of consumers about health insurance concept and market, consumer perceptions about health insurance providers, schemes and various factors that influence buying decision of health insurance. There is need to bring entire age group – high risk and low risk under health insurance cover. Widening the cover of health insurance calls for indepth understanding of consumer thinking and extensive marketing efforts based on that. Hence the study of consumer perceptions and the impact of different contributing factors on consumer purchase decision assume significance to the marketer. Understanding the consumer thinking on health insurance will also be of relevance to governmental/non governmental agencies, as affordable health care to all is a policy objective of the government and new schemes are being launched in this area.


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Globalization and liberalization, with the entry of many prominent foreign manufacturers, changed the automobile scenario in India, since early 1990‟s. Manufacturers such as Ford, General Motors, Honda, Toyota, Suzuki, Hyundai, Renault, Mitsubishi, Benz, BMW, Volkswagen and Nissan set up their manufacturing units in India in joint venture with their Indian counterpart companies, by making use of the Foreign Direct Investment policy of the Government of India, These manufacturers started capturing the hearts of Indian car customers with their choice of technological and innovative product features, with quality and reliability. With the multiplicity of choices available to the Indian passenger car buyers, it drastically changed the way the car purchase scenario in India and particularly in the State of Kerala. This transformed the automobile scene from a sellers‟ market to buyers‟ market. Car customers started developing their own personal preferences and purchasing patterns, which were hitherto unknown in the Indian automobile segment. The main purpose of this paper is to come up with the identification of possible parameters and a framework development, that influence the consumer purchase behaviour patterns of passenger car owners in the State of Kerala, so that further research could be done, based on the framework and the identified parameters


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Automobile Industry in India is influenced by the presence of national and multi-national manufacturers. The presence of many manufacturers and brands in the state provides many choices to the customer. The current market for car manufacturers has been transformed from a monopoly of one or two manufacturers in the seventies to oligopoly of many manufacturers in the current marketing scenario. The main objective of the research paper is to explore and conceptualize various parameters and develop a model, which influence the purchase patterns of passenger cars in the State of Kerala. Thus, the main purpose of this paper is to come up with a model, which shall facilitate further study on the consumer purchase behaviour patterns of passenger car owners in the State of Kerala, India. The author intends to undertake further quantitative analysis to verify and validate the model so developed. The main methods used for this paper are secondary research on available material, depth interview of car dealers, car financing agencies and car owners in the city of Cochin, in Kerala State in India. The depth interviews were conducted with the use of prepared questionnaire for car dealers, car customers and car financing agencies. The findings resulted in the identification of the parameters that influence the consumer purchase behaviour of passenger cars and the formulation of the model, which will be the basis for the further research of the author. The paper will be of tremendous value to the existing and new car manufacturers both indigenous and foreign, to formalize and strategies their policies towards an effective marketing strategy, so as to market their models in the State, which is known for its high literacy, consumerism and higher educational penetration


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The tough competition in the global and national markets and new trends in consumerism resulted in an increase in the volume of advertisements. Sometimes advertisers are successful in achieving their intended objectives with a particular advertisement and sometimes they are not .These factors contributed a lot towards the decision making problems of advertising agencies with regard to the selection of appropriate advertising strategies and tactics. The tough competition and large volume of advertising make the consumers confused and this even created doubts in the minds of consumers about the genuineness and reliability of manufacturers and products. These factors caused a query regarding the active role of credibility element in advertising. The proposed study examines the effects of advertising credibility in consumer health care non durable product advertising on communication effect, purchase behavior and ad skepticism. This paper examines the need for the study of advertising credibility and reviews the advertising- consumer behaviour- credibility – healthcare theories which form a basis for the study. It identifies the different components and dimensions of advertising credibility and the importance of communication effect, purchase behavior and ad skepticism. It also studies the relevance of credibility in the consumer healthcare products advertising and suggests a Theoretical Framework for the proposed study


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Globalization and liberalization, with the entry of many prominent foreign manufacturers, changed the automobile scenario in India, since early 1990’s. World Leaders in automobile manufacturing such as Ford, General Motors, Honda, Toyota, Suzuki, Hyundai, Renault, Mitsubishi, Benz, BMW, Volkswagen and Nissan set up their manufacturing units in India in joint venture with their Indian counterpart companies, by making use of the Foreign Direct Investment policy of the Government of India, These manufacturers started capturing the hearts of Indian car customers with their choice of technological and innovative product features, with quality and reliability. With the multiplicity of choices available to the Indian passenger car buyers, it drastically changed the way the car purchase scenario in India and particularly in the State of Kerala. This transformed the automobile scene from a sellers’ market to buyers’ market. Car customers started developing their own personal preferences and purchasing patterns, which were hitherto unknown in the Indian automobile segment. The main purpose of this paper is to develop a model with major variables, which influence the consumer purchase behaviour of passenger car owners in the State of Kerala. Though there are innumerable studies conducted in other countries, there are very few thesis and research work conducted to study the consumer behaviour of the passenger car industry in India and specifically in the State of Kerala. The results of the research contribute to the practical knowledge base of the automobile industry, specifically to the passenger car segment. It has also a great contributory value addition to the manufacturers and dealers for customizing their marketing plans in the State


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Globalization and liberalization, with the entry of many prominent foreign manufacturers, changed the automobile scenario in India, since early 1990’s. World Leaders in automobile manufacturing such as Ford, General Motors, Honda, Toyota, Suzuki, Hyundai, Renault, Mitsubishi, Benz, BMW, Volkswagen and Nissan set up their manufacturing units in India in joint venture with their Indian counterpart companies, by making use of the Foreign Direct Investment policy of the Government of India, These manufacturers started capturing the hearts of Indian car customers with their choice of technological and innovative product features, with quality and reliability. With the multiplicity of choices available to the Indian passenger car buyers, it drastically changed the way the car purchase scenario in India and particularly in the State of Kerala. This transformed the automobile scene from a sellers’ market to buyers’ market. Car customers started developing their own personal preferences and purchasing patterns, which were hitherto unknown in the Indian automobile segment. The main purpose of this paper is to come up with the identification of possible parameters and a framework development, that influence the consumer purchase behaviour patterns of passenger car owners in the State of Kerala, so that further research could be done, based on the framework and the identified parameters.


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Im Rahmen der Arbeit wird den Fragen nachgegangen, inwiefern der Konsum von Öko-Lebensmitteln in Familien mit Kindern im zeitlichen Verlauf Veränderungen unterliegt und worin Veränderungen im Öko-Lebensmittelkonsum in Familien mit Kindern begründet sind. Aus den hierzu gewonnenen Erkenntnissen werden Schlussfolgerungen für die Konsumentenforschung und das Marketing von Öko-Produkten gezogen. Theoretische Grundlage stellen der Familienzyklus sowie Forschungsergebnisse zum Konsumentenverhalten in Familien und zum Konsum von Öko-Lebensmitteln in Familien dar. Für die empirische Bearbeitung der Forschungsfragen wurde ein qualitatives Forschungsdesign gewählt. Der Forschungsprozess gliederte sich in drei Wellen der Datenerhebung und -auswertung. Im Rahmen dessen wurden Eltern mithilfe problemzentrierter Interviews zur Entwicklung des Öko-Konsums in ihren Familien befragt. Die Interviews wurden computergestützt und in Anlehnung an die Kodierprozeduren offenes und axiales Kodieren der Grounded Theory ausgewertet. Ergebnis der Datenanalyse sind drei Zusammenhangsmodelle, die zu einer Erklärung von Veränderungen im Öko-Lebensmittelkonsum von Familien beitragen. Veränderungen können demnach erstens in einer Erhöhung der Konsumintensität während einer Schwangerschaft bestehen. Als Bedingungen hierfür konnten ein verstärktes Bewusstsein für Öko-Produkte, die körperliche Konstitution der Mutter sowie die Unterstützung durch die soziale Umwelt identifiziert werden. Weitere Bedingungen stellen Lebensmittelskandale sowie eine gute Verfügbarkeit von Öko-Produkten dar. Handlungsstrategien der Eltern beziehen sich auf das Wohlergehen des noch ungeborenen Kindes (Förderung der Gesundheit, Erhalten der zukünftigen Lebenswelt, Orientierung für die spätere Ernährung des Kindes) sowie auf das Wohlergehen der werdenden Mutter (Förderung der Gesundheit, Förderung des Wohlbefindens, Umgang mit schwangerschaftsbedingten Beschwerden). Zweitens können Veränderungen des Öko-Lebensmittelkonsums in einer Erhöhung der Konsumintensität ab dem Zeitpunkt der Umstellung der Ernährung eines Kindes auf eine Beikosternährung bestehen. Bedingungen hierfür sind eine verstärkte Beachtung von Öko-Produkten, die körperliche Konstitution des Kindes, die Abstimmung von Familien- und Baby-Kost, der Austausch mit und die Unterstützung durch die soziale Umwelt sowie der Wunsch von Eltern, einen Beitrag zum Öko-Landbau zu liefern. Bedingungen können außerdem eine gute Verfügbarkeit von Öko-Produkten sowie der Einfluss von Medien darstellen. Handlungsstrategien der Eltern beziehen sich auf die Ernährung des Kindes (Förderung der Gesundheit, Förderung der Geschmackssozialisation) und auf die Ernährung der restlichen Familie (effiziente Beschaffung und Verwendung von Lebensmitteln, Förderung des Wohlbefindens der Eltern). Drittens können Veränderungen im Öko-Lebensmittelkonsum in Familien in einem Rückgang der Konsumintensität während des Übergangs von Kindern ins Jugendalter bestehen. Bedingungen hierfür bestehen in der Konsequenz, mit der Eltern konventionellen Lebensmittelwünschen ihrer Kinder nachgeben, in der Beurteilung von Lebensmitteln durch die Eltern sowie in der Intensität, mit der Kinder ihre Wünsche einfordern. Handlungsstrategien der Eltern sind darauf ausgerichtet Kindern einen Wunsch zu erfüllen, sich gegenüber diesen liberal zu verhalten, Konflikte mit Kindern zu vermeiden oder diese ihre eigenen Erfahrungen sammeln zu lassen. Die Ergebnisse tragen zu einer theoretischen Fundierung des Zusammenhangs zwischen Familienzyklus und dem Öko-Lebensmittelkonsum in Familien bei und zeigen, dass dieser ein sinnvolles theoretisches Bezugssystem für Veränderungen der Konsumintensität von Öko-Produkten darstellt. Für die Konsumentenforschung tragen die Ergebnisse zu einem differenzierten Verständnis von Ober- und Untergrenzen von Familienzyklusstadien bei. Es zeigt sich weiterhin, dass Veränderungen des Öko-Konsums unter anderem unter dem Einfluss der sozialen Umwelt stehen. Im Hinblick auf das Marketing kann insbesondere geschlussfolgert werden, dass bei bestimmten Produktkategorien die Bedürfnisse jugendlicher Zielgruppen verstärkt berücksichtigt werden sollten. Zur Bindung junger Familien ist darauf hinzuwirken, einen Mehraufwand bei der Beschaffung von Öko-Produkten auszuschließen. Für die Ansprache der Zielgruppe Schwangere erscheinen Kommunikationsbotschaften geeignet, die sich auf das Wohlbefinden von Kind und Mutter und auf Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte beziehen. Eltern mit Kindern im Übergang zu einer Beikosternährung könnten gezielt durch Kommunikationsbotschaften angesprochen werden, die in Zusammenhang mit der Förderung der Gesundheit und der Geschmacksozialisation von Kindern stehen.