602 resultados para cholinergic antinociception
Indirect immunofluorescence methods using a mouse monoclonal antibody raised to rat choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) revealed dense networks of ChAT-immunoreactive fibers in the superior cervical ganglion, the stellate ganglion, and the celiac superior mesenteric ganglion of the rat. Numerous and single ChAT-immunoreactive cell bodies were observed in the stellate and superior cervical ganglia, respectively. The majority of ChAT-immunoreactive fibers in the stellate and superior cervical ganglia were nitric oxide synthase (NOS) positive. Some ChAT-immunoreactive fibers contained enkephalin-like immunoreactivity. Virtually all ChAT-positive cell bodies in the stellate ganglion were vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-positive, and some were calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-positive. After transection of the cervical sympathetic trunk almost all ChAT- and NOS-positive fibers and most enkephalin- and CGRP-positive fibers disappeared in the superior cervical ganglion. The results suggest that most preganglionic fibers are cholinergic and that the majority of these in addition can release nitric oxide, some enkephalin, and a few CGRP. Acetylcholine, VIP, and CGRP are coexisting messenger molecules in some postganglionic sympathetic neurons.
While previous studies have demonstrated that synaptotagmin plays an essential role in evoked neurotransmitter release, it has been difficult to determine whether it acts to facilitate or inhibit release. To address this question, we used acute genetic manipulations to alter the expression of synaptotagmin in Aplysia neurons. Transient overexpression of synaptotagmin in acutely dissected cholinergic neurons and in cultured glutaminergic neurons decreased the amplitude of the excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) by 32% and 26%, respectively. In contrast, treatment of cultured presynaptic neurons with synaptotagmin antisense oligonucleotides increased the amplitude of the EPSP by 50-75%. These results are consistent with a role of synaptotagmin as an inhibitor of release.
Grafts of favorable axonal growth substrates were combined with transient nerve growth factor (NGF) infusions to promote morphological and functional recovery in the adult rat brain after lesions of the septohippocampal projection. Long-term septal cholinergic neuronal rescue and partial hippocampal reinnervation were achieved, resulting in partial functional recovery on a simple task assessing habituation but not on a more complex task assessing spatial reference memory. Control animals that received transient NGF infusions without axonal-growth-promoting grafts lacked behavioral recovery but also showed long-term septal neuronal rescue. These findings indicate that (i) partial recovery from central nervous system injury can be induced by both preventing host neuronal loss and promoting host axonal regrowth and (ii) long-term neuronal loss can be prevented with transient NGF infusions.
Acetylcholine, one of the main neurotransmitters in the nervous system, is synthesized by the enzyme choline acetyltransferase (ChAT; acetyl-CoA:choline O-acetyltransferase, EC The molecular mechanisms controlling the establishment, maintenance, and plasticity of the cholinergic phenotype in vivo are largely unknown. A previous report showed that a 3800-bp, but not a 1450-bp, 5' flanking segment from the rat ChAT gene promoter directed cell type-specific expression of a reporter gene in cholinergic cells in vitro. Now we have characterized a distal regulatory region of the ChAT gene that confers cholinergic specificity on a heterologous downstream promoter in a cholinergic cell line and in transgenic mice. A 2342-bp segment from the 5' flanking region of the ChAT gene behaved as an enhancer in cholinergic cells but as a repressor in noncholinergic cells in an orientation-independent manner. Combined with a heterologous basal promoter, this fragment targeted transgene expression to several cholinergic regions of the central nervous system of transgenic mice, including basal forebrain, cortex, pons, and spinal cord. In eight independent transgenic lines, the pattern of transgene expression paralleled qualitatively and quantitatively that displayed by endogenous ChAT mRNA in various regions of the rat central nervous system. In the lumbar enlargement of the spinal cord, 85-90% of the transgene expression was targeted to the ventral part of the cord, where cholinergic alpha-motor neurons are located. Transgene expression in the spinal cord was developmentally regulated and responded to nerve injury in a similar way as the endogenous ChAT gene, indicating that the 2342-bp regulatory sequence contains elements controlling the plasticity of the cholinergic phenotype in developing and injured neurons.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is frequently associated with gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, mostly represented by abdominal distension, constipation and defecatory dysfunctions. Despite GI dysfunctions have a major impact on the clinical picture of PD, there is currently a lack of information on the neurochemical, pathological and functional correlates of GI dysmotility associated with PD. Moreover, there is a need of effective and safe pharmacological therapies for managing GI disturbances in PD patients. The present research project has been undertaken to investigate the relationships between PD and related GI dysfunctions by means of investigations in an animal model of PD induced by intranigral injection of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). The use of the 6-OHDA experimental model of PD in the present program has allowed to pursue the following goals: 1) to examine the impact of central dopaminergic denervation on colonic excitatory cholinergic and tachykininergic neuromotility by means of molecular, histomorphologic and functional approaches; 2) to elucidate the role of gut inflammation in the onset and progression of colonic dysmotility associated with PD, characterizing the degree of inflammation and oxidative damage in colonic tissues, as well as identifying the immune cells involved in the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the gut; 3) to evaluate the impact of chronic treatment with L-DOPA plus benserazide on colonic neuromuscular activity both in control and PD animals. The results suggest that central nigrostriatal dopaminergic denervation is associated with an impaired excitatory cholinergic neurotransmission and an enhanced tachykininergic control, resulting in a dysregulated smooth muscle motor activity, which likely contributes to the concomitant decrease in colonic transit rate. These motor alterations might result from the occurrence of a condition of gut inflammation associated with central intranigral denervation. The treatment with L-DOPA/BE following central dopaminergic neurodegeneration can restore colonic motility, likely through a normalization of the cholinergic enteric neurotransmission, and it can also improve the colonic inflammation associated with central dopaminergic denervation.
A doença de Alzheimer (DA) é a forma mais comum de demência, representando cerca de 80% dos casos. A DA é caracterizada por um processo de declínio progressivo e irreversível das funções cognitivas e da memória, que se estende para a desorganização do comportamento. Atualmente, 46,8 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo foram diagnosticadas com demência. Embora vários fatores tenham sido implicados na DA, sua etiologia ainda não é completamente conhecida. Do ponto de vista neuropatológico, é observado no cérebro de indivíduos com DA atrofia cortical difusa, presença de grande número de placas senis, emaranhados neurofibrilares, processo inflamatório e perda neuronal. A progressão dos sintomas está associada a mudanças estruturais nas sinapses colinérgicas em certas regiões do cérebro, que consequentemente, apresentam neurotransmissão colinérgica reduzida. Os vários eventos patológicos interligados contribuem para o avanço da doença e direcionam diversas pesquisas na busca por tratamentos multialvos com base no processo multifatorial de DA. Assim o presente trabalho descreve a síntese de derivados híbridos dual binding site de donepezila-tacrina (fármacos inibidores de acetilcolinesterase), com potencial para agir em dois alvos terapêuticos pela (i) inibição da acetilcolinesterase em ambos os sítios ativo e periférico, como demonstrado pelos estudos de modelagem molecular, e (ii) na agregação do peptídeo A? neurotóxico induzido pela acetilcolinesterase, na tentativa de interromper a progressão da doença. A estratégia sintética envolveu a condensação da 5,6-dimetóxiindanona com a unidade 4-piperidinil carbaldeído, a qual forneceu o intermediário 5,6- dimetóxindan-1-ona-4-piperidinil-metileno-1-[(4-cloroquinolin-2-il)metil], seguido de redução da dupla ligação, gerada na reação de condensação anterior, e substituição do átomo de cloro-quinolina por amino para obtenção do produto final, ou manutenção da função olefina, seguido de substituição do átomo de cloro-quinolina por azido ou amino, gerando cinco híbridos estruturalmente correlacionados. Os híbridos foram testados em ensaio de inibição de acetilcolinesterase e butirilcolinesterase pelo método de Ellman, e o híbrido insaturado, contendo a função amino-quinolina foi o mais ativo da série com IC50 na faixa de nanomolar (0,014 ?M). Futuramente, os intermediários da reação e produto final serão submetidos ao ensaio de inibição da agregação do peptídeo A? neurotóxico pelo método da tioflavina T. Neste trabalho, também são descritos os testes de predição in vitro para permeação pela barreira hematoencefálica, bem como sua absorção intestinal, pelo método PAMPA.
Introdução: A identificação de variantes genéticas que predispõem a maior susceptibilidade à dependência à nicotina pode ser importante para a prevenção e o tratamento do tabagismo. No contexto de medicina personalizada, os principais objetivos do presente estudo foram avaliar se polimorfismos nos genes CHRNA2, CHRNA3, CHRNA5 e CHRNB3 estão associados com o nível de dependência em indivíduos fumantes e com o resultado do tratamento antitabágico. Métodos: Estudo de coorte com 1049 pacientes fumantes que receberam tratamento farmacológico (vareniclina, vareniclina e bupropiona, bupropiona e/ou terapia de reposição nicotínica). O sucesso na cessação tabágica foi considerado para os pacientes que completaram 6 meses de abstinência contínua. O teste de Fagerström para a dependência à nicotina (FTND) e o escore de consumo situacional Issa foram utilizados para avaliar a dependência à nicotina. A escala de conforto PAF foi utilizada para avaliar o conforto do paciente durante o tratamento. Os polimorfismos CHRNA2 rs2472553, CHRNA3 rs1051730, CHRNA5 rs16969968, CHRNA5 rs2036527 e CHRNB3 rs6474413 foram genotipados pela análise da curva de melting. Resultados: As mulheres portadoras dos genótipos GA e AA para os polimorfismos CHRNA5 rs16969968 e rs2036527 obtiveram maior taxa de sucesso no tratamento antitabagismo: 44,0% e 56,3% (rs16969968), 41,5% e 56,5% (rs2036527), respectivamente; em comparação com as mulheres portadoras do genótipo GG: 35,7% (rs16969968) e 34,8% (rs2036527), (P=0,03; n=389; P=0,01; n=391). Os genótipos GA ou AA para os rs16969968 e rs2036527 foram associados com maior OR para o sucesso em mulheres (OR=1,63; IC 95%=1,04-2,54; P=0,03 e OR=1,59; IC 95%=1,02-2,48; P=0,04; respectivamente), em um modelo multivariado. Não foi encontrada associação dos polimorfismos no gene CHRNA5 com o escore de FTND. Para os polimorfismos CHRNA2 rs2472553, CHRNA3 rs1051730 e CHRNB3 rs6474413 não foram encontradas associações significativas com os fenótipos estudados. Conclusão: Os polimorfismos rs16969968 e rs2036527 no gene CHRNA5 foram associados com maior taxa de sucesso no tratamento antitabagismo em mulheres. Estes resultados podem contribuir com avanços na terapêutica baseada em medicina personalizada
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
The prevalence of dementia is growing in developed countries where elderly patients are increasing in numbers. Neurotransmission modulation is one approach to the treatment of dementia. Cholinergic precursors, anticholinesterases, nicotine receptor agonists and muscarinic M-2 receptor antagonists are agents that enhance cholinergic neurotransmission and that depend on having some intact cholinergic innervation to be effective in the treatment of dementia. The cholinergic precursor choline alfoscerate may be emerging as a potential useful drug in the treatment of dementia, with few adverse effects. Of the anticholinesterases, donepezil, in addition to having a similar efficacy to tacrine in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD), appears to have major advantages; its use is associated with lower drop-out rates in clinical trials, a lower incidence of cholinergic-like side effects and no liver toxicity. Rivastigmine is efficacious in the treatment in dementia with Lewy bodies, a condition in which the other anticholinesterases have not been tested extensively to date. Galantamine is an anticholinesterase and also acts as an allosteric potentiating modulator at nicotinic receptors to increase the release of acetylcholine. Pooled data from clinical trials of patients with mild-to-moderate AD suggest that the benefits and safety profile of galantamine are similar to those of the anticholinesterases. Selective nicotine receptor agonists are being developed that enhance cognitive performance without influencing autonomic and skeletal muscle function, but these have not yet entered clinical trial for dementia. Unlike the cholinergic enhancers, the M, receptor agonists do not depend upon intact cholinergic nerves but on intact M, receptors for their action, which are mainly preserved in AD and dementia with Lewy bodies. The M, receptor-selective agonists developed to date have shown limited efficacy in clinical trials and have a high incidence of side effects. A major recent advancement in the treatment of dementia is memantine, a non-competitive antagonist at NMDA receptors. Memantine is beneficial in the treatment of severe and moderate to-severe AD and may also be of some benefit in the treatment of mild-to-moderate vascular dementia. Drugs that modulate 5-HT, somatostatin and noradrenergic neurotransmission are also being considered for the treatment of dementia.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, accounting for 60-70% of cases in subjects over 65 years of age. Several postulates have been put forward that relate AD neuropathology to intellectual and functional impairment. These range from free-radical-induced damage, through cholinergic dysfunction, to beta-amyloid-induced toxicity. However, therapeutic strategies aimed at improving the cognitive symptoms of patients via choline supplementation, cholinergic stimulation or beta-amyloid vaccination, have largely failed. A growing body of evidence suggests that perturbations in systems using the excitatory amino acid L-glutamate (L-Glu) may underlie the pathogenic mechanisms of (e.g.) hypoxia-ischemia, epilepsy, and chronic neurodegenerative disorders such as Huntington's disease and AD. Almost all neurons in the CNS carry the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) subtype of ionotropic L-glutamate receptors, which can mediate post-synaptic Ca2+ influx. Excitotoxicity resulting from excessive activation of NMDA receptors may enhance the localized vulnerability of neurons in a manner consistent with AD neuropathology, as a consequence of an altered regional distribution of NMDA receptor subtypes. This review discusses mechanisms for the involvement of the NMDA receptor complex and its interaction with polyamines in the pathogenesis of AD. NMDA receptor antagonists have potential for the therapeutic amelioration of AD. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The On-Off direction-selective ganglion cells (DSGCs) in the rabbit retina comprise four distinct subtypes that respond preferentially to image motion in four orthogonal directions; each subtype forms a regular territorial array, which is overlapped by the other three arrays. In this study, ganglion cells in the developing retina were injected with Neurobiotin, a gap-junction-permeable tracer, and the DSGCs were identified by their characteristic type 1 bistratified (BiS1) morphology. The complex patterns of tracer coupling shown by the BiSl ganglion cells changed systematically during the course of postnatal development. BiSl cells appear to be coupled together around the time of birth, but, over the next 10 days, BiSl cells decouple from each other, leading to the mature pattern in which only one subtype is coupled. At about postnatal day 5, before the ganglion cells become visually responsive, each of the BiSl cells commonly showed tracer coupling both to a regular array of neighboring BiSl cells, presumably destined to be DSGCs of the same subtype, and to a regular array of overlapping BiSl cells, presumably destined to be DSGCs of a different subtype. The gap-junction intercellular communication between subtypes of DSGCs with different preferred directions may play an important role in the differentiation of their synaptic connectivity, with respect to either the inputs that DSGCs receive from retinal interneurons or the outputs that DSGCs make to geniculate neurons. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Cone snails have evolved a vast array of peptide toxins for prey capture and defence. These peptides are directed against a wide variety of pharmacological targets, making them an invaluable source of ligands for studying the properties of these targets in normal and diseased states. A number of these peptides have shown efficacy in vivo, including inhibitors of calcium channels, the norepinephrine transporter, nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, NMDA receptors and neurotensin receptors, with several having undergone pre-clinical or clinical development for the treatment of pain.
Recently we have shown that growth hormone (GH) inhibits neuronal differentiation and that this process is blocked by suppressor of cytokine signalling-2 (SOCS2). Here we examine several cortical and subcortical neuronal populations in GH hyper-responsive SOCS2 null (-/-) mice and GH non-responsive GH receptor null (GHR-/-) mice. While SOCS2-/- mice showed a 30% decrease in density of NeuN positive neurons in cortex compared to wildtype, GHR-/- mice showed a 25% increase even though brain size was decreased. Interneuron sub-populations were variably affected, with a slight decrease in cortical parvalbumin expressing interneurons in SOCS2-/- mice and an increase in cortical calbindin and calretinin and striatal cholinergic neuron density in GHR-/- mice. Analysis of glial cell numbers in cresyl violet or glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) stained sections of cortex showed that the neuron: glia ratio was increased in GHR-/- mice and decreased in SOCS2-/- mice. The astrocytes in GHR-/- mice appeared smaller, while they were larger in SOCS2-/- mice. Neuronal soma size also varied in the different genotypes, with smaller striatal cholinergic neurons in GHR-/- mice. While the size of layer 5 pyramidal neurons was not significantly different from wildtype, SOCS2-/- neurons were larger than GHR-/- neurons. In addition, primary dendritic length was similar in all genotypes but dendritic branching of pyramidal neurons in the cortex appeared sparser in GHR-/- and SOCS2-/- mice. These results suggest that GH, possibly regulated by SOCS2, has multiple effects on central nervous system (CNS) development and maturation, regulating the number and size of multiple neuronal and glial cell types.
The role of p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75(NTR)) in mediating cell death is now well charaterized, however, it is only recently that details of the death signaling pathway have become clearer. This review focuses on the importance of the juxtamembrane Chopper domain region of p75(NTR) in this process. Evidence supporting the involvement of K+ efflux, the apoptosome (caspase-9, apoptosis activating factor-1, APAF-1, and Bcl-(xL)), caspase-3, c-jun kinase, and p53 in the p75(NTR) cell death pathway is discussed and regulatory roles for the p75(NTR) ectodomain and death domain are proposed. The role of synaptic activity is also discussed, in particular the importance of neutrotransmitter-activated K+ channels acting as the gatekeepers of cell survival decisions during development and in neurodegenerative conditions.
The expression and function of nicotinic ACh receptors (nAChRs) in rat coronary microvascular endothelial cells (CMECs) were examined using RT-PCR and whole cell patch-clamp recording methods. RT-PCR revealed expression of mRNA encoding for the subunits alpha(2), alpha(3), alpha(4), alpha(5), alpha(7), beta(2), and beta(4) but not beta(3). Focal application of ACh evoked an inward current in isolated CMECs voltage clamped at negative membrane potentials. The current-voltage relationship of the ACh-induced current exhibited marked inward rectification and a reversal potential (E-rev) close to 0 mV. The cholinergic agonists nicotine, epibatidine, and cytisine activated membrane currents similar to those evoked by ACh. The nicotine-induced current was abolished by the neuronal nAChR antagonist mecamylamine. The direction and magnitude of the shift in E-rev of nicotine-induced current as a function of extracellular Na+ concentration indicate that the nAChR channel is cation selective and follows that predicted by the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation assuming K+/Na+ permeability ratio of 1.11. In fura-2-loaded CMECs, application of ACh, but not of nicotine, elicited a transient increase in intracellular free Ca2+ concentration. Taken together, these results demonstrate that neuronal nAChR activation by cholinergic agonists evokes an inward current in CMECs carried primarily by Na+, which may contribute to the plasma nicotine-induced changes in microvascular permeability and reactivity induced by elevations in plasma nicotine.