817 resultados para Writing lab


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We demonstrate the capability of a laser micromachining workstation for cost-effective manufacturing of a variety of microfluidic devices, including SU-8 microchannels on silicon wafers and 3D complex structures made on polyimide Kapton® or poly carbonate (PC). The workstation combines a KrF excimer laser at 248 nm and a Nd3+:YVO4 DPSS with a frequency tripled at 355 nm with a lens magnification 10X, both lasers working at a pulsed regime with nanoseconds (ns) pulse duration. Workstation also includes a high-resolution motorized XYZ-tilt axis (~ 1 um / axis) and a Through The Lens (TTL) imaging system for a high accurate positioning over a 120 x 120 mm working area. We have surveyed different fabrication techniques: direct writing lithography,mask manufacturing for contact lithography and polymer laser ablation for complex 3D devices, achieving width channels down to 13μ m on 50μ m SU-8 thickness using direct writing lithography, and width channels of 40 μm for polyimide on SiO2 plate. Finally, we have tested the use of some devices for capillary chips measuring the flow speed for liquids with different viscosities. As a result, we have characterized the presence of liquid in the channel by interferometric microscopy.


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This paper explains the progress accomplished in the WP03 of the Terasense Project (TERAHERTZ TECHNOLOGY FOR ELECTROMAGNETIC SENSING APPLICATIONS) approved in the 2008 CONSOLIDERINGENIO program (project CSD2008-0068). The Radiation and Sensor Measurement Lab (RSMLab) is a laboratory based in the existing antenna measurement laboratories at UPM, UC3 and UNiOvi and the new capacities to extend the measurement range from the millimetre wave to the THz region. This laboratory is intended to be shared in more than one place and with more than one institution, in such a way that we could take advantage of other research financial sources and contributions from other institutions with interest in the same field of measurements. One important task will be the international links between the RSMLab and other European and international institutions dedicated to the antenna and sensor measurement in the same frequency range.


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Se comparan y contrastan las destrezas requeridas para la comprensión lectora con aquellas que se necesitan para la producción de escritos correctos, en inglés, coherentes y bien cohesionados. Se comentan las actividades didácticas relacionadas con ello.The aim of this article is to establish the relevance of teaching reading and writing skills to students at Madrid Polytechnic University, and to show the relationship and interdependence of these activities in EAP courses. The skills involved in reading and writing processes for academic purposes for L2 students are compared and commented on from a rhetorical point of view. Learning tasks based on text-type analysis are recommended as adequate activities to build schemata for writing and represent a synthesis of the teaching objectives proposed for reading and writing English courses.


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Real-world experimentation facilities accelerate the development of Future Internet technologies and services, advance the market for smart infrastructures, and increase the effectiveness of business processes through the Internet. The federation of facilities fosters the experimentation and innovation with larger and more powerful environment, increases the number and variety of the offered services and brings forth possibilities for new experimentation scenarios. This paper introduces a management solution for cloud federation that automates service provisioning to the largest possible extent, relieves the developers from time-consuming configuration settings, and caters for real-time information of all information related to the whole lifecycle of the provisioned services. This is achieved by proposing solutions to achieve the seamless deployment of services across the federation and ability of services to span across different infrastructures of the federation, as well as monitoring of the resources and data which can be aggregated with a common structure, offered as an open ecosystem for innovation at the developers' disposal. This solution consists of several federation management tools and components that are part of the work on Cloud Federation conducted within XIFI project to build the federation of cloud infrastructures for the Future Internet Lab (FIWARE Lab). We present the design and implementation of the solution-concerned FIWARE Lab management tools and components that are deployed within a federation of 17 cloud infrastructures distributed across Europe.


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Admission: LU Students, Faculty and Staff interested in reserving a seat to participate must sign up by November 1, 2015 here: http://goo.gl/forms/WDqM7RXlic


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Course Title: HERSTORIES – Women Writers of Missouri Course Instructor: kYmberly Keeton, M.L.S. Course Focus: Introduce students and community members to women writers in the state of Missouri. Dates for Course: March 22nd, April 12th, April 26th, and May 3rd Meeting Times: 11:00 AM -12:30 PM Course Info: All materials are provided by the library. Course Website: www.herstories365.wordpress.com


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A forensic report is the primary work product of a forensic psychologist. The aim of a forensic report is to inform and influence the court. Unlike a clinical report, a forensic report influences the outcome of a legal conflict. This means that greater care must be taken in writing the report. The following errors (Grisso, 2010) were used to discuss best practices in forensic report writing: failure to answer the referral question, organization problems, language problems, mixed data and interpretation, inclusion of irrelevant data, over-reliance on a single source of data, improper psychological test use, failure to consider alternative hypotheses, and opinions without sufficient explanation. The purpose of this paper is to provide in one place all the information needed to improve forensic report writing, and to help the reader apply the literature using specific examples. Redacted report samples were collected from psychologists, graduate psychology trainees, teaching assistant experience, and clinical work. Identified errors in these samples were then corrected using the recommendations in the literature. Geared toward graduate psychology trainees, each section should serve both as a tutorial and as a brief checklist to help the reader avoid common pitfalls and assist in promoting better forensic report writing.


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This guide is written for Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) employees assigned to the Public Lands team who may have some National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) knowledge, possibly have experience with writing Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), and with little or no experience writing programmatic EIS documents. The guide contains information encompassing the preparation of a complete Resource Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement (RMP/EIS) for the Bureau of Land Management. The RMP/EIS is a programmatic NEPA document which has many differences and nuances distinct from a typical project type EIS. This guide provides the information necessary for a BAH Public Lands team member to understand the project process and the RMP/EIS document to successfully maneuver through the entire project from beginning to end.


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li-Abī al-ʻAbbās Sīdī Aḥmad ibn ʻAmmār.


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Faced with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, I began with the objective of discovering methods for creating art that were still accessible to me. Along the way, I encountered others who had travelled this road before me. Their experiences led me to examine, not only my art, but also my political orientations, my love obligations and my transitioning self. In my varied art pieces, I conjure something from diverse sources and different worldviews, including contemporary feminist performance art and disability cultural theory. My thesis is a project. I make things: puppets, videos and performances, which included the exhibition, Need to be Adored (2014), staged in the digital media lab of the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. The exhibition introduced thirteen of my puppets and a thirty-two-minute looped video. Following the exhibition, I put the puppets away and spent two years reading. Finally, taking my inspiration from Carolyn Ellis’s The Autoethnographic I (Ellis 2004), I turned my processes into words. I wrote out my experiences. I created an alternative text of my identity from an able-bodied cis-identified woman into a disabled trans-feminist artist academic. The writing required an uncomfortably intimate examination of my life. Nothing less than complete honesty would allow me to understand my new location. The resulting text is a lyrical and sometimes whimsical flow of consciousness that invites the reader to imagine what it might be like to engage in such a candid review of everything one holds close to one’s heart. Contained within are all my identities. In this text I let some out. This is a story of unsettling. I am working on my art practices, creating a cast of characters from cloth. Puppets. El becomes the exulted main character of a fictional accounting. She uncovers her queer roots and begins to see that she is at the centre of a very strange geography. Her desire to make film is revealed as she re-remembers her childhood through a disability lens.


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At a time of crisis – a true state of emergency – both the Court of Justice of the European Union and the German Federal Constitutional Court have failed the rule of law in Europe. Worse still, in their evaluation of the ersatz crisis law, which has been developed in response to financial and sovereign debt crises, both courts have undermined constitutionality throughout Europe. Each jurisdiction has been implicated within the techocratisation of democratic process. Each Court has contributed to an incremental process of the undermining of the political subjectivity of European Citizens. The results are depressing for lawyers who are still attached to notions of constitutionality. Yet, we must also ask whether the Courts could have acted otherwise. Given the original flaws in the construction of Economic and Monetary Union, as well as the politically pre-emptive constraints imposed by global financial markets, each Court might thus be argued to have been forced to suspend immediate legality in a longer term effort to secure the character of the legal jurisdiction as a whole. Crisis can and does defeat the law. Nevertheless, what continues to disturb is the failure of law in Europe to open up any perspective for a return to normal constitutionality post crisis, as well as its apparent inability to give proper and honest consideration to the hardship now being experienced by millions of Europeans within crisis. This contribution accordingly seeks to reimagine each Judgment in a language of legal honesty. Above all, this contribution seeks to suggest a new form of post-national constitutional language; a language which takes as its primary function, proper protection of democratic process against the ever encroaching powers of a post-national executive power. This contribution forms a part of an on-going effort to identify a new basis for the legitimacy of European Law, conducted jointly and severally with Christian Joerges, University of Bremen and Hertie School of Government, Berlin. Differences do remain in our theoretical positions; hence this individual essay. Nevertheless, the congruence between pluralist and conflict of law approaches to the topic are also readily apparent. See, for example, Everson & Joerges (2013).


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The goal of this work was to provide professional and amateur writers with a new way of enhancing their productivity and mental well-being, by helping them overcoming writers block and being able to achieve a state of optimal experience while writing. Our approach is based on bringing together different components to create what we call a creative moment. A creative moment is composed by an image, a text, a mood, a location and a color. The color presented in the creative moment varied according to the mood that was associated to the creative moment. With the creative moments we hoped that our users could have a way to easily trigger their creativity and have a kick start in their work. The prototyping of a web crowdsourcing platform, named CreativeWall, and a Microsoft Word Add-In, that was used on the user study performed, is described and their implementations are discussed. The user study reveals that our approach does have a positive influence in the productivity of the participants when compared with another existing approach. The study also revealed that our approach can ease the process of achieving a state of optimal experience by enhancing one of the dimensions presented on the Flow Theory. At the end we present what we consider would be some possible future developments for the concept created during the development of this work.


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Inman E. Page Library participated in the ARCL's Assessment in Action project led by Academic Librarian kYmberly Keeton. This is the final project poster presented by Ms. Keeton at ALA's 2016 Annual at Orlando, Florida. The poster shows how one faculty library group comes together to explore assessing students’ writing intensive projects in three academic semesters within a scholarly learning space at a Historically Black College University.


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A. J. Jordan, architect. Built in 1856. First chemical laboratory at a state university. Building served medical students and others as both laboratory and classroom. Situated just west and south of the original medical building. Additions made to the one-story building in 1861, 1866, 1868, 1874. In 1880 a two-story addition was added with subsequent additions in 1889 and 1901. Became Economics Building in 1908. Pharmacology occupied north wing 1908-1981. Destroyed by fire Christmas Eve 1981.