993 resultados para Western Pennsylvania Hospital.
Em 1914,0 Prof. Francisco Gentil, então Enfermeiro-Mor dos Hospitais Civis de Lisboa, propos que fossem criadas no Hospital de D. Estefânia duas Enfermarias independentes, uma para doenças pediátricas médicas e outra para doenças pediátricas Cirúrgicas/Ortopédicas. Isto tornou-se realidade em 9 de Julho de 1918, através do Decreto 4.563, ficando a direcção dos dois Serviços a cargo de Jaime Ernesto Salazar de Sousa. Após a sua morte, em 1940, Abel Pereira da Cunha tornou-se o novo Director, seguindo-se-lhe Eduardo Rosado Pinto, em 1959. É então que o único Serviço existente, o Serviço 5, se divide em dois, o 3 e o 4, sob a Direcção rcspectivamente de José Rosado Pinto e Luciano José de Carvalho. Em 1983 Fernando Gabriel Pinto Coelho Afonso torna-se Director do Serviço 3 e em 1986 Antonio Genlil do Silva Martins torna-se Director do Serviço 4. Em 1994 Fernando Afonso torna-se Director do Departamento de Cirurgia (durante 1 mês, até aposentação) seguindo-se-lhe António Gentil Martins, jubilado em 2000. Em 29 de Junho de 1974, no Hospital de D. Estefânia, é fundada a Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgiões Pediatras, realizando-se os primeiros Congressos Internacioais em 1971 e 1972 (Luso-Brasileiro e Luso-Espanhol). Em 1986 o Hospital associa-se a Faculdade das Ciências Médicas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, para o ensino pré-graduado de Cirurgia Pediátrica, sendo António Gentil Martins nomeado Professor Associado Convidado. Mais de 50% de todos os Cirurgiões Pediatras Portugueses fizeram o seu treino no Hospital dc D. Esteffinia e através deles a Especialidade estendeu-se a Coimbra, Viseu, Évora, Setúbal,Almada, Sintra, Montemor-o-Novo e Funchal (assim cobrindo cerca de 3/4 de toda a populacao portuguesa).
This study contributes to knowledge of Anopheles species, including vectors of Plasmodium from the western Brazilian Amazon in Porto Velho, Rondônia State. The sampling area has undergone substantial environmental changes as a consequence of agricultural and hydroelectric projects, which have caused intensive deforestation and favored habitats for some mosquito species. The purpose of this study was to diagnose the occurrence of anopheline species from collections in three locations along an electric-power transmission line. Each locality was sampled three times from 2010 to 2011. The principal adult mosquitoes captured in Shannon trap were Anopheles darlingi, An. triannulatus, An. nuneztovari l.s., An.gilesi and An. costai. In addition, larvae were collected in ground breeding sites for Anopheles braziliensis, An. triannulatus, An. darlingi, An. deaneorum, An. marajoara, An. peryassui, An. nuneztovari l.s. and An. oswaldoi-konderi. Anopheles darlingi was the most common mosquito in the region. We discuss Culicidae systematics, fauna distribution, and aspects of malaria in altered habitats of the western Amazon.
Toxoplasmosis is an important cause of congenital infection. The present study was performed to evaluate the usefulness of recombinant (r) GRA-7 cloned from nucleotides (n) 39-711 in discriminating between acute and chronic toxoplasmosis. First, commercial IgM, IgG and IgG avidity ELISAs were used to determine the serological profile of the sera. Serum samples were from 20 symptomatic patients with acute infection (low IgG avidity, IgM positive), 10 with chronic infection (high IgG avidity, IgM negative) and 10 with indeterminate IgG avidity (IgM positive) which were tested for IgG avidity status with an in-house developed IgG avidity Western blot using the rGRA-7 recombinant antigen. All 20 sera from cases of probable acute infection showed bands which either faded out completely or reduced significantly in intensity after treatment with 8 M urea, whereas the band intensities of the 10 serum samples from chronic cases remained the same. Of the 10 sera with indeterminate IgG avidity status, after treatment with 8 M urea the band intensities with six sera remained the same, two sera had completely faded bands and another two sera had significantly reduced band intensities. Discrimination between acute and chronic toxoplasmosis was successfully performed by the in-house IgG avidity Western blot.
Em crianças e adolescentes com síndrome de trissomia 21 observa-se uma prevalência aumentada de alterações da função tiroideia. A mais frequentemente encontrada é o hipotiroidismo subclínico, seguida do hipotiroidismo clínico e, mais raramente, doença de Graves. O diagnóstico de hipotiroidismo é, por vezes, tardio pois os sintomas são confundidos com as manifestações características da trissomia 21, sendo portanto fundamental rastrear sistematicamente a função tiroideia nestas crianças. A velocidade de crescimento é um elemento clínico que pode contribuir quer para a valorização do diagnóstico quer da terapêutica apesar de esta não ser totalmente consensual. Descreve-se a casuística de um Hospital Central Pediátrico em foram seguidas quarenta e cinco crianças e adolescentes com trissomia 21, entre Janeiro de 2000 e Maio de 2008. Neste grupo de crianças, foram detectadas alterações da função tiroideia em dezanove; a alteração mais frequente foi o hipotiroidismo subclínico (treze) seguida do hipotiroidismo clínico (cinco); houve apenas um caso de hipertiroidismo. As alterações da função tiroideia aumentaram com a idade dos doentes, foram mais frequentes no sexo feminino e tiveram uma clínica inespecífica.
Introduction: Entamoeba histolytica infections were investigated in residents of the Ariquemes and Monte Negro municipalities in Rondônia State, Brazil. Methods: Stool samples of 216 individuals were processed by the spontaneous sedimentation method and analyzed by microscopy for detection of the E. histolytica/E. dispar complex, followed by the immunoassay method using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay-based kit for the E. histolytica stool antigen. Results: E. histolytica/E. dispar cysts were present in 61% (50/82) and 44% (59/134) of the samples from Ariquemes and Monte Negro respectively, with a significant difference in the occurrence of infection between the two populations [p < 0.05; χ2 = 5.2; odds ratio = 2.0 (1.1 - 3.6)]. The E. histolytica antigen detection rate was 36.6% (30/82) for stool samples from Ariquemes, and 19.4% (26/134) for stool taken from the residents of Monte Negro. The rate of the occurrence of amoebiasis was significantly higher in the population from Ariquemes [p < 0.05; χ2 = 7.8; odds ratio = 2.4 (1.2 - 4.7)]. Discussion: Due to the high occurrence of E. histolytica infected residents diagnosed in the region and the unavailability in local clinics of a test to distinguish between the two Entamoeba species, physicians should consider treating E. histolytica/E.dispar infections. Conclusion: The results indicate that E. histolytica infection is highly endemic in the studied areas.
Introdução/Objectivos: A osteogénese imperfeita (OI) é uma doença genética caracterizada por fragilidade óssea e osteopenia. O tratamento implica uma abordagem multidisciplinar e tem como objectivo a melhoria da qualidade de vida. Os autores pretendem descrever as características de uma amostra de crianças com OI, avaliar o tratamento realizado e a evolução clínica pré e pós terapêutica. Material e Métodos: Estudo observacional, longitudinal, retrospectivo e analítico, com base nos dados obtidos da consulta dos processos de todos os doentes com OI incluídos no protocolo de tratamento com pamidronato no Hospital Dona Estefânia. As variáveis estudadas foram: sexo, idade de diagnóstico, antecedentes familiares de OI, idade de fractura, localização da fractura, número de fracturas, terapêutica médica/cirúrgica, idade de início do tratamento médico, número de ciclos de terapêutica médica, idade da terapêutica cirúrgica, complicações da terapêutica cirúrgica. Adoptou-se um nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: De 21 doentes, 61,9% eram do sexo masculino e 11 tinham registado o diagnóstico do tipo de OI (cinco do tipo I, três tipo III, três tipo IV). A idade média de diagnóstico foi de 20,6 meses, verificando-se dois picos diagnósticos: no primeiro mês – 37%, e aos 24 meses - 26%. Em média os doentes apresentaram 0,62 fracturas/doente/ano, 17,4% das quais no período perinatal e 62% antes dos três anos de idade. A maioria das fracturas ocorreu nos membros inferiores (55,6%). Todos os doentes realizaram tratamento médico, com início em média aos 4,3 anos. Na amostra com seguimento (n=14) verificou-se diminuição no número de fracturas após o início do tratamento com pamidronato (de 0,76 para 0,35 fracturas/doente/ano). Foram colocadas cavilhas endomedulares em nove doentes (64,3%). Em oito doentes foram colocadas nos fémures, quatro unilaterais e quatro bilaterais, não existindo antecedentes de fractura em três casos. Não se registaram novas fracturas nos ossos encavilhados. Conclusão: A OI é uma doença com uma ampla variabilidade clínica que depende maioritariamente do seu tipo. Apesar de não existir tratamento curativo, o tratamento médico com bifosfonatos e o tratamento cirúrgico, com colocação de cavilhas endomedulares, parece reduzir a incidência de novas fracturas.
Apresenta-se uma casuística de nove doentes com litíase renal, com idades compreendidas entre os 5 e os 15 anos, que foram submetidas a um tratamento com litotrícia. Em todos eles o diagnóstico de infecção urinária antecedeu o de litíase renal. Em duas erianças havia antecedentes familiares de litíase renal e, utilizando exames laboratoriais e de imagiologia, foram diagnosticados 4 doentes com hipercalciúria, 2 com hiperoxalúria, 1 com cistinúria e só num caso foi diagnosticado alterações estruturais (estenose ureteral justavesical bilateral). Sete destes doentes já tinham sido submetidos a intervenções cirúrgicas anteriores. A nossa experiência com estes 9 doentes demonstrou que a litotrícia é uma técnica de tratamento segura, não tendo sido registado qualquer tipo de complicação em 11 sessões. Houve 1 caso de insucesso, 5 doentes ficaram com os cálculos fragmentados mesmo após 20 meses de «follow-up» e os outros 3 ficaram curados. Por fim recorda-se que esta técnica, apesar do seu sucesso, e só uma parte do tratamento completo da litíase renal, pois esta é um problema complexo que necessita sempre de uma avaliação metabólica e anatómica.
Os autores realizaram um estudo retrospectivo das 87 grávidas vigiadas na Consulta de Diabetes do Hospital de Dona Estefânia com diabetes pré-gestacional tipo 1 e 2 e diabetes gestacional, durante um período de 2 anos. Analisararn a idade das grávidas, raça, paridade, tipo de diabetes, patologia associ ada, antecedentes familiares de diabetes, idade gestacional em que foi feito o diagnóstico de diabetes, insulinoterapia, evolução da gravidez, idade gestacional na altura do parto, características do parto e dos recém-nascidos e controlo no pós parto. A maioria das grávidas inscritas na consulta tinha idade superior a 30 anos (76%). A diabetes gestacional foi o tipo de diabetes mais frequente na consulta, tendo ocorrido sobretudo no 3° trirnestre. A hipertensão arterial crónica foi a patologia associada dominante, complicando-se em cinco casos de pré-eclâmpsia.Para além da pré-eclâmpsia, outra das complicacções mais frequentes foi a infecçãoo urinária. A cesariana foi o tipo de parto mais frequente. As suas principais indicações foram a cesariana electiva, a pré-eclâmpsia agravada e a distoócia. A macrossomia fetal só ocorreu em 5 dos 60 partos, refletindo um bom controlo metabólico.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to develop a model for estimating patient 28-day in-hospital mortality using 2 different statistical approaches. DESIGN: The study was designed to develop an outcome prediction model for 28-day in-hospital mortality using (a) logistic regression with random effects and (b) a multilevel Cox proportional hazards model. SETTING: The study involved 305 intensive care units (ICUs) from the basic Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) 3 cohort. PATIENTS AND PARTICIPANTS: Patients (n = 17138) were from the SAPS 3 database with follow-up data pertaining to the first 28 days in hospital after ICU admission. INTERVENTIONS: None. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: The database was divided randomly into 5 roughly equal-sized parts (at the ICU level). It was thus possible to run the model-building procedure 5 times, each time taking four fifths of the sample as a development set and the remaining fifth as the validation set. At 28 days after ICU admission, 19.98% of the patients were still in the hospital. Because of the different sampling space and outcome variables, both models presented a better fit in this sample than did the SAPS 3 admission score calibrated to vital status at hospital discharge, both on the general population and in major subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: Both statistical methods can be used to model the 28-day in-hospital mortality better than the SAPS 3 admission model. However, because the logistic regression approach is specifically designed to forecast 28-day mortality, and given the high uncertainty associated with the assumption of the proportionality of risks in the Cox model, the logistic regression approach proved to be superior.
RESUMO: Este estudo foi realizado com o objectivo de conhecer os efeitos da desinstitucionalização dos doentes psiquiátricos crónicos durante o processo de encerramento do Hospital Miguel Bombarda (2007-2011). Este processo incluiu a fusão, em 2008, dos dois principais hospitais psiquiátricos de Lisboa- Hospital Miguel Bombarda (HMB) e Hospital Júlio de Matos (HJM), no Centro Psiquiátrico Hospitalar de Lisboa (CHPL). Foi criado um grupo controlo de pacientes ainda hospitalizados no CHPL (n=166) para comparação com o grupo de casos desinstitucionalizados (n=146). Desta amostra inicial (n=312) apenas 142 (76 casos e 66 controlos) foram incluídos, sendo as principais causas de exclusão: diagnóstico (patologia orgânica, demência ou debilidade mental, como diagnóstico primário) e transferência entre hospitais. A desinstitucionalização foi principalmente avaliada em termos de psicopatologia, utilização de serviços, satisfação, crime, condição de “sem abrigo” ou morte. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos doentes crónicos pode sair do hospital psiquiátrico para a comunidade sem agravamento da psicopatologia, aumento do crime ou da condição de “sem abrigo”. A satisfação parece estar aumentada na população desinstitucionalizada. A mortalidade, por outro lado, revelou-se uma questão problemática: apesar de não ter sido possível estabelecer uma comparação entre casos e controlos, a Taxa de Mortalidade Standard encontrada neste estudo foi muito superior ao esperado, de acordo com os resultados encontrados na literatura. Um estudo longitudinal da mesma população poderá ser objecto de futura investigação, possivelmente comparada com outra população similar de um programa de desinstitucionalização noutro país.--------- RÉSUMÉ: Cette étude a été menée afin de déterminer les effets de la désinstitutionnalisation des patients chroniques lors de la fermeture de l'hôpital Miguel Bombarda (2007-2011). Ce processus comprenait la fusion en 2008 de deux grands hôpitaux psychiatriques de Lisbonne: À savoir, Hôpital Miguel Bombarda (HMB) et Hôpital Julio de Matos (HJM), maintenant Centre de l'Hôpital Psychiatrique de Lisbonne (CHPL). Il a été créé un groupe contrôle des patients toujours hospitalisés à CHPL (n = 166) pour comparer avec les cas désinstitutionnalisés (n = 146). De cet échantillon initial (n= 312) à peine 142 (76 cas et 66 contrôles) ont été inclus, les principales raisons d'exclusion: diagnostique (maladie organique, démence ou d'arriération mentale comme diagnostic primaire) et les transferts entre hôpitaux. La désinstitutionnalisation a été principalement évaluée en termes de psychopathologie, de l'utilisation des services, la satisfaction, la criminalité, les “sans abri” et de la mort. Les résultats ont montré que la majorité des malades chroniques peuvent quitter l'hôpital psychiatrique et s´intégrer dans la communauté sans aggravation de la psychopathologie, augmentation de la criminalité ou du nombre de “sans-abri”. La satisfaction semble être en hausse dans la population désinstitutionnalisée. Toutefois, la mortalité s'est avéré être une question problématique, même si il n´a pas été possible d'établir une comparaison entre les cas et les contrôles, le Taux de Mortalité Standard estimé dans cette étude fut beaucoup plus élevé que prévu, en tenant compte des résultats établis dans la littérature. Une étude longitudinale de la même population pourra faire l'objet de futures recherches, peut-être comparé à une population similaire d'un programme de désinstitutionnalisation dans un autre pays. ----------- ABSTRACT:This study was conducted to assess the effects of deinstitutionalization of “long-stay” patients during the process of closing Hospital Miguel Bombarda (2007-2011). This process included the fusion, in 2008, of the two main psychiatric hospitals in Lisbon- Hospital Miguel Bombarda (HMB) and Hospital Júlio de Matos (HJM), into Centro Psiquiátrico Hospitalar de Lisboa (CHPL). A control group of still institutionalized patients in CHPL (n=166) was used as a comparison with the deinstitutionalized population (n=146). Of this 312 initial sample only 142 (76 cases and 66 controls) were included, the main causes of exclusion being diagnoses (organic disease, dementia and mental retardation- as first diagnoses) and transference between hospitals. Deinstitutionalization is mainly evaluated in terms of psychopathology, use of services, satisfaction, crime, vagrancy and deaths. The results show that most long-stay patients can successfully leave psychiatric hospitals and be relocated in the community without an increase in psychopathology, crime or vagrancy. Satisfaction seems to be improved in those patients. On the other hand, mortality remains an issue of concern: Although there was no possibility of comparing it between cases and controls, the Standard Mortality Rate (SMR) in our study was found to be much higher than expected judging by other studies results. A longitudinal further study of this same population will be the matter for a future investigation, possibily compared with another similar population from a desinstitutionalization programme in another country.
SUMMARY It is estimated that about 10 million people are infected with Trypanosoma cruzi worldwide, mostly in Latin America and more than 25 million are at risk of acquiring this infection in endemic areas. Dogs are an important reservoir for this pathogen and thus, considered a risk factor for human populations. This report describes one case of Chagas disease in a dog from Cuiabá, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. The diagnosis was obtained by direct examination of trypomastigote forms in blood smears. Amastigotes forms were visualized in microscopy of the bone marrow, lymph nodes, kidneys, liver and brain. The T. cruzi (ZIII) infection was confirmed by Polymerase Chain Reaction, and sequencing. The animal presented multisystemic failure and died. Although acute Chagas disease in humans is not reported in Cuiabá, this is the first report of a canine case in this region. This case represents a warning, to health professionals and authorities, to the possibility of transmission of this zoonosis in Cuiabá.
Introduction & Objectives: Several factors may influence the decision to pursue nonsurgical modalities for the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer. Topical photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a non-invasive alternative treatment reported to have a high efficacy when using standardized protocols in Bowen’s disease (BD), superficial basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and in thin nodular BCC. However, long-term recurrence studies are lacking. The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term efficacy of PDT with topical methylaminolevulinate (MAL) for the treatment of BD and BCC in a dermato-oncology department. Materials & Methods: All patients with the diagnosis of BD or BCC, treated with MAL-PDT from the years 2004 to 2008, were enrolled. Treatment protocol included two MAL-PDT sessions one week apart repeated at three months when incomplete response, using a red light dose of 37-40 J/cm2 and an exposure time of 8’20’’. Clinical records were retrospectively reviewed, and data regarding age, sex, tumour location, size, treatment outcomes and recurrence were registered. Descriptive analysis was performed using chi square tests, followed by survival analysis with the Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression models. Results: Sixty-eight patients (median age 71.0 years, P25;P75=30;92) with a total of 78 tumours (31 BD, 45 superficial BCC, 2 nodular BCC) and a median tumour size of 5 cm2 were treated. Overall, the median follow-up period was 43.5 months (P25;P75=0;100), and a total recurrence rate of 33.8% was observed (24.4 % for BCC vs. 45.2% for BD). Estimated recurrence rates for BCC and BD were 5.0% vs. 7.4% at 6 months, 23.4% vs. 27.9% at 12 months, and 30.0% vs. 72.4% at 60 months. Both age and diagnosis were independent prognostic factors for recurrence, with significantly higher estimated recurrence rates in patients with BD (p=0.0036) or younger than 58 years old (p=0.039). The risk of recurrence (hazard ratio) was 2.4 times higher in patients with BD compared to superficial BCC (95% CI:1.1-5.3; p=0.033), and 2.8 times higher in patients younger than 58 years old (95% CI:1.2-6.5; p=0.02). Conclusions: In the studied population, estimated recurrence rates are higher than those expected from available literature, possibly due to a longer follow-up period. To the authors’ knowledge there is only one other study with a similar follow-up period, regarding BCC solely. BD, as an in situ squamous cell carcinoma, has a higher tendency to recur than superficial BCC. Despite greater cosmesis, PDT might no be the best treatment option for young patients considering their higher risk of recurrence.
Objectives: To retrospectively review the hybrid treatment of the aortic arch with supra-aortic debranching and endo- vascular stent-graft repair in a single institution. Methods: From 2007 to 2010, all patients submitted to aortic debranching procedures were entered into a prospective database analysis. For the present study, only patients with sealing zones 0 and 1, according to the Ishimaru classification, were included. Procedure-related morbimortality was analysed for the open and endovascular procedures. Results: During the study period, we electively performed 6 total aortic debranching and 4 partial aortic debranching procedures in 10 patients. According to the etiology the indications were: 6 aortic arch aneurysms, 2 post-dissection aneu- rysms, 1 false aneurysm and 1 type I endoleak following TEVAR. The proximal sealing zone was Ishimaru zone 0 in six patients and zone 1 in four patients. The TEVAR procedure was delayed in all patients with a completion success of 80% (1 patient died from ruptured aortic aneurysm; 1 patient denied the second procedure and was lost to follow-up). The 30d mortality rate was 10% (patient mentioned above). The main morbidity was: 1 axillar venous thrombosis, 1 case of subclinical myocardial infarction, 1 case of terminal renal insufficiency and 1 case of prolonged ventilation. No permanent cerebral or peripheral neurologic deficit was noted. Conclusions: The hybrid repair of the aortic arch is a feasible and reproducible procedure, and our results are similar to the previously published series. Medium and long-term results are necessary to confirm whether the technique can be regarded as a safe alternative to open surgery in high-risk patients.
SUMMARYThis study evaluated the applicability of kDNA-PCR as a prospective routine diagnosis method for American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) in patients from the Instituto de Infectologia Emílio Ribas (IIER), a reference center for infectious diseases in São Paulo - SP, Brazil. The kDNA-PCR method detected Leishmania DNA in 87.5% (112/128) of the clinically suspected ATL patients, while the traditional methods demonstrated the following percentages of positivity: 62.8% (49/78) for the Montenegro skin test, 61.8% (47/76) for direct investigation, and 19.3% (22/114) for in vitro culture. The molecular method was able to confirm the disease in samples considered negative or inconclusive by traditional laboratory methods, contributing to the final clinical diagnosis and therapy of ATL in this hospital. Thus, we strongly recommend the inclusion of kDNA-PCR amplification as an alternative diagnostic method for ATL, suggesting a new algorithm routine to be followed to help the diagnosis and treatment of ATL in IIER.
Introduction: C-reactive protein (CRP) and Bedside Index for Severity in Acute Pancreatitis (BISAP) have been used in early risk assessment of patients with AP. Objectives: We evaluated prognostic accuracy of CRP at 24 hours after hospital admission (CRP24) for in-hospital mortality (IM) in AP individually and with BISAP. Materials and Methods: This retrospective cohort study included 134 patients with AP from a Portuguese hospital in 2009---2010. Prognostic accuracy assessment used area under receiver---operating characteristic curve (AUC), continuous net reclassification improvement (NRI), and integrated discrimination improvement (IDI). Results: Thirteen percent of patients had severe AP, 26% developed pancreatic necrosis, and 7% died during index hospital stay. AUCs for CRP24 and BISAP individually were 0.80 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.65---0.95) and 0.77 (95% CI 0.59---0.95), respectively. No patients with CRP24 <60 mg/l died (P = 0.027; negative predictive value 100% (95% CI 92.3---100%)). AUC for BISAP plus CRP24 was 0.81 (95% CI 0.65---0.97). Change in NRI nonevents (42.4%; 95% CI, 24.9---59.9%) resulted in positive overall NRI (31.3%; 95% CI, − 36.4% to 98.9%), but IDI nonevents was negligible (0.004; 95% CI, − 0.007 to 0.014). Conclusions: CRP24 revealed good prognostic accuracy for IM in AP; its main role may be the selection of lowest risk patients.