972 resultados para Violin with string orchestra, Arranged


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Bursaphelenchus antoniae sp. n. is described and illustrated. Dauer juveniles were isolated from the body of the large pine weevil, Hylobius sp., collected from maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) stumps, in Portugal. Bursaphelenchus antoniae sp. n. was reared and maintained in P. pinaster wood segments and on Petri dish cultures of the fungi Botrytis cinerea and Monilinia fructicola. The new species is characterised by a relatively small body length of ca 583 μm (females) and 578 μm (males), a lateral field with two incisures, presence of a small vulval flap and a conoid female tail with a rounded or pointed terminus. Males have stout spicules with a disc-like cucullus and seven caudal papillae arranged as a single midventral precloacal papilla, one precloacal pair and two postcloacal pairs. In the character of the lateral field, B. antoniae sp. n. comes close to B. abietinus, B. rainulfi and B. hylobianum, whilst spicule characters place it within the piniperdae-group sensu Ryss et al. Morphologically, B. antoniae sp. n. is closest to B. hylobianum; the spicules of these two species having flattened, wing-like, alae on the distal third of the lamina. Bursaphelenchus antoniae sp. n. is distinguished from B. hylobianum on the arrangement of the caudal papillae (two vs three pairs). ITS-RFLP profiles and the failure to hybridise support the separation of the two species. Phylogenetic analysis of the new species, based on the 18S rDNA sequence, supports the inclusion of this new species in the B. hylobianum-group sensu Braasch. Sequence analysis of the 28S rDNA D2/D3 domain did not place the new species in a definite group.


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The case study looked at psychological and physiological responses to stress in musicians, comparing a newly formed and a consolidated violin-piano duo. The common element between these duos was the pianist. Using the psychological tests (STAI Y1 and Y2, K-MPAI, MMPI-2, ICAC), the immunoassay saliva test to measure cortisol (stress hormone) and non- invasive device VitalJacket® developed at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, participants were monitored under various performance conditions. Others quantitative and qualitative dataset were collected including a pianist’s personal diary (analyzed by psychiatrist), semi-structured interviews with members of long-terms chamber music duo and perceptual evaluations (listening test) of the performances by expert listeners. The variables included two performance venues (European university and secondary school), as well as well-known repertoire, recently known repertoire and newly known repertoire. The latter was given approximately one week before each recital. The psychological and physiological dataset were collected for a total of eight recitals – two series of four recitals each. The unexpected results show that state anxiety levels and stress of the pianist, who does not present an anxious profile, either in social or in musical terms, are always higher when playing with a well-known partner. Possible explanations may be due to the highest expectations for quality of performance and implications of mirror neurons (since the reactions are very different according to the partner). In other words, the “known” (i.e., the consolidated duo) can become “trapped” within a predetermined space, especially at the psychological level, while the “unknown” (the occasional duo) seems to be less involved and therefore more reassuring and exciting in positive terms. In addition, the preference of the expert audience is for the consolidated duo.


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Cell cycle and differentiation are two highly coordinated processes during organ development. Recent studies have demonstrated that core cell cycle regulators also play cell cycle-independent functions in post-mitotic neurons, and are essential for the maintenance of neuronal homeostasis. CDC25 phosphatases are well-established CDK activators and their activity is mainly associated to proliferating tissues. The expression and activity of mammalian CDC25s has been reported in adult brains. However, their physiological relevance and the potential substrates in a non-proliferative context have never been addressed. string (stg) encodes the Drosophila CDC25 homolog. Previous studies from our group showed that stg is expressed in photoreceptors (PRs) and in lamina neurons, which are two differentiated cell types that compose the fly visual system. The aims of this work are to uncover the function of stg and to identify its potential neuronal substrates, using the Drosophila visual system as a model. To gain insight into the function of stg in a non-dividing context we used the GAL4/UAS system to promote downregulation of stg in PR-neurons, through the use of an RNAi transgene. The defects caused by stg loss-of-function were evaluated in the developing eye imaginal disc by immunofluorescence, and during adult stages by scanning electron microscopy. This genetic approach was combined with a specific proteomic method, two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE), to identify the potential substrates in PR-cells. Our results showed that stg downregulation in PRs affects the well-patterned retina organization, inducing the loss of apical maintenance of PR-nuclei on the eye disc, and ommatidia disorganization. We also detected an abnormal accumulation of cytoskeletal proteins and a disruption of the axon structure. As a consequence, the projection of PR-axons into the lamina and medulla neuropils of the optic lobe was impaired. Upon stg downregulation, we also detected that PR-cells accumulate Cyclin B. Although the rough eye phenotype observed upon stg downregulation suggests neurodegeneration, we did not detect neuronal death during larval stages, suggesting that it likely occurs during pupal stages or during adulthood. By 2D-DIGE, we identified seven proteins which were differentially expressed upon stg downregulation, and are potential neuronal substrates of Stg. Altogether, our observations suggest that Stg phosphatase plays an essential role in the Drosophila visual system neurons, regulating several cell components and processes in order to ensure their homeostasis.


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Most current-generation Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) nodes are equipped with multiple sensors of various types, and therefore support for multi-tasking and multiple concurrent applications is becoming increasingly common. This trend has been fostering the design of WSNs allowing several concurrent users to deploy applications with dissimilar requirements. In this paper, we extend the advantages of a holistic programming scheme by designing a novel compiler-assisted scheduling approach (called REIS) able to identify and eliminate redundancies across applications. To achieve this useful high-level optimization, we model each user application as a linear sequence of executable instructions. We show how well-known string-matching algorithms such as the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) and the Shortest Common Super-sequence (SCS) can be used to produce an optimal merged monolithic sequence of the deployed applications that takes into account embedded scheduling information. We show that our approach can help in achieving about 60% average energy savings in processor usage compared to the normal execution of concurrent applications.


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The human Rad52 protein stimulates joint molecule formation by hRad51, a homologue of Escherichia coli RecA protein. Electron microscopic analysis of hRad52 shows that it self-associates to form ring structures with a diameter of approximately 10 nm. Each ring contains a hole at its centre. hRad52 binds to single and double-stranded DNA. In the ssDNA-hRad52 complexes, hRad52 was distributed along the length of the DNA, which exhibited a characteristic "beads on a string" appearance. At higher concentrations of hRad52, "super-rings" (approximately 30 nm) were observed and the ssDNA was collapsed upon itself. In contrast, in dsDNA-hRad52 complexes, some regions of the DNA remained protein-free while others, containing hRad52, interacted to form large protein-DNA networks. Saturating concentrations of hRad51 displaced hRad52 from ssDNA, whereas dsDNA-Rad52 complexes (networks) were more resistant to hRad51 invasion and nucleoprotein filament formation. When Rad52-Rad51-DNA complexes were probed with gold-conjugated hRad52 antibodies, the presence of globular hRad52 structures within the Rad51 nucleoprotein filament was observed. These data provide the first direct visualisation of protein-DNA complexes formed by the human Rad51 and Rad52 recombination/repair proteins.


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Objective: Overuse injuries in violinists are a problem that has been primarily analyzed through the use of questionnaires. Simultaneous 3D motion analysis and EMG to measure muscle activity has been suggested as a quantitative technique to explore this problem by identifying movement patterns and muscular demands which may predispose violinists to overuse injuries. This multi-disciplinary analysis technique has, so far, had limited use in the music world. The purpose of this study was to use it to characterize the demands of a violin bowing task. Subjects: Twelve injury-free violinists volunteered for the study. The subjects were assigned to a novice or expert group based on playing experience, as determined by questionnaire. Design and Settings: Muscle activity and movement patterns were assessed while violinists played five bowing cycles (one bowing cycle = one down-bow + one up-bow) on each string (G, D, A, E), at a pulse of 4 beats per bow and 100 beats per minute. Measurements: An upper extremity model created using coordinate data from markers placed on the right acromion process, lateral epicondyle of the humerus and ulnar styloid was used to determine minimum and maximum joint angles, ranges of motion (ROM) and angular velocities at the shoulder and elbow of the bowing arm. Muscle activity in right anterior deltoid, biceps brachii and triceps brachii was assessed during maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) and during the playing task. Data were analysed for significant differences across the strings and between experience groups. Results: Elbow flexion/extension ROM was similar across strings for both groups. Shoulder flexion/extension ROM increaslarger for the experts. Angular velocity changes mirrored changes in ROM. Deltoid was the most active of the muscles assessed (20% MVC) and displayed a pattern of constant activation to maintain shoulder abduction. Biceps and triceps were less active (4 - 12% MVC) and showed a more periodic 'on and off pattern. Novices' muscle activity was higher in all cases. Experts' muscle activity showed a consistent pattern across strings, whereas the novices were more irregular. The agonist-antagonist roles of biceps and triceps during the bowing motion were clearly defined in the expert group, but not as apparent in the novice group. Conclusions: Bowing movement appears to be controlled by the shoulder rather than the elbow as shoulder ROM changed across strings while elbow ROM remained the same. Shoulder injuries are probably due to repetition as the muscle activity required for the movement is small. Experts require a smaller amount of muscle activity to perform the movement, possibly due to more efficient muscle activation patterns as a result of practice. This quantitative multidisciplinary approach to analysing violinists' movements can contribute to fuller understanding of both playing demands and injury mechanisms .


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Variations in different types of genomes have been found to be responsible for a large degree of physical diversity such as appearance and susceptibility to disease. Identification of genomic variations is difficult and can be facilitated through computational analysis of DNA sequences. Newly available technologies are able to sequence billions of DNA base pairs relatively quickly. These sequences can be used to identify variations within their specific genome but must be mapped to a reference sequence first. In order to align these sequences to a reference sequence, we require mapping algorithms that make use of approximate string matching and string indexing methods. To date, few mapping algorithms have been tailored to handle the massive amounts of output generated by newly available sequencing technologies. In otrder to handle this large amount of data, we modified the popular mapping software BWA to run in parallel using OpenMPI. Parallel BWA matches the efficiency of multithreaded BWA functions while providing efficient parallelism for BWA functions that do not currently support multithreading. Parallel BWA shows significant wall time speedup in comparison to multithreaded BWA on high-performance computing clusters, and will thus facilitate the analysis of genome sequencing data.


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La version intégrale de ce mémoire est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal.


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L’objectif de ce mémoire est de comprendre comment une certaine vision du monde, basée sur des croyances théologiques, a contribué à la composition du concerto pour violon Offertorium de Sofia Gubaïdulina. C’est par le biais de cette œuvre qu’est explorée l’idée du dialogue musicothéologique, en proposant des façons par lesquelles la pièce musicale en question peut servir de porteuse ou d’interprète d’une pensée théologique. Afin d’appuyer cette idée, la démarche intertextuelle employée par Heidi Epstein est utilisée. Cette méthode permet de faciliter non seulement le travail interdisciplinaire, mais aussi la lecture théologique de l’œuvre musicale. Le premier chapitre explore les sources, les questions et la problématique qui entoure le dialogue musicothéologique. La conclusion tirée est que l’étude d’Offertorium nécessite une approche équilibrée. Nous entendons par cela, une approche qui prend en ligne de compte la réflexion théologique autant que la recherche musicologique tout en respectant les contributions théologiques que l’œuvre musicale peut apporter en soi. Dans le deuxième chapitre, une analyse thématique d’Offertorium a été tentée ainsi qu’une étude du discours théologique et spirituel de la compositrice. Il a été conclu que l’arrière-plan russe orthodoxe de Gubaidulina a beaucoup influencé sa vision du monde et son approche artistique. Le concerto est porteur d’idées et de symboles liturgiques ou théologiques de l’Orthodoxie dans sa structure et dans sa construction thématique. Le troisième chapitre explore les parallèles entre la pensée de Gubaidulina et les écritures de plusieurs théologiens russes orthodoxes du 20e siècle. La conclusion de ce chapitre démontre que, même s’il est improbable que la compositrice connaisse bien ces auteurs, sa compréhension théologique et spirituelle sort du climat religieux de l’Église Orthodoxe. Cette idée explique les complémentarités et les similarités entre son discours, son œuvre et les propos des théologiens discutés. Le quatrième chapitre évalue la validité d’Offertorium comme moyen d’expression théologique ainsi que de générateur de réflexion théologique. La conclusion de la recherche est qu’Offertorium peut bel et bien être un espace théologique. Ce qui veut dire que des idées théologiques peuvent être communiquées par le biais de l’expérience sonore que ce soit par la mélodie ou l’ambiance générale. Également, cela implique que la musique devient un partenaire égal, quoique différent des méthodes de réflexion traditionnelles au sein de la conversation théologique.


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Dans certaines circonstances, des actions de groupes sont plus performantes que des actions individuelles. Dans ces situations, il est préférable de former des coalitions. Ces coalitions peuvent être disjointes ou imbriquées. La littérature économique met un fort accent sur la modélisation des accords où les coalitions d’agents économiques sont des ensembles disjoints. Cependant on observe dans la vie de tous les jours que les coalitions politiques, environnementales, de libre-échange et d’assurance informelles sont la plupart du temps imbriquées. Aussi, devient-il impératif de comprendre le fonctionnement économique des coalitions imbriquées. Ma thèse développe un cadre d’analyse qui permet de comprendre la formation et la performance des coalitions même si elles sont imbriquées. Dans le premier chapitre je développe un jeu de négociation qui permet la formation de coalitions imbriquées. Je montre que ce jeu admet un équilibre et je développe un algorithme pour calculer les allocations d’équilibre pour les jeux symétriques. Je montre que toute structure de réseau peut se décomposer de manière unique en une structure de coalitions imbriquées. Sous certaines conditions, je montre que cette structure correspond à une structure d’équilibre d’un jeu sous-jacent. Dans le deuxième chapitre j’introduis une nouvelle notion de noyau dans le cas où les coalitions imbriquées sont permises. Je montre que cette notion de noyau est une généralisation naturelle de la notion de noyau de structure de coalitions. Je vais plus loin en introduisant des agents plus raffinés. J’obtiens alors le noyau de structure de coalitions imbriquées que je montre être un affinement de la première notion. Dans la suite de la thèse, j’applique les théories développées dans les deux premiers chapitres à des cas concrets. Le troisième chapitre est une application de la relation biunivoque établie dans le premier chapitre entre la formation des coalitions et la formation de réseaux. Je propose une modélisation réaliste et effective des assurances informelles. J’introduis ainsi dans la littérature économique sur les assurances informelles, quatre innovations majeures : une fusion entre l’approche par les groupes et l’approche par les réseaux sociaux, la possibilité d’avoir des organisations imbriquées d’assurance informelle, un schéma de punition endogène et enfin les externalités. Je caractérise les accords d’assurances informelles stables et j’isole les conditions qui poussent les agents à dévier. Il est admis dans la littérature que seuls les individus ayant un revenu élevé peuvent se permettre de violer les accords d’assurances informelles. Je donne ici les conditions dans lesquelles cette hypothèse tient. Cependant, je montre aussi qu’il est possible de violer cette hypothèse sous d’autres conditions réalistes. Finalement je dérive des résultats de statiques comparées sous deux normes de partage différents. Dans le quatrième et dernier chapitre, je propose un modèle d’assurance informelle où les groupes homogènes sont construits sur la base de relations de confiance préexistantes. Ces groupes sont imbriqués et représentent des ensembles de partage de risque. Cette approche est plus générale que les approches traditionnelles de groupe ou de réseau. Je caractérise les accords stables sans faire d’hypothèses sur le taux d’escompte. J’identifie les caractéristiques des réseaux stables qui correspondent aux taux d’escomptes les plus faibles. Bien que l’objectif des assurances informelles soit de lisser la consommation, je montre que des effets externes liés notamment à la valorisation des liens interpersonnels renforcent la stabilité. Je développe un algorithme à pas finis qui égalise la consommation pour tous les individus liés. Le fait que le nombre de pas soit fini (contrairement aux algorithmes à pas infinis existants) fait que mon algorithme peut inspirer de manière réaliste des politiques économiques. Enfin, je donne des résultats de statique comparée pour certaines valeurs exogènes du modèle.


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La version intégrale de ce mémoire [ou de cette thèse] est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU)


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La version intégrale de ce mémoire est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université́ de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).


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In this paper, a multiband antenna using a novel fractal design is presented. The antenna structure is formed by inscribing a hexagonal slot within a circle. This base structure is then scaled and arranged within the hexagon along its sides without touching the outer structure. The proposed CPW fed, low profile antenna offers good performance in the 1.65 – 2.59 GHz, 4.16 – 4.52 GHz and 5.54 – 6.42 GHz bands and is suitable for GSM 1800/1900, Bluetooth, IMT advanced systems and upper WLAN applications. The antenna has been fabricated on a substrate of height 1.6 mm and εr = 4.4 and simulation and experimental results are found to be in good agreement


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This thesis presents a statistical framework for object recognition. The framework is motivated by the pictorial structure models introduced by Fischler and Elschlager nearly 30 years ago. The basic idea is to model an object by a collection of parts arranged in a deformable configuration. The appearance of each part is modeled separately, and the deformable configuration is represented by spring-like connections between pairs of parts. These models allow for qualitative descriptions of visual appearance, and are suitable for generic recognition problems. The problem of detecting an object in an image and the problem of learning an object model using training examples are naturally formulated under a statistical approach. We present efficient algorithms to solve these problems in our framework. We demonstrate our techniques by training models to represent faces and human bodies. The models are then used to locate the corresponding objects in novel images.


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Borassus akeassii Bayton, Ouedraogo & Guinko sp. nov. (Arecaceae) is described as a new species from western Burkina Faso in West Africa. It has been confused with the widely distributed African species B. aethiopum and more recently with the Asian B. flabellifer. However, it is distinguished by its glaucous, green leaves with weakly armed petioles and a characteristic pattern of lamina venation. The fruits have a pointed apex and are greenish when ripe, and the flowers of the pistillate inflorescence are arranged in three spirals. The pollen has a reticulate tectum and distinctive ornamentation. The distribution of B. akeassii is discussed and the status of the varieties of Borassus aethiopum (var. bagamojensis and var. senegalensis) is examined. (c) 2006 The Linnean Society of London.