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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo identificar o papel das tecnologias de informação e comunicação nas estratégias pedagógicas do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, segundo a percepção dos agentes, docente e discente, em curso superior de tecnologia da área de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas ofertado nas modalidades presencial e a distância. Para alcançar o objetivo foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, operacionalizada por meio de um estudo de caso. As pesquisas teóricas foram em temáticas que conduzissem o pesquisador ao entendimento do assunto e assim subsidiar a ida ao campo. Destacam-se na pesquisa teórica: a educação; os cursos superiores de tecnologia, a partir das suas regulamentações e abrangência; o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, investigando as principais teorias e estratégias presentes nos cursos; e as tecnologias de informação e comunicação, com enfoque especial às voltadas para a educação. A pesquisa empírica ocorreu por meio de um estudo de caso em um curso de uma instituição de ensino superior da região metropolitana de São Paulo que oferece cursos de tecnologia na área de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, dentre outros: Marketing, Logística, Recursos Humanos e Processos Gerenciais. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas, com roteiro semi-estruturado, e as estratégias utilizadas para análise foram a Narrativa e a Análise de Conteúdo. Para uma compreensão do assunto foram entrevistados docentes e discentes, do mesmo curso, das duas modalidades: presencial e a distância. As entrevistas foram feitas face a face e pela mesma pessoa, o pesquisador do presente estudo, na região metropolitana de São Paulo e foram posteriormente transcritas para análise. Foram realizadas 28 entrevistas. O resultado possibilitou inferir que há uma convergência de ações implementadas na educação a distância para a educação presencial como a intensificação do uso das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, as quais têm importante papel desde a estratégia para elaboração de uma aula até a devolutiva ao discente.


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O censo da educação superior de 2009 mostrou que o curso de Administração é o maior curso de graduação em número de matrículas no país. Somados os cursos presenciais e a distância são 1.102.579 alunos matriculados (18,5% do total). Além disso, o número de matrículas no curso de Administração cresceu 51% entre 2005 e 2009. Devido à representatividade do curso, não se pode desprezar o sentido do estudo para os alunos que buscam o título de bacharel em Administração. Também não pode ser desprezada a congruência entre o significado atribuído ao curso por esses alunos e os objetivos dos agentes envolvidos no planejamento e na execução desses cursos. Essas agentes são: o governo federal, representado pelo Ministério da Educação e Cultura (MEC); o órgão de classe, representado em nível estadual pelo Conselho Regional de Administração do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (CRA-RJ); as instituições de ensino superior (IES); os Coordenadores dos cursos de Administração; os Professores; e, finalmente, os Alunos. Sabendo que cada um desses agentes tem seus próprios objetivos e interesses e pensando no aluno como destinatário das políticas e práticas de todos os envolvidos no processo, busca-se, no presente estudo responder à seguinte questão: Qual o sentido do estudo para o aluno de graduação em Administração do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e as percepções dos agentes envolvidos nesse processo? A pesquisa de campo foi realizada em instituições de ensino superior do estado do Rio de Janeiro que disponibilizam cursos de graduação em Administração. Foram entrevistados nove coordenadores de curso, 17 professores e 58 alunos, totalizando 84 entrevistados. As entrevistas foram transcritas e submetidas à análise de conteúdo. O estudo conclui que o sentido atribuído ao curso pelos estudantes é o da empregabilidade e os agentes envolvidos na formação do administrador, em sua maioria, a ele vêm se adaptando quando deveriam provocar e oferecer um sentido mais amplo ao curso.


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O presente trabalho busca auxiliar no processo de gestão das instituições de ensino superior do Brasil e principalmente da Amazônia através de uma pesquisa que vem para diminuir as lacunas que existem no campo da gestão de instituições de ensino. Por meio de uma pesquisa quantitativa, pretendeu-se elucidar dentro do processo de escolha, por parte dos alunos ingressantes no ensino superior, quais são os atributos que determinam a escolha de um curso de graduação, não somente na campo da administração de empresas, mas nos cursos de graduação como um todo.


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Este artigo estimou os efeitos de grupo no desempenho de alunos concluintes dos cursos das instituições de ensino superior que implantaram, de forma voluntária ou compulsória, políticas de ação afirmativa em seus processos de admissão. Os resultados sugeriram um impacto negativo e modesto no desempenho dos concluintes expostos a implementação dessas políticas.


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Diante da importância dos conteúdos de responsabilidade social corporativa para a sociedade e empresas no mundo atual, a pesquisa foi realizada com o intuito de observar mais detalhadamente nos textos oficiais das instituições de ensino superior, as referencias à responsabilidade social corporativa, de acordo com Elkington (1997), e ao ensino oferecido em dez cursos de graduação em administração de empresas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O trabalho se baseia na análise de conteúdo de documentos disponibilizados pelos cursos de graduação na rede mundial de computadores, seguido de reflexão por meio de lentes teóricas de matrizes curriculares, aspectos de sociologia das profissões e formação de grade oculta. Conclui-se que há evidências de pouco foco dedicado às questões de RSC nos cursos de graduação, assim como um pequeno percentual de carga horária dedicada exclusivamente ao tema. No entanto, levando em consideração que os currículos podem estar relacionados à manutenção de poder e o apaziguamento de conteúdos emergentes para manutenção de forças hegemônicas, observamos que não podemos averiguar por meio da pesquisa baseada em análise de conteúdo de documentos escritos se o conteúdo relacionado à RSC está sendo ensinado de forma transversal no currículo, deixando aberta a possibilidade de pesquisa adicional para averiguar tal possibilidade.


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Recentemente, o mercado brasileiro de ensino superior à distância (ESAD) apresentou forte crescimento (33% ao ano de 2005 até 2013). Esse trabalho cruza as informações do Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (INEP) e do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) para cada município brasileiro, no ano de 2013, e propõem fatores que explicam a demanda por ESAD. Com base em aproximadamente 70 mil registros, um dos resultados indica que a demanda por ESAD tem sido represada, e não apenas pelas restrições de oferta impostas pelo regulador, mas, também, pela política de financiamento estudantil (FIES), que favorece a modalidade presencial. Para uma redução de 10 pontos percentuais na oferta do FIES, estima-se um crescimento de 1,4 pontos percentuais na demanda por ESAD, sugerindo que novas autorizações de expansão da oferta de ESAD são uma alternativa para contrabalançar eventuais cortes de subsídios do FIES. Outro resultado interessante é o de que a demanda por ESAD tende a ser maior tanto em municípios da região sul quanto em municípios onde a procura por cursos de pedagogia e serviço social é maior.


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This thesis pursuits to contextualize the theoretical debate between the implementation of public education policy of the Federal Government focused in a distance learning and legal foundations for its enforcement, in order to raise questions and comments on the topic in question. Its importance is back to provide scientific input and can offer to the academy, particularly in the UFRN, and elements of society to question and rethink the complex relationship between the socio-economic and geographic access to higher education. It consists of a descriptive study on the institutionalization of distance education in UFRN as a mechanism for expanding access to higher education, for both, the research seeks to understand if the distance undergraduate courses offered by the UAB system and implemented at UFRN, promote expanding access to higher education, as it is during implementation that the rules, routines and social processes are converted from intentions to action. The discussion of this study lasted between two opposing views of Implementation models: Top-down and Bottom-up. It is worth noting that the documents PNE, PDE and programs and UAB MEETING reflect positively in improving the educational level of the population of the country It is a qualitative study, using the means Bibliographic, Document and Field Study, where they were performed 04 (four) in 2010 interviews with the management framework SEDIS / UAB in UFRN. The data were analyzed and addressed through techniques: Document Analysis and Content Analysis. The results show that the process of implementation of distance education at UFRN is in progress. According to our results, the research objective is achieved, but there was a need to rethink the conditions of the infrastructure of poles, the structure of the academic calendar, the management of the SEDIS UFRN, regarding the expansion of existing vacancies and the supply of new courses by the need for a redesign as the Secretariat's ability to hold the offerings of undergraduate courses offered by the Federal Government to be implemented in the institution. It was also found that levels of evasion still presents a challenge to the teaching model. Given the context, we concluded that the greatest contribution of UAB and consequently UFRN by distance learning for undergraduate courses (Bachelor in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geography and Biological Sciences, beyond the bachelor's degrees in Business and Public Administration ) is related to increasing the number of vacancies and accessibility of a population that was previously deprived of access to university


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In the teaching practice of architecture and urbanism in Brazil, educational legislation views modeling laboratories and workshops as an indispensable component of the infrastructure required for the good functioning of any architectural course of study. Although the development of information technology at the international level has created new possibilities for digital production of architectural models, research in this field being underway since the early 1990s, it is only from 2007 onwards that such technologies started to be incorporated into the teaching activity of architecture and urbanism in Brazil, through the pioneering experience at LAPAC/FEC/UNICAMP. It is therefore a recent experiment whose challenges can be highlighted through the following examples: (i) The implementation of digital prototyping laboratories in undergraduate courses of architecture and urbanism is still rare in Brazil; (ii) As a new developing field with few references and application to undergraduate programs, it is hard to define methodological procedures suitable for the pedagogical curricula already implemented or which have already been consolidated over the years; (iii) The new digital ways for producing tridimensional models are marked with specificities which make it difficult to fit them within the existing structures of model laboratories and workshops. Considering the above, the present thesis discusses the tridimensional model as a tool which may contribute to the development of students skills in perceiving, understanding and representing tridimensional space. Analysis is made of the relation between different forms of models and the teaching of architectural project, with emphasis on the design process. Starting from the conceptualization of the word model as it is used in architecture and urbanism, an attempt is made to identify types of tridimensional models used in the process of project conception, both through the traditional, manual way of model construction as well as through the digital ones. There is also an explanation on how new technologies for digital production of models through prototyping are being introduced in undergraduate academic programs of architecture and urbanism in Brazil, as well as a review of recent academic publications in this area. Based on the paradigm of reflective practice in teaching as designed by Schön (2000), the experiment applied in the research was undertaken in the integrated workshop courses of architectural project in the undergraduate program of architecture and urbanism at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Along the experiment, physical modeling, geometric modeling and digital prototyping are used in distinct moments of the design process with the purpose of observing the suitability of each model to the project s phases. The procedures used in the experiments are very close to the Action Research methodology in which the main purpose is the production of theoretical knowledge by improving the practice. The process was repeated during three consecutive semesters and reflection on the results which were achieved in each cycle helped enhancing the next one. As a result, a methodological procedure is proposed which consists of the definition of the Tridimensional Model as the integrating element for the contents studied in a specific academic period or semester. The teaching of Architectural Project as it is developed along the fifth academic period of the Architecture and Urbanism undergraduate program of UFRN is taken as a reference


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This study had a multidisciplinary focus, investigating the areas of health and education, and proposes to discuss the formation of health professionals, requiring their understanding of the factors involved in the production of knowledge, given that this formation has an impact on the quality of human and social life. The aim of this work was to investigate the relationship existing between the process of physical therapist formation and the practical activities developed during the undergraduate course in the Northeast of Brazil. This is an exploratory descriptive study with qualitative significance. The sample consisted of 73 subjects (33 professors and 40 students) from 6 physical therapy courses at different institutions in the Northeast of Brazil. Data collection was conducted through focus group interviews. In addition, we used a school assessment instrument from the health area. The data, analyzed using dialectical hermeneutics, showed that the Northeast of Brazil has the second largest number of physical therapy courses in the country, with 93 (11 public and 82 private) out of a total of 510. These numbers represent a growth of 1062.5% since 1991. The pedagogical projects are guided by National Curricular Directives as well as by the country s health system. The prevalent pedagogy is that of transmission, and the contents/disciplines are generally not integrated with practice, a situation that hinders the integrality and interdisciplinarity of health care. It can be concluded that there is a need for implementing integrated curricula and for better qualified professors to effectively put this process into practice


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Dental education is going through important changes in preparing workers to meet the needs of the society and the labor market. For that reason, we studied the offering of comprehensive dental care clinics in Brazil with the aim of encouraging future curriculum changes focused on the training of general dental practitioners. An email questionnaire on educational organization and comprehensive care clinics of undergraduate programs was sent to each academic dental affairs dean. Sixty-seven (41.6%) dental schools agreed to participate. We observed that curriculum changes have contributed to modify the format of comprehensive care clinics. This was felt mainly (88,1%) with regards to workload and course offerings in different levels of the dental curriculum, thereby creating a favorable environment for generalist training. Most schools shared the following characteristics: clinical procedures were being prioritized according to level of complexity (95,5%), students were having the chance to attend courses in other programs (37,3%), and attempt to diversify teaching methods was being challenged (58,2%). Although progress in combining teaching and clinical services was reported by 83,6% of schools, most clinical procedures were still being performed intramurally (50,7%) in partnership with public service. There was also improvement in clinical mentorship due to the hiring of instructors qualified to work in comprehensive care clinics and with aptitude to supervise a wider range of dental procedures (58,2%). Further changes to Brazilian comprehensive care clinics should hence be encouraged and intensified to ensure appropriate generalist training for dental practitioners


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Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the central nervous system, most frequently characterized by abnormal electrical impulses in the brain. It is the oldest recorded neurological disease and has been surrounded by myths, mistaken beliefs and preconceptions. Three professionals work with epileptic patients on a daily basis: teachers, physical educators and physicians . This study aimed to analyze and compare the level of knowledge, preconceptions and attitudes of undergraduate students in the courses of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine, future professionals who will deal with epileptic patients. This descriptive observational study was conducted with 286 university undergraduates of both sexes (women 99/34.6% and men 187/65.4%) from the first to fourth year of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine courses at the Universidade Estadual Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), with mean age of 23 years. A validated and adapted 17-question questionnaire, divided into nine knowledge-based questions, five related to preconceptions and three on attitudes, was applied. Results allowed elaboration of a manuscript entitled Comparative Analysis of Knowledge, Attitude and Preconceptions in University Undergraduates of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine Courses in Relation to Epilepsy. The findings of this article show that knowledge of epilepsy in the three groups is very satisfactory. The low level of preconception indicates that educational or clarifying information is being transmitted, albeit by television, a layman s information vehicle, which has undoubtedly contributed to reducing the stigma of epilepsy through educational information. Results also suggest a lack of knowledge on how to act during a seizure, especially in education professionals. Although there are limitations in our sample, the relevance and contribution of this study is to call attention to the importance and need for these future professionals to be informed and learn correct attitudes with respect to epilepsy during their academic formation. This is essential at a time when the disease is being brought out of the shadows. This research was supported by the Office of the Dean of Teaching, and Deans of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine at UERN. The research was made possible by the multidisciplinary interaction among a physical educator, child neurologist and statistician, all contributing to achieving the aims set out here


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Inclusion of students with disabilities is a recent case that has been discussed in school contexts, but the current policy of inclusion for access and retention of students in higher education is still a problem face there is much to do, therefore, are incipient studies in which this student body is involved. Accordingly, what is happening is that the most studies deal with on these students and little is said about them. For inclusive education thus the institution should prepare to receive students, having as one of its premises their point of views about what actually experience aiming at promoting education for all. Therefore, this study deals with the process of inclusion of students with disabilities regularly enrolled in undergraduate courses at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN.They were used the assumptions of qualitative research enabled by the case study method and semi-structured interviews. It has been analyzed by guiding actions and teaching practices, under the views of disabled students and teachers, the conditions of access and permanence offered by UFRN. Twelve students with physical, visual, hearing disabilities participated and five teachers from the acedemic centers that in academic year 2008 taught to these students. For data analysis it was used the technique of content analysis. It was extracted two themes: access and retention of students with disabilities in UFRN, in which emerged the categories described and analyzed in the course of this work. The results show the difficulties of access and retention of students with disabilities within the UFRN, such as attitudinal, pedagogical and architectural barriers. However, as it has also turned out, initial advances in the quest for achieving more effective actions to guarantee access and permanence of these students in UFRN. It has concluded that the scope for the exercise of citizenship in the pupils with disabilities who need this Higher Education Institution has an inclusive education Project, wide and consolidated, for the actions undertaken by the Ministry of Education - MEC, by itself, are not guaranteed to all students due to mobility, autonomy and security. It has hoped this work will bring benefits for new studies to develop features that were located, but were not our focus, because then the UFRN may advance the inclusive process of disabled students


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This paper aims to investigate the formative needs of Elementary School Arts teachers at municipal public schools in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, working in the initial grades. The research was developed using the qualitative approach and the investigation can be classified as an action research-inspired collaborative, distinguished by mutual collaboration among all participants, as well as a reflection upon their practice. Conducted with four Arts teachers of Municipal Education de Natal/RN, this work triggered a (re)thinking of teaching practice in Arts, discussing the teachers' formation and encouraging a group reflection about their academic and professional path. Their motivation towards teaching was also discussed, as well as the way their progress as Arts teachers and the contributions and limits of college education, also including experiential knowledge as a possibility of formation. The main formative needs suggested by the research were knowledge on child development and child learning, and the need of an Arts curriculum proposal for the initial grades of Elementary School. From those data, a reflexive context was built with the participant teachers to give a new meaning to Arts teaching practice in the first years of Elementary School. Finally, it was shown that the Arts teacher formation must be broad and involve not only specific knowledge on Arts, but also knowledge about childhood. It was also clearly shown that a curriculum review in education undergraduate courses must be considered, besides the offering of a continual formation to teachers already giving classes. Concerning the Arts curriculum proposal, it should be done based on a work joining officials of Municipal Education, research and formation institutions and teachers working in the first years of Elementary School. Finally, the work highlights the Arts are essential in all levels of Elementary School, since its first years, and it must be taught and learnt since childhood


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Most knowledge and techniques developed by mankind since ancient times had the main purpose to study and understand the various phenomena of Nature. Science, like one of these narratives, works as a translation, transcribing what, is systematically observed. Within the set of transformations on the modern sciences, the dialogue with related areas became quite narrow and, occasionally, functional, and the dialogue with non-related areas, in turn, does not takes place by any matters. The focus of this research is the teaching of Biological Sciences, and the undergraduate courses as strategic places to disseminate a broad understanding of Nature, that broadens the conceptual relations between different disciplinary axes, previously fragmented. In order to do so, I take a four-way metaphorical approach as a methodological construction base. Three of them proposed by Joël de Rosnay, represented by artifacts: The Telescope, The Microscope and the Macroscope. And finally, a proposition that complements the approach, that i named The Naked Eye. In Telescope, which allows a more general construct of a phenomenon, I discuss the teaching of Biological Sciences in Brazil. In the microscope, which allows us to analyze in detail a scenario, I construct a rank of the major courses in biological sciences and propose a discussion on the understanding of nature on the undergraduate programs. In Macroscope, who allows, at the same time, zoom in and out to the phenomenon observed, I call for a transdisciplinary dialogue, based on the authors Ilya Prigogine, Basarab Nicolescu, Henri Atlan and Bruno Latour, which can certainly contribute to the curriculum of the Biologists training programs, that builds knowledge pertinent to a complex observation of Nature. I complete the set of the quaternary reading and understanding of the world from the Naked Eye, as the first strategy of perception in our species. For this, I invite the philosopher of Nature Chico Lucas da Silva as my interlocutor