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Shows names of landowners and boundaries.
This dissertation examines the fictional character Kitty Pryde from the X-Men comic book series during the tenure of writer Chris Claremont. Claremont's work on the character primarily involves the years 1980-1990, though a return to writing the character in the 2000s is also discussed when relevant. The thesis question revolves around the definition of the bildungsroman genre and whether Claremont's narrative arc for Kitty Pryde's character fulfills that definition. Jerome Hamilton Buckley's 1974 book Season of Youth: The Bildungsroman from Dickens to Golding is used as the primary authority for the bildungsroman genre, and more specifically a list of nine criteria that Buckley deems particularly key to the definition of the genre. Each of the nine criteria is looked at in depth, demonstrating where and how they can be found in the narrative, if at all. However, because Buckley's perspective and criteria come from a time of less diversity, examination from a feminist and minority perspective is also added with ideas from Rita Felski and Stella Bolaki. Combining Buckley's initial list of nine criteria with more modern criticism, these ideas are then used to analyze Kitty Pryde's narrative arc and to determine whether it can be seen as a bildungsroman. The findings support reading Claremont's narrative arc of the Kitty Pryde character as a bildungsroman. Three of Buckley's nine key themes are identified as particularly prevalent in the narrative: the search for a vocation, ordeal by love, and the conflict of generations. Three more key themes are found to be less prevalent but still clearly present: the search for a working philosophy, the larger society, and alienation. Because Buckley's definition for the bildungsroman genre requires the presence of six of his nine key themes, the presence of the aforementioned six thus validate the reading of the narrative as a bildungsroman. The text also provides some suggestions for finding the three least applicable key themes within the narrative, but because their presence is not necessary to fulfill the definition of the bildungsroman, they are not rigorously examined. In addition to fulfilling Buckley's key themes, the paper also discusses the more modern minority-oriented views. It is shown how the narrative can be read in terms of a journey to diverge from norms, as per Felski's ideas of the unique qualities of the specifically female bildungsroman. As Kitty Pryde's narrative can be shown to conform to the bildungsroman ideas of both Buckley and Felski, the thesis question is thus answered positively: Chris Claremont's X-Men can indeed be read as Kitty Pryde's bildungsroman.
Numerous academic libraries participate in their campuses' systems for faculty status for librarians, in separate tracks or identical tracks as those for teaching faculty. In either case, a practice is to encourage or require mentoring for librarians without tenure or permanent status. This chapter will cover the special challenges and benefits of mentoring and faculty status, the need for mentoring, and processes for best practices to make mentoring meaningful for all involved. The chapter will draw on the authors’ experiences, an environmental scan, a survey of selected institutional practice where librarians have faculty status, and published research and related literature. It will also feature mentoring programs developed by various institutions, including the University of Maryland Libraries.
Doctor of Philosophy in subject of Economics
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA - Instituto Universitário
Inadequate quantity and quality of livestock feed is a persistent constraint to productivity for mixed crop-livestock farming in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. To assess on-farm niches of improved forages, demonstration trials and participatory on-farm research were conducted in four different sites. Forage legumes included Canavalia brasiliensis (CIAT 17009), Stylosanthes guianensis (CIAT 11995) and Desmodium uncinatum (cv. Silverleaf), while grasses were Guatemala grass (Tripsacum andersonii), Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) French Cameroon, and a local Napier line. Within the first six months, forage legumes adapted differently to the four sites with little differences among varieties, while forage grasses displayed higher variability in biomass production among varieties than among sites. Farmers’ ranking largely corresponded to herbage yield from the first cut, preferring Canavalia, Silverleaf desmodium and Napier French Cameroon. Choice of forages and integration into farming systems depended on land availability, soil erosion prevalence and livestock husbandry system. In erosion prone sites, 55–60% of farmers planted grasses on field edges and 16–30% as hedgerows for erosion control. 43% of farmers grew forages as intercrop with food crops such as maize and cassava, pointing to land scarcity. Only in the site with lower land pressure, 71% of farmers grew legumes as pure stand. When land tenure was not secured and livestock freely roaming, 75% of farmers preferred to grow annual forage legumes instead of perennial grasses. Future research should develop robust decision support for spatial and temporal integration of forage technologies into diverse smallholder cropping systems and agro-ecologies.
ResumenBalance bibliográfico sobre la tierra y el proceso de reforma liberal en Costa Rica, cuyo objetivo es detectar vacíos, contradicciones y campos de interés que estimulan las futuras investigaciones orientadas hacia el ámbito de los estudios comparativos.AbstractDiscusses the main Works on land tenure and the effects of the liberal reforms in Costa Rica. It points out the gaps, contradictions and fields of interest to encourage more research from a comparative perspective.
En este artículo se presenta el análisis metodológico del mercado y el inventario de las tierras necesarias para el proceso de conversión de tierra agrícola a tierra urbana en la Gran Area Metropolitana (GAM) de Costa Rica.El crecimiento de las ciudades demanda nuevas tierras para su expansión y localización del crecimiento de la población y la concentración metropolitana de las actividades económicas y sociales.Al realizarse la transformación de la tierra agrícola a urbana cambia la naturaleza de uso, su contenido económico y los derechos de propiedad.Nos interesa presentar en este tratamiento teórico-metodológico: primero; los objetivos de la investigación, el planteamiento del problema y la delimitación de a tierra urbanizable de la región metropolitana de Costa Rica , segundo; los procesos y factores que intervienen en la conversión de tierra agrícola a tierra urbana; las características del mercado, el contenido económico, el contenido jurídico y los derechos de propiedad de la tierra potencialmente urbana; tercero, los instrumentos de gestión urbana de la tierra y cuarto; el análisis regional y subregional de la tierra urbanizable.Conviene entender que esta tierra de futura urbanización está en transición y que sus formas de uso y propiedad están determinadas por esta característica transicional.Abstract:This article discusses the methodology analysis of the land market and evaluation necessary lo convert agriculture land to urban Iand in the Big Metropolitan Área of Costa Rica.The grow of the cities requires new geographical space in order to expand and locate the new population and Ihe urban concentration of the economical and social activities.In the way the agricuLture Iand transforms to urban space, the nature of the use, thee economic content and the land tenure change.It is important to present in this article about the methodological teorical approach; first the objective of the research, the problem definition of urban land in the region of Costa Rican Metropolitan Área. Secondly, the process and factors that acts in the conversion from the agriculture land to urban land; the characteristics of market, legal and economic aspects and land tenure of the potential space to convert to urban land. Thirdly, the tool of the land urban is planning. Finally, the regional and subregional of the land with the properties to develop urban facilities.The land that in the future will be urbanice is in transition and their forms of use and land tenure determined by this condition.
Este artículo aborda la temática de la ocupación del suelo y el paisaje durante los últimos veinte años en la Reserva Indígena de Talamanca. La investigación se basa en información acerca del uso del suelo obtenida en la fotointerpretación del área de estudio durante los años 1976,1985, 1991, 1992 y 1997. Además, el análisis de la estructuración del uso del suelo y su relación con el paisaje es abordado desde la perspectiva de la dinámica poblacional, condiciones biofísicas y tenencia de la tierra. Se concluye que el capital es el elemento fundamental que determina las transformaciones en el uso del suelo durante el período de estudio en la Reserva Indígena de Talamanca, lo que ha incrementado la dependencia de agentes económicos externos y erosionado la estructura productiva autosuficiente que predominaba en el área. Lo anterior se ilustra con la expansión del monocultivo del plátano en las áreas del valle del río Telire y con el fuerte crecimiento de la población sobre estos sitios que se ha presentado durante los últimos veinte años, lo que ha provocado fuertes cambios en la estructuración del paisaje.ABSTRACT: This article analyzed the land-use patrón and the landscape at the Talamanca Indian Reservation, located in the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. The land-use information is based in aerial photos from 1976,1985,1991,1992 y 1997 that were studied and compared the different results. In addition to it, the land-use and landscape analysis is complemented with data about population, environmental conditions y land tenure from the study area that were collected in the field. This research found that capital factor is the basic element that explain the land-use changes during the studied period. There is an increase in the depending of external economic factors that has been eroded the traditional economic system. One example of it is the expansión of the banana plantain agriculture and increase of the population in the Telire Valley.
Este artículo desarrolla el diagnostico de los impactos del turismo en el ambiente, en Montezuma, Puntarenas. Se evaluó los efectos de la actividad turísticas en los recursos hídricos, fauna, vegetación y tenencia de la tierra, encontrando que el desarrollo de la actividad, en Montezuma, ha sido sin ninguna planificación y ha venido a alterar la cotidianidad de este pueblo. Aunque se han presentado algunos efectos positivos como son el nacimiento de una conciencia ambiental entre los diversos grupos de la comunidad, se han desarrollado varios problemas ambientales que están íntimamente ligados a la falta de planificación.Este problema es la alta contaminación del agua, porque no existen sistemas de tratamiento de la misma, además que los antes responsables no supervisan el tratamiento de las aguas tanto potables como servidas en las instalaciones turísticas, las cuales aumentaron aceleradamente durante los últimos cinco años. Por otro lado, se han presentado cambios en el paisaje, han introducido especies exóticas que alteran las condiciones naturales del medio. En cuanto a la tenencia de la tierra en la zona marítima terrestre, ésta se encuentra bajo el dominio de los extranjeros, los costarricenses tienen más números de concesiones pero los extranjeros tienen más superficie (69%). Todos los efectos negativos de turismo en Montezuma, se relaciona con la falta de planificación, por lo que resulta urgente realizar una estrategia de turismo sustentable para el área.ABSTRACTS This article diagnosed the tourism impacts on the environment, in Montezuma, Puntarenas. It e evaluated the effects of tourism in water, wildlife, vegetation and land tenure. It found that tourism in Montezuma have been without planning and it altered the routine life of this town, Even there have been some positive effects like increasing of environmental education, there have been several problems that are very related to the planning lack. Those problems are high water pollution because there is not any system to treat water and also none monitored the water treatment in the hotels, even those increased very fast during the last five years. Changing in the landscape are provoking to loose species even plants or animal, due they have used exotic species in the new hotel. The land tenure in the marine terrestrial zone is controled by foreigners, Costa Ricans have more numbers of concessions but foreigners have more surface (More 69%). Because, all the negative effects of tourism in Montezuma, are related to lack of planning, it is urgent to carry out a management plan for a sustainable tourism in this place.