823 resultados para Teachers’ initial training physics
A presente tese busca analisar as políticas educacionais desenvolvidas durante o período de 1937 à 1945 e 1951 a 1954, período em o antigo estado do Rio de Janeiro esteve governado pelo Comandante Ernani do Amaral Peixoto, que foi interventor federal durante todo o período do Estado Novo e depois retornou ao governo do estado como governador eleito. Este longo período a frente do estado do Rio de Janeiro proporcionou o desenvolvimento de uma política educacional continuada.Para compreender a dimensão das suas ações em relação à política educacional torna-se imprescindível analisar a figura do Comandante Amaral Peixoto, a sua participação na política fluminense, a biografia e as redes de sociabilidade construídas por ele. Este estudo importa em refletir sobre suas escolhas e investimentos na área da educação, além de buscar entender que influências sofreu para implantar as medidas que politicamente fez valer no estado, principalmente no âmbito da educação. Investigo a política educacional desenvolvida no período citado frisando especialmente a política desenvolvida para a escola do trabalho, as escolas superiores, a educação especial, a educação de adultos, a educação rural (escolas típicas rurais e praianas) e a educação física, abordando ainda o desenvolvimento da cultura nas ações relacionadas às missões culturais fluminenses, ao cinema educativo e museus que estavam ligados a educação nesta época, evidencio também a questão pedagógica através da analise da verificação de rendimentos e dos programas escolares desenvolvidos pelo departamento de educação. O papel do professor fluminense no desenvolvimento das políticas educacionais foi discutido a partir da formação de professores e do papel do estado do Rio como referência modernizadora na educação, traçando o perfil do professor fluminense nas décadas de 1930, 1940 e 1950, examinando a formação inicial destes professores, a formação continuada que era oferecida a eles e as correntes pedagógicas que influenciaram este professor na sua formação
A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar e desenhar o perfil dos professores de Educação Infantil do município do Rio de Janeiro, que trabalham em turmas de creche e são oriundos do primeiro concurso realizado para o cargo. Para tanto, as políticas públicas nacionais e regionais foram analisadas à luz do referencial do Ciclo de Políticas, de Ball e Bowe (1992 - 1994). Foram observados os diferentes contextos que culminaram com a criação do cargo de Professor de Educação Infantil (2010) na busca de elementos que ajudam a conhecer o quadro funcional dos profissionais que atuam na Educação Infantil, mais especificamente nas creches cariocas. Apresentamos um breve levantamento dos dados sobre a cidade do Rio de Janeiro, em especial, o lugar que ocupa a Educação Infantil no sistema de ensino carioca. A pesquisa adota uma metodologia qualitativa-quantitativa (quali-quanti). Foi utilizado um questionário digital (plataforma Google Docs) com questões referentes aos aspectos funcionais e formativos do professor. O questionário foi enviado digitalmente às creches para que fosse disponibilizado aos professores de educação infantil nelas lotados. Foram realizados dois grupos focais com professores que responderam ao instrumento digital e aceitaram o convite para participação na modalidade presencial da pesquisa. As questões apresentadas nos Grupos Focais buscaram qualificar os dados produzidos no questionário. As análises qualitativas apoiaram-se na perspectiva teórica de Lev Vigotski e entendem os sujeitos sócio-históricos, imersos em contextos específicos de desenvolvimento e em processo contínuo de transformação. A análise quantitativa apresentou dados relativos à idade, sexo, grupamentos de atuação e experiência profissional. A qualitativa ampliou a discussão sobre a formação inicial e continuada dos PEI e o processo de construção da identidade profissional por eles vivido, dando destaque às situações de conflitos existentes nos ambientes de trabalho (creche e EDI). O perfil produzido revela que o cargo é ocupado por professoras, com idade média de 37 anos, graduadas e que atuam prioritariamente em turmas de maternal. O acesso aos dados produzidos por esta pesquisa pode auxiliar a formulação de políticas públicas que busquem o desenvolvimento das crianças cariocas matriculadas nas creches, a partir do investimento em profissionais especificamente formados para lidar com os desafios do trabalho com as crianças pequenas
Objectives of the workshop included; introduction to various Marine Protected Area (MPA) tools with a focus on Management Effectiveness Assessment Tool (MEAT); report on selected MPAs in Bangladesh; undertake initial assessments using MEAT; and develop workplans for other MPAs
Objectives included a desk-top feasibility study to explore opportunities to adapt the Scientific Educational Resources and Experience Associated with the Deployment of Argo profiling floats in the South Pacific Ocean (SEREAD) to BOBLME country schools.The programme included teacher resources on climate change and facilitating interactions between scientists, students and teachers.
It is believed that during the initial stage of diamond film growth by chemical-vapor deposition (CVD), ion bombardment is the main mechanism in the bias-enhanced-nucleation (BEN) process. To verify such a statement, experiments by using mass-separated ion-beam deposition were carried out, in which a pure carbon ion beam, with precisely defined low energy, was selected for investigating the ion-bombardment effect on a Si substrate. The results are similar to those of the BEN process, which supports the ion-bombardment-enhanced-nucleation mechanism. The formation of sp(3) bonding is based on the presumption that the time of stress generation is much shorter than the duration of the relaxation process. The ion-bombarded Si is expected to enhance the CVD diamond nucleation density because the film contains amorphous carbon embedded with nanocrystalline diamond and defective graphite. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.
Seven regional networking events, aimed at supporting and developing ‘early stage’ novice university bioscience teachers were held across the UK. These workshops allowed 230 participants to reflect on teaching styles, learn about Higher Education Academy resources and discuss strategies to deal with a range of teaching situations. Post-event feedback was sought, and the results are presented in this paper. Feedback on the events was overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the need for such events to support the development of new teachers in higher education. Institutional training varies and these opportunities for sharing experiences, asking questions, networking and reflection on teaching practice were highly regarded. Most participants felt more confident about their teaching and believed that students were more directly engaged in their teaching after attending the events. Recommendations for support of this category of teacher include provision of discipline-specific events, opportunity for local area networking and support for the development of reflective practice in teaching and learning.
Tedd, L.A., Dahl, K., Francis, S.,Tet?evov?, M.& ?ihlavn?kov?, E.(2002).Training for professional librarians in Slovakia by distance-learning methods: an overview of the PROLIB and EDULIB projects. Library Hi Tech, 20(3), 340-351. Sponsorship: European Union and the Open Society Institute
The issue, with international and national overtones, of direct relevance to the present study, relates to the shaping of beginning teachers’ identities in the workplace. As the shift from an initial teacher education programme into initial practice in schools is a period of identity change worthy of investigation, this study focuses on the transformative search by nine beginning primary teachers for their teaching identities, throughout the course of their initial year of occupational experience, post-graduation. The nine beginning teacher participants work in a variety of primary school settings, thus strengthening the representativeness of the research cohort. Privileging ‘insider’ perspectives, the research goal is to understand the complexities of lived experience from the viewpoints of the participating informants. The shaping of identity is conceived of in dimensional terms. Accordingly, a framework composed of three dimensions of beginning teacher experience is devised, namely: contextual; emotional; temporo-spatial. Data collection and analysis is informed by principles derived from sociocultural theories; activity theory; figured worlds theory; and, dialogical self theory. Individual, face-to-face semi-structured interviews, and the maintenance of solicited digital diaries, are the principal methods of data collection employed. The use of a dimensional model fragments the integrated learning experiences of beginning teachers into constituent parts for the purpose of analysis. While acknowledging that the actual journey articulated by each participant is a more complex whole than the sum of its parts, key empirically-based claims are presented as per the dimensional framework employed: contextuality; emotionality; temporo-spatiality. As a result of applying the foci of an international literature to an under-researched aspect of Irish education, this study is offered as a context-specific contribution to the knowledge base on beginning teaching. As the developmental needs of beginning teachers constitute an emerging area of intense policy focus in Ireland, this research undertaking is both relevant and timely.
The training and ongoing education of medical practitioners has undergone major changes in an incremental fashion over the past 15 years. These changes have been driven by patient safety, educational, economic and legislative/regulatory factors. In the near future, training in procedural skills will undergo a paradigm shift to proficiency based progression with associated requirements for competence-based programmes, valid, reliable assessment tools and simulation technology. Before training begins, the learning outcomes require clear definition; any form of assessment applied should include measurement of these outcomes. Currently training in a procedural skill often takes place on an ad hoc basis. The number of attempts necessary to attain a defined degree of proficiency varies from procedure to procedure. Convincing evidence exists that simulation training helps trainees to acquire skills more efficiently rather than relying on opportunities in their clinical practice. Simulation provides a safe, stress free environment for trainees for skill acquisition, generalization and transfer via deliberate practice. The work described in this thesis contributes to a greater understanding of how medical procedures can be performed more safely and effectively through education. The effect of feedback, provided to novices in a standardized setting on a bench model, based on knowledge of performance was associated with an increase in the speed of skill acquisition and a decrease in error rate during initial learning. The timing of feedback was also associated with effective learning of skill. A marked attrition of skills (independent of the type of feedback provided) was demonstrable 24 hrs after they have first been learned. Using the principles of feedback as described above, when studying the effect of an intense training program on novices of varied years of experience in anaesthesia (i.e. the present training programmes / courses of an intense training day for one or more procedures). There was a marked attrition of skill at 24 hours with a significant correlation with increasing years of experience; there also appeared to be an inverse relationship between years of experience in anaesthesia and performance. The greater the number of years of practice experience, the longer it required a learner to acquire a new skill. The findings of the studies described in this thesis may have important implications for the trainers, trainees and training bodies in the design and implementation of training courses and the formats of delivery of changing curricula. Both curricula and training modalities will need to take account of characteristics of individual learners and the dynamic nature of procedural healthcare.
The student bullying of teachers (SBT) is a distinct and complex form of bullying with a multiplicity of diverse, changeable and intersecting causes which is experienced by and affects teachers in a variety of ways. SBT is both a national and an international phenomenon which is under-recognised in academic, societal and political spheres, resulting in limited conceptual understanding and awareness of the issue. This study explores teachers’ experiences of SBT behaviours in Irish second level schools as well as teachers’ perceptions regarding training, policies and supports in Ireland to address the issue. Specifically, the study seeks to explore the influence of historical low State intervention in education on contemporary policies and supports to deal with SBT in Ireland. A mixed methods approach involving a survey of 531 second level school teachers and 17 semi-structured interviews with teachers, Year Heads and representatives from teacher trade unions and school management bodies was employed to collect and analyse data. Findings indicate that SBT behaviours are prevalent in many forms in Irish second level schools. The hidden nature of the phenomenon has simultaneously contributed to and is reinforced by limited understanding of the issue as well as teachers’ reluctance to disclose their experiences. Findings reveal that teachers perceive the contemporary policies, training and support structures in Ireland to be inadequate in equipping them to effectively deal with SBT. State intervention in addressing SBT behaviours to date, has been limited, therefore many teachers are forced to respond to the issue based on their own initiatives and assumptions rather than from an informed critically reflective approach, supported by national guidelines and sufficient State investment. This has resulted in a piecemeal, un-coordinated and ad-hoc approach to SBT in Irish schools both in terms of teachers’ management of SBT behaviours and with respect to the supports extended to staff. The potential negative consequences of SBT behaviours on teachers’ wellbeing and professional performance and thus, on the education system itself, underlines the need for a strategic, evidence-based, resourced and integrated approach which includes, as a pivotal component, consultation with teachers, whose contribution to the process is crucial.
BACKGROUND: The ability to write clearly and effectively is of central importance to the scientific enterprise. Encouraged by the success of simulation environments in other biomedical sciences, we developed WriteSim TCExam, an open-source, Web-based, textual simulation environment for teaching effective writing techniques to novice researchers. We shortlisted and modified an existing open source application - TCExam to serve as a textual simulation environment. After testing usability internally in our team, we conducted formal field usability studies with novice researchers. These were followed by formal surveys with researchers fitting the role of administrators and users (novice researchers) RESULTS: The development process was guided by feedback from usability tests within our research team. Online surveys and formal studies, involving members of the Research on Research group and selected novice researchers, show that the application is user-friendly. Additionally it has been used to train 25 novice researchers in scientific writing to date and has generated encouraging results. CONCLUSION: WriteSim TCExam is the first Web-based, open-source textual simulation environment designed to complement traditional scientific writing instruction. While initial reviews by students and educators have been positive, a formal study is needed to measure its benefits in comparison to standard instructional methods.
Research indicates that school leaders are crucial to improving instruction and raising student achievement (Council of Chief State School Officers, 2008). As such, educational reforms such as the No Child Left Behind Act (2001) and Race to the Top (2009) have sparked an accountability movement where principals are being held accountable for students' academic achievement and educational outcomes. The shift towards greater accountability has placed new attention on the ways principals are trained. Researchers have noted that organized professional development programs have not adequately prepared school principals to meet the priority demands of the 21st century (Hale & Moorman, 2003; Murphy, 1994). Murphy (1994) stated, "Traditional preparation programs - usually pre-service programs based in colleges or universities, that awarded certification and advanced degrees - rarely concentrated on the leadership challenges that principals actually face in real schools" (p. 4). As a result, many school districts are seeking ways to develop leadership development training programs that will prepare principals for their job responsibilities as a school leader. In spite of the additional training principals receive, researchers suggests that there is an obvious gap between the readiness of administrators to be instructional leaders and the demands for accountability that school administrators face (Hale & Moorman, 2003). This quantitative study examined elementary school principals' perceptions of their leadership development training program. Guided by four research questions, the study examined principals' perceptions of their overall training and how well their training prepared them to deal with school and classroom practices that contribute to student achievement; to work with teachers and others to design and implement a system for continuous student achievement; and to provide necessary support to carry out sound school, curriculum, and instructional practices. Data for this study was collected by way of survey responses from a total of 46 elementary school principals. The results from the study revealed that more than half (58.7%) of participants perceived their training as excellent. While principals' perceived that their training adequately prepared them to work collaboratively in teams, set clear visions and goals, and to use data to improve students achievement, many respondents reported a lack of training in being informed and focused on student achievement. Principals also suggested that they were not effectively trained in finding effective ways to obtain support from central office or community members.