1000 resultados para Surface Diffusivity
Geometric parameters of binary (1:1) PdZn and PtZn alloys with CuAu-L10 structure were calculated with a density functional method. Based on the total energies, the alloys are predicted to feature equal formation energies. Calculated surface energies of PdZn and PtZn alloys show that (111) and (100) surfaces exposing stoichiometric layers are more stable than (001) and (110) surfaces comprising alternating Pd (Pt) and Zn layers. The surface energy values of alloys lie between the surface energies of the individual components, but they differ from their composition weighted averages. Compared with the pure metals, the valence d-band widths and the Pd or Pt partial densities of states at the Fermi level are dramatically reduced in PdZn and PtZn alloys. The local valence d-band density of states of Pd and Pt in the alloys resemble that of metallic Cu, suggesting that a similar catalytic performance of these systems can be related to this similarity in the local electronic structures.
A Knudsen flow reactor has been used to quantify surface functional groups on aerosols collected in the field. This technique is based on a heterogeneous titration reaction between a probe gas and a specific functional group on the particle surface. In the first part of this work, the reactivity of different probe gases on laboratory-generated aerosols (limonene SOA, Pb(NO3)2, Cd(NO3)2) and diesel reference soot (SRM 2975) has been studied. Five probe gases have been selected for the quantitative determination of important functional groups: N(CH3)3 (for the titration of acidic sites), NH2OH (for carbonyl functions), CF3COOH and HCl (for basic sites of different strength), and O3 (for oxidizable groups). The second part describes a field campaign that has been undertaken in several bus depots in Switzerland, where ambient fine and ultrafine particles were collected on suitable filters and quantitatively investigated using the Knudsen flow reactor. Results point to important differences in the surface reactivity of ambient particles, depending on the sampling site and season. The particle surface appears to be multi-functional, with the simultaneous presence of antagonistic functional groups which do not undergo internal chemical reactions, such as acid-base neutralization. Results also indicate that the surface of ambient particles was characterized by a high density of carbonyl functions (reactivity towards NH2OH probe in the range 0.26-6 formal molecular monolayers) and a low density of acidic sites (reactivity towards N(CH3)3 probe in the range 0.01-0.20 formal molecular monolayer). Kinetic parameters point to fast redox reactions (uptake coefficient ?0>10-3 for O3 probe) and slow acid-base reactions (?0<10-4 for N(CH3)3 probe) on the particle surface. [Authors]
The identification of endogenously produced antigenic peptides presented by MHC class I molecules has opened the way to peptide-based strategies for CTL induction in vivo. Here we demonstrate that the induction in vivo of CTL directed against naturally processed antigens can be triggered by injection of syngeneic cells expressing covalent major histocompatibility complex class I-peptide complexes. In the model system used, the induction of HLA-Cw3 specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in mice by cell surface-associated, covalent H-2Kd (Kd)-Cw3 peptide complexes was investigated. The Kd-restricted Cw3 peptide 170-179 (RYLKNGKETL), which mimics the major natural epitope recognized by Cw3-specific CTL in H-2d mice, was converted to a photoreactive derivative by replacing Arg-170 with N-beta-(4-azidosalicyloyl)-L-2,3-diaminopropionic acid. This peptide derivative was equivalent to the parental Cw3 peptide in terms of binding to Kd molecules and recognition by Cw3-specific CTL clones and could be cross-linked efficiently and selectively to Kd molecules on the surface of Con A-stimulated spleen cells from H-2d mice. Photocross-linking prevented the rapid dissociation of Kd-peptide derivative complexes that takes place under physiological conditions. Cultures of spleen cells or peritoneal exudate cells from mice inoculated i.p. with peptide-pulsed and photocross-linked cells developed a strong CTL response following antigenic stimulation in vitro. The cultured cells efficiently lysed not only target cells sensitized with the Cw3 170-179 peptide but also target cells transfected with the Cw3 gene. Moreover, their TCR preferentially expressed V beta 10 and J alpha pHDS58 segments as well as conserved junctional sequences, as has been observed previously in Cw3-specific CTL responses. In contrast, no Cw3-specific CTL response could be obtained in cultures derived from mice injected with Con A-stimulated spleen cells pulsed with the peptide derivative without photocross-linking.
A fluorescent oligopeptide substrate for the promastigote surface protease (PSP) of Leishmania was designed using the data reported for the substrate specificity of the enzyme (Bouvier, J., Schneider, P., Etges, R. J., and Bordier, C. 1990. Biochemistry 29, 10113-10119). The indole fluorescence of the tryptophan residue was efficiently quenched through resonance energy transfer by an N-terminal dansyl group located five amino acid residues away. The heptapeptide, dansyl-A-Y-L-K-K-W-V-NH2, was cleaved by PSP between the tyrosine and leucine residues with a kcat/Km ratio of 8.8 x 10(6) M-1sec-1. Hydrolysis by the enzyme results in a time-dependent increase of fluorescence intensity of 3.7-fold. Assays can be designed based on the tryptophan fluorescence at 360 nm or by individual product analyses using thin-layer chromatography. The synthetic substrate is readily cleaved by the metalloprotease at the surface of fixed promastigotes. The specificity and sensitivity of such internally quenched fluorescent peptide substrate will facilitate the identification of novel inhibitors for the enzyme and aid in detailed studies on its enzymology.
Macroscopic features such as volume, surface estimate, thickness and caudorostral length of the human primary visual cortex (Brodman's area 17) of 46 human brains between midgestation and 93 years were studied by means of camera lucida drawings from serial frontal sections. Individual values were best fitted by a logistic function from midgestation to adulthood and by a regression line between adulthood and old age. Allometric functions were calculated to study developmental relationships between all the features. The three-dimensional shape of area 17 was also reconstructed from the serial sections in 15 cases and correlated with the sequence of morphological events. The sulcal pattern of area 17 begins to develop around 21 weeks of gestation but remains rather simple until birth, while it becomes more convoluted, particularly in the caudal part, during the postnatal period. Until birth, a large increase in cortical thickness (about 83% of its mean adult value) and caudorostral length (69%) produces a moderate increase in cortical volume (31%) and surface estimate (40%) of area 17. After birth, the cortical volume and surface undergo their maximum growth rate, in spite of a rather small increase in cortical thickness and caudorostral length. This is due to the development of the pattern of gyrification within and around the calcarine fissure. All macroscopic features have reached the mean adult value by the end of the first postnatal year. With aging, the only features to undergo significant regression are the cortical surface estimate and the caudorostral length. The total number of neurons in area 17 shows great interindividual variability at all ages. No decrease in the postnatal period or in aging could be demonstrated.
Advances in Near-surface Seismology and Ground-penetrating Radar (SEG Geophysical Developments Series No. 15) is a collection of original papers by renowned and respected authors from around the world. Technologies used in the application of near-surface seismology and ground-penetrating radar have seen significant advances in the last several years. Both methods have benefited from new processing tools, increased computer speeds, and an expanded variety of applications. This book, divided into four sections ? ?Reviews,? ?Methodology,? ?Integrative Approaches,? and ?Case Studies? ? captures the most significant cutting-edge issues in active areas of research, unveiling truly pertinent studies that address fundamental applied problems. This collection of manuscripts grew from a core group of papers presented at a postconvention workshop, ?Advances in Near-surface Seismology and Ground-penetrating Radar,? held during the 2009 SEG Annual Meeting in Houston, Texas. This is the first cooperative publication effort between the near-surface communities of SEG, AGU, and EEGS. It will appeal to a large and diverse audience that includes researchers and practitioners inside and outside the near-surface geophysics community.
Fas (CD95/Apo-1) ligand is a potent inducer of apoptosis and one of the major killing effector mechanisms of cytotoxic T cells. Thus, Fas ligand activity has to be tightly regulated, involving various transcriptional and post-transcriptional processes. For example, preformed Fas ligand is stored in secretory lysosomes of activated T cells, and rapidly released by degranulation upon reactivation. In this study, we analyzed the minimal requirements for activation-induced degranulation of Fas ligand. T cell receptor activation can be mimicked by calcium ionophore and phorbol ester. Unexpectedly, we found that stimulation with phorbol ester alone is sufficient to trigger Fas ligand release, whereas calcium ionophore is neither sufficient nor necessary. The relevance of this process was confirmed in primary CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells and NK cells. Although the activation of protein kinase(s) was absolutely required for Fas ligand degranulation, protein kinase C or A were not involved. Previous reports have shown that preformed Fas ligand co-localizes with other markers of cytolytic granules. We found, however, that the activation-induced degranulation of Fas ligand has distinct requirements and involves different mechanisms than those of the granule markers CD63 and CD107a/Lamp-1. We conclude that activation-induced degranulation of Fas ligand in cytotoxic lymphocytes is differently regulated than other classical cytotoxic granule proteins.
Most structure-building organisms in rocky benthic communities are surface-dependent because their energy inputs depend mainly on the surface they expose to water. Two photosynthetic strategies, divided into calcareous and non calcareous algae, strict suspension-feeders and photosynthetic suspension feeders (e.g. hermatypic corals) are the four main strategies evolutively acquired by benthic organisms. Competition between those strategies occur in relation to productivity of the different species, in such a way that, for given environmental conditions, species with a higher growth (P/B ratio) would dominate. At a worldwide scale, littoral marine benthos can he considered to fit into the four fields defined by two main axes: the first, relates to productivity and relies atrophic and oligotrophic waters and the second is defined by the degree of environmental variability or seasonality (from high to low). Coral reefs (marine ecosystems dominated by photosynthetic suspension feeders) develop in the space of oligotrophic areas with low variability, while kelp beds (marine ecosystem dominated by large, non calcareous algae) are to be found only in eutrophic places with a high variability. The space of eutrophic waters with a low variability do not has specially adapted, high structured, benthic marine ecosystems, and in these conditions opportunistic algae and animals predominate. Finally, photophilic mediterranean benthos -devoid of kelps and without hermatypic corals- typifies the field of oligotrophic areas with high variability; in its more genuine aspect, Mediterranean benthos is represented by small algae with a high percentage of calcareous thallii. In all cases strict suspension-feeders compete successfully with photosynthetic organisms only in situations of low irradiances or very high inputs of POM. In its turn, Mediterranean rocky benthos, in spite of its relative uniformity, is geographically organized along the same axes. The Gulf of Lions and the insular bottoms (Balearic Islands, for example) would correspond to the extremes of eutrophic-high variability areas and oligotrophic-low variability areas, respectively. Irradiance, nutrient and POM concentration, and hydrodynamism are the three variables which mainly affect the distribution of the different surface-dependent strategies, and thus, these parameters are of paramount interest for understanding the trophic structure of Mediterranean benthic communities. In environments non limited by light, nutrient availability, defined as the product between nutrient -POM concentration and hydrodynamism, states the dominance of calcareous versus non calcareous algae. Calcareous algae dominate in oligotrophic waters while non-calcareous algae dominate in moderately eutrophic waters. In light-limited environments, passive suspension feeders (octocorallaria, gorgonians) become dominant species if POM availability is enhanced by a high hydrodynamism (strong currents); in waters with a low charge of POM organisms of other groups, mainly active suspension feeders, predominate (sponges, bryozoans, scleractiniarians). In any case, there always exists a very variable bathymetric zone, depending on light attenuation and nutrient-POM availability, where encrusting calcareous algae strongly compete with suspension feeders (coralligenous).
Presentem l'estudi taxonòmic dels représentants d'Euphorbia subsect. Esula a la Península Ibèrica. Prèviament, s'inclou un primer capítol dedicai a l'estudi de les epidermis foliars i un segon capítol sobre nombres cromosòmics...
OBJECTIVES: To assess the accuracy of high-resolution (HR) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in diagnosing early-stage optic nerve (ON) invasion in a retinoblastoma cohort. METHODS: This IRB-approved, prospective multicenter study included 95 patients (55 boys, 40 girls; mean age, 29 months). 1.5-T MRI was performed using surface coils before enucleation, including spin-echo unenhanced and contrast-enhanced (CE) T1-weighted sequences (slice thickness, 2 mm; pixel size <0.3 × 0.3 mm(2)). Images were read by five neuroradiologists blinded to histopathologic findings. ROC curves were constructed with AUC assessment using a bootstrap method. RESULTS: Histopathology identified 41 eyes without ON invasion and 25 with prelaminar, 18 with intralaminar and 12 with postlaminar invasion. All but one were postoperatively classified as stage I by the International Retinoblastoma Staging System. The accuracy of CE-T1 sequences in identifying ON invasion was limited (AUC = 0.64; 95 % CI, 0.55 - 0.72) and not confirmed for postlaminar invasion diagnosis (AUC = 0.64; 95 % CI, 0.47 - 0.82); high specificities (range, 0.64 - 1) and negative predictive values (range, 0.81 - 0.97) were confirmed. CONCLUSION: HR-MRI with surface coils is recommended to appropriately select retinoblastoma patients eligible for primary enucleation without the risk of IRSS stage II but cannot substitute for pathology in differentiating the first degrees of ON invasion. KEY POINTS: • HR-MRI excludes advanced optic nerve invasion with high negative predictive value. • HR-MRI accurately selects patients eligible for primary enucleation. • Diagnosis of early stages of optic nerve invasion still relies on pathology. • Several physiological MR patterns may mimic optic nerve invasion.
Proteins located on the surface of the pathogenic malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum are objects of intensive studies due to their important role in the invasion of human cells and the accessibility to host antibodies thus making these proteins attractive vaccine candidates. One of these proteins, merozoite surface protein 3 (MSP3) represents a leading component among vaccine candidates; however, little is known about its structure and function. Our biophysical studies suggest that the 40 residue C-terminal domain of MSP3 protein self-assembles into a four-stranded alpha-helical coiled coil structure where alpha-helices are packed "side-by-side". A bioinformatics analysis provides an extended list of known and putative proteins from different species of Plasmodium which have such MSP3-like C-terminal domains. This finding allowed us to extend some conclusions of our studies to a larger group of the malaria surface proteins. Possible structural and functional roles of these highly conserved oligomerization domains in the intact merozoite surface proteins are discussed.
Freezing and thawing action induces damage to unbound gravel roads in Iowa resulting in maintenance costs for secondary road departments. Some approaches currently used by County Engineers to deal with this problem include temporarily spreading rock on the affected areas, lowering or improving drainage ditches, tiling, bridging the area with stone and geosynthetic covered by a top course of aggregate or gravel, coring boreholes and filling them with calcium chloride to melt lenses and provide drainage, and re-grading the crown to a slope of 4% to 6% to maximize spring drainage. However, most of these maintenance solutions are aimed at dealing with conditions after they occur. This study was tasked with identifying alternative approaches in the literature to mitigate the problem. An annotated bibliographic record of literature on the topic of frost-heave and thaw-weakening of gravel roads was generated and organized by topic, and all documents were assessed in terms of a suitable rating for mitigating the problem in Iowa. Over 300 technical articles were collected and selected down to about 150 relevant articles for a full assessment. The documents collected have been organized in an electronic database, which can be used as a tool by practitioners to search for information regarding the various repair and mitigation solutions, measurement technologies, and experiences that have been documented by selected domestic and international researchers and practitioners. Out of the 150+ articles, 71 articles were ranked as highly applicable to conditions in Iowa. The primary mitigation methods identified in this study included chemical and mechanical stabilization; scarification, blending, and recompaction; removal and replacement; separation, and reinforcement; geogrids and cellular confinement; drainage control and capillary barriers, and use of alternative materials. It is recommended that demonstration research projects be established to examine a range of construction methods and materials for treating granular surfaced roadways to mitigate frost-heave and thaw-weakening problems. Preliminary frost-susceptibility test results from ASTM D5916 are included for a range of Iowa materials.
Research project HR-231, "Special Surface Preparation Prior to Bituminous Overlay", was initiated in 1982 to study the effectiveness of three different crack fillers in extending pavement life. In particular, this project was designed to determine if any of the fillers could substantially reduce the rate of subsurface deterioration and general deterioration of an asphalt pavement at crack locations. This project also sought to determine the effects of the various crack filling procedures on different thicknesses of bituminous overlays. The three fillers, a fly ash slurry, an emulsion, and a rubberized asphalt mixture, were used along with a control section with no crack filler material on a 2.5 mile section of Cerro Gordo Trunk Route S-25 south of the town of Thornton. This report discusses the construction and performance of each filler material and makes recommendations concerning future use of any of the materials used.
Cell-wall mechanical properties play a key role in the growth and the protection of plants. However, little is known about genuine wall mechanical properties and their growth-related dynamics at subcellular resolution and in living cells. Here, we used atomic force microscopy (AFM) stiffness tomography to explore stiffness distribution in the cell wall of suspension-cultured Arabidopsis thaliana as a model of primary, growing cell wall. For the first time that we know of, this new imaging technique was performed on living single cells of a higher plant, permitting monitoring of the stiffness distribution in cell-wall layers as a function of the depth and its evolution during the different growth phases. The mechanical measurements were correlated with changes in the composition of the cell wall, which were revealed by Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. In the beginning and end of cell growth, the average stiffness of the cell wall was low and the wall was mechanically homogenous, whereas in the exponential growth phase, the average wall stiffness increased, with increasing heterogeneity. In this phase, the difference between the superficial and deep wall stiffness was highest. FTIR spectra revealed a relative increase in the polysaccharide/lignin content.