926 resultados para Spoilage of fresh fish


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this paper was report the clinical, radiographic, and histological case of adenomatoid odontogenic tumour (AOT) in adolescent woman as well as present the reconstructive treatment of AOT using fresh-frozen human bone graft with guided bone regeneration. AOT is a benign, noninvasive lesion with slow but progressive growth. Biopsy and microscopic examination confirmed the presence of an AOT. Treatment was conservative and the prognosis was excellent. The patient has been followed-up for without recurrence. The use of fresh-frozen human bone graft can be a safe choice for reconstruction of the bone defects to treat AOT.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O rio Corumbataí é um dos principais tributários da margem direita do rio Piracicaba que é um tributário do rio Tietê. O rio Corumbataí integra a bacia do rio Paraná e é regionalmente importante não só por possuir águas de boa qualidade, mas também por possuir elementos raros na paisagem local. Este estudo visou caracterizar as assembléias de peixes do rio Corumbataí e fornecer dados que contribuam para uma avaliação da sua qualidade ambiental. Na bacia do rio Corumbataí, foram amostrados 4 rios principais, cada um com 3 pontos de coleta. Vinte e quatro amostras foram coletadas durante os meses de março a julho e de setembro a dezembro de 2001. Dados bióticos foram avaliados por medidas de diversidade. Um modelo linear ANCOVA foi utilizado para testar a hipótese de variação espaço-temporal nas assembléias de peixes, com a riqueza de espécies como variável resposta, ordem do rio como fator e temperatura e logaritmo natural do número de indivíduos como covariáveis. Esta análise mostrou uma variação espaço-temporal que é corroborada por conceitos exaustivamente discutidos na literatura, tais como relação espécie-área e o conceito de rio contínuo. Dados provenientes do rio Ribeirão Claro mostraram um padrão diferente quando comparados com os outros rios. Esta diferença foi provavelmente devido à interferência humana e atesta o processo de fragmentação de hábitats aquáticos que podem ter levado a um isolamento das populações locais de peixes.


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Estudou-se efeito da infecção por Goezia leporini Martins & Yoshitoshi, 2003 (Nematoda: Anisakidae) sobre as características hematológicas de Leporinus macrocephalus (Osteichthyes:Anostomidae) cultivado. Palidez das brânquias, rins, fígado e coração, pontos negros nos rins e acúmulo de líquido na cavidade visceral, estômago e intestinos foram observados. O conteúdo da vesícula biliar tinha aparência pálida e translúcida. Observaram-se alta e moderada correlações positivas entre número de nematóides e peso do peixe estimadas dentro dos grupos de peixe de 0-100g e 100-200g, respectivamente. As extensões sangüíneas revelaram variações no tamanho (anisocitose) e forma (poiquilocitose) dos eritrócitos, bem como eritrócitos em divisão. Não houve alteração (P>0,05) na contagem total de eritrócitos, de leucócitos, na taxa de hemoglobina e nos percentuais de trombócitos e monócitos. A infecção provocou redução (P<0,05) no percentual de hematócrito, no volume corpuscular médio, na concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média e no percentual de linfócitos, e aumento (P<0,05) no percentual de neutrófilos e eosinófilos no sangue circulante de peixes infectados. Este é o primeiro relato no Brasil que relaciona hematologia e infecção por nematóides em peixes cultivados.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os baiacus ou peixes-bola podem ser venenosos devido à presença em seus tecidos corporais de Tetrodotoxina e/ou Saxitoxina, ambas potentes neurotoxinas. Os autores relatam 27 envenenamentos por ingestão da carne de baiacus. Os pacientes foram atendidos nos Centros de Toxicologia de Santa Catarina e da Bahia de 1984 a 2009. Os acidentes foram classificados em moderados (52%) e graves (33%), havendo dois óbitos. O diagnóstico precoce é fundamental no sentido de garantir suporte ventilatório aos pacientes.


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The present study examined the role of branchial and orobranchial O-2 chemoreceptors in the cardiorespiratory responses, aquatic surface respiration (ASR), and the development of inferior lip swelling in tambaqui during prolonged (6 h) exposure to hypoxia. Intact fish (control) and three groups of denervated fish (bilateral denervation of cranial nerves IX+X (to the gills), of cranial nerves V+VII (to the orobranchial cavity) or of cranial nerves V alone), were exposed to severe hypoxia (Pw(O2) = 10 mmHg) for 360 min. Respiratory frequency (fR) and heart rate (fH) were recorded simultaneously with ASR. Intact (control) fish increased fR, ventilation amplitude (V-AMP) and developed hypoxic bradycardia in the first 60 min of hypoxia. The bradycardia, however, abated progressively and had returned to normoxic levels by the last hour of exposure to hypoxia. The changes in respiratory frequency and the hypoxic bradycardia were eliminated by denervation of cranial nerves IX and X but were not affected by denervation of cranial nerves V or V+VII. The VAMP was not abolished by the various denervation protocols. The fH in fish with denervation of cranial nerves V or V+VII, however, did not recover to control values as in intact fish. After 360 min of exposure to hypoxia only the intact and IX+X denervated fish performed ASR. Denervation of cranial nerve V abolished the ASR behavior. However, all (control and denervated (IX+X, V and V+VII) fish developed inferior lip swelling. These results indicate that ASR is triggered by O-2 chemoreceptors innervated by cranial nerve V but that other mechanisms, such as a direct effect of hypoxia on the lip tissue, trigger lip swelling.


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Mitotic chromosomes of four fish species of the family Anostomidae, belonging to the genera Leporinus, Leporellus, and Schizodon, were studied. With 2n = 54 meta- and submetacentric chromosomes, this family appears to be characterized by marked karyotypic stability. Although perceptible differences exist, mainly in the amount of constitutive heterochromatin present in the chromosomes of these species, these differences do not affect the structure and/or size of these chromosomes. Chromatin substitutions and/or modifications may have led, in one direction, to an increase in heterochromatin in some species and, in the opposite direction, to heterochromatin reduction in others. Whether these changes are accompanied by changes in the amount of euchromatin in the chromosomes is an open question. The nucleolar organizer regions, which may be located on different chromosomes in the various species, may also be indicators of reorganization of these karyotypes.


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Twenty six Salmonella isolates of different serotypes were found in samples of fresh water. All 26 strains were checked for the presence of plasmids. Plasmids were found in eleven isolates. Four of the plasmid-containing strains and two of the plasmid-free strains were tested for invasiveness in mice. At least in the case of S. typhimurium, it seems reasonable to link virulence with plasmid harbouring.


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This study was undertaken in a closed system with Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) to examine the effects of total replacement of fish meal (FM) by soybean meal. Nile tilapia fingerlings with an average weight of 5.34+/-0.08 g were hand-fed one of the five isoenergetic (approximate to13.5 MJ digestible energy kg(-1)) and isoproteic (approximate to31% of digestible protein) experimental diets to satiation, six times a day during 85 days in eight replicate fibreglass tanks (six fish per tank). The control diet containing FM was substituted by soybean meal, with and without essential amino acids (lysine, methionine and threonine) or dicalcium phosphate supplementation. The supplemental amino acids were added at levels to simulate the reference amino acid profile of Nile tilapia carcass protein, based on the ideal protein concept. The results showed that soybean meal diet supplemented only with dicalcium phosphate was inferior to the control diet with FM and soybean meal diets supplemented with dicalcium phosphate and essential amino acids. Multiple essential amino acids and dicalcium phosphate incorporation in soybean meal diets was associated with performance, whole-body composition and carcass yield equal to that of the fish fed with the control diet containing FM. These data suggest that a diet with all plant protein source, supplemented with essential amino acids, based on tissue amino acid profile, can totally replace FM in a diet for Nile tilapia, without adverse effects on the growth performance, carcass yield and composition.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this study, we report the cloning and nucleotide sequence of PCR-generated 5S rDNA from the Tilapiine cichlid fish, Oreochromis niloticus. Two types of 5S rDNA were detected that differed by insertions and/or deletions and base substitutions within the non-transcribed spacer (NTS). Two 5S rDNA loci were observed by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) in metaphase spreads of tilapia chromosomes. FISH using an 18S rDNA probe and silver nitrate sequential staining of 5S-FISH slides showed three 18S rDNA loci that are not syntenic to the 5S rDNA loci.