880 resultados para Social exclusion. Public policy. Urban policy. Urban enterprising. City marketing


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The economic and financial crisis in Europe is affecting the financing of long-term infrastructure investment. There are multiple clearly identifiable channels: reduced demand for long-term investment, a tightening prudential framework for lending, upward adjustment of risk perception, complex transition of the financial system, and increasing macroeconomic, sovereign and regulatory risk. Some of the identified channels are potentially dangerous spillovers from the crisis that entail the risk of a downward spiral (eg increasing regulatory risk), while others are efficient market responses (eg reduced investment demand, correction of pricing of risk). Consequently, public policy instruments should not address the accessibility of long-term finance per se, but should explicitly target the critical channels.


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Three potential explanations of past reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) can be identified in the literature: a budget constraint, pressure from General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/World Trade Organization (GATT/WTO) negotiations or commitments and a paradigm shift emphasising agriculture’s provision of public goods. This discussion on the driving forces of CAP reform links to broader theoretical questions on the role of budgetary politics, globalisation of public policy and paradigm shift in explaining policy change. In this article, the Health Check reforms of 2007/2008 are assessed. They were probably more ambitious than first supposed, although it was a watered-down package agreed by ministers in November 2008. We conclude that the Health Check was not primarily driven by budget concerns or by the supposed switch from the state-assisted to the multifunctional policy paradigm. The European Commission’s wish to adopt an offensive negotiating stance in the closing phases of the Doha Round was a more likely explanatory factor. The shape and purpose of the CAP post-2013 is contested with divergent views among the Member States.


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This paper discusses the implications of the shifting cultural significance of public open space in urban areas. In particular, it focuses on the increasing dysfunction between people's expectations of that space and its actual provision and management. In doing so, the paper applies Lefebvre's ideas of spatiality to the evident paradigm shift from 'public' to 'private' culture, with its associated commodification of previously public space. While developing the construct of paradigm shift, the paper recognises that the former political notions inherent in the provision of public space remain in evidence. So whereas public parks were formerly seen as spaces of confrontation between the 'rationality' of public order as the 'irrationality' of individual leisure pursuits, they are now increasingly seen, particularly 'out of hours', as the domain of the dispossessed, to be defined and policed as 'dangerous'. Where once people were welcomed into public open spaces as a means of 'educating' them in good, acceptable, leisure practices, therefore, they are now increasingly excluded, but for the same ostensible reasons. Building on survey work undertaken in Reading, Berkshire, the paper illustrates how communities can become separated from 'their' space, leaving them with the overriding impression that they have been 'short-changed' in terms of both the provision and the management of urban open space. Rather than the intimacy of local space for local people, therefore, the paper argues that parks have become externalised places, increasingly responding to commercial definitions of culture and what is 'public'. Central urban open spaces are therefore increasingly becoming sites of stratification, signification of a consumer-constructed citizenship and valorisation of public life as a legitimate element of the market surface of town and city centres.


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Urbanization is one of the major forms of habitat alteration occurring at the present time. Although this is typically deleterious to biodiversity, some species flourish within these human-modified landscapes, potentially leading to negative and/or positive interactions between people and wildlife. Hence, up-to-date assessment of urban wildlife populations is important for developing appropriate management strategies. Surveying urban wildlife is limited by land partition and private ownership, rendering many common survey techniques difficult. Garnering public involvement is one solution, but this method is constrained by the inherent biases of non-standardised survey effort associated with voluntary participation. We used a television-led media approach to solicit national participation in an online sightings survey to investigate changes in the distribution of urban foxes in Great Britain and to explore relationships between urban features and fox occurrence and sightings density. Our results show that media-based approaches can generate a large national database on the current distribution of a recognisable species. Fox distribution in England and Wales has changed markedly within the last 25 years, with sightings submitted from 91% of urban areas previously predicted to support few or no foxes. Data were highly skewed with 90% of urban areas having <30 fox sightings per 1000 people km-2. The extent of total urban area was the only variable with a significant impact on both fox occurrence and sightings density in urban areas; longitude and percentage of public green urban space were respectively, significantly positively and negatively associated with sightings density only. Latitude, and distance to nearest neighbouring conurbation had no impact on either occurrence or sightings density. Given the limitations associated with this method, further investigations are needed to determine the association between sightings density and actual fox density, and variability of fox density within and between urban areas in Britain.


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As the climate warms, heat waves (HW) are projected to be more intense and to last longer, with serious implications for public health. Urban residents face higher health risks because urban heat islands (UHIs) exacerbate HW conditions. One strategy to mitigate negative impacts of urban thermal stress is the installation of green roofs (GRs) given their evaporative cooling effect. However, the effectiveness of GRs and the mechanisms by which they have an effect at the scale of entire cities are still largely unknown. The Greater Beijing Region (GBR) is modeled for a HW scenario with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model coupled with a state-of-the-art urban canopy model (PUCM) to examine the effectiveness of GRs. The results suggest GR would decrease near-surface air temperature (ΔT2max = 2.5 K) and wind speed (ΔUV10max = 1.0 m s-1) but increase atmospheric humidity (ΔQ2max = 1.3 g kg-1). GRs are simulated to lessen the overall thermal stress as indicated by apparent temperature (ΔAT2max = 1.7 °C). The modifications by GRs scale almost linearly with the fraction of the surface they cover. Investigation of the surface-atmosphere interactions indicate that GRs with plentiful soil moisture dissipate more of the surface energy as latent heat flux and subsequently inhibit the development of the daytime planetary boundary layer (PBL). This causes the atmospheric heating through entrainment at the PBL top to be decreased. Additionally, urban GRs modify regional circulation regimes leading to decreased advective heating under HW.


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Estimating the sizes of hard-to-count populations is a challenging and important problem that occurs frequently in social science, public health, and public policy. This problem is particularly pressing in HIV/AIDS research because estimates of the sizes of the most at-risk populations-illicit drug users, men who have sex with men, and sex workers-are needed for designing, evaluating, and funding programs to curb the spread of the disease. A promising new approach in this area is the network scale-up method, which uses information about the personal networks of respondents to make population size estimates. However, if the target population has low social visibility, as is likely to be the case in HIV/AIDS research, scale-up estimates will be too low. In this paper we develop a game-like activity that we call the game of contacts in order to estimate the social visibility of groups, and report results from a study of heavy drug users in Curitiba, Brazil (n = 294). The game produced estimates of social visibility that were consistent with qualitative expectations but of surprising magnitude. Further, a number of checks suggest that the data are high-quality. While motivated by the specific problem of population size estimation, our method could be used by researchers more broadly and adds to long-standing efforts to combine the richness of social network analysis with the power and scale of sample surveys. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A major problem in e-service development is the prioritization of the requirements of different stakeholders. The main stakeholders are governments and their citizens, all of whom have different and sometimes conflicting requirements. In this paper, the prioritization problem is addressed by combining a value-based approach with an illustration technique. This paper examines the following research question: How can multiple stakeholder requirements be illustrated from a value-based perspective in order to be prioritizable? We used an e-service development case taken from a Swedish municipality to elaborate on our approach. Our contributions are: 1) a model of the relevant domains for requirement prioritization for government, citizens, technology, finances and laws and regulations; and 2) a requirement fulfillment analysis tool (RFA) that consists of a requirement-goal-value matrix (RGV), and a calculation and illustration module (CIM). The model reduces cognitive load, helps developers to focus on value fulfillment in e-service development and supports them in the formulation of requirements. It also offers an input to public policy makers, should they aim to target values in the design of e-services.


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As to many Latin american countries, the impacts of the recent economic globalization on the Brazilian economy have revealed a diversified tendency in spatial development when regional economic indicators are observed. This is due to the specificities or each region, as regard their sector structure, the availability of human resources and the degree of technological innovation undertaken by local enterprises. From a situation of regional inequalities observed in lhe socio-economic levels of development at the beginning of the eighties the dynamics of the Brazilian regional evolution has presented different speeds and intensities in the several spaees. This paper aims to evaluate the dynamics of Brazilian regional development during the 1985-95 period and the impacts over the working population and regional disparities in order to offer some elements to assist social and economic policy. For this purpose Dispersion Quotients and Dispersion lntensity Coefficients were calculated based on two variables, the Regional Gross Domestic Product anel the Working Population. The results of the analysis confirm the existence of considerable regional disparities and it was observed that thc sector and regional redistribution of the GDP indicate that in a general way, no remarkable changes occurred in the regional development in the period. The results show that although the economic policies did stimulate a global convergence process of the per capita product among regions, those policies did not attenuate economic dynamism concentration to the desired extent.


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Desde o final da década de 70 tem sido proposto pelos estudiosos da área que o Planejamento para o Desenvolvimento Urbano através de Políticas Públicas, deva incorporar em sua agenda a questão de gênero, se a intenção desta tradição de planejamento é atender às diferentes necessidades da população. Isto é uma consequência da evolução do próprio conceito de desenvolvimento. Argumenta-se que a população não é homogênea. Mulheres e homens desempenham diferentes papéis (que são resultado das relações de gênero), e derivadas destes, diferentes necessidades. Gênero deve então ser parte integrante das políticas públicas. Assim, esta pesquisa tem a intenção de examinar a incorporação de gênero na elaboração de políticas públicas para áreas urbanas. Isto será realizado através de uma análise comparativa de políticas públicas do Brasil e de outros países.


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The "Observatório de Inovação Social do Turismo" was created due to the need of studies and researches related to tourism and its social impacts. The Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas, of Fundação Getulio Vargas, in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism and the Childhood Brazil, started in 2007, studies about the sexual exploration of children and adolescents. The present work has the objective to analyze, based on the results of the "Observatório de Inovação Social do Turismo", its contributions to the prevention and repression of sexual exploration of children and adolescents associated to the tourism.


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A popularização dos conselhos de políticas públicas setoriais foi fortemente ampliada na década de 1990, decorrente principalmente das estratégias de descentralização da Constituição de 1988. Os municípios brasileiros tiveram as responsabilidades federativas ampliadas, especialmente no que tange a questão ambiental e o desenvolvimento urbano. O trabalho analisa como as correntes ambientais e de planejamento urbano se fundem no desenvolvimento da cidade a partir do estudo de caso sobre o município de São Sebastião, litoral norte de São Paulo tendo atenção especial à gênese do Conselho Municipal de Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Urbano como arena de planejamento, conflito e negociação dos distintos interesses locais. Procurou-se discutir, a luz da teoria democrática, os conceitos de participação e deliberação, como alguns dos elementos essenciais ao funcionamento dos conselhos como instrumento de planejamento público e, dessa forma, apontar os limites que o objeto estudado apresenta na gestão compartilhada das políticas públicas locais.


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A incorporação do enfoque territorial como fundamento para as políticas de desenvolvimento rural ocasionou, dentre outros avanços, no rompimento com a tradição vertical e centralizadora das estratégias de desenvolvimento, e na consequente valorização das iniciativas e dos atores locais. Tal abordagem acolhe a gestão social, e seus princípios da inclusão, relativo à incorporação dos atores excluídos do processo decisório, e do pluralismo, que diz respeito à multiplicidade de atores na tomada de decisões sobre as políticas públicas. No caso brasileiro, o enfoque territorial é encampado pelo Programa de Desenvolvimento Sustentável dos Territórios Rurais e pelo seu sucessor, o Programa Territórios da Cidadania. No entanto, a trajetória das políticas de desenvolvimento rural é francamente setorial, ao privilegiar as organizações vinculadas à agricultura familiar e excluir as organizações representantes dos empresários, apesar dos princípios portados pela gestão social e da adoção da abordagem territorial, que implicam na mobilização das forças sociais dinâmicas presentes nos territórios. Assim, considerada a importância da participação empresarial para o êxito das políticas dessa natureza, este trabalho analisa as possibilidades de inclusão das representações dos empresários para o pluralismo no âmbito do Programa Territórios da Cidadania. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo de caso no Norte- RJ, no qual foram entrevistados representantes da sociedade civil, dos empresários, do SEBRAE e do Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário, cujas informações foram complementadas por análise documental, e tratadas por meio de análise de conteúdo com grade mista elaborada com base no conceito de cidadania deliberativa habermasiano. Os resultados relevam que as representações empresariais não estão inseridas no colegiado territorial do Norte-RJ, e tampouco conhecem o Programa Territórios da Cidadania. As entidades da sociedade civil, que consideram o colegiado como Fórum da Agricultura Familiar, rechaçam indistintamente a inclusão dos empresários por conta de diferenças sócio-políticas, agravadas pelo histórico da região. O pluralismo também é atravancado pelos processos de formação do território, de composição do colegiado e de elaboração e avaliação dos projetos. As representações empresariais, por seu turno, já estão inseridas em outras instâncias de participação social, como conselhos municipais de políticas públicas, e aceitam a dinâmica que rege estes espaços pautados na racionalidade substantiva. Sua inserção pode ser facilitada pelo SEBRAE/RJ que, além de gozar de prestígio dentre os empresários, tem fomentado a articulação dos atores territoriais. Não obstante as possibilidades para a inclusão, o modelo de gestão social em vigor não é capaz de promover a concertação social das forças dinâmicas em prol do desenvolvimento do território Norte-RJ. Palavras-


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O tema central desta dissertação esta voltada para a importância do microcrédito como uma ferramenta de combate a pobreza e inclusão social, e geradora de emprego e renda direcionada a pessoas de baixa. Primeiramente, foram expostos os temas como pobreza, desenvolvimento econômico embasado na teoria de Schumpeter, crédito e os conceitos de microfinanças e microcrédito. Além disso, alguns exemplos de instituições mundiais e locais da cidade de Belém. A pesquisa foi realizada no Amazônia Florescer, um programa de crédito produtivo e orientado na cidade de Belém e no interior do estado do Pará, criado com o apoio do Banco da Amazônia, para atender o micro e pequeno empreendedor. Os levantamentos dos dados sobre a pesquisa foram feitos a partir do banco de dados em carteira ativa do banco. Assim foram tabulados os dados levando em conta o perfil, ocupação, sexo, idade, renda, atividade. Por fim, o resultado demonstrou que o microcrédito em Belém é uma política publica que colabora para o desenvolvimento social e econômico da população de baixa renda da cidade.