605 resultados para Silvicultura trasnacional


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The failure of fetuses to achieve the ir full growth potential is known as intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). Silde nafil citrate (SC) is a phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE 5) inhibitor, which enhances nitric oxide (NO) dependent vasodilatation, adn it may have a potential therapeutic role in the treatment of IUGR.


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Two feed strategies (ad libitum throughout pregnancy and restriction during the first 20 days), combined with oestrus synchronization with eCG or not in nulliparous rabbit does, were studied.


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Un total de 74 conejas nulíparas de 8 semanas de edad se distribuyeron al azar en dos grupos desde la recría hasta el primer parto. Se alimentaron con dos piensos isofibrosos, isoenergéticos e isoproteicos formulados con dos fuentes de grasa diferentes: manteca (grupo Control, n=34) y un suplemento a base de aceite de salmón rico en ácidos grasos poliinsatura-dos (AGPI) n-3 (grupo AGPI, n= 34) con un nivel de inclusión del 6% (30 g/kg). Durante la recría recibieron 130 g/día y 10 días antes de la inseminación se alimentaron ad libitum. Las tres primeras semanas de gestación, se restringieron de nuevo y consumieron pienso ad libitum la última semana de la misma. De cada grupo, 5 animales fueron eutanasiados el día 28 de gestación para determinar el desarrollo feto-placentario, y en el resto, la gestación se llevó a término para determinar los parámetros productivos de fertilidad y prolificidad. El consumo de las conejas suplementadas fue menor que el de las controles durante su disposición ad libitum. Aunque no hubo diferencias en el recuento de cuerpos lúteos ni de fetos el día 28 de gestación, el grosor de la placenta fetal (laberinto) y los fetos de las conejas suplementadas fueron significativamen -te mayores a los del grupo control. Hecho que se explicaría por la correlación positiva observada entre ambos parámetros y que no se observó con la parte maternal (decidua) de la placenta. La suplementación del pienso con AGPI n-3 también mejoró el número de nacidos vivos y muertos. En conclusión, la inclusión de AGPI n-3 aunque disminuye el consumo, mejora el desarrollo feto-placentario y los parámetros productivos de las conejas.


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Se han empleado 2 piensos isofibrosos, isoenergéticos e isoproteicos formulados con 2 fuentes de grasa. En el pienso AGPI (ácidos grasoso poliinsatudados n-3) se incluyó un 6% de un suplemento con un 50% de extracto etéreo concentrado en AGPI n-3, a partir de aceite refinado de salmón, y en el pienso C, un 3% de grasa mezcla.


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Un total de 129 fetos de conejas multíparas fueron estudiados según su posición intrauterina. Los más próximos al ovario presentaron mejores valores morfométricos que los más alejados a esta posición, asociándose asimismo un mayor peso placentario a un mayor peso fetal. Estas diferencias fueron mantenidas en la valoración de órganos fetales, como el cerebro, hígado y aparato digestivo, mostrándose un mayor desarrollo en los fetos adyacentes al ovario. A su vez se observó una correlación positiva entre el peso placentario y el peso de estos órganos. Las diferencias de peso dentro de la misma camada podrían estar asociadas a un mayor desarrollo placentario y por consiguiente mayor disponibilidad de nutrientes.


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Feto-placental development in the rabbit is altered by maternal food restriction from early pregnancy Maternal under-nutrition can induce Intrauterine Growth Restriction by placental insufficiency. To determine the consequences in the rabbit feto-placental unit, 32 pregnant rabbits were allocated in three feeding groups: ad libitum diet (Group C; n=9); restricted to 50% of their ad libitum intake during the pre-implantational period (Day 0 to Day 7) (Group PR; n=11) or restricted from Day 0 to Day 28 (Group TR; n=12).


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Nowadays, there is a great amount of genomic and transcriptomic data available about forest species, including ambitious projects looking for complete sequencing and annotation of different gymnosperm genomes [1, 2]. Pinus canariensis is an endemic conifer of the Canary Islands with re-sprouting capability and resilience against fire and mechanical damage, as result of an adaptation to volcanic environments. Additionally, this species has a high proportion of axial parenchyma compared with other conifers, and this tissue connects with radial parenchyma allowing transport of reserves. The most internal tracheids stop accumulating water [3], and get filled of resins and polyphenols synthesized by the axial parenchyma; this is the so-called ?torch-heartwood? [4], which avoids decay. This wood achieves very high prices due to its particular resistance to rot. These features make P. canariensis an interesting model species for the analysis of these developmental processes in conifers. In this study we aim to perform a complete transcriptome annotation during xylogenesis in Pinus canariensis, using next-generation sequencing (NGS) -Roche 454 pyrosequencing-, in order to provide a genomic resource for further analysis, including expression profiling and the identification of candidate genes for important adaptive features.


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The objective of this work was to study the effect of two technical modifications (supplemented with sponge materials (ES) and provided with a filter system (FIL))in continuous-culture fermenters on the microbial populations and ruminal fermentation parameters over the sampling period. Six fermenters fed a 50:50 alfalfa hay: concentrate diet, inoculated with rumen liquor from sheep fed the same diet, were used in two incubation runs of 14 days each. On days 10 and 14, samples were taken for analysis of fermentation parameters (volatile fatty acids, ammonia-N and lactate) and microbial populations. None of the technical modification affected (P>0.05) concentrations of bacterial DNA and the relative abundance of fungi and archaea, but protozoal DNA concentrations were higher (P>0.05) in ES and FIL fermenters than in the control ones. However, values of protozoal DNA were about 50 times lower than in the rumen fluid used as inoculum for the ermenters. The tested technical modifications did not affect (P>0.05) any fermentation parameter, and there were no differences in fermentation parameters between days 10 and 14, with the exception of lactate production which was higher (P=0.009) on day 14 than on day 10. In conclusion, the technical modifications tested maintained protozoa in continuous culture fermenters without any effect on fermentation parameters and other microbial populations, but protozoa concentrations were still lower than those in the rumen.


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Four rumen-fistulated sheep fed a 66:34 alfalfa hay:concentrate diet were used as donors to investigate the effect of rumen contents’ treatment on microbial populations in the resulting fluid. Rumen contents were sampled from each individual sheep and subjected to the following treatments: SQ: squeezed through 4 layers of cheesecloth; FIL: SQ treatment and further filtration through a 100-μm nylon cloth; STO: reated with a Stomacher® for 3 min at 230 rev min-1 and followed by SQ. Microbial populations in the fluid were analysed by real-time PCR and bacterial diversity was assessed by the automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA) of the 16S ribosomal DNA. Bacterial DNA concentrations and relative abundance of Ruminococcus flavefaciens, arqueal and fungal DNA did not differ (P>0.05) between treatments. In contrast, STO treatment decreased (P<0.05) protozoal DNA concentrations and increased (P<0.05) the relative abundance of Fibrobacter succinogenes compared with SQ method. There were no differences (P>0.05) between treatments either in the Shannon index or in the number of peaks in the ARISA electropherograms, indicating no effect on bacterial diversity. Studies analyzing the influence on the tested methods on fermentation characteristics of different substrates when the fluid is used as inoculum is required.


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Fermenters are widely used to study ruminal fermentation, but information on microbial populations developing in fermenters over the incubation period is limited. Four Rusitec fermenters were fed 2 diets representative of those administered to dairy sheep(DAI; 50:50 alfalfa hay:concentrate) and fattening lambs (FAT; 15:85 barley straw:concentrate) in a crossover design with 2 14-d incubation periods to assess the evolution of the microbial populations. There were 4 fermenters per diet.


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Autoaggregation in bacteria is the phenomenon of aggregation between cells of the same strain, whereas coaggregation is due to aggregation occurring among different species. Aggregation ability of prebiotic bacteria is related to adhesion ability, which is a prerequisite for the colonization and protection of the gastrointestinal tract in all animal species; however, coaggregation ability of prebiotic bacteria offers a possibility of close interaction with pathogenic bacteria.


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Las exigencias del siglo XXI vienen acompañadas de un sinnúmero de requisitos para los aspirantes al puesto de policía. Las razones para ello son los nuevos retos que imponen los cambios a nivel mundial en la complejidad del fenómeno delictivo y su relación con el crimen trasnacional, así como la necesidad cada vez mayor de contar con evidencia basada en elementos científicos, a medida que la tecnología los ha redefinido, así como herramientas de investigación y metodologías para el desempeño de la función policial. Es común escuchar a los gobernantes de los países latinoamericanos afirmar que los problemas de inseguridad se resuelven automáticamente con “profesionalización policial” y en nombre de esta se han erogado grandes presupuestos sin lograr transformaciones profundas. La profesionalización y la capacitación policial desarrollados en contextos democráticos implican premisas que tienen que ver con valores éticos, con el respeto a los derechos humanos y con el ejercicio del criterio del policía para aplicar la ley. La conceptualización sobre lo que es un policía profesional ha llevado a muchos estudiosos del mantenimiento del orden a plantear marcos de referencia para el entendimiento del servicio policial en contextos democráticos. Las reformas policiales emprendidas por los países desarrollados y con democracias consolidadas tienen sus propias especificidades y características distintas a las de los países de la región latinoamericana. El camino hacia la profesionalización de las policías en países como los Estados Unidos de América, transitó por la limitación del poder que las corporaciones policiales ejercían para que rindieran cuentas ante la sociedad por casos de abuso de la fuerza o de brutalidad policial. Para ello, tuvieron que desarrollarse sistemas de control interno y externo, ante presiones de la sociedad para que las corporaciones rindieran cuentas sobre la conducta de sus integrantes...


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Mode of access: Internet.


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A phytosociological study of the forests from Sierra Maestra is conducted, following the methodology of the Zurich- Montpelier School. They are transformed into a forest typology using the standards of the Institute of Agro-Forestry Research. In general, 35 types and/or subtypes are presented. From this group, the most abundant ones belong to semi-deciduous microphyll forest, followed by those from mangroves and mountain rainforest, respectively. Silvicultural treatments are needed; among them, the protection forests are those found above 800 m asl and mangroves. 


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This paper presents the "state of the art" and some of the main issues discussed in relation to the topic of transnational migration and reproductive work in southern Europe. We start doing a genealogy of the complex theoretical development leading to the consolidation of the research program, linking consideration of gender with transnational migration and transformation of work and ways of survival, thus making the production aspects as reproductive, in a context of globalization. The analysis of the process of multiscale reconfiguration of social reproduction and care, with particular attention to its present global dimension is presented, pointing to the turning point of this line of research that would have taken place with the beginning of this century, with the rise notions such as "global care chains" (Hochschild, 2001), or "care drain" (Ehrenreich and Hochschild, 2013). Also, the role of this new agency, now composed in many cases women who migrate to other countries or continents, precisely to address these reproductive activities, is recognized. Finally, reference is made to some of the new conceptual and theoretical developments in this area.