1000 resultados para Serviço hospitalar de emergência : Utilização
Este trabalho tem como objetivo, organizar o atendimento para o cuidado de pacientes com lesões de mucosa para o controle do câncer bucal, incluindo a prevenção, o diagnóstico, o monitoramento e o tratamento. Após o embasamento possibilitado pela revisão narrativa de literatura nacional, realizada em documentos oficiais e nas bases SciELO (Scientific Eletronic Library On-line) e LILACS (Literatura Latino-Americana em Ciências de Saúde), elaborou-se a proposta de organização do serviço para atendimento de pacientes com lesões de mucosa oral, a ser implementada em Itambacuri-MG, considerando as seguintes etapas: prevenção do câncer bucal, com envolvimento progressivo de todos os profissionais do serviço; diagnóstico, tratamento e monitoramento das lesões de mucosa, incluindo atividades como a utilização de critérios de prioridades, de um protocolo, culminando com a organização da rede de atenção; a capacitação dos profissionais, se iniciando com a discussão do projeto. Espera-se, com esta proposta, que o proble ma das lesões de mucosa e câncer bucal seja equacionado, o atendimento seja organizado e a população consiga ter o atendimento de que necessita e tem direito.
O presente trabalho partiu das observações levantadas, inicialmente em 2009, após execução de consultas de enfermagem em atendimentos individuais aos usuários portadores de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 encaminhados para avaliação, quando das queixas em MMII, pela equipes de saúde da família do Centro de Saúde Túnel de Ibirité, e também através de observações e levantamentos dos motivos de procura ao setor onde eram executados os curativos de origem não traumáticas. Observou-se que apesar de serem passadas informações, visando a prevenção de agravos ao pé diabético, e existência de protocolos para atendimento, o alcance dessas não tinham repercussões desejadas no dia a dia da clientela descrita. Com esse trabalho resgata-se aspectos conceituais básicos sobre doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, enfocando o diabetes mellitus tipo 2, especificamente os utilizadores de insulina propondo intervenções que visem reorganizar o serviço com: educação em serviço para os profissionais da unidade Básica de Saúde, classificação do pé diabético, utilização do Monofilamento de Semmes-Weinstein (estesiometria), na consulta de enfermagem, com suas cores padrão, propondo ainda acompanhamento e monitoramento dos mesmos, definindo o alvo das ações, para que seja posteriormente criado o grupo operativo para estímulo ao manejo do autocuidado. O plano de ação envolve todos os integrantes da equipe saúde da família e segue as recomendações do Protocolo de Diabetes Mellitus e Atendimento em Angiologia e Cirurgia da Belo Horizonte editado em junho de 2010, onde ressalta a importância da educação do paciente para prevenção das complicações do pé diabético e de plano de cuidados de acordo com achados clínicos de risco dos pacientes.
No decorrer da história a busca de uma melhor qualidade de vida com um menor nível de adoecimento aliado a mudança de conceitos, ideias e teorias, agregando outros atores em torno de um projeto de saúde nos mostra os avanços do sistema público de saúde. Considerando as ações de promoção de saúde e seguindo as diretrizes recomendadas pela Organização Mundial de Saúde através da Estratégia Global para Alimentação Saudável, Atividade Física e Saúde e a Convenção Quadro para Controle do Tabagismo, a Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Belo Horizonte, a partir de 2006, investiu no Programa Academias da Cidade (PAC), que baseia na atividade física como ferramenta para a melhoria dos hábitos de vida da população. Pensando nos indivíduos trabalhadores da rede de saúde de Belo Horizonte, que estão distribuídos na atenção básica, atenção especializada, urgência e emergência, regulação da atenção hospitalar, regulação da alta complexidade e vigilância à saúde, com carga excessiva no ambiente laboral e enfrentando múltiplos problemas relacionados a sua atuação na prestação do serviço de saúde e na vida social, viu-se a necessidade do investimento nas ações de promoção e prevenção de doenças ocupacionais, buscando a melhoria da qualidade de vida deste trabalhador com a elaboração do um plano de ação para a inserção do Programa de Práticas Corporais priorizando a qualidade de vida do trabalhador do SUS-BH.
Considerando a alta incidência e a mortalidade relacionadas ao câncer de colo de útero e de mamas, no Brasil, a estimativa para o ano de 2012, aponta para a ocorrência de aproximadamente 52.680 casos novos de câncer de mama e 17.540 casos novos de câncer de colo do útero. Segundo Ministério da Saúde, realizar ações que visem o controle dos cânceres do colo do útero e da mama e que possibilitem a integralidade do cuidado, aliando as ações de detecção precoce com a garantia de acesso a procedimentos diagnósticos e terapêuticos em tempo oportuno e com qualidade é responsabilidade dos gestores e dos profissionais de saúde. Na área adstrita da UBS existem 1084 mulheres de 25 a 64 anos e 346 mulheres de 50 a 69 anos, público alvo do programa. Destas, apenas 38% das mulheres estavam com CP para câncer do colo uterino em dia, e estavam com a mamografia em dia, 312 (73%). O registro dos dados na UBS era insuficiente, impossibilitando o monitoramento e avaliação das ações para detecção precoce do câncer de colo do útero e de mama. Outra deficiência identificada foi a falta de seguimento das mulheres público alvo do programa como estabelece o protocolo do Ministério da Saúde. Diante do exposto, o projeto de intervenção realizado na Unidade Mista São Roque objetivou melhorar as ações para detecção precoce do câncer de colo de útero e do câncer de mama. Para tal, foram elencadas ações, metas e estabelecidos indicadores para acompanhar a intervenção com base nos protocolos do Ministério da Saúde sustentando-se nos eixos de Monitoramento e Avaliação, Organização e Gestão do Serviço, Engajamento Público e Qualificação da Prática Clínica. Os resultados obtidos no período de 16 de abril a 9 de julho de 2015, foram: a ampliação da cobertura das mulheres de 25 a 64 anos na prevenção de câncer de colo de útero para 38.5%(422), e das mulheres de 50 a 69 anos na prevenção de câncer de mama alcançou-se uma cobertura de 63.9 %(226); 417(100%)mulheres com resultado do exame cito patológico de colo de útero ao final da intervenção tiveram amostras satisfatórias; quanto ao registro do exames, 422 (100%) estavam com registro adequado do cito patológico do colo do útero e 226 usuárias estavam com registro adequado da mamografia (100 %); foram avaliadas quanto aos sinais de alerta para câncer de colo de útero 422(100%), e quanto avaliação de risco de câncer de mama, foram 226 mulheres(100%); receberam orientação sobre DST e fatores de risco para câncer de colo de útero e de mama, 422(100%) e 226(100%) respectivamente. Esses resultados refletiram significativamente na melhoria da qualidade do atendimento as mulheres nessa faixa etária na unidade. Com a incorporação das ações na rotina da UBS, implementando o programa de acompanhamento à saúde da mulher, voltado à prevenção do câncer de colo de útero e de mama. Além de promover uma maior integração da equipe e fortalecimento do vínculo com a comunidade.
We report on two epileptic patients who developed acute psychosis after the use of topiramate (TPM). One patient exhibited severe psychomotor agitation, heteroaggressiveness, auditory and visual hallucinations as well as severe paranoid and mystic delusions. The other patient had psychomotor agitation, depersonalization, derealization, severe anxiety and deluded that he was losing his memory. Both patients had to be taken to the casualty room. After interruption of TPM in one patient and reduction of dose in the other, a full remission of the psychotic symptoms was obtained without the need of antipsychotic drugs. Clinicians should be aware of the possibility of development of acute psychotic symptoms in patients undergoing TPM treatment.
This article describes the use of a conventional CRT monitor as a high voltage power supply for capillary electrophoresis. With this monitor, a 23-kV high voltage with a ripple of 1.32% was observed. The reproducibility of the applied high voltage was evaluated by measuring the standard deviations of peak area and migration time for five consecutive injections of a test mixture containing potassium, sodium, and lithium cations at 50 mmol L-1. The errors were about 2.5% and 0.6% for peak area and migration time, respectively. The maximum current tested was about 180 mA, which covers most capillary electrophoresis applications. This system has been successfully used for several months, maintaining the desired level of performance.
Analytical laboratories are expected to produce reliable results. Decision makers are guided in their actions (financial, legal and environmental) using analytical data provided by numerous laboratories. This work aimed to evaluate the analytical performance of Brazilian laboratories on producing trustworthy results. Nineteen laboratories, accredited and non-accredited ones, were contracted to analyze a USGS (United States Geological Survey) certified water sample for 17 chemical elements (mostly metals) without knowing the origin of the sample. Considering all the results produced, only 35% of them were valid. Three laboratories present satisfactory performances, whereas the majority showed a very poor overall performance. The outcomes of this work show the need for a more effective analytical quality program to Brazilian laboratories.
Postharvest losses vary among the different vegetable products. However, among fruits and vegetables the losses generally range from 30% to 50%. Thus, this paper aimed the application of 1-methylcycloprene (1-MCP) and fast cooling with forced air (PC) on peaches, in order to estimate their effects in the ripening process of this fruit. Physiological analyses were performed, such as loss of fresh mass, firmness, pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids, ratio and CO2 production, as well as sensorial analyses such as color, texture and flavor. The experiment was divided in two phases. In the first one, concentrations of 30, 60, and 90 nL/L 1-MCP, applied at 0 ºC and 20 ºC, were tested. The fruits treated without 1-MCP were denominated control for both temperatures studied. The second phase was composed by the following treatments: cold storage (CS) or control, cooling with forced air (CFA), cooling with forced air followed by 1-MCP application (CFA + 1-MCP) and 1-MCP application (1-MCP). Among these, the CFA + 1-MCP treatment provided more firmness of the fruits in comparison to the control fruits. The respiratory rate of peaches under CFA and CFA + 1-MCP treatments decreased in comparison to the control fruit respiratory rates.
One of the main objectives of applying edible coatings on fruits surface is to create a protective film to reduce weight loss due to evaporation and transpiration and also to decrease the risk of fruit rot caused by environmental contamination, in order to improve the visual aspect. Therefore, it is possible to increase shelf life, and decrease post harvest losses. Persimmon is a much appreciated fruit, with high potential for export, but sensitive to handling and storage. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of applying the edible coating Megh Wax ECF-124 (18% of active composts, consisting of emulsion of carnauba wax, anionic surfactant, preservative and water) produced by Megh Industry and Commerce Ltda in three different concentrations (25, 50 and 100%) on post harvest quality of 'Fuyu' persimmon stored for 14 days. The attributes evaluated for quality were: firmness, pH, acidity, soluble solids, weight loss and color. The results showed that application of carnauba wax in different concentrations was effective on decreasing weight loss of persimmon cv. Fuyu and maintenance of color aspects. Treatment at lower concentration, 25%, showed lower rate of discharge, but high concentrations showed lower values of mass loss. Carnauba wax application showed a high potential for use on postharvest conservation, and can be applied together with other technologies, helping to maintain quality for export.
Laboratory tests are essential for accurate diagnosis and cost-effective management of thyroid disorders. When the clinical suspicion is strong, hormonal levels just confirms the diagnosis. However, in most patients, symptoms are subtle and unspecific, so that only biochemical tests can detect the disorder. The objective of this article is to do a critical analysis of the appropriate use of the most important thyroid function tests, including serum concentrations of thyrotropin (TSH), thyroid hormones and antithyroid antibodies. Through a survey in the MedLine database, we discuss the major pitfalls and interferences related to daily use of these tests and recommendations are presented to optimize the use of these diagnostic tools in clinical practice.
Purpose: A survey was carried out on one hundred patients of the Emergency Service of the Ophthalmology Department of the Hospital das Clinicas of the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), in order to analyze the personal characteristics and the barriers against getting resolving ophthalmologic assistance. Variables, were the following: sex, age, home town, average distance between the place of initial symptoms and first visit to the hospital, time spent between the first examination (if performed in any other service) and the examination performed at the Hospital das Clinicas of University of Campinas, diagnosis, veracity of emergency, need to refer patients previously seen in other services to our Service and possibility of assistance and treatment at a secondary level. Methods: The sample showed the following characteristics: distances between 20 and 100 kilometers covered by 50.0% of the patients to be seen at University of Campinas. 75.0% of those patients needed someone to stay with them and 67.0% came from other municipalities. The long distances covered meant additional expenses for the treatment of diseases which should be treated locally. Results: Among the patients referred to University of Campinas by ophthalmologists of other services, 87.5% could have their diseases treated at a secondary level of assistance and 66.7% of real emergencies and 60% of false emergencies took longer than 7 days to reach the emergency room of University of Campinas. This shows the poor infrastructure of secondary services regarding excellence of emergency care and education of patients. Conclusions: We recommend education of general physicians and ophthalmologists for emergency eye care and also the supply of both secondary and tertiary public services or medicare, strategically setup in the whole state of Sao Paulo.
PURPOSE: To verify perceptions and conduct of students with visual impairment regarding devices and equipment utilized in schooling process. METHODS: A transversal descriptive study on a population of 12-year-old or older students in schooling process, affected by congenital or acquired visual impairment, inserted in the government teaching system of Campinas during the year 2000. An interview quiz, created based on an exploratory study was applied. RESULTS: A group of 26 students, 46% of them with low vision and 53.8% affected by blindness was obtained. Most of the students were from fundamental teaching courses (65.4%), studying in schools with classrooms provided with devices (73.1%). Among the resources used in reading and writing activities, 94.1% of the students reported they used the Braille system and 81.8% reported that the reading subject was dictated by a colleague. Most of the students with low vision wore glasses (91.7%), and 33.3% utilized a magnifying glass as optical devices. Among the non-optical devices, the most common were the environmental ones, getting closer to the blackboard (75.0%) and to the window (66.7%) for better lighting. CONCLUSIONS: It became evident that students with low vision eye-sight made use of devices meant for bearers of blindness, such as applying the Braille system. A reduced number of low vision students making use of optical and non-optical devices applicable to their problems were observed, indicating a probable unawareness of their visual potential and the appropriate devices to improve efficiency.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the frequency of different types of glaucoma at the Hospital das Clínicas of Campinas State University. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of 329 patients followed at the Glaucoma Service of Campinas State University from October 1 to December 20, 2000. The frequency of each type of glaucoma and the treatment were analyzed. RESULTS: There were 329 patients examined at the Glaucoma Service: 132 (40.1%) were referred to the service as glaucoma suspects and 197 (59.9%) as glaucoma patients. Ninety of the 132 glaucoma suspects had glaucoma (68.2%) and 42 are still under investigation (31.8%). Among the 329 patients, 283 (86%) had glaucoma, 42 (12.8%) were glaucoma suspects, 2 (0.6%) had ocular hypertension and 2 (0.6%) did not have glaucoma. There were 530 eyes with glaucoma: 298 (56.2%) with primary open angle glaucoma, 108 (20.4%) with chronic angle closure glaucoma, 21 (4%) with glaucoma following cataract surgery, 19 (3.6%) congenital glaucoma and 16 (3%) with low-tension glaucoma. All patients received initial clinical treatment with IOP-lowering medication. After a mean follow up of 10.5 months, 89 (16.8%) underwent laser therapy: 72 (13.6%) iridotomy, 7 (1.3%) trabeculoplasty and 10 (1.9%) panphotocoagulation. A hundred and seventy nine (33%) eyes required surgical treatment. CONCLUSION: The most frequent types of glaucoma were primary open angle and angle closure glaucoma. Low tension glaucoma and glaucoma associated with exfoliation syndrome were uncommon in this population.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física