958 resultados para Semantic wikis


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Many years have passed since Berners-Lee envi- sioned the Web as it should be (1999), but still many information professionals do not know their precise role in its development, especially con- cerning ontologies –considered one of its main elements. Why? May it still be a lack of under- standing between the different academic commu- nities involved (namely, Computer Science, Lin- guistics and Library and Information Science), as reported by Soergel (1999)? The idea behind the Semantic Web is that of several technologies working together to get optimum information re- trieval performance, which is based on proper resource description in a machine-understandable way, by means of metadata and vocabularies (Greenberg, Sutton and Campbell, 2003). This is obviously something that Library and Information Science professionals can do very well, but, are we doing enough? When computer scientists put on stage the ontology paradigm they were asking for semantically richer vocabularies that could support logical inferences in artificial intelligence as a way to improve information retrieval systems. Which direction should vocabulary development take to contribute better to that common goal? The main objective of this paper is twofold: 1) to identify main trends, issues and problems con- cerning ontology research and 2) to identify pos- sible contributions from the Library and Information Science area to the development of ontologies for the semantic web. To do so, our paper has been structured in the following manner. First, the methodology followed in the paper is reported, which is based on a thorough literature review, where main contributions are analysed. Then, the paper presents a discussion of the main trends, issues and problems concerning ontology re- search identified in the literature review. Recom- mendations of possible contributions from the Library and Information Science area to the devel- opment of ontologies for the semantic web are finally presented.


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This paper describes a conceptual framework and meth- odology for managing scheme versioning for the Semantic Web. The first part of the paper introduces the concept of vocabulary encoding schemes, distinguished from metadata schemas, and discusses the characteristics of changes in schemes. The paper then presents a proposal to use a value record–similar to a term record in thesaurus management techniques–to manage scheme versioning challenges for the Semantic Web. The con-clusion identifies future research directions.


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Question Answering systems that resort to the Semantic Web as a knowledge base can go well beyond the usual matching words in documents and, preferably, find a precise answer, without requiring user help to interpret the documents returned. In this paper, the authors introduce a Dialogue Manager that, through the analysis of the question and the type of expected answer, provides accurate answers to the questions posed in Natural Language. The Dialogue Manager not only represents the semantics of the questions, but also represents the structure of the discourse, including the user intentions and the questions context, adding the ability to deal with multiple answers and providing justified answers. The authors’ system performance is evaluated by comparing with similar question answering systems. Although the test suite is slight dimension, the results obtained are very promising.


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Conceptual interpretation of languages has gathered peak interest in the world of artificial intelligence. The challenge in modeling various complications involved in a language is the main motivation behind our work. Our main focus in this work is to develop conceptual graphical representation for image captions. We have used discourse representation structure to gain semantic information which is further modeled into a graphical structure. The effectiveness of the model is evaluated by a caption based image retrieval system. The image retrieval is performed by computing subgraph based similarity measures. Best retrievals were given an average rating of . ± . out of 4 by a group of 25 human judges. The experiments were performed on a subset of the SBU Captioned Photo Dataset. This purpose of this work is to establish the cognitive sensibility of the approach to caption representations


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This paper presents a study made in a field poorly explored in the Portuguese language – modality and its automatic tagging. Our main goal was to find a set of attributes for the creation of automatic tag- gers with improved performance over the bag-of-words (bow) approach. The performance was measured using precision, recall and F1. Because it is a relatively unexplored field, the study covers the creation of the corpus (composed by eleven verbs), the use of a parser to extract syntac- tic and semantic information from the sentences and a machine learning approach to identify modality values. Based on three different sets of attributes – from trigger itself and the trigger’s path (from the parse tree) and context – the system creates a tagger for each verb achiev- ing (in almost every verb) an improvement in F1 when compared to the traditional bow approach.


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Conceptual interpretation of languages has gathered peak interest in the world of artificial intelligence. The challenge in modeling various complications involved in a language is the main motivation behind our work. Our main focus in this work is to develop conceptual graphical representation for image captions. We have used discourse representation structure to gain semantic information which is further modeled into a graphical structure. The effectiveness of the model is evaluated by a caption based image retrieval system. The image retrieval is performed by computing subgraph based similarity measures. Best retrievals were given an average rating of . ± . out of 4 by a group of 25 human judges. The experiments were performed on a subset of the SBU Captioned Photo Dataset. This purpose of this work is to establish the cognitive sensibility of the approach to caption representations.


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Building Information Modelling is changing the design and construction field ever since it entered the market. It took just some time to show its capabilities, it takes some time to be mastered before it could be used expressing all its best features. Since it was conceived to be adopted from the earliest stage of design to get the maximum from the decisional project, it still struggles to adapt to existing buildings. In fact, there is a branch of this methodology that is dedicated to what has been already made that is called Historic BIM or HBIM. This study aims to make clear what are BIM and HBIM, both from a theoretical point of view and in practice, applying from scratch the state of the art to a case study. It had been chosen the fortress of San Felice sul Panaro, a marvellous building with a thousand years of history in its bricks, that suffered violent earthquakes, but it is still standing. By means of this example, it will be shown which are the limits that could be encountered when applying BIM methodology to existing heritage, moreover will be pointed out all the new features that a simple 2D design could not achieve.


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My doctoral research is about the modelling of symbolism in the cultural heritage domain, and on connecting artworks based on their symbolism through knowledge extraction and representation techniques. In particular, I participated in the design of two ontologies: one models the relationships between a symbol, its symbolic meaning, and the cultural context in which the symbol symbolizes the symbolic meaning; the second models artistic interpretations of a cultural heritage object from an iconographic and iconological (thus also symbolic) perspective. I also converted several sources of unstructured data, a dictionary of symbols and an encyclopaedia of symbolism, and semi-structured data, DBpedia and WordNet, to create HyperReal, the first knowledge graph dedicated to conventional cultural symbolism. By making use of HyperReal's content, I showed how linked open data about cultural symbolism could be utilized to initiate a series of quantitative studies that analyse (i) similarities between cultural contexts based on their symbologies, (ii) broad symbolic associations, (iii) specific case studies of symbolism such as the relationship between symbols, their colours, and their symbolic meanings. Moreover, I developed a system that can infer symbolic, cultural context-dependent interpretations from artworks according to what they depict, envisioning potential use cases for museum curation. I have then re-engineered the iconographic and iconological statements of Wikidata, a widely used general-domain knowledge base, creating ICONdata: an iconographic and iconological knowledge graph. ICONdata was then enriched with automatic symbolic interpretations. Subsequently, I demonstrated the significance of enhancing artwork information through alignment with linked open data related to symbolism, resulting in the discovery of novel connections between artworks. Finally, I contributed to the creation of a software application. This application leverages established connections, allowing users to investigate the symbolic expression of a concept across different cultural contexts through the generation of a three-dimensional exhibition of artefacts symbolising the chosen concept.


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Personal archives are the archives created by individuals for their own purposes. Among these are the library and documentary collections of writers and scholars. It is only recently that archival literature has begun to focus on this category of archives, emphasising how their heterogeneous nature necessitates the conciliation of different approaches to archival description, and calling for a broader understanding of the principle of provenance, recognising that multiple creators, including subsequent researchers, can contribute to shaping personal archives over time by adding new layers of contexts. Despite these advances in the theoretical debate, current architectures for archival representation remain behind. Finding aids privilege a single point of view and do not allow subsequent users to embed their own, potentially conflicting, readings. Using semantic web technologies this study aims to define a conceptual model for writers' archives based on existing and widely adopted models in the cultural heritage and humanities domains. The model developed can be used to represent different types of documents at various levels of analysis, as well as record content and components. It also enables the representation of complex relationships and the incorporation of additional layers of interpretation into the finding aid, transforming it from a static search tool into a dynamic research platform.  The personal archive and library of Giuseppe Raimondi serves as a case study for the creation of an archival knowledge base using the proposed conceptual model. By querying the knowledge graph through SPARQL, the effectiveness of the model is evaluated. The results demonstrate that the model addresses the primary representation challenges identified in archival literature, from both a technological and methodological standpoint. The ultimate goal is to bring the output par excellence of archival science, i.e. the finding aid, more in line with the latest developments in archival thinking.


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The aim of this paper is to verify the level of text comprehension (reading and translation) in Portuguese, by native speakers of Spanish and vice-versa. The subjects are freshmen, from different fields (300 native speakers of Portuguese and 300 of Spanish), who have never studied the other language neither as a second (L2) nor as a foreign language (FL). The results show that, in each group of subjects, there is a high level of comprehension of the foreign language, which varies from 58% to 94%, depending on the context and on the lexical/semantic similarity (or difference) between the key-words in the texts used in this research.


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This paper investigates the relationship between structural and semantic properties of factive sentences and the pattern of extraction exhibited. It is argued that a classification as weak or strong island is unfeasible for what has been termed Factive Island. The kinds of structures allowed as factive complements are analyzed as well as their corresponding behavior concerning extraction. The common feature these structures show is their presuppositional character, which is derived from a selection requirement. I assume that factive predicates select a [+ specific] complement. The differences showed concerning extraction constitute a spontaneous effect from the structural way each construction may satisfy this requirement.


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A síndrome do X Frágil é a causa mais frequente de deficiência intelectual hereditária. A variante de Dandy-Walker trata-se de uma constelação específica de achados neurorradiológicos. Este estudo relata achados da comunicação oral e escrita de um menino de 15 anos com diagnóstico clínico e molecular da síndrome do X-Frágil e achados de neuroimagem do encéfalo compatíveis com variante de Dandy-Walker. A avaliação fonoaudiológica foi realizada por meio da Observação do Comportamento Comunicativo, aplicação do ABFW - Teste de Linguagem Infantil - Fonologia, Perfil de Habilidades Fonológicas, Teste de Desempenho Escolar, Teste Illinois de Habilidades Psicolinguísticas, avaliação do sistema estomatognático e avaliação audiológica. Observou-se: alteração de linguagem oral quanto às habilidades fonológicas, semânticas, pragmáticas e morfossintáticas; déficits nas habilidades psicolinguísticas (recepção auditiva, expressão verbal, combinação de sons, memória sequencial auditiva e visual, closura auditiva, associação auditiva e visual); e alterações morfológicas e funcionais do sistema estomatognático. Na leitura verificou-se dificuldades na decodificação dos símbolos gráficos e na escrita havia omissões, aglutinações e representações múltiplas com o uso predominante de vogais e dificuldades na organização viso-espacial. Em matemática, apesar do reconhecimento numérico, não realizou operações aritméticas. Não foram observadas alterações na avaliação audiológica periférica. A constelação de sintomas comportamentais, cognitivos, linguísticos e perceptivos, previstos na síndrome do X-Frágil, somada às alterações estruturais do sistema nervoso central, pertencentes à variante de Dandy-Walker, trouxeram interferências marcantes no desenvolvimento das habilidades comunicativas, no aprendizado da leitura e escrita e na integração social do indivíduo.


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The objective of this study is to describe preliminary results from the cross-cultural adaptation of the Quality of Life Assessment Questionnaire, used to measure health related quality of life (HRQL) in Brazilian children aged between 5 and 11 with HIV/AIDS. The cross-cultural model evaluated the Concept, Item, Semantic and Measurement Equivalences (internal consistency and intra-observer reliability). Evaluation of the conceptual, item, semantic equivalences showed that the Portuguese version is pertinent for the Brazilian context. Four of seven domains showed internal consistency above 0.70 (α: 0.76-0.90) and five of seven revealed intra-observer reliability (ricc: 0.41-0.70). This first Portuguese version of the HRQL questionnaire can be understood as a valuable tool for assessing children's HRQL, but further studies with large samples and more robust analyses are recommended before use in the Brazilian context.


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Há lacuna de questionários de atividade física para crianças brasileiras. O Physical Activity Checklist Interview (PACI), desenvolvido em crianças americanas, permite aferir atividade física do dia anterior. Constituem objetivos do estudo: (i) descrever os procedimentos envolvidos na escolha do PACI a ser submetido à adaptação transcultural; (ii) avaliar equivalências conceitual, de itens e semântica da versão adaptada para uso em crianças de 7 a 10 anos. Identificou-se o PACI pela revisão sistemática na qual foram incluídos dezoito questionários. Foram realizadas, no processo de escolha do instrumento, discussões com pesquisadores da área de atividade física. Verificou-se que o PACI permite aferir o construto e dimensões nas populações de origem e alvo, sendo necessário suprimir algumas atividades por não serem comuns na população alvo. Na equivalência semântica, realizou-se tradução, retradução e avaliação dos significados conotativo e referencial, com pré-teste em 24 crianças de 7 a 10 anos. Apresenta-se a versão do PACI adaptada, denominada Lista de Atividades Físicas (LAF).


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Investiga-se a equivalência conceitual, de itens e semântica entre o instrumento Dysfunctional Voiding Scoring System (DVSS), utilizado para avaliar a disfunção funcional do trato urinário inferior em crianças, concebido em inglês e uma versão em português. Na primeira etapa realizou-se a avaliação da equivalência conceitual e de itens, seguida de duas traduções do instrumento original para o português. Na segunda etapa foram realizadas 63 entrevistas, com crianças de 3 a 10 anos e responsáveis, e modificação de itens segundo dificuldades de interpretação. Na terceira etapa foi realizada a retradução do instrumento em português para o inglês e avaliação da equivalência semântica. Na quarta etapa, a versão pré-teste foi aplicada em vinte duplas de crianças de 3 a 10 anos e responsáveis. Apresenta-se o instrumento em português com equivalência conceitual, de itens e semântica. Sugere-se que a aplicação do DVSS seja realizada por meio de entrevista por profissional treinado e não baseada em autopreenchimento como proposto no instrumento original.