898 resultados para School breakfast programs
The characteristics of school furniture are strongly associated with back and neck pain, referred by school-aged children. In Portugal, about 60% of the adolescents involved in a recent study reported having felt back pain at least once in the last three months. The aim of this study was to compare furniture sizes of the 2 types indicated for primary schools, within 9 schools, with the anthropometric characteristics of Portuguese students, in order to evaluate the mismatch between them. The sample consisted of 432 volunteer students. Regarding the methodology, 5 anthropometric measures were gathered, as well as 5 dimensions from the school furniture. For the evaluation of classroom furniture, a (mis)match criterion equation was defined. Results indicated that there is a significant mismatch between furniture dimensions and the anthropometric characteristics of the students.
Demand response has gain increasing importance in the context of competitive electricity markets environment. The use of demand resources is also advantageous in the context of smart grid operation. In addition to the need of new business models for integrating demand response, adequate methods are necessary for an accurate determination of the consumers’ performance evaluation after the participation in a demand response event. The present paper makes a comparison between some of the existing baseline methods related to the consumers’ performance evaluation, comparing the results obtained with these methods and also with a method proposed by the authors of the paper. A case study demonstrates the application of the referred methods to real consumption data belonging to a consumer connected to a distribution network.
Following the deregulation experience of retail electricity markets in most countries, the majority of the new entrants of the liberalized retail market were pure REP (retail electricity providers). These entities were subject to financial risks because of the unexpected price variations, price spikes, volatile loads and the potential for market power exertion by GENCO (generation companies). A REP can manage the market risks by employing the DR (demand response) programs and using its' generation and storage assets at the distribution network to serve the customers. The proposed model suggests how a REP with light physical assets, such as DG (distributed generation) units and ESS (energy storage systems), can survive in a competitive retail market. The paper discusses the effective risk management strategies for the REPs to deal with the uncertainties of the DAM (day-ahead market) and how to hedge the financial losses in the market. A two-stage stochastic programming problem is formulated. It aims to establish the financial incentive-based DR programs and the optimal dispatch of the DG units and ESSs. The uncertainty of the forecasted day-ahead load demand and electricity price is also taken into account with a scenario-based approach. The principal advantage of this model for REPs is reducing the risk of financial losses in DAMs, and the main benefit for the whole system is market power mitigation by virtually increasing the price elasticity of demand and reducing the peak demand.
The positioning of the consumers in the power systems operation has been changed in the recent years, namely due to the implementation of competitive electricity markets. Demand response is an opportunity for the consumers’ participation in electricity markets. Smart grids can give an important support for the integration of demand response. The methodology proposed in the present paper aims to create an improved demand response program definition and remuneration scheme for aggregated resources. The consumers are aggregated in a certain number of clusters, each one corresponding to a distinct demand response program, according to the economic impact of the resulting remuneration tariff. The knowledge about the consumers is obtained from its demand price elasticity values. The illustrative case study included in the paper is based on a 218 consumers’ scenario.
The concept of demand response has drawing attention to the active participation in the economic operation of power systems, namely in the context of recent electricity markets and smart grid models and implementations. In these competitive contexts, aggregators are necessary in order to make possible the participation of small size consumers and generation units. The methodology proposed in the present paper aims to address the demand shifting between periods, considering multi-period demand response events. The focus is given to the impact in the subsequent periods. A Virtual Power Player operates the network, aggregating the available resources, and minimizing the operation costs. The illustrative case study included is based on a scenario of 218 consumers including generation sources.
Consumption Management of Air Conditioning Devices for the Participation in Demand Response Programs
Demand Response has been taking over the years an extreme importance. There’s a lot of demand response programs, one of them proposed in this paper, using air conditioners that could increase the power quality and decrease the spent money in many ways like: infrastructures and customers energy bill reduction. This paper proposes a method and a study on how air conditioners could integrate demand response programs. The proposed method has been modelled as an energy resources management optimization problem. This paper presents two case studies, the first one with all costumers participating and second one with some of costumers. The results obtained for both case studies have been analyzed.
RESUMO - A Paralisia Cerebral (PC) deve ser olhada como uma patologia do neurodesenvolvimento: a infância é um período de actividade exploratória por essência, a restrição motora condiciona as várias áreas do desenvolvimento. Contextos, apoios, oportunidades e experiências de vida serão determinantes no desenvolvimento de todo o seu potencial. Objectivos/finalidade: Identificar, descrever, comparar e analisar factores de risco associados à PC, sua caracterização multidimensional e integração escolar aos 5 e 10 anos. Procurou‐se contribuir para a sua prevenção primária e secundária, e obter dados para planeamento e implementação dos programas de apoio. Métodos: Adoptou‐se a abordagem do Programa Nacional de Vigilância da Paralisia Cerebral (PNVPC) e da Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe (SCPE). Analisaram‐se factores de risco, competências funcionais, défices associados, severidade e integração escolar de duas populações de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, (nascimento 1996/1997‐2001/2002 e prevalência aos 5 e 10 anos). Descreveram‐se os dados, efectuaram‐se correlações, aplicaram‐se testes de independência e compararam‐se com dados dos nadovivos, dados nacionais e europeus. Analisaram‐se os factores que influenciaram a integração escolar através de métodos de regressão logística. Resultados/Conclusões/Recomendações: 1,65‰ e 1,57‰ dos nadovivos desenvolveram PC; a prevalência aos 5 anos foi de 1,7‰ e de 1,48‰; 5,9% e 7,9% faleceram antes dos 5 anos. Em 2001/2002 verificou‐se aumento de: PC espástica bilateral‐2/3membros, prematuridade, causa pos‐neonatal, níveis funcionais ligeiros e graves; percentil estaturo‐ponderal <3 (5‐anos). Diminuição de: disquinésia, anóxia e alguns défices associados. Destacaram‐se as associação: prematuridade e PC espástica bilateral‐ 2/3membros; nascer de termo e anóxia, disquinésia, primíparas, défices associados e severidade; infecção pré‐natal e QI<50, epilepsia e severidade; causa pos‐neonatal e PC espástica bilateral‐4membros e múltiplos défices. Aos 5 anos, as variáveis explicativas para a não inclusão escolar foram: QI<50 e epilepsia; uma elevada percentagem de crianças com PC moderada/grave encontrava‐se integrada; 75% das que se encontravam desintegradas mantiveram‐se nesta situação aos 10. Nesta idade, as variáveis explicativas para a não inclusão escolar foram: QI<50 e motricidade fina; 35,1% encontrava‐se fora do ensino regular; 4,5%, embora em idade de escolaridade obrigatória, não frequentavam qualquer estabelecimento escolar. Informação sistematizada, abrangente, objectiva, simples e acessível, sobre novos casos de PC, factores de risco, prevalência em idades‐chave e caracterização multidimensional constitui uma ferramenta clínica e epidemiológica, que deve sustentar as políticas de saúde, educacionais e sociais, contribuindo para a permanência destas crianças no ensino regular, trazendo às crianças e famílias o suporte que as encorajem e sustentem nestes processos. ABSTRACT ------- Cerebral Palsy (CP) must be recognized as a neurodevelopmental disorder: childhood is, on its nature, a period for exploring the environment and therefore motor deficit interferes with all developmental areas. The context, support, opportunities and life experiences are determinants for the development of his full potential. Objective/Aim: To identify, describe, compare and analyze CP risk factors the multidimensional characterization and school integration levels at the age of 5 and 10 years. We aim to contribute to CP primary and secondary prevention and provide information for service planning and implementation of support programs. Methods: The approach of National Cerebral Palsy Surveillance Programme (NCPSP) and Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe (SCPE) were used. For two groups of children from Lisboa e Vale do Tejo region, birth data 1996/1997‐2001/2002 and prevalence at 5 and 10 years, were analyzed: CP risk factors, functional ability, associated impairments, severity and school integration settings. Data collected was described, analyzed using correlations, applied tests of independence and compared with new born data, national data and european data. To analyze the factors related to school inclusive settings, logistic regression was appealed. Results/Conclusions/Recommendations: 1,65% and 1,57‰ of the new‐born alive developed CP. The prevalence at 5 years was 1,7‰ and 1,48‰ 5,9% and 7,9% died before their 5th birthday. Bilateral spastic CP 2/3limb, preterm birth, cases of post‐neonatal origin, mild and sever functional impairment; weight and height percentile <3 at 5 years old Increased in 2001. Decreased dyskinetic CP, anoxia and some additional imparments. Were identified among other the association between prematurity and spastic bilateral CP‐2/3 members; born at term and anoxia, dyskinetic CP, first child, associated impairments and severity; prenatal infection and IQ<50, epilepsy and severity; post‐neonatal cause and spastic bilateral CP‐4 members and associated impairments. At 5‐years‐old the more explanatory variables for not be in a school inclusive settings were IQ<50 and epilepsy, a high percentage of children with moderate/severe CP was attending regular school, but most children who were out of inclusive settings at 5 years continue on this situations at 10‐years‐old. At this age the more explanatory variables for not be in a school inclusive settings were: IQ<50 and upper limb function; 35,1% were out of regular school; 4,5%, even in compulsory school age, are out of school. Standardized comprehensive, objective, simple and accessible information about CP new cases, risk factors, prevalence in the key‐age and children multidimensional characterization constitutes a clinical and epidemiological tool that should sustain health, educational and social policy. This would support the continuity of these children in regular schools, encouraging g them and their families in these processes.
Dado o panorama de conservação de energia a nível nacional e mundial, torna-se hoje em dia muito importante, que seja possível controlar e estimar o consumo energético nos edifícios. Assim, atendendo à actual problemática energética e ao crescente consumo energético nos edifícios, é importante parametrizar, avaliar e comparar este consumo. Neste sentido, nas últimas décadas, têm sido efectuados desenvolvimentos técnicos, quer ao nível do equipamento de campo para efectuar monitorização e medição, quer ao nível da simulação dinâmica de edifícios. Com esta dissertação de mestrado, pretendeu-se efectuar a simulação dinâmica de um edifício escolar existente a funcionar em pleno, e efectuar uma análise de sensibilidade relativamente ao grau de variação dos resultados obtidos através da aplicação de dois programas de cálculo térmico e energético. Foram utilizados, o programa VE-Pro da IES (Integrated Environmental Solutions) e o programa Trace 700 da TRANE. Ambos os programas foram parametrizados com os mesmos dados de entrada, tendo em atenção as opções de simulação disponibilizadas por ambos. Posteriormente, utilizaram-se os dados retirados da simulação para calcular a classificação energética no âmbito do sistema de certificação energética (SCE), através de uma folha de cálculo desenvolvida para o efeito. Foram ainda consideradas várias soluções de eficiência energética para o edifício, com vista a poupanças reais de energia, tendo sempre atenção ao conforto térmico dos ocupantes. Dessas medidas fazem parte, medidas relacionadas com a iluminação, como a substituição da iluminação existente por luminárias do tipo LED (Light Emitting Diode), soluções de energias renováveis, como a instalação de colectores solares para aquecimento das águas quentes sanitárias, e painéis fotovoltaicos para produção de energia, bem como medidas ligadas aos equipamentos de climatização. Posteriormente, recalculou-se a classificação energética afectada das melhorias. Os resultados obtidos nas duas simulações foram analisados sob o ponto de vista do aquecimento, arrefecimento, ventilação, iluminação e equipamentos eléctricos. A comparação das duas simulações para cada parâmetro acima referido, apresentaram variações inferiores a 5%. O desvio maior verificou-se na ventilação, com o valor de aproximadamente 4,9%. Transpondo estes resultados para o cálculo do IEE (Índice de Eficiência Energética), verificou-se um desvio inferior a 2%.
The potentialities of ICT in education bring about changes in the teaching and learning methodologies, in the places where you learn and in the way you learn. This demands a reflection not only on the ways of learning, but also on the support resources, so that learning can take place and, of course, it is indispensable to understand the teachers’ answer to the digital challenges. Thus, the purpose of this analysis is to reflect about technological trends in an educational context and their underlying models by analyzing the role played by digital textbooks in Portugal in an innovating context. This way, we intend to contribute to an educational policy as we plan to relate the teachers’ training to the increasing development of the digital textbooks and we also intend to contribute to the understanding of a didactic resource which is closely related to the learning processes which resort to advanced technology.
This article describes a study that investigated the main strategic drivers that influence the implementation of sustainability/social responsibility programs. An online survey was administered to managers of Portuguese organizations with certified management systems. The findings suggest that the implementation of such programs is mainly correlated to: 1.) the approach to understanding and working toward the satisfaction of the community’s needs (in the broad sense of social responsibility); 2.) how systematically sustainability within the organization is identified and managed (e.g., pollution prevention, improved environmental performance, and compliance with the applicable environmental laws); and 3.) the degree to which the organization tries to understand the needs of the employees and works toward satisfying them. In addition to the survey, five interviews with top managers of the surveyed organizations provided some useful insights. There was no consensus on the meaning of sustainability and social responsibility: some described it as an instrumental approach for obtaining better organizational results, while others regarded it as the right thing to do (i.e., it is values driven). In all cases, however, the managers supported a kind of umbrella construct under which different size corporations use different models (for example, the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), ISO 14001 environmental management systems), although some managers reported that they simply do not know what to do. All of those surveyed agreed that the lack of a systematic approach could represent a major threat to their organization, making them willing to pay more attention and take more action on the issue of sustainability. An additional suggestion made by managers was to change from a triple bottom line (economic dimension, environmental dimension, social equity dimension) to a quadruple bottom line by adding another dimension: personal and family happiness. This fourth dimension was recognized by the Greek philosopher/thinker Aristotle (384-322 BCE) who thought of happiness as the highest good (virtue) and ultimate goal and purpose of life, achieved through living well, in harmony. Such harmony suggests a balance and a lack of excess—in other words a sustainable existence.
Currently, due to the widespread use of computers and the internet, students are trading libraries for the World Wide Web and laboratories with simulation programs. In most courses, simulators are made available to students and can be used to proof theoretical results or to test a developing hardware/product. Although this is an interesting solution: low cost, easy and fast way to perform some courses work, it has indeed major disadvantages. As everything is currently being done with/in a computer, the students are loosing the “feel” of the real values of the magnitudes. For instance in engineering studies, and mainly in the first years, students need to learn electronics, algorithmic, mathematics and physics. All of these areas can use numerical analysis software, simulation software or spreadsheets and in the majority of the cases data used is either simulated or random numbers, but real data could be used instead. For example, if a course uses numerical analysis software and needs a dataset, the students can learn to manipulate arrays. Also, when using the spreadsheets to build graphics, instead of using a random table, students could use a real dataset based, for instance, in the room temperature and its variation across the day. In this work we present a framework which uses a simple interface allowing it to be used by different courses where the computers are the teaching/learning process in order to give a more realistic feeling to students by using real data. A framework is proposed based on a set of low cost sensors for different physical magnitudes, e.g. temperature, light, wind speed, which are connected to a central server, that the students have access with an Ethernet protocol or are connected directly to the student computer/laptop. These sensors use the communication ports available such as: serial ports, parallel ports, Ethernet or Universal Serial Bus (USB). Since a central server is used, the students are encouraged to use sensor values results in their different courses and consequently in different types of software such as: numerical analysis tools, spreadsheets or simply inside any programming language when a dataset is needed. In order to do this, small pieces of hardware were developed containing at least one sensor using different types of computer communication. As long as the sensors are attached in a server connected to the internet, these tools can also be shared between different schools. This allows sensors that aren't available in a determined school to be used by getting the values from other places that are sharing them. Another remark is that students in the more advanced years and (theoretically) more know how, can use the courses that have some affinities with electronic development to build new sensor pieces and expand the framework further. The final solution provided is very interesting, low cost, simple to develop, allowing flexibility of resources by using the same materials in several courses bringing real world data into the students computer works.
Aprender a ler é um dos maiores desafios que as crianças enfrentam quando entram para a escola. A dificuldade no domínio do código alfabético, nos níveis da consciência fonológica e a falta de fluência na leitura são fatores que interferem em larga escala na aprendizagem global dos alunos. Habilitar um aluno para a prática da leitura é um estímulo que tem vindo a dar origem a várias investigações e intervenções no campo da educação. Este projeto descreve dois programas de treino: “Programa de treino da percepção Visual” e “Programa de promoção do desenvolvimento da consciência fonológica”, num aluno do 2º ciclo do ensino básico com dificuldade de fluência na leitura, ao longo de quinze aulas de 90 minutos. No que respeita aos resultados do primeiro estudo, que teve por base o “Programa de treino da percepção visual”, não foram encontradas diferenças relevantes quanto ao seu efeito na fluência da leitura do aluno. No entanto, no segundo estudo, que se centrou na aplicação do “Programa de promoção do desenvolvimento da consciência fonológica” em complemento com o “Programa de treino da percepção visual”, mostrou que o aluno ficou mais fluente na leitura diminuindo o número de erros de precisão (substituições, omissões, inversões, adições e erros complexos). Assim, sugere-se uma monotorização sistemática das aprendizagens dos alunos para que as intervenções possam ser cada vez mais precoces e direcionadas para as suas necessidades.
The ability to control human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection and progression of the disease is regulated by host and viral factors. This cross-sectional study describes the socio-demographic and epidemiological characteristics associated with HIV-1 infection in 1,061 subjects attended in Londrina and region, south of Brazil: 136 healthy individuals (Group 1), 147 HIV-1-exposed but uninfected individuals (Group 2), 161 HIV-1-infected asymptomatic patients (Group 3), and 617 patients with AIDS (Group 4). Data were obtained by a standardized questionnaire and serological tests. The age of the individuals ranged from 15.1 to 79.5 years, 54.0% and 56.1% of the Groups 3 and 4 patients, respectively, were men. The major features of groups 2, 3, and 4 were a predominance of education level up to secondary school (55.8%, 60.2% and 62.4%, respectively), sexual route of exposure (88.4%, 87.0% and 82.0%, respectively), heterosexual behavior (91.8%, 75.2% and 83.7%, respectively), and previous sexually transmitted diseases (20.4%, 32.5%, and 38.1%, respectively). The patients with AIDS showed the highest rates of seropositivity for syphilis (25.6%), of anti-HCV (22.3%), and anti-HTLV I/II obtained by two serological screening tests (6.2% and 6.8%, respectively). The results documenting the predominant characteristics for HIV-1 infection among residents of Londrina and region, could be useful for the improvement of current HIV-1 prevention, monitoring and therapeutic programs targeted at this population.
Due to their detrimental effects on human health, scientific interest in ultrafine particles (UFP), has been increasing but available information is far from comprehensive. Children, who represent one of the most susceptible subpopulation, spend the majority of time in schools and homes. Thus, the aim of this study is to (1) assess indoor levels of particle number concentrations (PNC) in ultrafine and fine (20–1000 nm) range at school and home environments and (2) compare indoor respective dose rates for 3- to 5-yr-old children. Indoor particle number concentrations in range of 20–1000 nm were consecutively measured during 56 d at two preschools (S1 and S2) and three homes (H1–H3) situated in Porto, Portugal. At both preschools different indoor microenvironments, such as classrooms and canteens, were evaluated. The results showed that total mean indoor PNC as determined for all indoor microenvironments were significantly higher at S1 than S2. At homes, indoor levels of PNC with means ranging between 1.09 × 104 and 1.24 × 104 particles/cm3 were 10–70% lower than total indoor means of preschools (1.32 × 104 to 1.84 × 104 particles/cm3). Nevertheless, estimated dose rates of particles were 1.3- to 2.1-fold higher at homes than preschools, mainly due to longer period of time spent at home. Daily activity patterns of 3- to 5-yr-old children significantly influenced overall dose rates of particles. Therefore, future studies focusing on health effects of airborne pollutants always need to account for children’s exposures in different microenvironments such as homes, schools, and transportation modes in order to obtain an accurate representation of children overall exposure.
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teaching English as a Second / Foreign Language