617 resultados para SEGURIDAD NACIONAL - VENEZUELA - 2002-2006


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The research proposes a reflection on tutorial videos from Youtube, seen as a form of gift in modern society. Our reflection parts form a perspective of mutual exchange, which avoids the patterns of trade with current economic purposes. We present these video producers as craftsmen of cyberculture due to the skill and competence which they transmit their knowledge. The research is consisted by the observation of video tutorials on YouTube over the Linux operating system and its distributions. Analyzing the interactions between video producers, users and the website. The analysis is based on the classic Mauss (2003) and his reinterpretations of Caille (1998, 2001, 2002, 2006), Godbout (1992, 1998) assisted by Aime Cossetta (2010) and Sennett (2009) to help understand the idea of the craftsmen. The Internet as an open territory in expansion ables us to understand that the relationship in this medium also constitutes the reciprocal links pointed out by Mauss in the early twentieth century. The circulation of intangible property, in this case the knowledge beyond the establishment of social links, promotes a collaborative extent to produce the common in cyberspace.


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In this doctoral thesis analyzed the discursive representations of the bandit Lampião, the Lantern and his bandits gang in news mossoroenses newspapers published in the twenties of the last century (1927), when the gang invasion of the city of Mossoro in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, on June 13 of that year. To this end, we take as basis the theoretical assumptions of linguistics Textual, especially the narrower context of what is known today as Textual Analysis of the Discourses (ADT), theoretical and descriptive approach to linguistic studies of the text proposed by the French linguist Jean-Michel Adam. In this approach, we are interested in, specifically, the semantic level of the text, highlighting the notion of discursive representation, studied based on benchmarking operations, predication, modification, spatial location and temporal connection and analogy (ADAM, 2011; CASTILHO, 2010; KOCH, 2002, 2006; MARCUSCHI, 1998, 2008; NEVES, 2007; RODRIGUES, PASSEGGI & SILVA NETO, 2010). The corpus of this research consists of three reports in the twenties of the last century in newspapers The Mossoroense, Correio do Povo and the Northeast, and reconstituted through the collection held in the Municipal Museum Lauro Scotland files, Memorial Resistance Mossoro, both located in Natal, and in the news collection of Lampião newspapers in Natal, north of Rio Grande Raimundo Nonato historian. The discursive representations are built from the use of semantic analysis operations. Lampião to, the following representations are built: bandit, head of bandits, briber, defeated, Captain and Lord. To the outlaws of Lampião bunch of the following discursive representations were built: group, gang, gangsters, mates, bloodthirsty pack, brigands, bandits, criminals, burglar horde, and wild beasts. These representations reveal mainly the views of the newspapers of that time, which represented mainly the interests of traders, politicians, the government itself and generally Mossoró population.


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Teaching Portuguese language in Brazilian public schools is still limited mostly to studying decontextualized text fragments, memorizing classifications and cult of grammar rules. Considering the language as a social, cultural practice which emerges from the intersubjective interaction, we sought to propose an educational intervention that prioritizes the retextualization processes from speech to the writing of memoirs as a textual genre, so as to contribute for improving learner’s discursive performances. Therefore, paying attention to these concerns and in attempt to contribute for improving the teaching of Portuguese language in elementary school, we chose as privileged locus a 9th grade class from a state school in Bento Fernandes, RN. The corpus is formed by texts produced and retextualized by students from the elders’ oral reports within local community. We sought thus to understand what memory is, its importance for registering local spoken language and culture, as much as to carry out didactic actions that favor students’ learning in the activities of textual production. In light of the theoretical overviews about linguistic-discursive relations, based on Marcuschi’s (1993, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2010) conception of oralitiy-writing continuum and the debates proposed by Antunes (2003, 2014), Alves Filho (2011), Koch (2012) and Bakhtin (1992, 2011), we aimed to understand, by analyzing the retextualized memoirs, how these practices complement each other within the process of orality and writing. As for the proposal of didactic sequences, the study has been oriented by Dolz and Scheneuely (2004); as for the memoirs, by the guidelines of Coracine and Ghiraldelo (2011) and Le Goff (2010, 2013). In this way, this work followed the action-research methodology in a qualitative approach, considering the teacher (researcher) as an active agent involved in the process of knowledge production in his own educational practice, so as to interfere in the mediation, knowledge production and its dissemination in classroom context, which is the privileged locus for constructing and transforming process. There is much to be research within the area of retextualization. Yet we verified that this educational intervention, based on discursive operators of retextualization, has been proven viable as an efficient path so that we teachers can work the peculiarities of usages and functions of textual genres in oral and written modalities of a language, without grasping both as a dichotomy. This accredited us to strengthen a discourse that undoes many myths still present in that order, especially the one that causes more damage for the learners of Portuguese language – that writing is a representation of speech.


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Sustainability can be indicated by a number of factors. Populations need to be aged evenly, ensuring a healthy equilibrium. Job opportunities must be numerous and of wide varieties to balance incomes from different employment sectors. Regions must also sustain vital natural resources in the area which are directly related to a place being self-sustaining. These indicators prove to be true, especially in Newfoundland, where people have struggled to remain in the small traditional communities that they consider being there 'home.' The population of Corner Brook and the surrounding areas can be stratified according to the values people hold to their special place. Even though people in western Newfoundland hold strong ties to their home, some parts of the region even though people in western Newfoundland hold strong ties to their home, some parts of the region struggle with employment, low incomes, out-migration, and dependency on declining natural resources. The aim of this paper is to present the process of designing a sample strategy for a human values pilot survey conducted in the city of Corner Brook. It will present a theoretical background over the period 2002-2006 to be used for sampling strategy.


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Los derechos sexuales y reproductivos como temática de debate en la agenda pública de nuestro país cobran visibilidad recién a mediados de la década del '90. La ausencia de políticas en esta materia se debió por un lado, a la férrea oposición de la Iglesia Católica a la regulación de la fecundidad, por otro lado, a la ideología pro natalista que ha primado en el Estado desde su conformación hasta la reinstauración democrática en la década de los '80. El propósito de este trabajo es analizar el proceso en cual el Programa Nacional de Salud Sexual y Procreación Responsable se definió como política pública, identificando los actores involucrados, sus tomas de posición y estrategias de acción desplegadas en el transcurso de dicho proceso, enfatizando en la acción de los poderes del Estado. Este trabajo es resultado del análisis de diversas fuentes, entre ellas: la Ley Nacional 25673/2002 de Salud Sexual y Procreación Responsable y el decreto que la reglamenta, las versiones taquigráficas de los debates parlamentarios, el documento base del Programa Nacional de Salud Sexual y Procreación Responsable, material de prensa y bibliográfico sobre la temática. Se concluye, que la ley sancionada es un herramienta válida para el ejercicio de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos, a pesar de que la presión ejercida por la Iglesia sobre el poder político haya logrado limitar los alcances de la misma. La puesta en marcha del Programa ha abierto nuevos interrogantes, nuevos debates y nuevos enfrentamientos entrelos sectores que dentro y fuera del gobierno apoyan el Programa y las autoridades eclesiásticas y los sectores más conservadores de la sociedad


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Los derechos sexuales y reproductivos como temática de debate en la agenda pública de nuestro país cobran visibilidad recién a mediados de la década del '90. La ausencia de políticas en esta materia se debió por un lado, a la férrea oposición de la Iglesia Católica a la regulación de la fecundidad, por otro lado, a la ideología pro natalista que ha primado en el Estado desde su conformación hasta la reinstauración democrática en la década de los '80. El propósito de este trabajo es analizar el proceso en cual el Programa Nacional de Salud Sexual y Procreación Responsable se definió como política pública, identificando los actores involucrados, sus tomas de posición y estrategias de acción desplegadas en el transcurso de dicho proceso, enfatizando en la acción de los poderes del Estado. Este trabajo es resultado del análisis de diversas fuentes, entre ellas: la Ley Nacional 25673/2002 de Salud Sexual y Procreación Responsable y el decreto que la reglamenta, las versiones taquigráficas de los debates parlamentarios, el documento base del Programa Nacional de Salud Sexual y Procreación Responsable, material de prensa y bibliográfico sobre la temática. Se concluye, que la ley sancionada es un herramienta válida para el ejercicio de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos, a pesar de que la presión ejercida por la Iglesia sobre el poder político haya logrado limitar los alcances de la misma. La puesta en marcha del Programa ha abierto nuevos interrogantes, nuevos debates y nuevos enfrentamientos entrelos sectores que dentro y fuera del gobierno apoyan el Programa y las autoridades eclesiásticas y los sectores más conservadores de la sociedad


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Los derechos sexuales y reproductivos como temática de debate en la agenda pública de nuestro país cobran visibilidad recién a mediados de la década del '90. La ausencia de políticas en esta materia se debió por un lado, a la férrea oposición de la Iglesia Católica a la regulación de la fecundidad, por otro lado, a la ideología pro natalista que ha primado en el Estado desde su conformación hasta la reinstauración democrática en la década de los '80. El propósito de este trabajo es analizar el proceso en cual el Programa Nacional de Salud Sexual y Procreación Responsable se definió como política pública, identificando los actores involucrados, sus tomas de posición y estrategias de acción desplegadas en el transcurso de dicho proceso, enfatizando en la acción de los poderes del Estado. Este trabajo es resultado del análisis de diversas fuentes, entre ellas: la Ley Nacional 25673/2002 de Salud Sexual y Procreación Responsable y el decreto que la reglamenta, las versiones taquigráficas de los debates parlamentarios, el documento base del Programa Nacional de Salud Sexual y Procreación Responsable, material de prensa y bibliográfico sobre la temática. Se concluye, que la ley sancionada es un herramienta válida para el ejercicio de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos, a pesar de que la presión ejercida por la Iglesia sobre el poder político haya logrado limitar los alcances de la misma. La puesta en marcha del Programa ha abierto nuevos interrogantes, nuevos debates y nuevos enfrentamientos entrelos sectores que dentro y fuera del gobierno apoyan el Programa y las autoridades eclesiásticas y los sectores más conservadores de la sociedad


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The postwar development of the Intelligence Services in Japan has been based on two contrasting models: the centralized model of the USA and the collegiality of UK, neither of which has been fully developed. This has led to clashes of institutional competencies and poor anticipation of threats towards national security. This problem of opposing models has been partially overcome through two dimensions: externally through the cooperation with the US Intelligence Service under the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security; and internally though the pre-eminence in the national sphere of the Department of Public Safety. However, the emergence of a new global communicative dimension requires that a communicative-viewing remodeling of this dual model is necessary due to the increasing capacity of the individual actors to determine the dynamics of international events. This article examines these challenges for the Intelligence Services of Japan and proposes a reform based on this new global communicative dimension.


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After the triple disaster of 11 March 2011, Japan is at an energy crossroad. In the short and medium run it depends on fossil fuel imports to ensure its energy security, but the long term will be determined by the decisions taken at present. For Japan energy security is a national security challenge, as stated in its National Security Strategy. The article reviews the Japanese nuclear path, studies the factors shaping the Japanese electricity market and analyzes the current energy situation. Moreover, it also assesses the principles that have marked Japan’s energy policy and the two last Strategic Energy Plans -one prior to Fukushima and the other after it- before tackling the debate on the optimal future energy mix that Japan should adopt to meet its energy security trilemma, marked by its environmental commitment.


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Este artigo analisou a produção científica sobre inovação registrada e disponibilizada na base SciELO no período de 2005 a 2012. Os discursos governamentais dos últimos anos têm destacado a inovação como um caminho necessário para o crescimento da indústria e da competitividade nacional. Iniciativas como a implantação da Pesquisa de Inovação Tecnológica, cuja primeira edição ocorreu em 2000; o reconhecimento do Centro de Gestão e Estudos Estratégicos, vinculado ao Ministério de Ciência, Tecnologia e, mais recentemente, Inovação, como um lócus de reflexão e de orientação da estratégia tecnológica nacional em 2002; a criação do Prêmio FINEP de inovação, entre várias outras iniciativas, oferecem um quadro da importância e da contemporaneidade desta pesquisa. Sendo a área científica um difusor de novos conhecimentos e sendo a SciELO uma base de dados qualificada e multidisciplinar, este artigo a toma como referência para examinar as características dos trabalhos publicados relacionados à inovação. Dessa forma, trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, documental, com delineamento de estudo bibliométrico. O resultado da pesquisa identificou 213 periódicos com 604 publicações que incluem em suas palavras-chave o termo “inovação”. Verificou-se que as áreas de maior investigação sobre o tema são: inovação em Medicina e Saúde, 33%; inovação em Administração, Contabilidade e Economia, 30%; enfoque especializado sobre inovação, 20%; inovação em Tecnologia e Produtos, 13%; estudos sobre inovação em outras áreas, 4%. Os resultados desta pesquisa contribuem para aumentar o conhecimento sobre a literatura gerada, examinar como os conceitos vêm sendo difundidos e estabelecer uma rota pela qual o tema “inovação” trafega nas diferentes áreas do conhecimento.


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This paper presents the results of documentary rescue demonstrations performed in different counties present in the central area of the province of Heredia.This idea was enhanced thanks to the Organization of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has provided the rescue and preservation of folk traditions, both tangible and intangible, throughout the world.Coupled with this, the Ministry of Education under the direction of Professor Manuel Antonio Bolaños, launched in the administration of La Espriella Pacheco (2002-2006) the development of an educational project aimed at rescuing the popular traditions of the province of Heredia, which under the title"Draft Heredianidad" became one of the main inspiring to be translated into a multimedia all information collected in the process of this research.The final graduation consisted of three major axes: the memory, the media containing all the information collected and a database in which (the) user (s) and to describe the bibliographic production on the subject of popular traditions Heredia has occurred, would help to physically locate these publications.To achieve the objectives we proceeded to conduct visits to public libraries and municipalities in the province as well as interviews with different artistic personalities of the cantons heredianos, thereby gained access to various legends, anecdotes, stories, songs, music and history of the province of Heredia.


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Many works deal with the study of Greek epigrams. These texts gather precious historical, religious and epigraphic content whose analysis has been addressed from a literary point of view. The degree of dependence of Hellenistic epigrams of earlier period epigrams are of great interest, as shown by recent and numerous papers on this matter (Harder et al . 1998; 2002; 2006; 2012; Bing and Bruss 2007; Baumbach et al. 2010). Another major line of research is focused on the origin of epigrams and their relation to elegy (Gentilli 1968; Passa 1998b) or to hexametric poetry and the oral-formulaic language inherited from Homeric tradition (di Tillio 1969; Moranti 1971, 1972; Gentili and Giannini 1977). Furthermore, other authors, such as Day (2010), have pointed out the significance of the performative and ritual nature of epigrams. Likewise, this field of study has undergone a renewal because of new papyrological findings enriching the existing epigram collection corpora. Compared to all these works, monographs and studies dedicated to the analysis of the language of the verse inscriptions are fewer. Many of them explore the linguistic differences between literary epigrams and those epigrams preserved by epigraphic means, as well as the degree of intervention of later tradition on such texts (Tiberi 1996, del Barrio Vega 2008; Kaczko 2009). The first exclusively linguistic reviews were published by the end of the 19th century (Wagner 1883; Fengler 1892), however, they are descriptive analyses lacking from an independent methodology. Kock(1910) was the first researcher who systematized and suggested a linguistic hypothesis and upheld the use of epichoric dialects by poets. His theory was supported by adepts such as Kretschmer (1913; 1915) although some discordant voices appeared soon, such as Buck (1923) who denied the existence of a linguistic standard and endorsed the importance of the Ionic model over the epichoric one. Traditionally, Greek language manuals point out the significance of the Ionic model and accept the adaptation of Homeric language to epichoric dialect. The study of verse inscription language was not systematically resumed until Mickey's publications (1981a; 1981b). According to this researcher, epigraphic poetry consists of a tempered version of the epichoric dialect where the dialect-characteristic features are avoided. Following the same line but with some differences, Alonso Déniz and Nieto Izquierdo (2009) conclude that the most distinctive features of Argolic are not avoided, at least at the metrical inscriptions from Argolid...


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Injuries are a major public health concern that affects the lives of all Iowans, regardless of age, race, gender, or size of county. Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death for Iowans between the ages of 1 and 34, while suicides and/or homicides also rank among the top 5 leading causes of death for Iowans between the ages of 1 and 54. Unintentional injury is the 5th leading cause of death for all Iowans, with over 1,500 injury deaths occurring on average each year (from 2002‐ 2006) in Iowa. Injuries also lead to more than 17,000 hospitalizations in Iowa each year and more than 250,000 emergency department (ED) visits. Further, untold numbers of Iowans do not seek medical care for many of the injuries they may incur. Because injuries are preventable, they lead to unnecessary medical costs, economic losses, reduced productivity, and immense physical and emotional strain.


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El presente trabajo tiene por objeto precisar los conceptos jurídicos doctrinarios sobre documento, documento electrónico y título valor electrónico, fundamentándonos en la ley modelo de comercio electrónico aprobada por la ONU, la legislación de la Unión Económica Europea, la Ley 527 de l999, el decreto reglamentario No 1.747 del 11 de septiembre de 2000, la legislación complementaria sobre protección de derechos fundamentales, la doctrina y la jurisprudencia. Para ello, diremos que el comercio electrónico se enmarca dentro de la preceptiva del artículo 2 de la Constitución Política que consagra como principios del Estado social de Derecho la libertad de empresa, la intervención del Estado para regular la economía, y la protección de los derechos fundamentales de la persona humana y propiciar el bienestar de todos los ciudadanos. Por ello esta actividad puede ser desarrollada libremente por cualquier persona, siempre que respete los derechos fundamentales, como el derecho a la intimidad, la dignidad, la información, la salud pública, el habeas data, el sistema penal, la seguridad nacional y el interés general. Nos dedicaremos entonces a analizar qué se entiende por documento, características, requisitos de validez, prueba y eficacia de los documentos electrónicos y aplicación en las transacciones de bolsa y similares, el documento electrónico, el título valor electrónico y el tratamiento legal que al documento se le da en nuestra legislación.


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Objetivo: realizar un diagnóstico respecto a la oferta demanda de hemocomponentes, en el contexto epidemiológico colombiano para que sirva de base en la formulación de futuros modelos logísticos de cadena de suministro que permita responder eficientemente a las necesidades transfusionales del país Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo basado en las fuentes oficiales de información colombiana respecto a condiciones epidemiológicas poblacionales y su relación respecto a captación y transfusión de sangre, así como las posibilidades de conexiones aéreas. Resultados: actualmente 62.3% de la captación es aportada principalmente por 19% de los bancos de sangre del país (16 / 82), ubicados en 8 ciudades del país las cuales evidencian mejores condiciones de salud e índices de densidad poblacional superiores al promedio nacional. Adicionalmente, desde estas ciudades se puede hacer cubrimiento de hemocomponentes en todo el territorio nacional dadas las condiciones de las conexiones aéreas. Conclusiones: es posible con base en el diagnostico presentado, plantear opciones que apunten a mejorar la eficiencia en la cadena de suministros de hemocomponentes, centralizando la captación de sangre en las áreas donde se cuenta con mejores condiciones de salud y mayores densidades poblacionales. Lo anterior permitiría minimizar los porcentajes de incineración de unidades de glóbulos rojos por vencimiento al mejorar las redes de distribución y de esta manera reducir costos de operación. Debe además fortalecerse la gestión de inventarios desde los servicios de transfusión para lograr minimizar las perdidas. Lo anterior requiere control gubernamental dado que al considerarse la sangre como un bien de interés público, su uso no puede ser indiscriminado.