938 resultados para Rupture Propagation
Certain matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) are expressed within the fibrous areas surrounding acellular lipid cores of atherosclerotic plaques, suggesting that these proteinases degrade matrix proteins within these areas and weaken the structural integrity of the lesion. We report that matrilysin and macrophage metalloelastase, two broad-acting MMPs, were expressed in human atherosclerotic lesions in carotid endarterectomy samples (n = 18) but were not expressed in normal arteries (n = 7). In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry revealed prominent expression of matrilysin in cells confined to the border between acellular lipid cores and overlying fibrous areas, a distribution distinct from other MMPs found in similar lesions. Metalloelastase was expressed in these same border areas. Matrilysin was present in lipid-laden macrophages, identified by staining with anti-CD-68 antibody. Furthermore, endarterectomy tissue in organ culture released matrilysin. Staining for versican demonstrated that this vascular proteoglycan was present at sites of matrilysin expression. Biochemical studies showed that matrilysin degraded versican much more efficiently than other MMPs present in atherosclerotic lesions. Our findings suggest that matrilysin, specifically expressed in atherosclerotic lesions, could cleave structural proteoglycans and other matrix components, potentially leading to separation of caps and shoulders from lipid cores.
Adenoviral vectors are widely used as highly efficient gene transfer vehicles in a variety of biological research strategies including human gene therapy. One of the limitations of the currently available adenoviral vector system is the presence of the majority of the viral genome in the vector, resulting in leaky expression of viral genes particularly at high multiplicity of infection and limited cloning capacity of exogenous sequences. As a first step to overcome this problem, we attempted to rescue a defective human adenovirus serotype 5 DNA, which had an essential region of the viral genome (L1, L2, VAI + II, pTP) deleted and replaced with an indicator gene. In the presence of wild-type adenovirus as a helper, this DNA was packaged and propagated as transducing viral particles. After several rounds of amplification, the titer of the recombinant virus reached at least 4 x 10(6) transducing particles per ml. The recombinant virus could be partially purified from the helper virus by CsCl equilibrium density-gradient centrifugation. The structure of the recombinant virus around the marker gene remained intact after serial propagation, while the pBR sequence inserted in the E1 region was deleted from the recombinant virus. Our results suggest that it should be possible to develop a helper-dependent adenoviral vector, which does not encode any viral proteins, as an alternative to the currently available adenoviral vector systems.
A análise dinâmica experimental tem sido amplamente pesquisada como uma ferramenta de avaliação de integridade de estruturas de concreto armado. Existem técnicas de identificação de danos baseadas em propriedades modais como frequências de ressonâncias, deformadas modais, curvaturas modais e amortecimento. Há também técnicas baseadas na não linearidade da resposta dinâmica, que apesar do grande potencial na detecção de danos, têm sido pouco exploradas nos últimos anos. Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a integridade estrutural de vigas de concreto armado através do comportamento da resposta dinâmica. Foram realizados ensaios dinâmicos em duas vigas de concreto armado com 3,5 m de comprimento, 25 cm de largura, 35 cm de altura e idênticas taxas de armaduras, mas configuradas com barras de aço de diferentes diâmetros, 2 ϕ 16 mm e 8 ϕ 8 mm, respectivamente. Tais vigas, inicialmente íntegras, foram submetidas a ciclos de carregamento e descarregamento com intensidades crescentes até atingir a ruptura do elemento. Após cada ciclo, as propriedades dinâmicas foram avaliadas experimentalmente, com o emprego de técnicas de excitação por sinais do tipo aleatório e tipo transiente, respectivamente, visando determinar parâmetros que indiquem a deterioração gradativa do elemento. Nesses ensaios dinâmicos aplicaram-se diferentes amplitudes da força de excitação. Verificou-se que o aumento da amplitude da força dinâmica de excitação provocou reduções nos valores das frequências de ressonância de 1,1% e 2,4%, associadas, respectivamente, às excitações aleatórias e transientes; e um comportamento não linear dos índices de amortecimento, associados às excitações aleatórias, mantendo um crescimento linear com as excitações transientes. Constatou-se, ainda, que os valores das frequências de ressonância decrescem com a redução de rigidez mecânica, diminuída com o aumento do nível de fissuração induzido nos modelos. Já os valores dos índices de amortecimento, após cada ciclo, se comportaram de forma não linear e assumiram diferentes valores, conforme a técnica de excitação empregada. Acredita-se que esta não linearidade está relacionada aos danos provocados no elemento pela solicitação estrutural e, por consequência, ao processo de como a dissipação de energia é empregada no processo de instauração, configuração e propagação das fissuras nos elementos de concreto armado.
We have examined the dynamical behavior of the kink solutions of the one-dimensional sine-Gordon equation in the presence of a spatially periodic parametric perturbation. Our study clarifies and extends the currently available knowledge on this and related nonlinear problems in four directions. First, we present the results of a numerical simulation program that are not compatible with the existence of a radiative threshold predicted by earlier calculations. Second, we carry out a perturbative calculation that helps interpret those previous predictions, enabling us to understand in depth our numerical results. Third, we apply the collective coordinate formalism to this system and demonstrate numerically that it reproduces accurately the observed kink dynamics. Fourth, we report on the occurrence of length-scale competition in this system and show how it can be understood by means of linear stability analysis. Finally, we conclude by summarizing the general physical framework that arises from our study.
Póster presentado en SPIE Photonics Europe, Brussels, 16-19 April 2012.
We rigorously analyze the propagation of localized surface waves that takes place at the boundary between a semi-infinite layered metal-dielectric (MD) nanostructure cut normally to the layers and a isotropic medium. It is demonstrated that Dyakonov-like surface waves (also coined dyakonons) with hybrid polarization may propagate in a wide angular range. As a consequence, dyakonon-based wave-packets (DWPs) may feature sub-wavelength beamwidths. Due to the hyperbolic-dispersion regime in plasmonic crystals, supported DWPs are still in the canalization regime. The apparent quadratic beam spreading, however, is driven by dissipation effects in metal.
This work presents a 3D geometric model of growth strata cropping out in a fault-propagation fold associated with the Crevillente Fault (Abanilla-Alicante sector) from the Bajo Segura Basin (eastern Betic Cordillera, southern Spain). The analysis of this 3D model enables us to unravel the along-strike and along-section variations of the growth strata, providing constraints to assess the fold development, and hence, the fault kinematic evolution in space and time. We postulate that the observed along-strike dip variations are related to lateral variation in fault displacement. Along-section variations of the progressive unconformity opening angles indicate greater fault slip in the upper Tortonian–Messinian time span; from the Messinian on, quantitative analysis of the unconformity indicate a constant or lower tectonic activity of the Crevillente Fault (Abanilla-Alicante sector); the minor abundance of striated pebbles in the Pliocene-Quaternary units could be interpreted as a decrease in the stress magnitude and consequently in the tectonic activity of the fault. At a regional scale, comparison of the growth successions cropping out in the northern and southern limits of the Bajo Segura Basin points to a southward migration of deformation in the basin. This means that the Bajo Segura Fault became active after the Crevillente Fault (Abanilla-Alicante sector), for which activity on the latter was probably decreasing according to our data. Consequently, we propose that the seismic hazard at the northern limit of the Bajo Segura Basin should be lower than at the southern limit.
Ce mémoire a pour but de déterminer des nouvelles méthodes de détection de rupture et/ou de tendance. Après une brève introduction théorique sur les splines, plusieurs méthodes de détection de rupture existant déjà dans la littérature seront présentées. Puis, de nouvelles méthodes de détection de rupture qui utilisent les splines et la statistique bayésienne seront présentées. De plus, afin de bien comprendre d’où provient la méthode utilisant la statistique bayésienne, une introduction sur la théorie bayésienne sera présentée. À l’aide de simulations, nous effectuerons une comparaison de la puissance de toutes ces méthodes. Toujours en utilisant des simulations, une analyse plus en profondeur de la nouvelle méthode la plus efficace sera effectuée. Ensuite, celle-ci sera appliquée sur des données réelles. Une brève conclusion fera une récapitulation de ce mémoire.
Scoping behavioral variations to dynamic extents is useful to support non-functional concerns that otherwise result in cross-cutting code. Unfortunately, such forms of scoping are difficult to obtain with traditional reflection or aspects. We propose delegation proxies, a dynamic proxy model that supports behavioral intercession through the interception of various interpretation operations. Delegation proxies permit different behavioral variations to be easily composed together. We show how delegation proxies enable behavioral variations that can propagate to dynamic extents. We demonstrate our approach with examples of behavioral variations scoped to dynamic extents that help simplify code related to safety, reliability, and monitoring.