1000 resultados para Representações sociais
Ps-graduao em Comunicao - FAAC
Ps-graduao em Letras - FCLAS
Ps-graduao em Letras - FCLAS
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Existem representações sociais diversas sobre padres definidores de normalidade que direcionam o erotismo humano, incluindo a concepes sobre casamento e relacionamento conjugal. A literatura pode ser um modo de evidenciar esses padres, por isso, este estudo qualitativo, tipo documental, teve por objetivo analisar a temtica das relaes conjugais em duas obras do autor russo Lev Tolsti: Felicidade Conjugal e A Sonata a Kreutzer. A partir da anlise de contedo, os resultados discutem as seguintes categorias: 1) A relao conjugal como sinnimo de posse; 2) O desejo sexual como mercadoria, 3) Enamoramento e Amor e 4) Casamento e Fidelidade e 5) Relacionamento e gnero. Nas duas narrativas as dificuldades nos relacionamentos conjugais so apresentadas de modo a explicitar o enamoramento e o cotidiano tendo como pano de fundo as relaes de posse entre as pessoas; a crtica evidente diz respeito ao principio de individuao, que tem como base a propriedade privada, inclusive nos relacionamentos amorosos e sexuais. Conclui-se que a anlise dessas obras de Tolsti contribui para refletir sobre como os relacionamentos conjugais se configuram tambm na atualidade; alm disso, ressalta-se que a literatura um instrumento interessante para problematizar e refletir certos padres de conduta em sexualidade e que poderia ser usada em propostas intencionais de educao sexual.
Ps-graduao em Cincias da Motricidade - IBRC
Zusammenfassung: In dieser Studie wurde untersucht, wie Nachrichten, die vom Nachrichtenportal Deutsche Welle in portugiesischer Sprache verffentlicht werden, produziert werden und inwieweit sie Brasilien und Deutschland bezglich kulturellen, politischen und wirtschaftlichen Aspekten reprsentieren. Der staatliche deutsche Auslandsrundfunk zeichnet sich durch seine internationale Reichweite aus und schafft Dialoge zwischen Deutschland und anderen Nationen. Angesichts der Schnittstelle zwischen Journalismus und Internet, haben wir uns auf den Sender Deutsche Welle, und dort vor allem auf die brasilianische Nachrichtenredaktion fokussiert. Dadurch war es mglich, den Kontext, in dem der analysierte journalistische Inhalt produziert wird, genau zu verstehen. Die Nachrichten wurden ber einen Zeitraum von einer Woche im Portal gesammelt und anschlieend einer quantitativen und qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse unterzogen (BARDIN, 2009). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, wie die Inhalte beide Lnder reprsentieren und gleichzeitig die Redaktionsstrategie des Senders besttigt wird. In Anbetracht des Effekts, den die Nachrichten und die bermittelte Reprsentation der beiden Lnder in den Beitrgen auf die Meinungsbildung der Zielgruppe haben knnten, trgt diese Studie zum wissenschaftlichen Verstndnis im journalistischen Bereich bei und regt zu weitere Studien ber die Deutsche Welle an
The paper presents a work project developed by the Laboratory of Studies and Research in History Teaching of Unesp/campus Assis (LEPEDIH), which the classroom is understood as a place of construction of historical knowledge through experiences, between students, teachers and future teachers that add teaching, research and extension, in a way that occur the approach between university and public elementary schools in order that participants can relate the study of history with their own life.
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
This study arose from many issues that permeated the undergraduate degree in Education about the role of schools in society, and how this, which also represents space and time, has influenced the lack of pleasure in learning of school students fundamental. Thus, we intend to review the context of the formal school emergence in Brazil, noting its social function and compare the changes in the initial model to the present day. The aim is also to analyze the writing of a group of students about school design, which was transferred by a teacher who participates in the Extension Project: Teacher Education for Specialized Educational Support Services to Students with Learning Disabilities in order to articulate the extent to which the school contributes to the feeling of not belonging student at school. It is a qualitative research, which was used initially on a review and written analysis procedure
Ps-graduao em Enfermagem - FMB
Ps-graduao em Enfermagem - FMB
Ps-graduao em Sade Coletiva - FMB
We present here a qualitative analysis of a sample of papers published in Brazilian science education journals, which expresses researchers discourses related to Astronomy Education. Within this analytical universe, we sought for discursive excerpts about their justifications for the teaching of this subject, which made the basis for the production of a collective discourse, which identity is socially represented by the researchers authors set. Setting up articulations with discourse analysis, the procedures of the collective subject discourse show to be an important methodological tool to answer to the central question of this study: what do the Brazilian researchers assert as justifications for teaching Astronomy? In other words: why teach Astronomy? Outcomes point to the retaking of reflections about the importance of matters like as Astronomy in formal education, catalyzing teachers work innovative articulations.
Ps-graduao em Comunicao - FAAC