885 resultados para Renal Function


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Chronic kidney disease (CKD), impairment of kidney function, is a serious public health problem, and the assessment of genetic factors influencing kidney function has substantial clinical relevance. Here, we report a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for kidney function-related traits, including 71,149 east Asian individuals from 18 studies in 11 population-, hospital- or family-based cohorts, conducted as part of the Asian Genetic Epidemiology Network (AGEN). Our meta-analysis identified 17 loci newly associated with kidney function-related traits, including the concentrations of blood urea nitrogen, uric acid and serum creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate based on serum creatinine levels (eGFRcrea) (P < 5.0 × 10(-8)). We further examined these loci with in silico replication in individuals of European ancestry from the KidneyGen, CKDGen and GUGC consortia, including a combined total of ∼110,347 individuals. We identify pleiotropic associations among these loci with kidney function-related traits and risk of CKD. These findings provide new insights into the genetics of kidney function.


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Le récepteur DcR3 (Decoy receptor 3) est un membre de la famille des récepteurs aux facteurs de nécrose tumorale (TNF). Il est fortement exprimé dans les tissus humains normaux ainsi que les tumeurs malignes. DcR3 est un récepteur pour trois ligands de la famille du TNF tels que FasL, LIGHT et TL1A. Étant une protéine soluble donc dépourvue de la portion transmembranaire et intracytoplasmique, le récepteur DcR3 est incapable d’effectuer une transduction de signal intracellulaire à la suite de son interaction avec ses ligands. De ce fait, DcR3 joue un rôle de compétiteur pour ces derniers, afin d’inhiber la signalisation via leurs récepteurs fonctionnels tels que Fas, HVEM/LTbetaR et DR3. Lors de nos précédentes études, nous avons pu démontrer, que DcR3 pouvaist moduler la fonction des cellules immunitaires, et aussi protéger la viabilité des îlots de Langerhans. À la suite de ces résultats, nous avons généré des souris DcR3 transgéniques (Tg) en utilisant le promoteur du gène β-actine humaine afin d’étudier plus amplement la fonction de ce récepteur. Les souris Tg DcR3 ont finalement développé le syndrome lupus-like (SLE) seulement après l’âge de 6 mois. Ces souris présentent une variété d'auto-anticorps comprenant des anticorps anti-noyaux et anti-ADN. Elles ont également manifesté des lésions rénales, cutanées, hépatiques et hématopoïétiques. Contrairement aux modèles de lupus murin lpr et gld, les souris DcR3 sont plus proche du SLE humain en terme de réponse immunitaire de type Th2 et de production d'anticorps d'anti-Sm. En péus, nous avons constaté que les cellules hématopoïétiques produisant DcR3 sont suffisantes pour causer ces pathologies. DcR3 peut agir en perturbant l’homéostasie des cellules T pour interférer avec la tolérance périphérique, et ainsi induire l'autoimmunité. Chez l'humain, nous avons détecté dans le sérum de patients SLE des niveaux élevés de la protéine DcR3. Chez certains patients, comme chez la souris, ces niveaux sont liés directement aux titres élevés d’IgE. Par conséquent, DcR3 peut représenter un facteur pathogénique important du SLE humain. L’étude des souris Tg DcR3, nous a permis aussi d’élucider le mécanisme de protection des îlots de Langerhans. Le blocage de la signalisation des ligands LIGHT et TL1A par DcR3 est impliqué dans une telle protection. D'ailleurs, nous avons identifié par ARN microarray quelques molécules en aval de cette interaction, qui peuvent jouer un rôle dans le mécanisme d’action. Nous avons par la suite confirmé que Adcyap1 et Bank1 joue un rôle critique dans la protection des îlots de Langerhans médiée par DcR3. Notre étude a ainsi élucidé le lien qui existe entre la signalisation apoptotique médiée par Fas/FasL et la pathogénèse du SLE humain. Donc, malgré l’absence de mutations génétiques sur Fas et FasL dans le cas de cette pathologie, DcR3 est capable de beoquer cette signalisation et provoquer le SLE chez l’humain. Ainsi, DcR3 peut simultanément interférer avec la signalisation des ligands LIGHT et TL1A et causer un phénotype plus complexe que les phénotypes résultant de la mutation de Fas ou de FasL chez certains patients. DcR3 peut également être utilisé comme paramètre diagnostique potentiel pour le SLE. Les découvertes du mécanisme de protection des îlots de Langerhans par DcR3 ouvrent la porte vers de nouveaux horizons afin d'explorer de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques pour protéger la greffe d'îlots.


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UNE EXPOSITION NÉONATALE À L’OXYGÈNE MÈNE À DES MODIFICATIONS DE LA FONCTION MITOCHONDRIALE CHEZ LE RAT ADULTE Introduction: L’exposition à l’oxygène (O2) des ratons nouveau-nés a des conséquences à l’âge adulte dont une hypertension artérielle (HTA), une dysfonction vasculaire, une néphropénie et des indices de stress oxydant. En considérant que les reins sont encore en développement actif lors des premiers jours après la naissance chez les rats, jouent un rôle clé dans le développement de l’hypertension et qu’une dysfonction mitochondriale est associé à une augmentation du stress oxydant, nous postulons que les conditions délétères néonatales peuvent avoir un impact significatif au niveau rénal sur la modulation de l’expression de protéines clés du fonctionnement mitochondrial et une production mitochondriale excessive d’espèces réactives de l’ O2. Méthodes: Des ratons Sprague-Dawley sont exposés à 80% d’O2 (H) ou 21% O2 (Ctrl) du 3e au 10e jr de vie. En considérant que plusieurs organes des rats sont encore en développement actif à la naissance, ces rongeurs sont un modèle reconnu pour étudier les complications d’une hyperoxie néonatale, comme celles liées à une naissance prématurée chez l’homme. À 4 et à 16 semaines, les reins sont prélevés et les mitochondries sont extraites suivant une méthode d’extraction standard, avec un tampon contenant du sucrose 0.32 M et différentes centrifugations. L’expression des protéines mitochondriales a été mesurée par Western blot, tandis que la production d’ H202 et les activités des enzymes clés du cycle de Krebs ont été évaluées par spectrophotométrie. Les résultats sont exprimés par la moyenne ± SD. Résultats: Les rats mâles H de 16 semaines (n=6) présentent une activité de citrate synthase (considéré standard interne de l’expression protéique et de l’abondance mitochondriales) augmentée (12.4 ± 8.4 vs 4.1 ± 0.5 μmole/mL/min), une diminution de l’activité d’aconitase (enzyme sensible au redox mitochondrial) (0.11 ± 0.05 vs 0.20 ± 0.04 μmoles/min/mg mitochondrie), ainsi qu’une augmentation dans la production de H202 (7.0 ± 1.3 vs 5.4 ± 0.8 ρmoles/mg protéines mitochondriales) comparativement au groupe Ctrl (n=6 mâles et 4 femelles). Le groupe H (vs Ctrl) présente également une diminution dans l’expression de peroxiredoxin-3 (Prx3) (H 0.61±0.06 vs. Ctrl 0.78±0.02 unité relative, -23%; p<0.05), une protéine impliquée dans l’élimination d’ H202, de l’expression du cytochrome C oxidase (Complexe IV) (H 1.02±0.04 vs. Ctrl 1.20±0.02 unité relative, -15%; p<0.05), une protéine de la chaine de respiration mitochondriale, tandis que l’expression de la protéine de découplage (uncoupling protein)-2 (UCP2), impliquée dans la dispersion du gradient proton, est significativement augmentée (H 1.05±0.02 vs. Ctrl 0.90±0.03 unité relative, +17%; p<0.05). Les femelles H (n=6) (vs Ctrl, n=6) de 16 semaines démontrent une augmentation significative de l’activité de l’aconitase (0.33±0.03 vs 0.17±0.02 μmoles/min/mg mitochondrie), de l’expression de l’ATP synthase sous unité β (H 0.73±0.02 vs. Ctrl 0.59±0.02 unité relative, +25%; p<0.05) et de l’expression de MnSOD (H 0.89±0.02 vs. Ctrl 0.74±0.03 unité relative, +20%; p<0.05) (superoxide dismutase mitochondriale, important antioxidant), tandis que l’expression de Prx3 est significativement réduite (H 1.1±0.07 vs. Ctrl 0.85±0.01 unité relative, -24%; p<0.05). À 4 semaines, les mâles H (vs Ctrl) présentent une augmentation significative de l’expression de Prx3 (H 0.72±0.03 vs. Ctrl 0.56±0.04 unité relative, +31%; p<0.05) et les femelles présentent une augmentation significative de l’expression d’UCP2 (H 1.22±0.05 vs. Ctrl 1.03±0.04 unité relative, +18%; p<0.05) et de l’expression de MnSOD (H 1.36±0.01 vs. 1.19±0.06 unité relative, +14%; p<0.05). Conclusions: Une exposition néonatale à l’O2 chez le rat adulte mène à des indices de dysfonction mitochondriale dans les reins adultes, associée à une augmentation dans la production d’espèces réactives de l’oxygène, suggérant que ces modifications mitochondriales pourraient jouer un rôle dans l’hypertension artérielle et d’un stress oxydant, et par conséquent, être un facteur possible dans la progression vers des maladies cardiovasculaires. Mots-clés: Mitochondries, Reins, Hypertension, Oxygène, Stress Oxydant, Programmation


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Introducción: La Enfermedad de Fabry (EF), es una enfermedad multisistémica de almacenamiento lisosomal ligada al cromosoma X que afecta principalmente a hombres, pero también puede causar significativa morbilidad en las mujeres heterocigotas (1–5). La deficiencia de la enzyma α-galactosidaseA (α-Gal A,) provoca acumulación de glicosfingolipidos que afectan diferentes tipos celulares entre ellos el endotelio vascular en vasos de pequeño calibre, células epiteliales y Músculo liso en el sistema cardiovascular (cardiomiocitos), sistema nervioso y células epiteliales tubulares del riñón (6,7). Complicaciones como la falla renal es la causa de muerte más frecuente en la EF (7,8). La incidencia se ha calculado en 1 de cada 117.000 nacidos vivos. (9). Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia de la Enfermedad de Fabry en pacientes con Insuficiencia renal terminal que se encuentren en lista de trasplante y Post-trasplante Renal en Fundación Cardioinfantil Bogotá. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional en donde se evaluó la prevalencia de la EF en todos los sujetos mayores de 18 años que se encuentren en lista de trasplante y post-trasplante renal. Resultados: La prevalencia de Enfermedad de Fabry en 98 pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica fue de 7.1% para la muestra general y 12.9% para la muestra con etiología idiopática Conclusiones: La Enfermedad de Fabry es una importante casusa de Enfermedad Renal Crónica Terminal principalmente en el grupo de etiología idiopática. Palabras Clave: Enfermedad de Fabry (FA)


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Introducción. En Colombia, el 80% de los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica en hemodiálisis tienen fístula arteriovenosa periférica (FAV) que asegura el flujo de sangre durante la hemodiálisis (1), la variabilidad en el flujo de sangre en el brazo de la FAV hacia la parte distal, puede afectar la lectura de la oximetría de pulso (SpO2) (2), llevando a la toma de decisiones equivocadas por el personal de salud. El objetivo de este estudio es aclarar si existe diferencia entre la SpO2 del brazo de la FAV y el brazo contralateral. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio de correlación entre los valores de SpO2 del brazo con FAV contra el brazo sin FAV, de 40 pacientes que asistieron a hemodiálisis. La recolección de los datos se llevó a cabo, con un formato que incluyó el resultado de la pulsioximetria y variables asociadas, antes, durante y después de la hemodiálisis. Se comparó la mediana de los deltas de las diferencias con pruebas estadísticas T Student – Mann Whitney, aceptando un valor significativo de p < 0,05. Resultados. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas de la SpO2 entre el brazo con FAV y el brazo sin FAV, antes, durante y después de la diálisis, sin embargo si se apreció una correlación positiva estadísticamente significativa. Conclusiones. Se encontró correlación positiva estadísticamente significativa, donde no hubo diferencias en el resultado la pulsioximetría entre el brazo con FAV y brazo sin FAV, por lo tanto es válido tomar la pulsioximetría en cualquiera de los brazos.


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Mutations in the Na+-HCO3- cotransporter NBC1 cause severe proximal tubular acidosis (pRTA) associated with ocular abnormalities. Recent studies have suggested that at least some NBC1 mutants show abnormal trafficking in the polarized cells. This study identified a new homozygous NBC1 mutation (G486R) in a patient with severe pRTA. Functional analysis in Xenopus oocytes failed to detect the G486R activity due to poor surface expression. In ECV304 cells, however, G486R showed the efficient membrane expression, and its transport activity corresponded to approximately 50% of wild-type (WT) activity. In Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, G486R was predominantly expressed in the basolateral membrane domain as observed for WT. Among the previously identified NBC1 mutants that showed poor surface expression in oocytes, T485S showed the predominant basolateral expression in MDCK cells. On the other hand, L522P was exclusively retained in the cytoplasm in ECV304 and MDCK cells, and functional analysis in ECV304 cells failed to detect its transport activity. These results indicate that G486R, like T485S, is a partial loss of function mutation without major trafficking abnormalities, while L522P causes the clinical phenotypes mainly through its inability to reach the plasma membranes. Multiple experimental approaches would be required to elucidate potential disease mechanism by NBC1 mutations.


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In the microvillar microdomain of the kidney brush border, sodium hydrogen exchanger type 3 (NHE3) exists in physical complexes with the serine protease dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV). The purpose of this study was to explore the functional relationship between NHE3 and DPPIV in the intact proximal tubule in vivo. To this end, male Wistar rats were treated with an injection of the reversible DPPIV inhibitor Lys [Z(NO(2))]-pyrrolidide (I40; 60 mg center dot kg(-1)center dot day(-1) ip) for 7 days. Rats injected with equal amounts of the noninhibitory compound Lys[ Z(NO(2))]-OH served as controls. Na(+) -H(+) exchange activity in isolated microvillar membrane vesicles was 45 +/- 5% decreased in rats treated with I40. Membrane fractionation studies using isopycnic centrifugation revealed that I40 provoked redistribution of NHE3 along with a small fraction of DPPIV from the apical enriched microvillar membranes to the intermicrovillar microdomain of the brush border. I40 significantly increased urine output ( 67 +/- 9%; P < 0.01), fractional sodium excretion ( 63 +/- 7%; P < 0.01), as well as lithium clearance ( 81 +/- 9%; P < 0.01), an index of end-proximal tubule delivery. Although not significant, a tendency toward decreased blood pressure and plasma pH/HCO(3)(-) was noted in I40-treated rats. These findings indicate that inhibition of DPPIV catalytic activity is associated with inhibition of NHE3-mediated NaHCO(3) reabsorption in rat renal proximal tubule. Inhibition of apical Na(+) -H(+) exchange is due to reduced abundance of NHE3 protein in the microvillar microdomain of the kidney brush border. Moreover, this study demonstrates a physiologically significant interaction between NHE3 and DPPIV in the intact proximal tubule in vivo.


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To evaluate the effect of sildenafil, administered prior to renal ischemia/reperfusion (I/R), by scintigraphy and histopathological evaluation in rats. Methods: Twenty-four rats were divided randomly into two groups. They received 0.1 ml of 99mTechnetium-etilenodicisteine intravenous, and a baseline (initial) renal scintigraphy was performed. The rats underwent 60 minutes of ischemia by left renal artery clamping. The right kidney was not manipulated. The sildenafil group (n=12) received orally 1 mg/kg of sildenafil suspension 60 minutes before ischemia. Treatment with saline 0.9% in the control group (n=12). Half of the rats was assessed after 24 hours and half after seven days I/R, with new renal scintigraphy to study differential function. After euthanasia, kidneys were removed and subjected to histopathological examination. For statistical evaluation, Student t and Mann-Whitney tests were used. Results: In the control group rats, the left kidneys had significant functional deficit, seven days after I/R, whose scintigraphic pattern was consistent with acute tubular necrosis, compared with the initial scintigraphy (p<0.05). Sildenafil treatment resulted in better differential function of the left kidneys 24h after reperfusion, compared with controls. Histopathologically, the left kidney of control rats (24 hours after I/R) showed a higher degree of cellular necrosis when compared with the sildenafil treated rats (p<0.05). Conclusion: Sildenafil had a protective effect in rat kidneys subjected to normothermic I/R, demonstrated by scintigraphy and histomorphometry


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Introduction .The renal prostaglandins (PGs), vasodilators, preserve kidney function during increased activity of the renin-angiotensin system or renal sympathetic nerves (renal PG-dependent state [RPGD]). Ketoprofen (Ket) inhibits cyclooxygenase and, therefore, the synthesis of PGs. The aim of this study was to determine, in the rat, the action of Ket in the renal histology and function in a RPGD state (stress of anesthesia and hemorrhage). Material and Methods . Twenty male Wistar rats, anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital, were randomly divided into two groups: G1-control ( n = 10) and G2-Ket ( n = 10) submitted to arterial hemorrhage of 30% of volemia (estimated as 6% of body weight) three times (10% each 10 min), 65 min after anesthesia. G2 animals received Ket, 1.5 mg. kg -1 , venously, 5 min after anesthesia and 60 min before the first hemorrhage moment (first moment of the study [M1]). Medium arterial pressure (MAP), rectal temperature (T), and heart rate were monitored. G1 and G2 received para-aminohippurate sodium (PAH) and iothalamate sodium (IOT) solutions during the entire experimental time in order to determine clearance of PAH (effective renal plasma flow [ERPF]) and clearance of IOT (glomerular filtration rate [GFR]) without urine collection (determination of blood concentrations of PAH and IOT through the high-performance liquid chromatography), filtration fraction (FF), and renal vascular resistance (RVR). The animals were sacrificed in M3, 30 min after the third hemorrhage (M2) moment, and the kidneys and blood collected during the hemorrhage periods were utilized for histological study and determinations of hematocrit (Ht), serum creatinine (S Cr ), ERPF, GFR, FF, and RVR, respectively. Results . There were significant reductions of MAP, T, and Ht and a significant increase of S Cr . During the experiment, ERPF and GFR did not change, but ERPF was always higher in G1 than in G2. Ket did not alter FF, which increased in G1 over the duration of experiment. The Ket group had significantly higher RVR than the control group. The histology verified that both G1 and G2 were similar for tubular dilation and necrosis, but they were significantly different for tubular degeneration: G1 > G2. Conclusion . The changes observed in kidney histology probably were determined by hemorrhage and hypotension. Ket inhibited the synthesis of PGs and diminished tubular degeneration.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O pinçamento infra-renal da aorta abdominal pode produzir alterações hemodinâmicas. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do halotano, isoflurano e sevoflurano sobre a função cardiovascular, em cães submetidos à pinçamento aórtico infra-renal. MÉTODO: O estudo aleatório foi realizado em 30 cães, distribuídos em três grupos, de acordo com o anestésico halogenado utilizado durante a anestesia, em concentrações equipotentes de 0,75 CAM: GH (n=10) - halotano a 0,67%; GI (n=10) - isoflurano a 0,96%; e GS (n=10) - sevoflurano a 1,8%. em todos os animais foi realizada ligadura infra-renal da aorta, por período de 30 min. Os atributos hemodinâmicos foram estudados nos momentos: C (Controle), Ao15 e Ao30, respectivamente após 15 e 30 minutos do pinçamento aórtico, e DAo e DAo15, respectivamente, imediatamente e após 15 min do despinçamento aórtico. RESULTADOS: Durante o pinçamento aórtico houve, em todos os grupos, aumento das pressões arterial média e do átrio direito, e dos índices cardíaco, sistólico e de trabalho sistólico dos ventrículos direito e esquerdo. A pressão da artéria pulmonar aumentou em GI e GS e a pressão pulmonar ocluída em GH e GI. Após o despinçamento aórtico, houve normalização dos atributos que haviam se elevado, com exceção dos índices cardíaco e sistólico, que continuaram elevados, acompanhados de diminuição do índice de resistência vascular sistêmica. Não houve diferença significante entre os grupos em relação aos atributos estudados, com exceção da freqüência cardíaca que foi sempre menor em GH, em relação aos demais grupos, durante o pinçamento e despinçamento aórtico. CONCLUSÕES: No cão, nas condições experimentais empregadas, a inalação do halotano, isoflurano e sevoflurano em concentrações equipotentes (0,75 CAM) não atenua as respostas cardiovasculares ao pinçamento aórtico infra-renal.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O pinçamento aórtico infra-renal pode determinar alterações cardiovasculares. A clonidina, um alfa2-agonista, determina bradicardia e diminuição da pressão arterial. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da clonidina sobre a função cardiovascular, em cães submetidos a pinçamento aórtico infra-renal. MÉTODO: O estudo aleatório foi realizado em 16 cães, distribuídos em dois grupos: G Controle - sem a utilização de clonidina e G Clon - clonidina, na dose inicial de 5 µg.kg-1, por via venosa, imediatamente antes do pinçamento aórtico infra-renal, seguido de 2 µg.min-1.m² até o final do estudo. em todos os animais foi realizada ligadura infra-renal da aorta, por 45 minutos. Os atributos hemodinâmicos foram estudados nos momentos C (controle), após 10 (Ao10) e 25 (Ao25) minutos do pinçamento aórtico, e após 10 (DAo10) e 25 (DAo25) minutos do despinçamento aórtico. RESULTADOS: Durante o pinçamento aórtico, houve diferença significante entre os grupos, em relação à freqüência cardíaca, pressão arterial média e índice cardíaco (G Controle > G Clon). Após o despinçamento aórtico houve diferença significante entre os grupos, em relação à freqüência cardíaca (G Controle > G Clon) e pressões do átrio direito e da artéria pulmonar ocluída (G Clon > G Controle). Durante o pinçamento aórtico, houve nos dois grupos, aumento significante das pressões de átrio direito e artéria pulmonar ocluída, dos índices sistólico e do trabalho sistólico do ventrículo esquerdo, e diminuição do índice de resistência vascular pulmonar. No grupo controle houve aumento significante das pressões arterial média e da artéria pulmonar, e dos índices cardíaco e do trabalho sistólico do ventrículo direito. No grupo clonidina, houve diminuição significante da freqüência cardíaca. Após o despinçamento aórtico, houve nos dois grupos: diminuição significante da freqüência cardíaca e pressão arterial média, enquanto os valores das pressões do átrio direito e índice sistólico continuaram elevados. No grupo controle, os valores do índice de trabalho sistólico do ventrículo direito continuaram elevados enquanto os valores do índice cardíaco retornaram a valores próximos aos do controle. No grupo clonidina, os valores das pressões do átrio direito e da artéria pulmonar ocluída, e o índice sistólico, continuaram significantemente elevados. CONCLUSÕES: No cão, nas condições experimentais empregadas, a administração venosa contínua de clonidina atenua as respostas cardiovasculares decorrentes do pinçamento aórtico infra-renal.


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We investigated the influence of myocardial collagen volume fraction (CVF, %) and hydroxyproline concentration (mu g/mg) on rat papillary muscle function. Collagen excess was obtained in 10 rats with unilateral renal ischemia for 5 wk followed by 3-wk treatment with ramipril (20 mg . kg(-1) . day(-1)) (RHTR rats; CVF = 3.83 +/- 0.80, hydroxyproline = 3.79 +/- 0.50). Collagen degradation was induced by double infusion of oxidized glutathione (GSSG rats; CVF 5 2.45 +/- 0.52, hydroxyproline = 2.85 +/- 0.18). Nine untreated rats were used as controls (CFV = 3.04 +/- 0.58, hydroxyproline = 3.21 +/- 0.30). Active stiffness (AS; g . cm(-2) . %L-max(-1)) and myocyte cross-sectional area (MA; mu m(2)) were increased in the GSSG rats compared with controls [AS 5.86 vs. 3.96 (P< 0.05); MA 363 +/- 59 vs. 305 +/- 28 (P< 0.05)]. In GSSG and RHTR groups the passive tension-length curves were shifted downwards, indicating decreased passive stiffness, and upwards, indicating increased passive stiffness, respectively. Decreased collagen content induced by GSSG is related to myocyte hypertrophy, decreased passive stiffness, and increased AS, and increased collagen concentration causes myocardial diastolic dysfunction with no effect on systolic function.


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OBJECTIVE: the aim of this study was to determine the oral status of renal transplant recipients receiving cyclosporin A (CsA) or tacrolimus (FK-506) as immunosuppressant.SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A total of 88 renal transplant recipients receiving CsA (63 men and 25 women, mean age 51.4 years) and 67 receiving FK-506 (57 men and 10 women, mean age 33.5 years) were included in the study. Donor type, histocompatibility, cold ischemia time and prior delayed graft function were similar between the two groups. Demographics and pharmacological data were recorded for all subjects.RESULTS: the results demonstrated that CsA caused a greater number of oral diseases. A greater number of gingival overgrowth was present in patients treated with CsA. However, the combined use with calcium channel blockers increased the gingival overgrowth number. The occurrence of candida in saliva was observed in 80 renal recipients treated with CsA and 20 treated with FK-506. The presence of squamous oral carcinoma (n = 3) and herpes simplex (n = 10) was observed in patients treated with CsA. These alterations were not observed in renal recipients treated with FK-506.CONCLUSIONS: Renal recipients constitute a high-risk group for oral diseases, as they are immunocompromised. However, the FK-506 regime appears to ameliorate this effect, compared with CsA. Adequate pre- and post-transplant oral health care is recommended for these subjects, irrespective of the time interval for which the drug is administered.


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In six dogs, previously anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (30 mg/kg) for surgical preparation, catheterism and monitoring, the action of sodium pentobarbital (7,5 mg/kg) on renal flow was studied. Determinations of mean arterial pressure, venous pressure, cardiac rate, arterio-cava pressure gradient and renal arterial resistance were made. Pentobarbital doesn't change significantly the renal blood flow or any of the other parameters studied, with the exception of venous pressure in the inferior caval vein where the drug produces a significant fall.


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Background and objectives - The use of magnesium sulphate for the prevention of seizures in pre-eclampsia may induce hypermagnesemia. Clinical and experimental studies are not in agreement about the effects of magnesium on the renal hemodynamics and function. We therefore studied the effects of hypermagnesemia on the renal hemodynamics and function of dogs anesthetized with pentobarbitone. Methods - Sixteen mongrel dogs were anesthetized with pentobarbitone 30 mg.kg-1 and submitted to extracellular ) and mechanical ventilation with room air. The dogs were volume expansion with Ringer's solution (0.4 ml.kg.min allocated into two groups of 8 animals, for the study of renal hemodynamics and function following the administration of 5 mg.kg-1 of pentobarbitone (Group 1 - control or of pentobarbitone associated with magnesium sulphate in the dose (Group 2). The parameters studied were: PAH of 140 mg.kg, administered in 15 minutes, followed by 80 mg.kg-1.h-1 clearance, creatinine clearance, osmolar clearance, free water clearance, renal blood flow, renal vascular resistance, filtration fraction, urinary volume, plasmatic and urinary osmolarity, urinary and fractionary excretion of sodium and potassium, measured at five moments: 15 (M1), 30 (M2), 60 (M3) and 75 (M4) minutes after the first supplementary dose of pentobarbitone and 15 minutes (M5) after the second supplementary dose in Group 1. In Group 2, the moments M3, M4, M5 were 15, 30 and 60 minutes after the priming dose of magnesium sulphate and during the maintenance dose. Results - In Group I no significant changes were observed in renal hemodynamic parameters and creatinine clearance. The extracellular volume expansion increased urinary volume and decreased urinary osmolarity as a consequence of sodium, potassium and free water clearance. The fractionary excretion of sodium was maintained. The plasmatic osmolarity increased. In Group 2, renal hemodynamic parameters and creatinine clearance were also maintained. There was an increase in renal sodium clearance, as detected by the increase in the fractionary excretion of sodium. Conclusions - Magnesium sulphate did not produce significant changes in renal hemodynamics and facilitated the renal excretion of sodium in dogs anesthetized with pentobarbitone.