953 resultados para Ranking paradigms


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Discovering ‘photo-excess’: what difference does digital photography bring to the archaeological process, and does this difference constitute a paradigm shift from the traditional film model? Using reflexive practice, the contribution that digital photography has made to the archaeological process is explored. The themes presented in the photographs and exegesis combine visual exploration and original research to examine the role and place of archaeological photography in both a contemporary and an historical context. In contrasting the development of film-based photography of archaeology undertaken in the Eastern Mediterranean during the early 1900s with contemporary digital photography, this exegesis and creative work explores both the synergies and differences of the two photographic methods in archaeology. I introduce the term ‘photo-excess’ to describe the new role that digital photography plays in archaeological practice as compared to film, and demonstrate this difference through my creative work. At the turn of the 20th century, photography was affirmed as the major instrument for visual recording of an archaeological excavation. The combination of archaeological methods and photographic techniques from that era formed an approach to archaeological documentation and recording that was formalised by William Matthews Flinders Petrie in 1904. In this thesis I propose that Petrie became the father of modern archaeological photography through his work, and in recognition of his contribution I refer to his method as the ‘Petrie Paradigm’. Digital photography has made possible a quantum leap in the volume, quality and immediacy of visual data available to the user. Further, through the creative process, digital archaeological photography may provide visual information that exceeds the archaeologist’s original research questions, so that the digital image may sometimes exceed its primary role as a recording device. In such cases it may become the starting point for new research due to its potential photo-excess. I propose this as an emerging paradigm for archaeological photography.


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SILVA, Flávio César Bezerra da ; COSTA, Francisca Marta de Lima; ANDRADE, Hamilton Leandro Pinto de; FREIRE, Lúcia de Fátima; MACIEL, Patrícia Suerda de Oliveira; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz ; MENEZES, Rejane Maria Paiva de. Paradigms that guide the models of attention to the health in Brazil: an analytic essay. Revista de Enfermagem UFPE On Line., Recife, v.3,n.4, p.460-65. out/dez. 2009. Disponível em < http://www.ufpe.br/revistaenfermagem/index.php/revista/search/results >.


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DANTAS, Rodrigo Assis Neves; NÓBREGA, Walkíria Gomes da; MORAIS FILHO, Luiz Alves; MACÊDO, Eurides Araújo Bezerra de ; FONSECA , Patrícia de Cássia Bezerra; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz; MENEZES, Rejane Maria Paiva de; TORRES , Gilson de Vasconcelos. Paradigms in health care and its relationship to the nursing theories: an analytical test . Revista de Enfermagem UFPE on line. v.4,n.2, p.16-24.abr/jun. 2010. Disponível em < http://www.ufpe.br/revistaenfermagem/index.php/revista>.


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Object recognition has long been a core problem in computer vision. To improve object spatial support and speed up object localization for object recognition, generating high-quality category-independent object proposals as the input for object recognition system has drawn attention recently. Given an image, we generate a limited number of high-quality and category-independent object proposals in advance and used as inputs for many computer vision tasks. We present an efficient dictionary-based model for image classification task. We further extend the work to a discriminative dictionary learning method for tensor sparse coding. In the first part, a multi-scale greedy-based object proposal generation approach is presented. Based on the multi-scale nature of objects in images, our approach is built on top of a hierarchical segmentation. We first identify the representative and diverse exemplar clusters within each scale. Object proposals are obtained by selecting a subset from the multi-scale segment pool via maximizing a submodular objective function, which consists of a weighted coverage term, a single-scale diversity term and a multi-scale reward term. The weighted coverage term forces the selected set of object proposals to be representative and compact; the single-scale diversity term encourages choosing segments from different exemplar clusters so that they will cover as many object patterns as possible; the multi-scale reward term encourages the selected proposals to be discriminative and selected from multiple layers generated by the hierarchical image segmentation. The experimental results on the Berkeley Segmentation Dataset and PASCAL VOC2012 segmentation dataset demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of our object proposal model. Additionally, we validate our object proposals in simultaneous segmentation and detection and outperform the state-of-art performance. To classify the object in the image, we design a discriminative, structural low-rank framework for image classification. We use a supervised learning method to construct a discriminative and reconstructive dictionary. By introducing an ideal regularization term, we perform low-rank matrix recovery for contaminated training data from all categories simultaneously without losing structural information. A discriminative low-rank representation for images with respect to the constructed dictionary is obtained. With semantic structure information and strong identification capability, this representation is good for classification tasks even using a simple linear multi-classifier.


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In the automotive and other industries, the visual appearance of external surfaces is a key factor in perceived product quality. Traditionally, the quality of an automotive surface finish has been judged by expert human auditors. A set of 17 fibre-reinforced composite plates was previously manufactured to have a range of surface finish qualities and these plates were ranked by three expert observers and also optically digitally imaged. Following validation of the previous rankings, the wavelet texture analysis (WTA) technique was applied to the digital photographs to derive an instrumental measure of surface finish quality based on the panel images. The rank correlation between the human expert surface finish quality ratings and those from the W TA image analysis process was found to be positive, large and statistically significant. This finding indicates that WTA could form the basis of an inexpensive and practical instrumental method for the ranking of fibre-reinforced composite surface finish quality.


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In the period since the end of the Second World War, thinking about the ways in which development takes place and can be fostered has gone through a series of fundamental shifts, and in each of the paradigms that have been dominant at particular times the role of aid has been given a quite different emphasis. In this chapter the nature of each of these major periods in development thinking is outlined, along with an exploration of changing priorities for aid policy, and hence of the criteria that might be used to evaluate aid effectiveness. The aim, then, is to develop an understanding of the political economy of aid policy, moving well beyond restricted economic criteria to encompass political considerations as well as insights from a range of other disciplines. Particular attention is given to the current neoliberal agenda, which in spite of many attacks since the Global Financial Crisis has retained its dominant position. It is argued that this produces a development and aid agenda that enhances a starkly unequal income distribution, and that ways in which a new paradigm that places more emphasis on the common good can be created must be explored.


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This paper uses evidence gathered in two perception studies of Australasian and British accounting academics to reflect on aspects of the knowledge production system within accounting academe. We provide evidence of the representation of multiple paradigms in many journals that are scored by participants as being of high quality. Indeed most of the journals we surveyed are perceived by accounting academics as incorporating research from more than one paradigm. It is argued that this ‘catholic’ approach by journal editors and the willingness of many respondents in our surveys to score journals highly on material they publish from both paradigm categories reflects a balanced acceptance of the multi-paradigmatic state of accounting research. Our analysis is set within an understanding of systems of accounting knowledge production as socially constructed and as playing an important role in the distribution of power and reward in the academy. We explore the impact of our results on concerns emerging from the work of a number of authors who carefully expose localised ‘elites’. The possibilities for a closer relationship between research emerging from a multi-paradigm discipline and policy setting and practice are also discussed. The analysis provides a sense of optimism that the broad constituency of accounting academics operates within an environment conducive for the exchange of ideas. That optimism is dampened by concerns about the impact of local ‘elites’ and the need for more research on their impact on accounting academe.


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The main objectives of this thesis are to validate an improved principal components analysis (IPCA) algorithm on images; designing and simulating a digital model for image compression, face recognition and image detection by using a principal components analysis (PCA) algorithm and the IPCA algorithm; designing and simulating an optical model for face recognition and object detection by using the joint transform correlator (JTC); establishing detection and recognition thresholds for each model; comparing between the performance of the PCA algorithm and the performance of the IPCA algorithm in compression, recognition and, detection; and comparing between the performance of the digital model and the performance of the optical model in recognition and detection. The MATLAB © software was used for simulating the models. PCA is a technique used for identifying patterns in data and representing the data in order to highlight any similarities or differences. The identification of patterns in data of high dimensions (more than three dimensions) is too difficult because the graphical representation of data is impossible. Therefore, PCA is a powerful method for analyzing data. IPCA is another statistical tool for identifying patterns in data. It uses information theory for improving PCA. The joint transform correlator (JTC) is an optical correlator used for synthesizing a frequency plane filter for coherent optical systems. The IPCA algorithm, in general, behaves better than the PCA algorithm in the most of the applications. It is better than the PCA algorithm in image compression because it obtains higher compression, more accurate reconstruction, and faster processing speed with acceptable errors; in addition, it is better than the PCA algorithm in real-time image detection due to the fact that it achieves the smallest error rate as well as remarkable speed. On the other hand, the PCA algorithm performs better than the IPCA algorithm in face recognition because it offers an acceptable error rate, easy calculation, and a reasonable speed. Finally, in detection and recognition, the performance of the digital model is better than the performance of the optical model.


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To compare the accuracy of different forecasting approaches an error measure is required. Many error measures have been proposed in the literature, however in practice there are some situations where different measures yield different decisions on forecasting approach selection and there is no agreement on which approach should be used. Generally forecasting measures represent ratios or percentages providing an overall image of how well fitted the forecasting technique is to the observations. This paper proposes a multiplicative Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model in order to rank several forecasting techniques. We demonstrate the proposed model by applying it to the set of yearly time series of the M3 competition. The usefulness of the proposed approach has been tested using the M3-competition where five error measures have been applied in and aggregated to a single DEA score.


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This article reviews recent attempts at mapping research paradigms in Management and Organizational History and argues that the old distinctions between supplementarist, integrationist, and reorientationist approaches have been superseded by attempts at integrating historical research in organization studies. A typology of these integrationist approaches differentiates between pluralist and unitary integration, as well as between models based on either historical theory or organization theory. Each has distinct weaknesses and strengths, but essentially all limit their integration of historical research paradigms to only a few. As a result, there is a danger that history might become reduced to a methodology, an empirical endeavor, narrative representations, or indeed be considered the subject of research rather than a research approach in its own right. I argue that all of these present an impoverished picture of the rich research traditions available in the discipline of history, which has unique insights and approaches to offer to the study of organizations.


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En las últimas décadas, la naturaleza y el alcance de los territorios —en particular, de las ciudades— se han transformado aceleradamente. La introducción de las perspectivas del desarrollo económico y del desarrollo humano sustentable ha dado lugar a una fuerte tendencia para que los territorios sean los principales jugadores de un escenario cada vez más global, que se ha visto acelerado por la masificación de las tecnologías de la información y las telecomunicaciones, la mayor tendencia a la liberalización del comercio, las menores restricciones a los flujos de capital, así como la localización de multinacionales con plantas globales. En este contexto, las ciudades se consolidan como un sistema interactivo e integrado a una red global que se relaciona con sus pares, que compite por conseguir recursos y que busca posicionarse en el escenario global como un nodo atractivo.


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Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación realizada al interior de dos contextos. Por un lado, el teórico, en el marco de uno de los discursos más relevantes en los campos de la estrategia organizacional, de la managerial and organizational cognition (MOC) y, en general, de los estudios organizacionales (organization studies): la construcción de sentido (sensemaking). Por el otro, el empírico, en una de las grandes compañías multinacionales del sector automotriz con presencia global. Esta corporación enfrenta una permanente tensión entre lo que dicta la casa matriz, en relación con el cumplimiento de metas y estándares específicos, considerando el mundo entero, y los retos que, teniendo en cuenta lo regional y lo local, experimentan los altos directivos encargados de hacer prosperar la empresa en estos lugares. La aproximación implementada fue cualitativa. Esto en atención a la naturaleza de la problemática abordada y la tradición del campo. Los resultados permiten ampliar el actual nivel de comprensión acerca de los procesos de sensemaking de los altos directivos al enfrentar un entorno estratégico turbulento.


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Com o presente trabalho pretendemos compreender eventuais relações entre a posição de uma escola no ranking dos exames nacionais do 9.º ano do ensino básico e a qualidade do serviço educativo prestado. O estudo decorreu em dois agrupamentos de escolas com posições diferenciadas nas listas de ordenação (rankings) publicadas no ano de 2013. Recolhemos informação através de entrevista aos diretores dos órgãos de gestão, análise documental e inquérito por questionário. Adotámos metodologia qualitativa e quantitativa cujos dados foram triangulados e analisados à luz do quadro teórico. A posição bastante diferenciada entre os dois agrupamentos no ranking (249.º e 848.º, respetivamente) não parece estar relacionado com a prestação do serviço educativo, para além de a classificação ser a mesma nos relatórios de avaliação externa, as diferenças identificadas através dos questionários e das entrevistas são pontuais e pouco relevantes reforçando que efetivamente a posição no ranking diz muito pouco sobre o trabalho realizado nas escolas, sobre as suas dinâmicas e lógicas de ação; Abstract: Ranking and educational quality. An (un)likely relationship? A study in two public schools With this study we aim to understand possible links between the ranking position of two different school based on the 9th grade’s national exams results and the quality of educational services provided. The study took place in two groups of schools with different ranking positions published in 2013. We collect information through interviews to the directors of the management bodies, document analysis and questionnaire survey. We adopted qualitative and quantitative methodology and data were triangulated and analyzed in the light of the theoretical framework. The rather unique position between the two groups in the rankings (249 and 848, respectively) does not seem to be related to the provision of educational services, as well as the classification is the same in the external evaluation reports, the differences identified by questionnaires and interviews are timely and very relevant stressing that effectively ranking position says very little about the work done in schools, on its dynamics and logics of action.


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Existe una estrecha relación entre bienestar y escala urbana. Considerando una combinación ponderada de indicadores socioeconómicos y ambientales tenemos que las Aglomeraciones de Tamaño Intermedio (ATIS) grandes (entre 400.000 y 999.999 habitantes) poseen el mayor nivel de bienestar, seguidas por las ATIS medias (entre 50.000 y 399.999). Las ciudades grandes (más de un millón de habitantes) recientemente se ubican en un tercer escalón. Cruzando la escala urbana y la región se evidencian mejor estas diferencias. La mejor conjunción corresponde a las ATIS medias patagónicas, mientras que la peor es la que reúne a las ATIS medias del Nordeste Argentino (NEA). Es decir que, más allá de la jerarquía urbana como factor de diferenciación, también deben considerarse los contextos regionales para intentar dimensionar más ajustadamente las diferencias del bienestar en Argentina. ABSTRACT A very close relationship exists between well-being and urban scale. If we consider a weighted combination of socioeconomic and environmental indicators, we find that bigger middle-sized cities (ATIS in Spanish) of between 400,000 and 1,000,000 inhabitants have the highest level of well-being, followed by middle ATIS, or cities, of 50,000 to 400,000 in population. The largest cities, those with a population of more than 1,000,000 ranked third. However, these differences are better evidenced by crossing urban scale and region. In other words, beyond urban hierarchy as a differentiation factor, the regional context must also be considered to more accurately gage differences in well-being.


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We generalize the classical notion of Vapnik–Chernovenkis (VC) dimension to ordinal VC-dimension, in the context of logical learning paradigms. Logical learning paradigms encompass the numerical learning paradigms commonly studied in Inductive Inference. A logical learning paradigm is defined as a set W of structures over some vocabulary, and a set D of first-order formulas that represent data. The sets of models of ϕ in W, where ϕ varies over D, generate a natural topology W over W. We show that if D is closed under boolean operators, then the notion of ordinal VC-dimension offers a perfect characterization for the problem of predicting the truth of the members of D in a member of W, with an ordinal bound on the number of mistakes. This shows that the notion of VC-dimension has a natural interpretation in Inductive Inference, when cast into a logical setting. We also study the relationships between predictive complexity, selective complexity—a variation on predictive complexity—and mind change complexity. The assumptions that D is closed under boolean operators and that W is compact often play a crucial role to establish connections between these concepts. We then consider a computable setting with effective versions of the complexity measures, and show that the equivalence between ordinal VC-dimension and predictive complexity fails. More precisely, we prove that the effective ordinal VC-dimension of a paradigm can be defined when all other effective notions of complexity are undefined. On a better note, when W is compact, all effective notions of complexity are defined, though they are not related as in the noncomputable version of the framework.