940 resultados para ROBOT MOVIL


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The interest in the development of climbing robots has grown rapidly in the last years. Climbing robots are useful devices that can be adopted in a variety of applications, such as maintenance and inspection in the process and construction industries. These systems are mainly adopted in places where direct access by a human operator is very expensive, because of the need for scaffolding, or very dangerous, due to the presence of an hostile environment. The main motivations are to increase the operation efficiency, by eliminating the costly assembly of scaffolding, or to protect human health and safety in hazardous tasks. Several climbing robots have already been developed, and other are under development, for applications ranging from cleaning to inspection of difficult to reach constructions. A wall climbing robot should not only be light, but also have large payload, so that it may reduce excessive adhesion forces and carry instrumentations during navigation. These machines should be capable of travelling over different types of surfaces, with different inclinations, such as floors, walls, or ceilings, and to walk between such surfaces (Elliot et al. (2006); Sattar et al. (2002)). Furthermore, they should be able of adapting and reconfiguring for various environment conditions and to be self-contained. Up to now, considerable research was devoted to these machines and various types of experimental models were already proposed (according to Chen et al. (2006), over 200 prototypes aimed at such applications had been developed in the world by the year 2006). However, we have to notice that the application of climbing robots is still limited. Apart from a couple successful industrialized products, most are only prototypes and few of them can be found in common use due to unsatisfactory performance in on-site tests (regarding aspects such as their speed, cost and reliability). Chen et al. (2006) present the main design problems affecting the system performance of climbing robots and also suggest solutions to these problems. The major two issues in the design of wall climbing robots are their locomotion and adhesion methods. With respect to the locomotion type, four types are often considered: the crawler, the wheeled, the legged and the propulsion robots. Although the crawler type is able to move relatively faster, it is not adequate to be applied in rough environments. On the other hand, the legged type easily copes with obstacles found in the environment, whereas generally its speed is lower and requires complex control systems. Regarding the adhesion to the surface, the robots should be able to produce a secure gripping force using a light-weight mechanism. The adhesion method is generally classified into four groups: suction force, magnetic, gripping to the surface and thrust force type. Nevertheless, recently new methods for assuring the adhesion, based in biological findings, were proposed. The vacuum type principle is light and easy to control though it presents the problem of supplying compressed air. An alternative, with costs in terms of weight, is the adoption of a vacuum pump. The magnetic type principle implies heavy actuators and is used only for ferromagnetic surfaces. The thrust force type robots make use of the forces developed by thrusters to adhere to the surfaces, but are used in very restricted and specific applications. Bearing these facts in mind, this chapter presents a survey of different applications and technologies adopted for the implementation of climbing robots locomotion and adhesion to surfaces, focusing on the new technologies that are recently being developed to fulfill these objectives. The chapter is organized as follows. Section two presents several applications of climbing robots. Sections three and four present the main locomotion principles, and the main "conventional" technologies for adhering to surfaces, respectively. Section five describes recent biological inspired technologies for robot adhesion to surfaces. Section six introduces several new architectures for climbing robots. Finally, section seven outlines the main conclusions.


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In the last twenty years genetic algorithms (GAs) were applied in a plethora of fields such as: control, system identification, robotics, planning and scheduling, image processing, and pattern and speech recognition (Bäck et al., 1997). In robotics the problems of trajectory planning, collision avoidance and manipulator structure design considering a single criteria has been solved using several techniques (Alander, 2003). Most engineering applications require the optimization of several criteria simultaneously. Often the problems are complex, include discrete and continuous variables and there is no prior knowledge about the search space. These kind of problems are very more complex, since they consider multiple design criteria simultaneously within the optimization procedure. This is known as a multi-criteria (or multiobjective) optimization, that has been addressed successfully through GAs (Deb, 2001). The overall aim of multi-criteria evolutionary algorithms is to achieve a set of non-dominated optimal solutions known as Pareto front. At the end of the optimization procedure, instead of a single optimal (or near optimal) solution, the decision maker can select a solution from the Pareto front. Some of the key issues in multi-criteria GAs are: i) the number of objectives, ii) to obtain a Pareto front as wide as possible and iii) to achieve a Pareto front uniformly spread. Indeed, multi-objective techniques using GAs have been increasing in relevance as a research area. In 1989, Goldberg suggested the use of a GA to solve multi-objective problems and since then other researchers have been developing new methods, such as the multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) (Fonseca & Fleming, 1995), the non-dominated sorted genetic algorithm (NSGA) (Deb, 2001), and the niched Pareto genetic algorithm (NPGA) (Horn et al., 1994), among several other variants (Coello, 1998). In this work the trajectory planning problem considers: i) robots with 2 and 3 degrees of freedom (dof ), ii) the inclusion of obstacles in the workspace and iii) up to five criteria that are used to qualify the evolving trajectory, namely the: joint traveling distance, joint velocity, end effector / Cartesian distance, end effector / Cartesian velocity and energy involved. These criteria are used to minimize the joint and end effector traveled distance, trajectory ripple and energy required by the manipulator to reach at destination point. Bearing this ideas in mind, the paper addresses the planning of robot trajectories, meaning the development of an algorithm to find a continuous motion that takes the manipulator from a given starting configuration up to a desired end position without colliding with any obstacle in the workspace. The chapter is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the trajectory planning and several approaches proposed in the literature. Section 3 formulates the problem, namely the representation adopted to solve the trajectory planning and the objectives considered in the optimization. Section 4 studies the algorithm convergence. Section 5 studies a 2R manipulator (i.e., a robot with two rotational joints/links) when the optimization trajectory considers two and five objectives. Sections 6 and 7 show the results for the 3R redundant manipulator with five goals and for other complementary experiments are described, respectively. Finally, section 8 draws the main conclusions.


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In practice the robotic manipulators present some degree of unwanted vibrations. The advent of lightweight arm manipulators, mainly in the aerospace industry, where weight is an important issue, leads to the problem of intense vibrations. On the other hand, robots interacting with the environment often generate impacts that propagate through the mechanical structure and produce also vibrations. In order to analyze these phenomena a robot signal acquisition system was developed. The manipulator motion produces vibrations, either from the structural modes or from endeffector impacts. The instrumentation system acquires signals from several sensors that capture the joint positions, mass accelerations, forces and moments, and electrical currents in the motors. Afterwards, an analysis package, running off-line, reads the data recorded by the acquisition system and extracts the signal characteristics. Due to the multiplicity of sensors, the data obtained can be redundant because the same type of information may be seen by two or more sensors. Because of the price of the sensors, this aspect can be considered in order to reduce the cost of the system. On the other hand, the placement of the sensors is an important issue in order to obtain the suitable signals of the vibration phenomenon. Moreover, the study of these issues can help in the design optimization of the acquisition system. In this line of thought a sensor classification scheme is presented. Several authors have addressed the subject of the sensor classification scheme. White (White, 1987) presents a flexible and comprehensive categorizing scheme that is useful for describing and comparing sensors. The author organizes the sensors according to several aspects: measurands, technological aspects, detection means, conversion phenomena, sensor materials and fields of application. Michahelles and Schiele (Michahelles & Schiele, 2003) systematize the use of sensor technology. They identified several dimensions of sensing that represent the sensing goals for physical interaction. A conceptual framework is introduced that allows categorizing existing sensors and evaluates their utility in various applications. This framework not only guides application designers for choosing meaningful sensor subsets, but also can inspire new systems and leads to the evaluation of existing applications. Today’s technology offers a wide variety of sensors. In order to use all the data from the diversity of sensors a framework of integration is needed. Sensor fusion, fuzzy logic, and neural networks are often mentioned when dealing with problem of combing information from several sensors to get a more general picture of a given situation. The study of data fusion has been receiving considerable attention (Esteban et al., 2005; Luo & Kay, 1990). A survey of the state of the art in sensor fusion for robotics can be found in (Hackett & Shah, 1990). Henderson and Shilcrat (Henderson & Shilcrat, 1984) introduced the concept of logic sensor that defines an abstract specification of the sensors to integrate in a multisensor system. The recent developments of micro electro mechanical sensors (MEMS) with unwired communication capabilities allow a sensor network with interesting capacity. This technology was applied in several applications (Arampatzis & Manesis, 2005), including robotics. Cheekiralla and Engels (Cheekiralla & Engels, 2005) propose a classification of the unwired sensor networks according to its functionalities and properties. This paper presents a development of a sensor classification scheme based on the frequency spectrum of the signals and on a statistical metrics. Bearing these ideas in mind, this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes briefly the robotic system enhanced with the instrumentation setup. Section 3 presents the experimental results. Finally, section 4 draws the main conclusions and points out future work.


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This paper analyzes the dynamic performance of two cooperative robot manipulators. It is studied the implementation of fractional-order algorithms in the position/force control of two cooperating robotic manipulators holding an object. The simulations reveal that fractional algorithms lead to performances superior to classical integer-order controllers.


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This paper addresses the problem of finding several different solutions with the same optimum performance in single objective real-world engineering problems. In this paper a parallel robot design is proposed. Thereby, this paper presents a genetic algorithm to optimize uni-objective problems with an infinite number of optimal solutions. The algorithm uses the maximin concept and ε-dominance to promote diversity over the admissible space. The performance of the proposed algorithm is analyzed with three well-known test functions and a function obtained from practical real-world engineering optimization problems. A spreading analysis is performed showing that the solutions drawn by the algorithm are well dispersed.


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Most machining tasks require high accuracy and are carried out by dedicated machine-tools. On the other hand, traditional robots are flexible and easy to program, but they are rather inaccurate for certain tasks. Parallel kinematic robots could combine the accuracy and flexibility that are usually needed in machining operations. Achieving this goal requires proper design of the parallel robot. In this chapter, a multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to optimize the structure of a parallel robot according to specific criteria. Afterwards, for a chosen optimal structure, the best location of the workpiece with respect to the robot, in a machining robotic cell, is analyzed based on the power consumed by the manipulator during the machining process.


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Fractional calculus (FC) is being used in several distinct areas of science and engineering, being recognized its ability to yield a superior modelling and control in many dynamical systems. This article illustrates the application of FC in the area of robot control. A Fractional Order PDμ controller is proposed for the control of an hexapod robot with 3 dof legs. It is demonstrated the superior performance of the system by using the FC concepts.


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A robot’s drive has to exert appropriate driving forces that can keep its arm and end effector at the proper position, velocity and acceleration, and simultaneously has to compensate for the effects of the contact forces arising between the tool and the workpiece depending on the needs of the actual technological operation. Balancing the effects of a priori unknown external disturbance forces and the inaccuracies of the available dynamic model of the robot is also important. Technological tasks requiring well prescribed end effector trajectories and contact forces simultaneously are challenging control problems that can be tackled in various manners.


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The trajectory planning of redundant robots is an important area of research and efficient optimization algorithms are needed. The pseudoinverse control is not repeatable, causing drift in joint space which is undesirable for physical control. This paper presents a new technique that combines the closed-loop pseudoinverse method with genetic algorithms, leading to an optimization criterion for repeatable control of redundant manipulators, and avoiding the joint angle drift problem. Computer simulations performed based on redundant and hyper-redundant planar manipulators show that, when the end-effector traces a closed path in the workspace, the robot returns to its initial configuration. The solution is repeatable for a workspace with and without obstacles in the sense that, after executing several cycles, the initial and final states of the manipulator are very close.


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A comparative study concerning the robustness of a novel, Fixed Point Transformations/Singular Value Decomposition (FPT/SVD)-based adaptive controller and the Slotine-Li (S&L) approach is given by numerical simulations using a three degree of freedom paradigm of typical Classical Mechanical systems, the cart + double pendulum. The effects of the imprecision of the available dynamical model, presence of dynamic friction at the axles of the drives, and the existence of external disturbance forces unknown and not modeled by the controller are considered. While the Slotine-Li approach tries to identify the parameters of the formally precise, available analytical model of the controlled system with the implicit assumption that the generalized forces are precisely known, the novel one makes do with a very rough, affine form and a formally more precise approximate model of that system, and uses temporal observations of its desired vs. realized responses. Furthermore, it does not assume the lack of unknown perturbations caused either by internal friction and/or external disturbances. Its another advantage is that it needs the execution of the SVD as a relatively time-consuming operation on a grid of a rough system-model only one time, before the commencement of the control cycle within which it works only with simple computations. The simulation examples exemplify the superiority of the FPT/SVD-based control that otherwise has the deficiency that it can get out of the region of its convergence. Therefore its design and use needs preliminary simulation investigations. However, the simulations also exemplify that its convergence can be guaranteed for various practical purposes.


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In this paper a new PCA-based positioning sensor and localization system for mobile robots to operate in unstructured environments (e. g. industry, services, domestic ...) is proposed and experimentally validated. The inexpensive positioning system resorts to principal component analysis (PCA) of images acquired by a video camera installed onboard, looking upwards to the ceiling. This solution has the advantage of avoiding the need of selecting and extracting features. The principal components of the acquired images are compared with previously registered images, stored in a reduced onboard image database, and the position measured is fused with odometry data. The optimal estimates of position and slippage are provided by Kalman filters, with global stable error dynamics. The experimental validation reported in this work focuses on the results of a set of experiments carried out in a real environment, where the robot travels along a lawn-mower trajectory. A small position error estimate with bounded co-variance was always observed, for arbitrarily long experiments, and slippage was estimated accurately in real time.


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In the field of appearance-based robot localization, the mainstream approach uses a quantized representation of local image features. An alternative strategy is the exploitation of raw feature descriptors, thus avoiding approximations due to quantization. In this work, the quantized and non-quantized representations are compared with respect to their discriminativity, in the context of the robot global localization problem. Having demonstrated the advantages of the non-quantized representation, the paper proposes mechanisms to reduce the computational burden this approach would carry, when applied in its simplest form. This reduction is achieved through a hierarchical strategy which gradually discards candidate locations and by exploring two simplifying assumptions about the training data. The potential of the non-quantized representation is exploited by resorting to the entropy-discriminativity relation. The idea behind this approach is that the non-quantized representation facilitates the assessment of the distinctiveness of features, through the entropy measure. Building on this finding, the robustness of the localization system is enhanced by modulating the importance of features according to the entropy measure. Experimental results support the effectiveness of this approach, as well as the validity of the proposed computation reduction methods.


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Fractional calculus (FC) is widely used in most areas of science and engineering, being recognized its ability to yield a superior modeling and control in many dynamical systems. In this perspective, this article illustrates two applications of FC in the area of control systems. Firstly, is presented a methodology of tuning PID controllers that gives closed-loop systems robust to gain variations. After, a fractional-order PID controller is proposed for the control of an hexapod robot with three dof legs. In both cases, it is demonstrated the system's superior performance by using the FC concepts.


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This paper studies periodic gaits of quadruped locomotion systems. The purpose is to determine the best set of gait and locomotion variables during walking, for different robot velocities, based on two formulated performance measures. A set of experiments reveals the influence of the gait and locomotion variables upon the proposed indices, namely that the gait and the locomotion parameters should be adapted to the robot forward velocity.


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This article studies several Fractional Order Control algorithms used for joint control of a hexapod robot. Both Padé and series approximations to the fractional derivative are considered for the control algorithm. The walking performance is evaluated through two indices: The mean absolute density of energy used per unit distance travelled, and the control effort. A set of simulation experiments reveals the influence of the different approximations upon the proposed indices. The results show that the fractional proportional and derivative algorithm, implemented using the Padé approximation with a small number of terms, gives the best results.