572 resultados para Räsänen, Tarja
The potential for microbial contamination associated with a recently developed needleless closed luer access device (CLAD) (Q-Syte™ Becton Dickinson, Sandy, UT, USA) was evaluated in vitro. Compression seals of 50 multiply activated Q-Syte devices were inoculated with Staphylococcus epidermidis NCTC 9865 in 25% (v/v) human blood and then disinfected with 70% (v/v) isopropyl alcohol followed by flushing with 0.9% (w/v) sterile saline. Forty-eight of 50 (96%) saline flushes passed through devices that had been activated up to a maximum of 70 times remained sterile. A further 25 Q-Syte CLADs that had undergone multiple activations were challenged with prefilled 0.9% (w/v) sterile saline syringes, the external luer tips of which had been inoculated with S. epidermidis NCTC 9865 prior to accessing the devices. None of the devices that had been accessed up to 70 times allowed passage of micro-organisms, despite challenge micro-organisms being detected on both the syringe tip after activation and the compression seals before decontamination. These findings suggest that the Q-Syte CLAD may be activated up to 70 times with no increased risk of microbial contamination within the fluid pathway. The device may also offer protection from the external surface of syringe tips contaminated with micro-organisms. © 2005 Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Current evidence-based guidelines recommend that 2% (w/v) chlorhexidine digluconate (CHG), preferentially in 70% (v/v) isopropyl alcohol (IIPA), is used for skin antisepsis prior to incision of the skin. In this current study, the antimicrobial efficacy of CHG, six essential oils [tea tree oil (TTO), thymol, eucalyptus oil (EO), juniper oil, lavender oil and citronella] and novel benzylidenecarboxamidrazone and thiosemicarbazone compounds were determined against a panel of microorganisms commonly associated with skin infection (Staphylococcus epidermidis, S. aureus, meticillin-resistant S. aureus, Propionibacterium acnes, Acinetobacter spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans) The results demonstrated synergistic activity of CHG in combination with EO against biofilm cultures of S. epidermidis, with significantly reduced concentrations of CHG and EO required to inhibit biofilm growth compared to CHG or EO alone. Skin permeation of CHG was subsequently investigated using an in vitro human skin model (Franz cell) and the penetration profile was determined by serial sectioning of the full thickness human skin. Two percent (w/v) CHG in aqueous solution and in 70% (v/v) IPA demonstrated poor skin permeation; however, the skin permeation was significantly enhanced in combination with 5% - 50% (v/v) EO. Detectable levels of CHG did not permeate through full thickness skin in 24 h. Skin permeation of 2% (w/v) CHG in 70% (v/v) IPA in the presence of 10% (v/v) EO was subsequently studied. The results demonstrated a significantly enhanced skin penetration of CHG after a 2 min application, with CHG detected at significant levels to a depth of 600 m with CHG in combination with EO and IPA compared to 100 m with IPA alone. Combination antisepsis comprising CHG and EO may be beneficial for skin antisepsis prior to invasive procedures to reduce the number of microorganisms on and within the skin due to enhanced skin penetration of CHG and improved efficacy against S. epidermidis in a biofilm mode of growth.
Lipid peroxidation products like malondialdehyde, 4-hydroxynonenal and F(2)-isoprostanes are widely used as markers of oxidative stress in vitro and in vivo. This study reports the results of a multi-laboratory validation study by COST Action B35 to assess inter-laboratory and intra-laboratory variation in the measurement of lipid peroxidation. Human plasma samples were exposed to UVA irradiation at different doses (0, 15 J, 20 J), encoded and shipped to 15 laboratories, where analyses of malondialdehyde, 4-hydroxynonenal and isoprostanes were conducted. The results demonstrate a low within-day-variation and a good correlation of results observed on two different days. However, high coefficients of variation were observed between the laboratories. Malondialdehyde determined by HPLC was found to be the most sensitive and reproducible lipid peroxidation product in plasma upon UVA treatment. It is concluded that measurement of malondialdehyde by HPLC has good analytical validity for inter-laboratory studies on lipid peroxidation in human EDTA-plasma samples, although it is acknowledged that this may not translate to biological validity.
Objective. To determine whether copper incorporated into hospital ward furnishings and equipment can reduce their surface microbial load. Design. A crossover study. Setting. Acute care medical ward with 19 beds at a large university hospital. Methods. Fourteen types of frequent-touch items made of copper alloy were installed in various locations on an acute care medical ward. These included door handles and push plates, toilet seats and flush handles, grab rails, light switches and pull cord toggles, sockets, overbed tables, dressing trolleys, commodes, taps, and sink fittings. Their surfaces and those of equivalent standard items on the same ward were sampled once weekly for 24 weeks. The copper and standard items were switched over after 12 weeks of sampling to reduce bias in usage patterns. The total aerobic microbial counts and the presence of indicator microorganisms were determined. Results. Eight of the 14 copper item types had microbial counts on their surfaces that were significantly lower than counts on standard materials. The other 6 copper item types had reduced microbial numbers on their surfaces, compared with microbial counts on standard items, but the reduction did not reach statistical significance. Indicator microorganisms were recovered from both types of surfaces; however, significantly fewer copper surfaces were contaminated with vancomycin-resistant enterococci, methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus, and coliforms, compared with standard surfaces. Conclusions. Copper alloys (greater than or equal to 58% copper), when incorporated into various hospital furnishings and fittings, reduce the surface microorganisms. The use of copper in combination with optimal infection-prevention strategies may therefore further reduce the risk that patients will acquire infection in healthcare environments.
A clinical study was undertaken to compare the surface microbial contamination associated with pens constructed of either a copper alloy or stainless steel used by nurses on intensive care units. A significantly lower level of microbial contamination was found on the copper alloy pens. Copyright © 2011 by the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objectives: The antimicrobial efficacy of a chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) intravascular catheter gel dressing was evaluated against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and an extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli. Chlorhexidine deposition on the skin surface and release from the gel were determined. Methods: The antimicrobial efficacy was evaluated in in vitro studies following microbial inoculation of the dressing and application of the dressing on the inoculated surface of a silicone membrane and donor skin [with and without a catheter segment and/or 10% (v/v) serum] on diffusion cells. Antimicrobial activity was evaluated for up to 7 days. Chlorhexidine skin surface deposition and release were also determined. Results: MRSA and E. coli were not detectable within 5 min following direct inoculation onto the CHG gel dressing. On the silicone membrane, 3 log and 6 log inocula of MRSA were eradicated within 5 min and 1 h, respectively. Time to kill was prolonged in the presence of serum and a catheter segment. Following inoculation of donor skin with 6 log cfu of MRSA, none was detected after 24 h. Chlorhexidine was released from the gel after a lag time of 30 min and increasing amounts were detected on the donor skin surface over the 48 h test period. The CHG gel dressing retained its antimicrobial activity on the artificial skin for 7 days. Conclusions: The CHG intravascular catheter site gel dressing had detectable antimicrobial activity for up to 7 days, which should suppress bacterial growth on the skin at the catheter insertion site, thereby reducing the risk of infection. © The Author 2011. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.
Letter to the Editor refers to: Fredrikke Christie Knudtzen, Stig Lønberg Nielsen, Kim Oren Gradel, Annmarie Touborg Lassen, Hans Jørn Kolmos, Thøger Gorm Jensen, Pernille Just Vinholt, Court Pedersen, Characteristics of patients with community-acquired bacteremia who have low levels of C-reactive protein (≤20 mg/L), Journal of Infection, Volume 68, Issue 2, February 2014, Pages 149-155
Ageing of the population is a worldwide phenomenon. Numerous ICT-based solutions have been developed for elderly care but mainly connected to the physiological and nursing aspects in services for the elderly. Social work is a profession that should pay attention to the comprehensive wellbeing and social needs of the elderly. Many people experience loneliness and depression in their old age, either as a result of living alone or due to a lack of close family ties and reduced connections with their culture of origin, which results in an inability to participate actively in community activities (Singh & Misra, 2009). Participation in society would enhance the quality of life. With the development of information technology, the use of technology in social work practice has risen dramatically. The aim of this literature review is to map out the state of the art of knowledge about the usage of ICT in elderly care and to figure out research-based knowledge about the usability of ICT for the prevention of loneliness and social isolation of elderly people. The data for the current research comes from the core collection of the Web of Science and the data searching was performed using Boolean? The searching resulted in 216 published English articles. After going through the topics and abstracts, 34 articles were selected for the data analysis that is based on a multi approach framework. The analysis of the research approach is categorized according to some aspects of using ICT by older adults from the adoption of ICT to the impact of usage, and the social services for them. This literature review focused on the function of communication by excluding the applications that mainly relate to physical nursing. The results show that the so-called ‘digital divide’ still exists, but the older adults have the willingness to learn and utilise ICT in daily life, especially for communication. The data shows that the usage of ICT can prevent the loneliness and social isolation of older adults, and they are eager for technical support in using ICT. The results of data analysis on theoretical frames and concepts show that this research field applies different theoretical frames from various scientific fields, while a social work approach is lacking. However, a synergic frame of applied theories will be suggested from the perspective of social work.
Pääteillä esiintyvien häiriöiden, kuten onnettomuuksien, tietöiden, tapahtumien ja poikkeuksellisten ruuhkatilanteiden varalle tarvitaan varareittejä, joille liikenne voidaan häiriön sattuessa ohjata joko kokonaan tai osittain. Varareitit ja niiden opastus tulee olla ennalta suunniteltuja, jolloin niiden käyttöönotto sujuu häiriötilanteessa mahdollisimman vaivattomasti eri viranomaisten yhteistyönä. Häiriötilanteiden hallinnassa paitsi suunnitellut varareitit ja niiden liikenteen ohjaus, myös tiivis yhteistyö eri viranomaisten välillä on oleellista tilanteen sujuvan hoitamisen kannalta. Tässä raportissa on esitetty kantateille 78 ja 81 sekä valtatielle 4 Kemin kohdalla liikenteen häiriötilanteissa käytettävät varareitit, häiriöpaikalla tapahtuvan liikenteenohjauksen periaatekuva sekä varareittien liikenteenohjaussuunnitelmat. Suunnittelualueella on, kuten pääsääntöisesti koko Suomen tieverkolla, varsin vähän lyhyitä ja aina kaikelle liikenteelle soveltuvia varareittejä. Tämän vuoksi suunnitelmassa määritettiin varsinkin raskaan liikenteen tarpeita ajatellen myös pidempiä varareittejä. Pidemmille varareiteille liikennettä ohjattaessa korostuu tiedotuksen ja liikenteenohjauskaluston tärkeys. Varareitin aktivoinnissa ja liikenteenohjauksen järjestämisessä korostuu yhteistyö liikenneviraston tieliikennekeskuksen kanssa. ELYkeskus vastaa kustannuksista, urakoitsijan kanssa tehdyn sopimuksen mukaisesti, jotka syntyvät urakoitsijan toiminnasta häiriöhallintatilanteen purkamisessa.
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää mitä merkityksiä luokanopettajat pitävät tärkeinä liikunnanopetuksessa ja verrata niitä oppilaille tehtyyn tutkimukseen. Liikunnan moninaiset merkitykset vaikuttavat oppilaiden liikuntasuhteen muodostumiseen. Liikunnassa merkitykset konkretisoituvat havainnoinnin ja fyysisen tekemisen tuomien elämysten kautta. Liikuntaa opettavalla opettajalla voi olla merkittävä rooli oppilaan liikuntasuhteen muodostumiseen sekä siihen, minkälaisia merkityksiä oppilaan on mahdollista kohdata ja löytää liikunnasta. Merkitysten tiedostamisella voidaan tukea liikunnallisen elämäntavan syntymistä ja harrastuneisuutta. Liikunnassa asiat koetaan usein fyysisesti, mutta yhtä tärkeää on se, mitä tapahtuu kognitiivisella tasolla. Tutkimuksen aineisto (n=164) kerättiin joulukuussa 2015 sosiaalisen median kautta toteutettuna kyselynä. Kysely oli suunnattu luokanopettajille, jotka ohjattiin Facebook- keskusteluryhmien välityksellä Webropol-kyselyyn. Kyselyn määrällisessä osiossa käytettiin pohjana merkitysosioa, joka oli Lasten ja nuorten liikuntakäyttäytymisen tutkimuksessa. Laadullista aineistoa kerättiin lomakkeeseen lisätyillä avoimilla kysymyksillä liikunnanopetukseen liittyen. Aineistoa analysoitiin SPSS 23.0 tilasto-ohjelmalla. Liikunnanopetuksessa koettuja merkityksiä vertailtiin tärkeäksi ja erittäin tärkeäksi kokemisen lisäksi muun muassa keskiarvoilla. Tutkimuksen tulokset antoivat kuvan opettajien liikunnanopetuksessa tärkeänä pitämistä merkityksistä, joita olivat ilo, parhaansa yrittäminen, onnistumisen elämykset, hyvän olon saaminen ja liikunnan terveellisyys. Vanhimmat vastaajat pitivät muita ikäryhmiä tärkeämpänä lihasvoiman kasvattamista ja notkeuden parantamista. Miehet pitivät naisia yleisemmin tärkeänä menestyksen voittamisen tavoittelua. Oppilaiden ja opettajien tärkeimmiksi ja vähiten tärkeiksi kokemien merkitysten joukosta löytyi samoja merkityksiä.
Tutkielmassa selvitetään, toimivatko erilaiset urheiluvakuutusjärjestelmät tarpeeksi tehokkaasti ja tarkoituksenmukaisella tavalla kilpatason joukkueurheilijoiden osalta. Kilpaurheilua varten tarjottavat vakuutukset ovat erityisvakuutuksia, jotka urheilija voi lunastaa itselleen maksamalla lisämaksun. Käytännössä vakuutuksen hankkiminen on pakollista, koska monet lajiliitot asettavat sen kilpailulisenssin saamisen edellytykseksi. Ongelmakeskeisen lähestymisen avulla aluksi arvioidaan kilpaurheilijoille asetettavan vakuutusturvan vaatimuksen aiheellisuutta ja perusteltavuutta yhdistyslain pohjalta. Omana periaatteellisena ongelmanaan pohditaan sitä, mihin urheilijan vakuutuksenottovelvollisuus perustuu ja tulisiko sellaista ylipäänsä olla olemassa. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat syntyneet empiirisen tutkimuksen seurauksena. Esimerkiksi kilpaurheilijoiden haastattelujen perusteella ilmenneisiin ongelmiin ja epäselvyyksiin haetaan vastausta niin vallitsevasta vakuutuskäytännöstä kuin voimassa olevasta lainsäädännöstä. Kilpaurheilijan näkökulmasta urheilun vakuuttamisessa on puutteita esimerkiksi korvattavien vahinkojen perusteissa ja laajuudessa. Eri vakuutusyhtiöiden vakuutusjärjestelmiä tarkastellaan teoreettisella ja käytännön tasolla vertaamalla keskenään kolmen suurimman kilpaurheilijoita vakuuttavan yrityksen vakuutussopimuksia ja -käytäntöjä. Jokaisen yrityksen osalta selvitetään, millä perusteilla urheilijan tulee hankkia kilpaurheilussa sattuvien tapaturmien ja vammojen aiheuttamat vahingot kattava erityisvakuutus. Lisäksi tutkitaan, millaisten urheiluloukkaantumisten varalle turvaa on tai ei ole mahdollista saada. Tapaturma-termin sisältöä on avattu sopimuskohtaisesti analysoitaessa erilaisten urheiluvammojen korvausperusteita. Tapaturmalainsäädännön perusteella ja vahingonkorvausoikeudellisesta perspektiivistä kartoitetaan mahdollisuuksia puuttua vakuutussopimusten mukaisten henkilövahinkojen korvaamisalan laajuuteen. Tärkeä soveltuvuusvaikutus on esimerkiksi urheilijan tapaturma- ja eläketurvalain tapaturmaa koskevilla säännöksillä, joista saadaan perusteita ja aineistoa tutkielmassa esitetyn uuden terminologian sisällölle. Työtapaturma- ja ammattitautisäännöksiä analogisesti soveltaen on luotu urheilemisen seurauksena sattuvan tapaturman käsitteen uusi sisältö ja määritelmä. Vakuutuskäytäntöjen seulonnan rinnalla tutkimusongelmiin haetaan ratkaisuja erityisesti yhdistys- ja vahingonkorvauslaista sekä erilaisia tapaturmia ja sopimuksia koskevasta lainsäädännöstä.
Objectives: To investigate whether low perceived organisational injustice predicts heavy drinking among employees. Methods: Data from the prospective occupational cohort study, the 10-Town Study, related to 15 290 Finnish public sector local government employees nested in 2432 work units, were used. Non-drinkers were excluded. Procedural, interactional and total organisational justice, heavy drinking (>=210 g of absolute alcohol per week) and other psychosocial factors were determined by means of questionnaire in 2000-2001 (phase 1) and 2004 (phase 2). Multilevel logistic regression analyses taking into account for the hierarchical structure of the data were conducted and adjustments were made for sex, age, socio-economic position, marital status, baseline heavy drinking, psychological distress and other psychosocial risk factors such as job strain and effort/reward imbalance. Results: After adjustments, participants who reported low procedural justice at phase 1 were about 1.2 times more likely to be heavy drinkers at phase 2 compared with their counterparts with high justice. Low perceived justice in interpersonal treatment and low perceived total organisational justice were associated with an elevated prevalence of heavy drinking only in the socio-demographics adjusted model. Conclusions: This is the first longitudinal study to show that low procedural justice is weakly associated with an increased likelihood of heavy drinking.
Background In occupational life, a mismatch between high expenditure of effort and receiving few rewards may promote the co-occurrence of lifestyle risk factors, however, there is insufficient evidence to support or refute this hypothesis. The aim of this study is to examine the extent to which the dimensions of the Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI) model – effort, rewards and ERI – are associated with the co-occurrence of lifestyle risk factors. Methods Based on data from the Finnish Public Sector Study, cross-sectional analyses were performed for 28,894 women and 7233 men. ERI was conceptualized as a ratio of effort and rewards. To control for individual differences in response styles, such as a personal disposition to answer negatively to questionnaires, occupational and organizational -level ecological ERI scores were constructed in addition to individual-level ERI scores. Risk factors included current smoking, heavy drinking, body mass index ≥25 kg/m2, and physical inactivity. Multinomial logistic regression models were used to estimate the likelihood of having one risk factor, two risk factors, and three or four risk factors. The associations between ERI and single risk factors were explored using binary logistic regression models. Results After adjustment for age, socioeconomic position, marital status, and type of job contract, women and men with high ecological ERI were 40% more likely to have simultaneously ≥3 lifestyle risk factors (vs. 0 risk factors) compared with their counterparts with low ERI. When examined separately, both low ecological effort and low ecological rewards were also associated with an elevated prevalence of risk factor co-occurrence. The results obtained with the individual-level scores were in the same direction. The associations of ecological ERI with single risk factors were generally less marked than the associations with the co-occurrence of risk factors. Conclusion This study suggests that a high ratio of occupational efforts relative to rewards may be associated with an elevated risk of having multiple lifestyle risk factors. However, an unexpected association between low effort and a higher likelihood of risk factor co-occurrence as well as the absence of data on overcommitment (and thereby a lack of full test of the ERI model) warrant caution in regard to the extent to which the entire ERI model is supported by our evidence.