999 resultados para Popular Movement for Angola’s Liberation
En uno de los capítulos de Los Simpson, la pequeña Lisa compra, emocionada, la última versión de Stacy Malibú (el equivalente a nuestra Barbie). La novedad consiste en que después de 50 años de existencia, la muñeca habla. Pero para consternación de Lisa, el repertorio de frases es de lo más indignante: "Me encantaría que en la escuela enseñaran a ir de compras", "¡Vamos a hornear unas galletas para los chicos!" o "No me preguntes: sólo soy una chica (risita vacua)". Obviamente, la comprometida y concienciada Lisa no puede quedarse de brazos cruzados y pide a su madre que la lleve a la fábrica de Stacy Malibú para presentar sus quejas. La conversación entre ambas es enormemente reveladora: aunque Marge apoya a su hija e insiste en que siempre defienda sus ideas, considera que quizás está yendo más allá de lo razonable en su denuncia de que toda una generación de niñas se comportará como Stacy Malibú y la tomará como modelo y, finalmente, concluye en tono conciliador: "Yo tuve una Stacy Malibú de pequeña y no me ha pasado nada.¡Vamos a olvidarnos de estos problemas con un gran bol de helado de fresa!". La respuesta de Lisa no deja lugar a dudas; poniendo en funcionamiento a la muñeca y situándola frente a su madre, oímos a Stacy diciendo: "¡Vamos a olvidarnos de estos problemas con un gran bol de helado de fresa!". Huelgan los comentarios.
Most universities and higher education systems have formally taken up a third mission, which involves various public outreach and engagement activities. Little is known regarding how higher education institutions' organisations interact with academic's level of public outreach. This article examines to which extent the perceptions academics have of their institutions' culture and management style, as well as some of their own individual and statutory characteristics interact with their level of public outreach. Using the Academic Profession in Europe comparative and quantitative research database, this article focuses on two countries on the extremities of the spectrum - Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
This paper gives a full description of the phonetics and phonology of Traditional Cockney and Popular London speech, treating these varieties as constituting a continuum rather than two separate dialects. Exemplification of the vowels, diphthongs and consonants is provided, both in isolate words and in connected speech, along with their range of variation. The frequencies of the vowels have been charted on the basis of the pronunciation of three elderly male speakers. Regarding the consonants, there are detailed observations on the features typically associated with the linguistic varieties examined: strong aspiration of unvoiced plosives, glottalization, H-dropping, L-vocalization and TH-fronting. A section on prosody provides coverage of lexical stress, rhythm and intonation. The paper takes into account up-to-date research on these phenomena, but does not deal with the most recent vowel shifts, some of which form part of Multi-cultural London English.
An ever increasing number of films, books, and scholarly works dealing with the undead have appeared in the last decade, making the zombie the very incarnation of American popular culture on a global scale. In this chapter I show that the zombie is also a surprisingly complex sign for transnational movement and multidirectional cultural flow. While the zombie may appear as the very epitome of American cultural production and influence, a mindless movie monster born of a vapid stream of Hollywood B-horror, the zombie has a rich transnational history and an eloquent figurative resonance that have fed into its current ubiquity as cultural sign. This chapter reviews that history and then examines some of the ways that the zombie figure has traveled between the Caribbean, where it emerged, the United States, where it was translated into a film device of startling pathos and horror, and Europe, to which it owes some of its most interesting recent innovations.
The present article contributes to the ongoing academic debate on migrants' appropriation of artistic and political spaces in Germany. Cologne, one of the largest cities in Germany, is an interesting example of the tension between political discourse centred around multiculturalism and cultural segregation processes. The 'no fool is illegal' carnival organised by asylum seekers shows their capacity to act, as they reinvent an old local tradition by reinterpreting medieval rituals. Today, different groups and associations appropriate this festive art space: migrants, gays and lesbians, feminists and far-left groups either organise their own parties or take part in the official parties and parades as separate groups. As a result, the celebration of diversity figures on the local political agenda and becomes part of the official carnival festivities. This leads to a blurring of boundaries, whereby mainstream popular culture becomes more and more influenced by multicultural elements.
«Comiat de Vic» forma part del recull de cançons populars que Jacint Verdaguer va enviar al seu amic i erudit mallorquí Marià Aguiló. La lletra de la cançó traça un itinerari a través de la ciutat que va fent menció dels edificis religiosos que es troben durant el trajecte. L’emoció acumulada i el dolor de la partença indiquen que probablement es tracta del comiat definitiu d’un condemnat a mort.
The referendum is a poorly used mechanism for direct participation in the Spanish system, at both state and regional level. The discussion on the feasibility of this system at regional level has been examined by the Constitutional Court. Influenced by the reluctance with which constituents viewed the mechanisms of direct democracy, they still have a reductive view of the referendum. The State therefore reserves the right to exercise very intensive controls on the provision and authorization of referendums and on the specific exercise of each referendum
In the context of the evidence-based practices movement, the emphasis on computing effect sizes and combining them via meta-analysis does not preclude the demonstration of functional relations. For the latter aim, we propose to augment the visual analysis to add consistency to the decisions made on the existence of a functional relation without losing sight of the need for a methodological evaluation of what stimuli and reinforcement or punishment are used to control the behavior. Four options for quantification are reviewed, illustrated, and tested with simulated data. These quantifications include comparing the projected baseline with the actual treatment measurements, on the basis of either parametric or nonparametric statistics. The simulated data used to test the quantifications include nine data patterns in terms of the presence and type of effect and comprising ABAB and multiple baseline designs. Although none of the techniques is completely flawless in terms of detecting a functional relation only when it is present but not when it is absent, an option based on projecting split-middle trend and considering data variability as in exploratory data analysis proves to be the best performer for most data patterns. We suggest that the information on whether a functional relation has been demonstrated should be included in meta-analyses. It is also possible to use as a weight the inverse of the data variability measure used in the quantification for assessing the functional relation. We offer an easy to use code for open-source software for implementing some of the quantifications.
Actualment la majoria de nosaltres sabem de l’existència de molts programes lliures, però hem tenir clar que lliure no vol dir sempre programa gratuït. Tot i que a vegades sí que pot ser-ho, es té en compte molt més que això: és una manera de pensar i entendre el programari i al llarg dels anys ha generat tot un moviment social. Considerem que un programa lliure és aquell que garanteix als usuaris la llibertat per executar, copiar, distribuir, estudiar, canviar i millorar el codi programat, com molt bé defineixen les seves llibertats bàsiques. El programari lliure el podem trobar funcionant en ordinadors personals, escoles, empreses diverses, administracions, etc. ja que la majoria de programes que utilitzenactualment, com hem vist, tenen el seu equivalent en lliure. El fet de si és viable que una empresa es passi a programari lliure, depèn ben bé del seu entorn, ja que en funció d’aquest li serà més o menys fàcil la migració. La finalitat d’aquest projecte és, primer de tot, fer un ampli estudi del món del programari lliure i del seu moviment social. S’ha fet una recerca de diferents aspectes dins del programari lliure per conèixer-lo a fons i després s’ha proposat una possible implantació d’aquest en un usuari domèstic i en una administració pública, tenint en compte tots els aspectes vistos en l’estudi, valorant si totes les idees que defensa i els beneficis que aporta són aplicables i viables en qualsevol persona i àmbit i el perquè. Com a conclusió principal en destacaria que tot i que el programa lliure disposa d’una ideologia que agrada i té uns programes tècnicament perfectes (sense que això sigui el seu objectiu principal), penso que encara hi ha molt camí per recórrer quant a una migració en grans entorns, ja que per exemple en un ajuntament una migració total és encara difícil (tot i que no impossible perquè n’hi ha que s’hi han migrat). A l’apartat d’annexos s’hi inclou un glossari amb un seguit de terminologies amb paraules que no tothom pot saber i s’ha cregut oportú incloure-les en aquest apartat. La primera vegada que apareix alguna d’aquestes paraules la podem trobar senyalitzada amb un *.
We present here the first part of the literature review regarding our study object, the Open Device Labs. The research on ODLs emerges from the observation of worldwide non-profit movement, which, through mutual collaboration, information and devices sharing, proposes a final improvement on user’s experience with the web and app.
Making use of several analytical techniques, four erudite and four popular Portuguese baroque wooden sculptures were studied. The materials and techniques employed were identified and the relationship between their artistic quality and the materials used was investigated. In general, the pigments were common at the time, but one pigment discovered in the beginning of the 18th century and two rare arsenic pigments were also identified. In popular sculptures cost-saving was detected, particularly concerning the gold leaf. Regarding some technical procedures identified, recommendations found in historical documents did not seem to have been entirely followed, neither in erudite nor in popular sculptures.
Learning from demonstration becomes increasingly popular as an efficient way of robot programming. Not only a scientific interest acts as an inspiration in this case but also the possibility of producing the machines that would find application in different areas of life: robots helping with daily routine at home, high performance automata in industries or friendly toys for children. One way to teach a robot to fulfill complex tasks is to start with simple training exercises, combining them to form more difficult behavior. The objective of the Master’s thesis work was to study robot programming with visual input. Dynamic movement primitives (DMPs) were chosen as a tool for motion learning and generation. Assuming a movement to be a spring system influenced by an external force, making this system move, DMPs represent the motion as a set of non-linear differential equations. During the experiments the properties of DMP, such as temporal and spacial invariance, were examined. The effect of the DMP parameters, including spring coefficient, damping factor, temporal scaling, on the trajectory generated were studied.