945 resultados para Police penal code


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The Grid Execution Management for Legacy Code Architecture (GEMLCA) enables exposing legacy applications as Grid services without re-engineering the code, or even requiring access to the source files. The integration of current GT3 and GT4 based GEMLCA implementations with the P-GRADE Grid portal allows the creation, execution and visualisation of complex Grid workflows composed of legacy and nonlegacy components. However, the deployment of legacy codes and mapping their execution to Grid resources is currently done manually. This paper outlines how GEMLCA can be extended with automatic service deployment, brokering, and information system support. A conceptual architecture for an Automatic Deployment Service (ADS) and for an x-Service Interoperability Layer (XSILA) are introduced explaining how these mechanisms support desired features in future releases of GEMLCA.


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Orientador: Mestre Alberto Couto


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A CIF é uma ferramenta universal desenvolvida pela OMS que permite a classificação de funcionalidade e incapacidade, através de uma visualização global do que condiciona o desempenho do indivíduo na concretização de atividades e na participação em ocupações. A ideologia da CIF e os seus componentes interrelacionam-se com a essência da TO, indo ao encontro dos modelos da profissão. As UCCI constituem uma atualidade em Portugal e o terapeuta ocupacional é um dos profissionais obrigatórios na equipa multidisciplinar destas unidades. Atendendo à relevância internacional da CIF, à sua ligação com a TO e à necessidade de tornar a CIF operacional na prática clínica diária dado que é uma ferramenta complexa e extensa, é objetivo deste estudo contribuir para a construção de um code set da CIF para terapeutas ocupacionais que exercem funções em UCCI, especificamente em UC, UMDR e ULDM. Para a concretização desta investigação, utilizou-se a técnica de Delphi, que envolveu duas rondas. Na primeira ronda foi possível contar com a participação de 37 terapeutas ocupacionais experientes na área, uma vez que exercem funções em UCCI, e na segunda ronda contou-se com a participação de 20 elementos. Obtiveram consenso na última ronda de Delphi um total de 96 categorias, constituindo esta listagem uma proposta de code set para UCCI. No que se refere às tipologias de unidades, 69 categorias obtiveram consenso em UC, 91 em UMDR e 41 em ULDM. Concluiu-se que a criação de code sets poderá constituir uma mais-valia em contexto de equipa multidisciplinar das UCCI, sendo uma forma de tornar a CIF operacional na prática clínica diária.


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Compreender a funcionalidade de uma criança é um desafio persistente em contextos de saúde e educação. Na tentativa de superar esse desafio, em 2007, a Organização Mundial de Saúde desenvolveu a Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde para Crianças e Jovens (CIF-CJ) como o primeiro sistema de classificação universal para documentar a saúde e funcionalidade da criança. Apesar de a CIF-CJ não ser um instrumento de avaliação e intervenção, tem, no entanto, a capacidade de servir de enquadramento para o desenvolvimento de ferramentas adaptadas às necessidades dos seus utilizadores. Considerando que no contexto escolar, a escrita manual encontra-se entre as atividades mais requeridas para a participação plena de uma criança, parece ser pertinente a definição de um conjunto de códigos destinados a caracterizar o perfil de funcionalidade de uma criança, no que se refere à escrita manual. O objetivo deste estudo foi, pois, o desenvolvimento de um conjunto preliminar de códigos baseado na CIF-CJ que possa vir a constituir um code set para a escrita manual. Dada a complexidade do tema e atendendo a que se pretende alcançar consenso entre os especialistas sobre quais as categorias da CIF-CJ que devem ser consideradas, optou-se pela utilização da técnica de Delphi. A escolha da metodologia seguiu a orientação dos procedimentos adotados pelo projeto Core Set CIF. De dezoito profissionais contactados, obtiveram-se respostas de sete terapeutas ocupacionais com experiência em pediatria, que participaram em todas as rondas. No total, três rondas de questionários foram realizadas para atingir um consenso, com um nível de concordância, previamente definido, de 70%. Deste estudo resultou um conjunto preliminar de códigos com 54 categorias da CIF-CJ (16 categorias de segundo nível, 14 categorias de terceiro nível e uma categoria de quarto nível), das quais 31 são categorias das funções do corpo, uma categoria das estruturas do corpo, 12 categorias de atividades e participação e 10 categorias de fatores ambientais. Este estudo é um primeiro passo para o desenvolvimento de um code set para a escrita manual baseado na CIF-CJ , sendo claramente necessário a realização de mais pesquisas no contexto do desenvolvimento e da validação deste code set.


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This essay presents the European Arrest Warrant and its relationship with the principle of double criminality, which was abolished in 2002 with the new Framework Decision (FD). This instrument was essential to implement the principle of mutual recognition and strengthen the police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters in the newly created space of freedom, security and justice. It was urgent to create mechanisms to combat cross-border crime, that alone States have struggled to counter. An analysis of the FD No 2002/584/JHA is made. The execution of warrants and the non-mandatory and optional grounds of refusal are studied in detail. As it is the implementation issue. The role of mutual recognition in practice is studied as well. The procedure is to introduce the principle of double criminality, to explain the concept and its abolition, warning for the consequences derived from them, related to the principle of legality and fundamental rights. The analysis of the European Arrest Warrant in practice in Portugal and in comparison with other Member States allows the measurement of the consequences from the abolition of dual criminality and the position of States on this measure. With the abolition of double criminality, the cooperation in judicial and criminal matters departs from what was intended by the European Council of Tampere. And without cooperation, fundamental rights of citizens are unprotected, so the states have to adopt measures to remedy the "failures" of the European Law.


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This study analyses the principle of presumption of innocence in the preliminary stages of the Portuguese criminal process, its procedural aspect related with the principle of in dubio pro reo and its material aspect concerning the treatment of the defendant during the proceedings. The consequences and manifestations of the principle of presumption of innocence are analysed in the decisions of the closing stages of the preliminary criminal procedure and the application of the principle of in dubio pro reo is analysed in the judgement of sufficiency of evidence for the procedure to continue. It addresses the question of circumstantial evidence, its particular relevance in economic and financial crime, highly organized crime, the grounds for the indictment in general and when the sufficiency of evidence criteria is based on that evidence. It analyses the scope of the principle of presumption of innocence in the application of coercive measures, with reference to the arrest, first interrogation of the accused under detention and reasons for the subsequent dispatch about the measures. The asset assurance measures of preventive seizure and the preventive seizure to ensure confiscation are analysed and principle of presumption of innocence is considered non applicable to those measures.


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Study of the problems involved in the application of the right of refusal to testify (Article 134. º CPP) to criminal charges of domestic violence, namely in situations of violence between spouses. Drawing attention, to some of the contingencies of the exercise of the right of refusal in such proceedings, a matter never before examined under Portuguese law, and also to the need to reconsider, based on the North American experience, the application of the law in these cases.


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This report represents four months of study on activities in the public prosecution service at the Local Instance of Setúbal judiciary district, started in September 2014 and completed of the same year. This report was prepared considering all the teachings of criminal law courses and criminal procedural law, doctrine, jurisprudence and all the practical experience experienced with prosecutors. In this context, their traineeship provided contact with different procedural stages: the investigation stage that allowed to understand better the progress of the processing of summary proceedings; the expedient distribution of urgent cases; the investigation stage, as regards the procedural impulse assistant and the accused; and the trial stage. This last phase allowed contact with different types of crimes especially road crimes and the crime of domestic violence. The analysis carried out the summary proceedings in the Public Ministry service would acquire relevant information to explain the incidence of road crimes. Topics will be addressed that were found on stage during the various procedural stages, as the implementation of new judicial map. The relationship between the prosecution and the Criminal Police Bodies was also an issue to be addressed. The work also raises awareness of the issue of archives in order to find out the position of assistant.


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Portugal is one of the countries that has a constitutional regime of immunity. This protects certain individuals in political positions from prosecution under the law. These individuals are said to have a privileged status when compared to ordinary citizens. The purpose of this study is to examine the immunities enjoyed by President, the members of Parliament and the government ministers. The regime of immunities can be found to generate a certain sense of injustice and feelings of mistrust since the individual can not, albeit temporarily, be held criminally responsible for criminal conduct. It is urgent, therefore, to find a consistent justification with the principles and values of the Criminal Law. The Parliament is the place of the exercise of democratic power and, therefore, a member of Parliament assumes a central position in parliamentary activity. For this reason, it will be necessary to determine analysis to determine the meaning the prerogative of criminal irresponsibility. One question that must be asked is to know how the dogmatic plan that the immunities of the political organs of sovereignty must be seen.


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Images have gained a never before seen importance. Technological changes have given the Information Society extraordinary means to capture, treat and transmit images, wheter your own or those of others, with or without a commercial purpose, with no boundaries of time or country, without “any kind of eraser”. From the several different ways natural persons may engage in image processing with no commercial purpose, the cases of sharing pictures through social networks and video surveillance assume particular relevance. Consequently there are growing legitimate concerns with the protection of one's image, since its processing may sometimes generate situations of privacy invasion or put at risk other fundamental rights. With this in mind, the present thesis arises from the question: what are the existent legal instruments in Portuguese Law that enable citizens to protect themselves from the abusive usage of their own pictures, whether because that image have been captured by a smartphone or some video surveillance camera, whether because it was massively shared through a blog or some social network? There is no question the one's right to not having his or her image used in an abusive way is protected by the Portuguese constitution, through the article 26th CRP, as well as personally right, under the article 79th of the Civil Code, and finally through criminal law, articles 192nd and 193rd of the Criminal Code. The question arises in the personal data protection context, considering that one's picture, given certain conditions, is personal data. Both the Directive 95/46/CE dated from 1995 as well as the LPD from 1998 are applicable to the processing of personal data, but both exclude situations of natural persons doing so in the pursuit of activities strictly personal or family-related. These laws demand complex procedures to natural persons, such as the preemptive formal authorisation request to the Data Protection National Commission. Failing to do so a natural person may result in the application of fines as high as €2.500,00 or even criminal charges. Consequently, the present thesis aims to study if the image processing with no commercial purposes by a natural person in the context of social networks or through video surveillance belongs to the domain of the existent personal data protection law. To that effect, it was made general considerations regarding the concept of video surveillance, what is its regimen, in a way that it may be distinguishable from Steve Mann's definition of sousveillance, and what are the associated obligations in order to better understand the concept's essence. The application of the existent laws on personal data protection to images processing by natural persons has been analysed taking into account the Directive 95/46/CE, the LPD and the General Regulation. From this analysis it is concluded that the regimen from 1995 to 1998 is out of touch with reality creating an absence of legal shielding in the personal data protection law, a flaw that doesn't exist because compensated by the right to image as a right to personality, that anyway reveals the inability of the Portuguese legislator to face the new technological challenges. It is urgent to legislate. A contrary interpretation will evidence the unconstitutionality of several rules on the LPD due to the obligations natural persons are bound to that violate the right to the freedom of speech and information, which would be inadequate and disproportionate. Considering the recently approved General Regulation and in the case it becomes the final version, the use for natural person of video surveillance of private spaces, Google Glass (in public and private places) and other similar gadgets used to recreational purposes, as well as social networks are subject to its regulation only if the images are shared without limits or existing commercial purposes. Video surveillance of public spaces in all situations is subject to General Regulation provisions.


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The present case-study concerns about the analysis of the sale of Banif Mais, the sub-holding of Banif Group for specialized credit activity, taking into account the bank’s financial situation in 2014. In 2011, Portugal was submitted to an external finance programme carried out by troika which imposed very restricted measures to the financial sector. Subsequently, Banif was not able to accomplish the required results having to appeal to Government financing, being under a recapitalization plan since 2012.