831 resultados para Política de saúde mental infanto-juvenil
No Brasil, vemos surgir, a partir da década de setenta, diversas propostas inovadoras no campo da atenção à saúde mental. A partir de então, multiplicam-se no país ambulatórios de psicologia e psiquiatria, hospitais-dia, residências terapêuticas e diversos núcleos/centros de atenção psicossocial. Transformados em política pública, os centros de atenção psicossocial espalham-se pelo país, preconizando um atendimento ambulatorial, interdisciplinar e de orientação territorial. Geralmente formado sob os auspícios de um grande hospital, o psiquiatra que se propõe a trabalhar, a partir da ótica psicossocial, imerso em uma pequena cidade, vê-se exposto às diversas contradições e ilogicidades do discurso psiquiátrico clássico. Os variados saberes locais são uma ameaça ao saber psiquiátrico medicamente constituído. Respostas, antes fáceis no interior do hospital, têm variadas implicações no território e adquirem uma complexidade para a qual o psiquiatra não se encontra preparado. Assim, este trabalho tenta demonstrar a dissonância entre essas duas espécies de psiquiatria: a clássica (afinada com a biologia, com a normatividade e com a instituição) e a psicossocial (que se volta para respostas localmente construídas e que se afina com o homem, em uma dimensão muito além do seu corpo).
O presente artigo tem como objetivo central discutir o processo de regionalização da saúde no país, considerando-se o novo cenário de direcionamento do investimento de unidades públicas de saúde, a partir da publicação da Norma Operacional de Assistência à Saúde (NOAS - SUS 01/2001). Para isso, um esforço faz-se necessário: o de superação da compreensão predominante a respeito de alguns conceitos, principalmente o de região e de escala geográfica. A proposta de divisão regional dessa NOAS baseia-se no conceito de região de planejamento que, desde a fundação do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, tem subsidiado as políticas territoriais do Estado brasileiro. Contudo, a regionalização da saúde no Brasil é uma necessidade para o fortalecimento do SUS e uma mudança qualitativa da política nacional de saúde. É preciso avançar, relacionando a divisão regional do Brasil com a questão da escala. O que está em questão é se a regionalização da saúde brasileira representa ou não um aprimoramento das mediações entre as diversas escalas do SUS.
O presente artigo apresenta uma análise do Plano Nacional de Saúde publicado em 2004. Este documento expressa um importante período de transição na gestão do SUS, uma vez que foi predecessor do Pacto pela Saúde. A partir de um estudo descritivo com base em procedimentos quantitativos e qualitativos, o objetivo foi compreender as ideias centrais do documento, identificando as conexões existentes entre seus princípios, objetivos e prioridades. O principal resultado do estudo foi a identificação da integralidade das ações, da capacitação dos recursos humanos e mudança do marco regulatório com base numa visão intersetorial como núcleo central do documento. Essas ideias, por sua vez, circulam pelo discurso das diretrizes do plano, fortalecendo os laços do eixo central do texto na reorganização da atenção ambulatorial e na qualificação profissional. Por fim, quando comparadas metas e ações previstas nas diretrizes, observa-se uma tensão entre o que foram denominados vetores da verticalidade e da horizontalidade, deixando em aberto o rumo do lugar social em disputa.
This study aimed to examine the perception of dentist-surgeon about the Permanent Education in Health (PEH). It is characterized as a qualitative research with focus in the field of public health policies. It refers specifically to the development of Permanent Education policy in Health in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. They were participants of this research 42 dentist surgeons and 83.3% females and 16.7% males, participants in Specialization courses approved and agreed by the Permanent Education Center in Health (PEC-RN) in the period 2005 to 2007. These professionals are part of the Family Health Strategy (FHS), and 11.9% work in management at the central level and 88.1% are directly related to oral health care in the Basic Health Units of the Family, 30 cities in the state. Data collection was through a questionnaire, with questions that guided the research development and achieve the objectives proposed. The socio-demographic data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics and subjective content was subjected to content analysis by Bardin. The emerging categories from the textual material generated by respondents were: program content, methodological approach and concepts of Permanent Education in Health. The subjects surveyed reported that the program content is more comprehensive and directs to the reflection of everyday practices, with regard to the methodological approach, concern that occurs through discussion and reflection with dynamic, participative, varied and constructive activities, questioning and putting as the main focus. As for understanding of the concepts of the PEH, there was a consensus that define as education stable strategies which contributing to transform and improve the health workers to have the upgrade, improvement of practices, being based on everyday experience and taking into account the accumulation and renewal of these experiences. Therefore, results presented showed that there is a clear understanding of the subjects on the proposals and guidelines of the PEH. It was concluded that lack continuous access to the policies proposed by Ministry of Health involving health workers, managers, communities, through social control and the teaching-service integration and that they are worked within the health system and can classify all these segments of society favor the existence of a more participatory, effective, fair and better quality health service
This thesis aims to discuss on articulations that have been produced on the socio-cultural field in the Psychiatric Reform process and its pertinence to the streghtening of Psychosocial Care Strategy (EAPS) in Fortaleza/CE. Such interest has been justified by the need to promote not only the production of these networks, but also interfaces to enable strategies of support and sociability from the perspective of deinstitutionalization of madness. We were inspired by the cartography perspective of Deleuze e Guattari, and determined as objectives: 1) to discuss the complexity of Psychiatric Reform process and analyze the EAPS as a model for the current Mental Health policy in the country; 2) to map socio-cultural strategies connected to the CAPS network in the city, investigating experiences that already exist or may be constituted as everyday social support networks; 3) from that mapping to start, define and discuss some aspects that converge to the accomplishment for this new mental health paradigm, drawing a cartography of the issues and movements in progress. The mapping was carried out in 2009 and consisted of semi-structured interviews with the coordinators of the 14 existent CAPS and with some people connected to the Coordination of Mental Health. Besides, during the whole development of the study, we have taken part in public events that brought us clues on the connection between mental health and culture. From the survey produced, we defined three vectors for discussion (Art, Labour and Partnership with Social Movements) which have been highlighted as effective possibilities of intervention in the socio-cultural field of Psychiatric Reform in Fortaleza and reveal important paths on the fulfillment process of a new pattern of care. For each of these axes, we chose a field of empirical research (Projeto Arte e Saúde, COOPCAPS e MSMCBJ) in which we could better understand their strengths and difficulties, starting from open interviews with some of their actors and the production of a diary of sensations in 2010. We have seen that they are articulated with the proposal of EAPS, being part of the concerns to the National Mental Health Policy and also the municipal administration. However, we have noticed to be necessary to promote those dimensions further, focusing on its complexity at the macro and micro policies, with the purpose of leading the Psychiatric Reform process
This study aims to analyzing the implementation of the Matrix Support proposal with professionals of Substitutive Services in Mental Health in the city of Natal/RN. The Matrix Support (MS) is an institutional arrangement which has been recently adopted by the Health Ministry, as an administrative strategy, for the construction of a wide care net in Mental Health, deviating the logic of indiscriminate follow-through changed by one of co-responsibility. In addition to this, its goal is to promote a major resolution as regards health assistance. Integral attention, as it is intended by the unique health system, may be reached by means of knowledge and practices interchange, establishing an interdisciplinary work logic, through an interconnected net of health services. For the accomplishment of this study, individual interviews of semi-structured character were used as instrument, with the coordinators and technical staff of the CAPs. The data collection was done in the following services: CAPS II ( East and West) and CAPS ad ( North and East), in the city of Natal/RN. The results point out that the CAPs to initiate of the discussion the process in the implementation of the MS aiming, to promote the reorganization and redefinition of the flow in the net, thus not acting in a fragmented way. Nevertheless, there is no effective articulation concerning the basic attention services, there is a major focus of the attention in mental health on the specialized services, little insertion in the territory and in the everyday life of the community
This research investigated professional practices from Mobile Urgency Care Service (Serviço Ambulatorial Móvel de Urgência - SAMU) at psychiatric cases of the city of Aracaju/SE, Brazil and its possible articulations to psychosocial services network. The regulation no. 2048 of 11/05/2002 from Ministry Health establishes National Urgency Policy and designates that psychiatric cases are SAMU's responsibility. Then, it is necessary to propose an analyze of psychiatric urgency service under anti-asylums social movements standpoint, mainly because this service is responsive in assisting a person in crises. Fieldwork was developed in two phases. First one was made with SAMU workers and the information were produced by recorded semi-structured interviews. Results of this first phase indicate that urgency psychiatric conception from SAMU workers is based on aggressiveness concept; delays at psychiatric cases support and low training in mental health care which means several difficulties to emergency service. Although, we noticed that SAMU use asylum procedures at psychiatric cases like ropes and odder instruments to contain people. The second step of our research was to attend meetings to build a new psychiatric urgencies protocol for SAMU to define practices to auxiliaries, vehicular conductors and medical support regulation. Therefore, open interviews were accomplished with some participators and follows-up to psychiatric case on board of SAMU's cars. Afterwards we discussed how the urgency paradigm, that influence the protocol draw and as consequence distort what we believe is the essentially function of this device, that is to give care support to persons in crises and produce articulation to psychosocial services network
This study aims to understand the experience of people suffering from mental disorder. The patients are enrolled in a mental health ambulatory clinic in the city of Natal (RN). Mental disorders are growing rapidly in the contemporary world and are a source of intense mental suffering. Besides patients being strongly marked by a history of isolation and prejudice, they have been the target of real atrocities committed in the name of preservation of a supposed normality. The understanding and treatment of this disorder is influenced by cultural and historical inferences, depending on the period in which it is experienced. Semi-directed Interviews were conducted with a group of users, with the emphasis on giving voice to their uniqueness and individuality, highlighting how each one perceives his or her own experience. These were recorded and later transcribed by identifying the core of meanings. The results were analyzed under the gaze of the Humanist Phenomenology Existential perspective, which aims to unravel the phenomenon, without truths from volatility, highlighting the existence of the mental disorder as a way of living, being permeated by suffering mental and influenced by social problems, assuming contours very particular to each individual. Some progress has been perceived, even by users, with respect to the change of paradigm in the way of care, but still there is a consistent emphasis on medical and drug use. The changes point to the need for offering services to replace the asylum hospital model, and in addition to accept the bearer of mental disorder as a citizen, a bearer of rights who should be accepted and respected by society. Despite the pain expressed and its close liaison with suicide, their reports are full of perspectives and attitudes of confrontation facing life, pointing to new possibilities to be, recreating itself
Insanity was victim of several arbitrary acts perpetrated on behalf of the science. Psychiatric reform constitues an important movement which has attempted to rescue dignity and humanity in the treatment of mental disorder patients. Some countries have advanced in the implement of substutive models that work on the construction of a new social place for madness. The model of attention to mental health in Brazil has also suffered extensive modifications due to the wearing out of the psychiatric hospital model. In Santos, a town in the State of Sao Paulo, we have found a landmark in the development of an anti internment politics, through the creation of a dail care service, including psychosocial assistance. It is in this context that it has been founded in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, the NAPS and CAPS ( Nucleus and Centres of Psychosocial Attention), municipal strategies that put into effect the law # 10.216/2001, which estabilishes the gradual extinction of psychiatric hospitals. This work has the purpose of carrying out a study about the historical process of psychiatric reform implantation in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, emphasizing the actors involved in process, their trajectory, achievements, improvements, and the movement s perspectives of achieving the ideal of reinstating mental disorder patients. In order to accomplish this purpose, it was necessary to understand the process occurred at the Municipal Secretary s Office for Health, since 1992, for it was the impelling experience towards the reflections about the psychiatric reform in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The instruments used for this work were documentary analysis, through reports, legislation and handbooks, as well as the staments of people involved in this process. Through the statements analysis, we attempted to estabilish the social actors identity, their perception, emphasizing congruences and incongruences concerning the history of psychiatric reform in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. It is also analyzed the contribution of Psychology in this process, which has become a protagonist in the struggle for the rights of mental disorder patients
National surveys indicate that 6.8 % of the brazilian population is dependent on alcohol and 1 % dependent on illicit drugs, representing a significant portion of the population affected by this issue . Primary Care becomes instrumental in expanding the coverage of this demand and in reducing unnecessary referrals for specialized care. This study aimed to investigate the responsiveness and institutional support of Primary Care Teams in relation to the demands of alcohol and drugs users. The research was conducted in a Family Health Unit in West Sanitary District of Natal City. With quantitative and qualitative nature, our study consisted of two stages. At first, we performed a mapping of alcohol and other drugs abusive use in a sample of the population assisted by Family Heath Teams, using sociodemographic questionnaire and ASSIST (Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test). 406 questionnaires were completed. Of these questionnaires, 27.8% are men and 72.2% women, of which 56% are between 20 and 39 years-old, they are housewives, have a stable relationship and are consumers of tobacco (37.6%), marijuana (13%) and especially alcohol (57%). In second stage, two Conversation Circles with Family Health Teams and the referential Family Health Support Center were formed to discuss the data of the mapping realized in the previous phase. The circles, which had participation of 20 of the 37 professional teams from Family Health and 2 from Family Health Support Center, showed a lack of professional training in the subject; inability of the healthcare network in the user embracement; belief of professionals that nothing can be done when matter is alcohol and drugs; and referencing as the only care action performed by teams. Thus we point out the need to support an approach on issues of alcohol and drugs which consider gender issues, investing in Harm Reduction Policy as a possibility of working in this context for recognizing each user in their uniqueness and strategizing with them to promote health in a broad and contextualized way
The Brazilian Ministry of Health regulated in 2008 the Family Health Support Nucleus (FHSN) as a device for support and complementarity to the Family Health Strategy. The FHSN, through the matrix support, potentiates the Family Health teams on dealing with a great variety of demands and activities that are under their responsibilities. It is structured in teams of professionals from various health specialties, among which is the mental health. In preliminary studies we noticed that the psychologists have been the main representatives of mental health professionals at the FHSN from Rio Grande do Norte (RN-Brazil). On this scenario, this study intends to problematize the professional practice of the psychologists who work at the FHSN teams in RN, regarding how their work is done, discussing it under the perspective of collective health and the directions for the basic health care on Brazilian s health system. Still as a goal, in more specific ways: identify the forms of professional insertion of the psychologists in this field; characterize the work done by the psychologist at the FHSN (developed activities); and produce an analysis of the characteristics and limits of those actions, from theoretical and methodological references based on Marxian ontology. Were performed semistructured interviews with psychologists working in the oldest FHSN teams form RN. We conducted the analysis of the material following the blocks of information: determinants of the psychologist entry at the services, training for current practice; operation of FHSN; activities performed by FHSN team and the psychologist; joint actions; and limits of psychology practice in the FHSN. An important result, we observed the little articulation of practicing between the psychology and other professionals and teams, further indicating the prevalence of the traditional medical model (individual and outpatient) as guidance of their performance instead of the matrix logic that is the foundation of the proposed action for the FHSN. We also emphasize the potential of psychologists actions at the FHSN on contributing to the achievement of comprehensive care
This work shows the professional staff of the Family Health Program (PSF) in Santana do Matos City perceive the Unified Health System (SUS). Their discourse and recognition of the advances of SUS, as well as their participation on the implementation of the system, are analyzed. The Brazilian Ministry of Health instituted it in 1994 in order to rebuild the health politics on a new basis, substituting the traditional model. The city-centered implementation of SUS was instituted on May 27, 1992 by the act nº 631/92 and today it experiences a Full Management of Basic Attention. In July 2001 the PSF program was started in the city with 5 teams: 2 in the urban zone and 3 in the rural one. The methodology was developed with the combination of qualitative and quantitative research with the employment of a questionnaire with both open and closed inquiries to 31 members of the program. The study appointed that, no matter how positive and enlarged be the staff s concept of health and SUS, they dont s have on understanding of the total chain of the system on its integrality, hierarchy and regionality what hinders the system performance close to the users. The PSF incorporates and reaffirms the basic principles of the SUS; however, on its everyday employment it has not yet abandoned totally the curative model, which is reinforced by the hospital-centered and physiscian-centerend culture
The requirements in the world of work in the contemporary impact on quality of life, health workers in their relations with users and other professionals of the healthcare team. Given this reality, this study discusses the working conditions in health and disease process of (a) having social goals as analyze the implications of working conditions in the disease (the) social workers in state hospitals Metropolitan Region Christmas (NMR); identify the main diseases affecting social workers in hospitals in the SESAP NMR and reveal the relationship between the disease processes of social and working conditions in hospitals in the state NMR. The research was guiding questions to reveal how to configure the work, conditions of work and of the disease process (the) social worker. To grasp the socioeconomic profile of (the) social workers, the characterization of the work, duties and responsibilities in the sociooccupational, factors that interfere with the disease process of (the) social workers of RMN, and actions and investments Policy on Occupational Health RN correlating to illness today is that we set for the unveiling of the movement of the object of study through the methodological approach with documentary research aimed at literature review; extensive direct observation correlated to real life observation and application of 66 (sixty-six) questionnaires. The data from the closed questions were treated using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The open questions were transcribed and then analyzed the light of theoretical work on the subject. The research reveals that social workers are subject to conditions and labor relations precarious illness causing health problems because some of these professionals, among them are: stress, allergies and skin conditions or, Read / WMSD among other diseases. Thus, we understand the need for debates about the relationship work (the) social worker and worker health before the contradictions of capital also present in public health services
This work discourses about the child and adolescent s Guaranty System of Rights (GSR), on the intervention in cases of juvenile domestic sexual violence, in Recife. The course (trajectory) is analyzed, where circulate cases of sexual violence, until its resolution, in (GSR). Actually, the violence represents a serious problem of public health. Was thought about the difficulties and the limits that make GSR become a full field of contradictions and challenges for the effectiveness of the children and adolescents rights. Therefore, it was verified the treatments that are developed by GSR, how this system is structured and articulated and how occurs the resolution of the sexual violence cases against children and adolescents. Proceedings of the quantitative and qualitative research were used, was done observation, directed interview and analysis of documents. Thus, the field research was the visits in these institutions: Restauração Hospital, Police Management of the Child and Adolescent (PMCA) three Guardianship Councils, Dom Helder Camara Center of Studies and Social Action (CENDHEC) and the Tribunal of Childhood and Adolescence. The research subjects were seven professionals of GSR. The theoretical discussion is guided in reflections about the children and youth rights, in the violence theme and in the construction and institutionalization process of GSR. In this experiment, was noticed there are many difficulties for working together the GSR, because many obstacles are found when we call the responsible institutions, besides some violence cases happen again. This system is not totally institutionalized and articulated, faces structural problems, material, poorly qualified professionals, underinvestment, low transfer of public resources, among other difficulties, causing many losses in the implementation of public policies that enforce secured rights by legislation
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior