928 resultados para Parameter robustness


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The reason that the indefinite exponential increase in the number of one’s ancestors does not take place is found in the law of sibling interference, which can be expressed by the following simple equation:\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}\begin{matrix}{\mathit{N}}_{{\mathit{n}}} \enskip & \\ {\mathit{{\blacksquare}}} \enskip & \\ {\mathit{ASZ}} \enskip & \end{matrix} {\mathrm{\hspace{.167em}{\times}\hspace{.167em}2\hspace{.167em}=\hspace{.167em}}}{\mathit{N_{n+1},}}\end{equation*}\end{document} where Nn is the number of ancestors in the nth generation, ASZ is the average sibling size of these ancestors, and Nn+1 is the number of ancestors in the next older generation (n + 1). Accordingly, the exponential increase in the number of one’s ancestors is an initial anomaly that occurs while ASZ remains at 1. Once ASZ begins to exceed 1, the rate of increase in the number of ancestors is progressively curtailed, falling further and further behind the exponential increase rate. Eventually, ASZ reaches 2, and at that point, the number of ancestors stops increasing for two generations. These two generations, named AN SA and AN SA + 1, are the most critical in the ancestry, for one’s ancestors at that point come to represent all the progeny-produced adults of the entire ancestral population. Thereafter, the fate of one’s ancestors becomes the fate of the entire population. If the population to which one belongs is a successful, slowly expanding one, the number of ancestors would slowly decline as you move toward the remote past. This is because ABZ would exceed 2. Only when ABZ is less than 2 would the number of ancestors increase beyond the AN SA and AN SA + 1 generations. Since the above is an indication of a failing population on the way to extinction, there had to be the previous AN SA involving a far greater number of individuals for such a population. Simulations indicated that for a member of a continuously successful population, the AN SA ancestors might have numbered as many as 5.2 million, the AN SA generation being the 28th generation in the past. However, because of the law of increasingly irrelevant remote ancestors, only a very small fraction of the AN SA ancestors would have left genetic traces in the genome of each descendant of today.


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Interlocked feedback loops may represent a common feature among the regulatory systems controlling circadian rhythms. The Neurospora circadian feedback loops involve white collar-1 (wc-1), wc-2, and frequency (frq) genes. We show that WC-1 and WC-2 proteins activate the transcription of frq gene, whereas FRQ protein plays dual roles: repressing its own transcription, probably by interacting with the WC-1/WC-2 complex, and activating the expression of both WC proteins. Thus, they form two interlocked feedback loops: one negative and one positive. We establish the physiological significance of the interlocked positive feedback loops by showing that the levels of WC-1 and WC-2 determine the robustness and stability of the clock. Our data demonstrate that with WC-1 being the limiting factor in the WC-1/WC-2 complex, the greater the levels of WC-1 and WC-2, the higher the level of the FRQ oscillation and the more robust the overt rhythms. Our data also show that, despite considerable changes in the levels of WC-1, WC-2, and FRQ, the period of the clock has been limited to a small range, suggesting that the interlocked circadian feedback loops are also important for determining the circadian period length of the clock.


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Diferentes abordagens teóricas têm sido utilizadas em estudos de sistemas biomoleculares com o objetivo de contribuir com o tratamento de diversas doenças. Para a dor neuropática, por exemplo, o estudo de compostos que interagem com o receptor sigma-1 (Sig-1R) pode elucidar os principais fatores associados à atividade biológica dos mesmos. Nesse propósito, estudos de Relações Quantitativas Estrutura-Atividade (QSAR) utilizando os métodos de regressão por Mínimos Quadrados Parciais (PLS) e Rede Neural Artificial (ANN) foram aplicados a 64 antagonistas do Sig-1R pertencentes à classe de 1-arilpirazóis. Modelos PLS e ANN foram utilizados com o objetivo de descrever comportamentos lineares e não lineares, respectivamente, entre um conjunto de descritores e a atividade biológica dos compostos selecionados. O modelo PLS foi obtido com 51 compostos no conjunto treinamento e 13 compostos no conjunto teste (r² = 0,768, q² = 0,684 e r²teste = 0,785). Testes de leave-N-out, randomização da atividade biológica e detecção de outliers confirmaram a robustez e estabilidade dos modelos e mostraram que os mesmos não foram obtidos por correlações ao acaso. Modelos também foram gerados a partir da Rede Neural Artificial Perceptron de Multicamadas (MLP-ANN), sendo que a arquitetura 6-12-1, treinada com as funções de transferência tansig-tansig, apresentou a melhor resposta para a predição da atividade biológica dos compostos (r²treinamento = 0,891, r²validação = 0,852 e r²teste = 0,793). Outra abordagem foi utilizada para simular o ambiente de membranas sinápticas utilizando bicamadas lipídicas compostas por POPC, DOPE, POPS e colesterol. Os estudos de dinâmica molecular desenvolvidos mostraram que altas concentrações de colesterol induzem redução da área por lipídeo e difusão lateral e aumento na espessura da membrana e nos valores de parâmetro de ordem causados pelo ordenamento das cadeias acil dos fosfolipídeos. As bicamadas lipídicas obtidas podem ser usadas para simular interações entre lipídeos e pequenas moléculas ou proteínas contribuindo para as pesquisas associadas a doenças como Alzheimer e Parkinson. As abordagens usadas nessa tese são essenciais para o desenvolvimento de novas pesquisas em Química Medicinal Computacional.


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Os custos elevados de aquisição de conhecimento, a intensificação da concorrência e a necessidade de aproximação do consumidor vêm estimulando empresas a buscar formas alternativas de aumentar seu potencial de inovação pela integração de usuários. No entanto, a literatura e o senso comum convergem ao afirmar que nem todo usuário está habilitado a trazer conhecimentos que sustentem a vantagem competitiva das inovações. Nesse contexto, emerge a figura do lead user que, por definição, é capaz de sentir necessidades de produtos e serviços ainda não expressos por usuários regulares. Esses conhecimentos, quando adequadamente absorvidos, trazem benefícios expressivos às empresas que os incorporam ao DNP. Sabendo que as formas de incorporação de usuários apresentam variações, este estudo se destina a entender como empresas de diferentes setores absorvem conhecimentos de lead users por diferentes práticas de integração. Para tanto, foi escolhido o método de estudo de casos múltiplos incorporados, observados em três multinacionais de grande porte: Natura, Whirlpool e Microsoft (Bing). Ao todo foram avalidados cinco modos de integração distintos, escolhidos a partir de duas formações: individual (conhecimentos isolados de usuários distintos) e coletivo (conhecimentos articulados em discussões em grupo), analisados pelos métodos de indução analítica com síntese cruzada de dados. Os resultados mostraram que as categorias teóricas utilizadas para observação inicial do fenômenol: parâmetro de identificação e técnica de seleção (aquisição); mecanismo de interação (assimilação); mecanismos de socialização (transformação) e sistema de formalização (exploração) apoiaram parcialmente o entendimento das atividades do processo e, por esta razão, precisaram se complementadas pelas categorias emergentes: criação de contexto, motivação (aquisição); estímulos, parâmetro de observação, interpretação (assimilação); definição de papéis, coordenação de processos, combinação de conhecimento (transformação) e gestão do conhecimento (exploração), coletadas na fase empírica Essa complementação aumentou a robustez do modelo inicial e mostrou como a absorção de conhecimentos pode ser avaliada pelas dimensões absortivas. No entanto, as análises intra e intercasos que se seguiram, mostraram que esse entendimento era insuficiente para explicar a capacidade de absorção por diferentes práticas, uma vez que o fenômeno é influenciado por fatores contextuais associados tanto à prática de integração quanto ao modo como cada empresa se organiza para inovar (tipo de acesso ao colaborador). As reflexões teóricas realizadas a partir desses resultados permitiram contribuir com a teoria existente de duas formas: I) pelo entendimento estendido das atividades de absorção necessárias para incorporação de conhecimentos de lead users e III) pela proposição de um modelo conceitual amplo que abarcou diferentes práticas de integração considerando também os antecedentes de inovação, as atividades absortivas e os fatores adjuntos, inerentes a cada prática. Esta pesquisa objetiva contribuir para o conhecimento teórico sobre inovação e motivar reflexões que possam ser úteis para gerentes e executivos interessados em aprimorar suas práticas e processos de captação de conhecimentos de lead users.


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Mapas simpléticos têm sido amplamente utilizados para modelar o transporte caótico em plasmas e fluidos. Neste trabalho, propomos três tipos de mapas simpléticos que descrevem o movimento de deriva elétrica em plasmas magnetizados. Efeitos de raio de Larmor finito são incluídos em cada um dos mapas. No limite do raio de Larmor tendendo a zero, o mapa com frequência monotônica se reduz ao mapa de Chirikov-Taylor, e, nos casos com frequência não-monotônica, os mapas se reduzem ao mapa padrão não-twist. Mostramos como o raio de Larmor finito pode levar à supressão de caos, modificar a topologia do espaço de fases e a robustez de barreiras de transporte. Um método baseado na contagem dos tempos de recorrência é proposto para analisar a influência do raio de Larmor sobre os parâmetros críticos que definem a quebra de barreiras de transporte. Também estudamos um modelo para um sistema de partículas onde a deriva elétrica é descrita pelo mapa de frequência monotônica, e o raio de Larmor é uma variável aleatória que assume valores específicos para cada partícula do sistema. A função densidade de probabilidade para o raio de Larmor é obtida a partir da distribuição de Maxwell-Boltzmann, que caracteriza plasmas na condição de equilíbrio térmico. Um importante parâmetro neste modelo é a variável aleatória gama, definida pelo valor da função de Bessel de ordem zero avaliada no raio de Larmor da partícula. Resultados analíticos e numéricos descrevendo as principais propriedades estatísticas do parâmetro gama são apresentados. Tais resultados são então aplicados no estudo de duas medidas de transporte: a taxa de escape e a taxa de aprisionamento por ilhas de período um.


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The increasing economic competition drives the industry to implement tools that improve their processes efficiencies. The process automation is one of these tools, and the Real Time Optimization (RTO) is an automation methodology that considers economic aspects to update the process control in accordance with market prices and disturbances. Basically, RTO uses a steady-state phenomenological model to predict the process behavior, and then, optimizes an economic objective function subject to this model. Although largely implemented in industry, there is not a general agreement about the benefits of implementing RTO due to some limitations discussed in the present work: structural plant/model mismatch, identifiability issues and low frequency of set points update. Some alternative RTO approaches have been proposed in literature to handle the problem of structural plant/model mismatch. However, there is not a sensible comparison evaluating the scope and limitations of these RTO approaches under different aspects. For this reason, the classical two-step method is compared to more recently derivative-based methods (Modifier Adaptation, Integrated System Optimization and Parameter estimation, and Sufficient Conditions of Feasibility and Optimality) using a Monte Carlo methodology. The results of this comparison show that the classical RTO method is consistent, providing a model flexible enough to represent the process topology, a parameter estimation method appropriate to handle measurement noise characteristics and a method to improve the sample information quality. At each iteration, the RTO methodology updates some key parameter of the model, where it is possible to observe identifiability issues caused by lack of measurements and measurement noise, resulting in bad prediction ability. Therefore, four different parameter estimation approaches (Rotational Discrimination, Automatic Selection and Parameter estimation, Reparametrization via Differential Geometry and classical nonlinear Least Square) are evaluated with respect to their prediction accuracy, robustness and speed. The results show that the Rotational Discrimination method is the most suitable to be implemented in a RTO framework, since it requires less a priori information, it is simple to be implemented and avoid the overfitting caused by the Least Square method. The third RTO drawback discussed in the present thesis is the low frequency of set points update, this problem increases the period in which the process operates at suboptimum conditions. An alternative to handle this problem is proposed in this thesis, by integrating the classic RTO and Self-Optimizing control (SOC) using a new Model Predictive Control strategy. The new approach demonstrates that it is possible to reduce the problem of low frequency of set points updates, improving the economic performance. Finally, the practical aspects of the RTO implementation are carried out in an industrial case study, a Vapor Recompression Distillation (VRD) process located in Paulínea refinery from Petrobras. The conclusions of this study suggest that the model parameters are successfully estimated by the Rotational Discrimination method; the RTO is able to improve the process profit in about 3%, equivalent to 2 million dollars per year; and the integration of SOC and RTO may be an interesting control alternative for the VRD process.


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Preliminary research demonstrated the EmotiBlog annotated corpus relevance as a Machine Learning resource to detect subjective data. In this paper we compare EmotiBlog with the JRC Quotes corpus in order to check the robustness of its annotation. We concentrate on its coarse-grained labels and carry out a deep Machine Learning experimentation also with the inclusion of lexical resources. The results obtained show a similarity with the ones obtained with the JRC Quotes corpus demonstrating the EmotiBlog validity as a resource for the SA task.


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EmotiBlog is a corpus labelled with the homonymous annotation schema designed for detecting subjectivity in the new textual genres. Preliminary research demonstrated its relevance as a Machine Learning resource to detect opinionated data. In this paper we compare EmotiBlog with the JRC corpus in order to check the EmotiBlog robustness of annotation. For this research we concentrate on its coarse-grained labels. We carry out a deep ML experimentation also with the inclusion of lexical resources. The results obtained show a similarity with the ones obtained with the JRC demonstrating the EmotiBlog validity as a resource for the SA task.


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Saproxylic insect communities inhabiting tree hollow microhabitats correspond with large food webs which simultaneously are constituted by multiple types of plant-animal and animal-animal interactions, according to the use of trophic resources (wood- and insect-dependent sub-networks), or to trophic habits or interaction types (xylophagous, saprophagous, xylomycetophagous, predators and commensals). We quantitatively assessed which properties of specialised networks were present in a complex networks involving different interacting types such as saproxylic community, and how they can be organised in trophic food webs. The architecture, interacting patterns and food web composition were evaluated along sub-networks, analysing their implications to network robustness from random and directed extinction simulations. A structure of large and cohesive modules with weakly connected nodes was observed throughout saproxylic sub-networks, composing the main food webs constituting this community. Insect-dependent sub-networks were more modular than wood-dependent sub-networks. Wood-dependent sub-networks presented higher species degree, connectance, links, linkage density, interaction strength, and were less specialised and more aggregated than insect-dependent sub-networks. These attributes defined high network robustness in wood-dependent sub-networks. Finally, our results emphasise the relevance of modularity, differences among interacting types and interrelations among them in modelling the structure of saproxylic communities and in determining their stability.


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The susceptibility of clay bearing rocks to weathering (erosion and/or differential degradation) is known to influence the stability of heterogeneous slopes. However, not all of these rocks show the same behaviour, as there are considerable differences in the speed and type of weathering observed. As such, it is very important to establish relationships between behaviour quantified in a laboratory environment with that observed in the field. The slake durability test is the laboratory test most commonly used to evaluate the relationship between slaking behaviour and rock durability. However, it has a number of disadvantages; it does not account for changes in shape and size in fragments retained in the 2 mm sieve, nor does its most commonly used index (Id2) accurately reflect weathering behaviour observed in the field. The main aim of this paper is to propose a simple methodology for characterizing the weathering behaviour of carbonate lithologies that outcrop in heterogeneous rock masses (such as Flysch slopes), for use by practitioners. To this end, the Potential Degradation Index (PDI) is proposed. This is calculated using the fragment size distribution curves taken from material retained in the drum after each cycle of the slake durability test. The number of slaking cycles has also been increased to five. Through laboratory testing of 117 samples of carbonate rocks, extracted from strata in selected slopes, 6 different rock types were established based on their slaking behaviour, and corresponding to the different weathering behaviours observed in the field.


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Comparison of rates of accumulation of organic carbon in surface marine sediments from the central North Pacific, the continental margins off northwest Africa, northwest and southwest America, the Argentine Basin, and the western Baltic Sea with primary production rates suggests that the fraction of primary produced organic carbon preserved in the sediments is universally related to the bulk sedimentation rate. Accordingly, less than 0.01% of the primary production becomes fossilized in slowly accumulating pelagic sediments [(2 to 6 mm (1000 y)**-1] of the Central Pacific, 0.1 to 2% in moderately rapidly accumulating [2 to 13 cm (1000 y)**-1] hemipelagic sediments off northwest Africa, northwest America (Oregon) and southeast America (Argentina), and 11 to 18% in rapidly accumulating [66 to 140 cm (1000 y)**-1] hemipelagic sediments off southwest America (Peru) and in the Baltic Sea. The emiprical expression: %Org-C = (0.0030*R*S**0.30)/(ps(1-Theta)) implies that the sedimentary organic carbon content (% Org-C) doubles with each 10-fold increase in sedimentation rate (S), assuming that other factors remain constant; i.e., primary production (R), porosity and sediment density (ps). This expression also predicts the sedimentary organic carbon content from the primary production rate, sedimentation rate, dry density of solids, and their porosity; it may be used to estimate paleoproductivity as well. Applying this relationship to a sediment core from the continental rise off northwest Africa (Spanish Sahara) suggests that productivity there during interglacial oxygen isotope stages 1 and 5 was about the same as today but was higher by a factor of 2 to 3 during glacial stages 2, 3, and 6.


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