1000 resultados para PIRATERÍA (DERECHOS DE AUTOR)
Este año la Biblioteca Infantil "Miriam Álvarez Brenes" tiene casi trece años de funcionamiento, en los cuales se ha dedicado con gran calidad y esfuerzo a servir a las comunidades aledañas al campus universitario Jardines 1 y Jardines 2. Después de tantos años se ha visto la necesidad de expandir sus servicios y productos a otras comunidades que han mostrado interés en que sus hijos(as) se vean beneficiados(as) con los servicios que ofrece.Por esta razón, en esta edición de la Revista Bibliotecas se presenta un estudio realizado por el Instituto de Estudios Sociales en Población (IDESPO), con la colaboración del personal de la Biblioteca.
Un robot es hoy día un elemento importante de la producción que se caracteriza principalmente por su flexibilidad. Esta flexibilidad lo convierte en una herramienta de propósito general, que puede adaptarse a aquello que debe producirse en cualquier momento simplemente mediante un cambio de programa. Esta característica los hace novedosos con respecto a las máquinas automáticas. En la Universidad del Valle, Departamento de Electricidad, se está realizando un proyecto en robótica industrial que tiene como fin construir un prototipo de un robot de soldadura, basados en el robot Miller MR-5 evaluado en Univalle y utilizado actualmente en la empresa Codinter Uda.
Presents the results of the study on the perceptions and views of children, fathers and mothers in relation to the services and products Children's Library "Miriam Alvarez Brenes" National University, developed by the Institute of Social Studies Population (IDESP), in collaboration with the Library staff Pretend that provided inputs to become key elements in making decisions and setting policies emanating from the authorities responsible for the proper development and expansion of activities and services that are to be implemented in selected communities will benefit of this project.
Para analizar el transporte público en Cali se limita la observación diferenciada a los dos modos de transporte urbano que configuran el común denominador de su oferta y demanda, me refiero a los buses TSS y a los ejecutivos.
Succinctly defines the terms "accreditation" and "recertification" in order to locate the reader (a) on the theme to develop. Also describes the process of self-assessment of Librarianship and Documentation Race towards the re-accreditation, focusing primarily on results obtained in the development of self-evaluation reports of the various sectors that make up the School. Finally, presents some conclusions both about the overall process of the various reports as described.
En el presente documento nos ocupamos en trazar las pautas que consideramos deben seguirse para los trabajos de investigación científica y tecnológica, indispensables para los programas de desarrollo agroforestal y pecuario de la Cuenca del Pacífico Colombiano; advirtiendo que nuestras sugerencias no tienen carácter dogmático, sencillamente constituyen, a nuestro juicio, complemento al diagnóstico y propuestas consignados en el Manual Nº 1 El Litoral Pacífico Colombiano, referentes a los sectores del área productiva: • Forestal • Pesquero • Agropecuario
We present the results of the final graduation practice called "Creating the Serials Union Catalogue of Documentary Information Units of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the National University" which consisted of creating a computerized catalog for periodicals by GENISIS program. Unit of documentary information: Faculty of Social Sciences National University: CIDCSO (Documentary Information Centre of Social Sciences), FBEH (Bibliographical School of History), MA (International Relations Specialist Library "Luis and Felipe Molina ") and CINPE (Library of the National Centre for Economic Policy on Sustainable Development).
Es muy grato para mí estar hoy aquí, en compañía de jóvenes interesados en el futuro ambiental del país, del cual dependen las posibilidades de mantener e incrementar en el tiempo el crecimiento económico y el bienestar de la sociedad.
Constantly making efforts to strengthen reading habits in children from their earliest years of life, a process in which the family is established as the primary basis for the child to achieve the taste and interest in books. The school as being key to education supports and strengthens the skills taught in the home, with the help of technologies such as computers, disk reading, television, among other means, by which (as) children (as) found a door of communication with the outside world and everything around them. The children's library tends to use these technological means to attract children to reading, generating and taste for the various information resources, which over time will become a habit.This research is based on the "Contribution of the Library Miriam Alvarez Brenes and family in the formation of reading habits of children of the community of Garden I and II University in Heredia, through advocacy, in 2007 "
La sofisticación creciente de los usuarios finales, la proliferación de procesos de cómputo a nivel de escritorio, la gran variedad de equipos y marcas que existen hoy en el mercado y la necesidad de integrar todo tipo de recurso informático, han llevado a la implementación de un sistema de cableado universal.
We give a warm welcome to a new issue of the Library. This edition brings together a number (as) author (s) that enrich their new contributions to the discipline and contribute to the upgrading and continuing education and professional work daily with the information and library education.
The article examines a range of components for the customer service from the point of view of marketing.It start with the explanation of several features that are required for a company to crystallize teamwork that finally, after all, will be provided by the success or failure of that company.These features are named: engagement, cooperation, companionship, communication, motivation and leadership.Subsequently, this article presents a section which explores human relationships and conflict management within organizations, with emphasis on attitudes, skills and personality types that present human beings as part of its essence.Finally, this text includes a section that highlights concepts related to customer service and sales techniques that exist today.
Dentro de las conferencias presentadas en el marco del IX Congreso Nacional de Administradores de Empresas y 11 Internacional con sede en la Universidad Santiago de Cali, merece destacarse la expuesta por el profesor ldalberto Chiavenato Administración sin Fronteras, de la cual presentamos una síntesis a modo de resumen, antes de pasar a su transcripción completa.
This article provides a brief description of some general aspects of self-evaluation process conducted in the School of Library, Documentation and Information from the National University of Costa Rica, to obtain accreditation from the career of Library and Documentation in 2005 and to achieve re-accreditation in 2009.The objective consists in a comparison between the two evaluation processes from the point of view of two specific sectors, employers and graduates, and presents the views provided by each of them as a partial analysis of the social impact assessment of educational programs in the community librarianship as a first input to raise awareness of the importance of these studies in the institutional and national level.
Por fin en Colombia se ha puesto atención a una necesidad social que, aunque siempre ha existido, ha sido más sentida en el mundo actual: la seguridad social. Es un tema actual, ya que se hace necesario establecer normas que redunden en beneficio de toda la sociedad mundial y en particular de la nuestra, la colombiana; es preciso organizar las vidas de esta gran cantidad de seres humanos que habitan un espacio hasta ahora limitado: el mundo.