881 resultados para Occupational Health


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Wastewater analysis was used to examine prevalence and temporal trends in the use of two cathinones, methylone and mephedrone, in an urban population (>200,000 people) in South East Queensland, Australia. Wastewater samples were collected from the inlet of the sewage treatment plant that serviced the catchment from 2011 to 2013. Liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry was used to measure mephedrone and methylone in wastewater sample using direct injection mode. Mephedrone was not detected in any samples while methylone was detected in 45% of the samples. Daily mass loads of methylone were normalized to the population and used to evaluate methylone use in the catchment. Methylone mass loads peaked in 2012 but there was no clear temporal trend over the monitoring period. The prevalence of methylone use in the catchment was associated with the use of MDMA, the more popular analogue of methylone, as indicated by other complementary sources. Methylone use was stable in the study catchment during the monitoring period whereas mephedrone use has been declining after its peak in 2010. More research is needed on the pharmacokinetics of emerging illicit drugs to improve the applicability of wastewater analysis in monitoring their use in the population.


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To investigate the risk of hyperuricemia in relation to Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in children from Taiwan, 225 Taiwanese children aged 12-15 years were recruited from 2009 to 2010. Linear and logistic regression models were employed to examine the influence of PFASs on serum uric acid levels. Findings revealed that eight of ten PFASs analyses were detected in > 94% of the participants' serum samples. Multivariate linear regression models revealed that perfluorooctanic acid (PFOA) was positively associated with serum uric acid levels (β=0.1463, p<0.05). Of all the PFASs analyses, only PFOA showed a significant effect on elevated levels of hyperuricemia (aOR=2.16, 95%CI: 1.29-3.61). When stratified by gender, the association between serum PFOA and uric acid levels was only evident among boys (aOR=2.76, 95%CI: 1.37-5.56). In conclusion, PFOA was found to be associated with elevated serum levels of uric acid in Taiwanese children, especially boys. Further research is needed to elucidate these links.


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Various endogenous and exogenous factors have been reported to increase the risk of breast cancer. Many of those are related to prolonged lifetime exposure to estrogens. Furthermore, a positive family history of breast cancer and certain benign breast diseases are known to increase the risk of breast cancer. The role of lifestyle factors, such as use of alcohol and smoking has been an area of intensive study. Alcohol has been found to increase the risk of breast cancer, whereas the role of smoking has remained obscure. A multitude of enzymes are involved in the metabolism of estrogens and xenobiotics including the carcinogens found in tobacco smoke. Many of the metabolic enzymes exhibit genetic polymorphisms that can lead to inter-individual differences in their abilities to modify hazardous substrates. Therefore, in presence of a given chemical exposure, one subgroup of women may be more susceptible to breast carcinogenesis, since they carry unfavourable forms of the polymorphic genes involved in the metabolism of the chemical. In this work, polymorphic genes encoding for cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A1 and 1B1, N-acetyl transferase 2 (NAT2), sulfotransferase 1A1 (SULT1A1), manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) and vitamin D receptor (VDR) were investigated in relation to breast cancer susceptibility in a Finnish population. CYP1A1, CYP1B1 and SULT1A1 are involved in the metabolism of both estrogens and xenobiotics, whereas NAT2 is involved only in the latter. MnSOD is an antioxidant enzyme protecting cells from oxidative damage. VDR, in turn, mediates the effects of the active form of vitamin D (1,25(OH)2D3, calcitriol) on maintenance of calcium homeostasis and it has anti-proliferative effects in many cancer cells. A 1.3-fold (95% CIs 1.01-1.73) increased risk of breast cancer was seen among women who carried the NAT2 slow acetylator genotype and a 1.5-fold (95% CI 1.1-2.0) risk was found in women with a MnSOD variant A allele containing genotypes compared to women with the NAT2 rapid acetylator genotype or to those with the MnSOD VV genotype, respectively. Instead, women with the VDR a allele containing genotypes were found to be at a decreased risk for breast cancer (OR 0.73; 95% CI 0.54-0.98) compared to women with the AA genotype. No significant overall associations were found between SULT1A1 or CYP genotypes and breast cancer risk, whereas a combination of the CYP1B1 432Val allele containing genotypes with the NAT2 slow acetylator genotypes posed a 1.5-fold (95% CI 1.03-2.24) increased risk. Moreover, NAT2 slow acetylator genotype was found to be confined to women with an advanced stage of breast cancer (stages III and IV). Further evidence for the association of xenobiotic metabolising genes with breast cancer risk was found when active smoking was taken into account. Women who smoked less than 10 cigarettes/day and carried at least one CYP1B1 432Val variant allele, were at 3.1-fold (95% CI 1.32-7.12) risk of breast cancer compared to women who smoked the same amount but did not carry the variant allele. Furthermore, the risk was significantly increased with increasing number of the CYP1B1 432Val alleles (p for trend 0.005). In addition, women who smoked less than 5 pack-years and carried the NAT2 slow acetylator genotype were at a 2.6-fold (95% CI 1.01-6.48) increased risk of breast cancer compared to women who smoked the same amount but carried the NAT2 rapid acetylator genotype. Furthermore, the combination of the CYP1B1 432Val allele and the NAT2 slow acetylator genotype increased the risk of breast cancer by 2.5-fold (95% CI 1.11-5.45) among ever smokers. Instead, the MnSOD A allele was found to be a risk factor among postmenopausal long-term smokers (>15 years of smoking) (OR 5.1; 95% CI 1.4-18.4) or among postmenopausal women who had smoked more than 10 cigarettes/day (OR 5.5; 95% CI 1.3-23.4) compared to women who had similar smoking habits but carried the MnSOD V/V genotype. Similarly, within subgroups of postmenopausal women who were using oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy or alcohol, women carrying the MnSOD A allele genotypes seemed to be at increased risk of breast cancer compared to women with the MnSOD V/V genotype. A positive family history of breast cancer and high parity were shown to be inversely associated with breast cancer risk among women carrying the VDR ApaI a allele or among premenopausal women carrying the SULT1A1*2 allele, respectively.


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KeuhkosyÃpä on yleisimpiä syÃpätauteja. Se jaetaan kahteen päätyyppiin: pienisoluiseen ja ei-pienisoluiseen keuhkosyÃpään. Ei-pienisoluinen keuhkosyÃpä jaetaan lisäksi alatyyppeihin, joista suurimmat ovat levyepiteeli-, adeno- ja suurisoluinen karsinooma. KeuhkosyÃvän tärkein riskitekijä on tupakointi, mutta muutkin tyÃ- ja elinympäristÃn altisteet, kuten asbesti, voivat johtaa syÃpään. VäitÃstyÃssä tutkittiin kahdenlaisten keuhkosyÃpäryhmien erityispiirteitä. TyÃssä kartoitettiin, onko lÃydettävissä muutoksia, jotka erottavat asbestikeuhkosyÃvät muista syÃvistä sekä luuytimeen varhaisessa vaiheessa leviävät keuhkosyÃvät leviämättÃmistä syÃvistä. Tutkimusten ensimmäisessä vaiheessa käytettiin mikrosirupohjaisia menetelmiä, jotka mahdollistavat jopa kaikkien geenien tarkastelun yhden kokeen avulla. Vertailevien mikrosirututkimusten avulla on mahdollista paikantaa geenejä tai kromosomialueita, joiden muutokset erottelevat ryhmät toisistaan. Asbestiin liittyvissä tutkimuksissa paikannettiin kuusi kromosomialuetta, joissa geenien kopiolukumäärän sekä ilmenemistason muutokset erottelivat potilaat altistushistorian mukaan. Riippumattomilla laboratoriomenetelmillä tehtyjen jatkoanalyysien avulla pystyttiin varmistamaan, että 19p-alueen häviämä oli yhteydessä asbestialtistukseen. TyÃssä osoitettiin myÃs, että 19p-alueen muutoksia voidaan indusoida altistamalla soluja asbestille in vitro. Tutkimuksessa saatiin lisäksi viitteitä asbestispesifisistä muutoksista signaalinvälitysreiteissä, sillä yhdessä toimivien geenien ilmentymisessä havaittiin eroja asbestille altistuneiden ja altistumattomien välillä. Vertailemalla luuytimeen syÃvän aikaisessa vaiheessa levinneiden ja leviämättÃmien keuhkoadenokarsinoomien muutosprofiileita toisiinsa, paikannettiin viisi aluetta, joilla geenien kopiolukumäärä- sekä ilmenemistason muutokset erottelivat ryhmät toisistaan. Jatkoanalyyseissä havaittiin, että 4q-alueen häviämää esiintyi adenokarsinoomien lisäksi levyepiteelikarsinoomiin, jotka olivat levinneet luuytimeen. MyÃs keuhkosyÃpien aivometastaaseissa alue oli toistuvasti hävinnyt. VäitÃstyÃn tutkimukset osoittavat, että vertailevien mikrosiruanalyysien avulla saadaan tietoa syÃpäryhmien erityispiirteistä. TyÃssä saadut tulokset osoittavat, että 19p-alueen muutokset ovat tyypillisiä asbestikeuhkosyÃville ja 4q-alueen muutokset luuytimeen aikaisessa vaiheessa leviäville keuhkosyÃville.


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Background: Asbestos is a well known cancer-causing mineral fibre, which has a synergistic effect on lung cancer risk in combination with tobacco smoking. Several in vitro and in vivo experiments have demonstrated that asbestos can evoke chromosomal damage and cause alterations as well as gene expression changes. Lung tumours, in general, have very complex karyotypes with several recurrently gained and lost chromosomal regions and this has made it difficult to identify specific molecular changes related primarily to asbestos exposure. The main aim of these studies has been to characterize asbestos-related lung cancer at a molecular level. Methods: Samples from asbestos-exposed and non-exposed lung cancer patients were studied using array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to detect copy number alterations (CNA) as well as microsatellite analysis to detect allelic imbalance (AI). In addition, asbestos-exposed cell lines were studied using gene expression microarrays. Results: Eighteen chromosomal regions showing differential copy number in the lung tumours of asbestos-exposed patients compared to those of non-exposed patients were identified. The most significant differences were detected at 2p21-p16.3, 5q35.3, 9q33.3-q34.11, 9q34.13-q34.3, 11p15.5, 14q11.2 and 19p13.1-p13.3 (p<0.005). The alterations at 2p and 9q were validated and characterized in detail using AI and FISH analysis in a larger study population. Furthermore, in vitro studies were performed to examine the early gene expression changes induced by asbestos in three different lung cell lines. The results revealed specific asbestos-associated gene expression profiles and biological processes as well as chromosomal regions enriched with genes believed to contribute to the common asbestos-related responses in the cell lines. Interestingly, the most significant region enriched with asbestos-response genes was identified at 2p22, close to the previously identified region showing asbestos-related CNA in lung tumours. Additionally, in this thesis, the dysregulated biological processes (Gene Ontology terms) detected in the cell line experiment were compared to dysregulated processes identified in patient samples in a later study (Ruosaari et al., 2008a). Commonly affected processes such as those related to protein ubiquitination, ion transport and surprisingly sensory perception of smell were identified. Conclusions: The identification of specific CNA and dysregulated biological processes shed some light on the underlying genes acting as mediators in asbestos-related lung carcinogenesis. It is postulated that the combination of several asbestos-specific molecular alterations could be used to develop a diagnostic method for the identification of asbestos-related lung cancer.


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Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide and the total number of cancer cases continues to increase. Many cancers, for example sinonasal cancer and lung cancer, have clear external risk factors and so are potentially preventable. The occurrence of sinonasal cancer is strongly associated with wood dust exposure and the main risk factor for lung cancer is tobacco smoking. Although the molecular mechanisms involved in lung carcinogenesis have been widely studied, very little is known about the molecular changes leading to sinonasal cancer. In this work, mutations in the tumour suppressor TP53 gene in cases of sinonasal cancer and lung cancer and the associations of these mutations with exposure factors were studied. In addition, another important mechanism in many cancers, inflammation, was explored by analyzing the expression of the inflammation related enzyme, COX-2, in sinonasal cancer. The results demonstrate that TP53 mutations are frequent in sinonasal cancer and lung cancer and in both cancers they are associated with exposure. In sinonasal cancer, the occurrence of TP53 mutation significantly increased in relation to long duration and high level of exposure to wood dust. Smoking was not associated with the overall occurrence of the TP53 mutation in sinonasal cancer, but was associated with multiple TP53 mutations. Furthermore, inflammation appears to play a part in sinonasal carcinogenesis as indicated by our results showing that the expression of COX-2 was associated with adenocarcinoma type of tumours, wood dust exposure and non-smoking. In lung cancer, we detected statistically significant associations between TP53 mutations and duration of smoking, gender and histology. We also found that patients with a tumour carrying a G to T transversion, a mutation commonly found in association with tobacco smoking, had a high level of smoking-related bulky DNA adducts in their non-tumorous lung tissue. Altogether, the information on molecular changes in exposure induced cancers adds to the observations from epidemiological studies and helps to understand the role and impact of different etiological factors, which in turn can be beneficial for risk assessment and prevention.


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Anesthesiologists, according to some studies, are highly stressed, die at a significantly earlier age than their colleagues and the general population,and are among the leaders in physicians' suicide records. Data are,however, sparse and contradictory. The aim of this study was to discover details of the work-related well-being of Finnish anesthesiologists. In 2004, a cross-sectional postal survey including all 550 working Finnish anesthesiologists produced a total of 328 responses (60%); 53% were men. The anesthesiologists had the greatest on-call workload among Finnish physicians. Their average in-hospital on-call period lasted 24 hours (range 14 to 38). Over two-thirds felt stressed. The most important causes of stress were work and combining work with family. Their main worries at work were: excessive workload and time constraints, especially being on call, organizational problems, and fear of harming patients. On-call workload correlated with burnout. Being frequently on call was correlated with severe stress symptoms--symptoms associated with sick leaves. Women were more affected by stress than men. High job control and organizational justice seemed to mitigate hospital-on-call stress symptoms. The respondents enjoyed fairly high job and life satisfaction. Job control and organizational justice were the most important correlates of these wellness indicators. Work-related factors were more important in males, whereas family life played a larger role in the well-being of female anesthesiologists. Women had less job control, fewer permanent job contracts, and a higher domestic workload. Of the respondents, 31% were willing to consider changing to another physician's specialty and 43% to a profession other than medicine. The most important correlates for these job turnover attitudes were conflicts at the workplace, low job control, organizational injustice, stress, and job dissatisfaction. One in four had at some time considered suicide. Respondents with poor health, low social support, and family problems were at the highest risk for suicidality. The highest risks at work were conflicts with co-workers and superiors, on-call-related stress symptoms, and low organizational justice. If a respondent had several risk factors, the risk for suicidality doubled with each additional factor. On-call work-burden, job control, fairness of decision-making procedures,and workplace relationships should be the focus in attempts to increase the work-related well-being of anesthesiologists.


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Transforming growth factor β signalling through Smad3 in allergy Allergic diseases, such as atopic dermatitis, asthma, and contact dermatitis are complex diseases influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. It is still unclear why allergy and subsequent allergic disease occur in some individuals but not in others. Transforming growth factor (TGF)-β is an important immunomodulatory and fibrogenic factor that regulates cellular processes in injured and inflamed skin. TGF-β has a significant role in the regulation of the allergen-induced immune response participating in the development of allergic and asthmatic inflammation. TGF-β is known to be an immunomodulatory factor in the progression of delayed type hypersensitivity reactions and allergic contact dermatitis. TGF-β is crucial in regulating the cellular responses involved in allergy, such as differentiation, proliferation and migration. TGF-β signals are delivered from the cytoplasm to the nucleus by TGF-β signal transducers called Smads. Smad3 is a major signal transducer in TGF-β -signalling that controls the expression of target genes in the nucleus in a cell-type specific manner. The role of TGF-β-Smad3 -signalling in the immunoregulation and pathophysiology of allergic disorders is still poorly understood. In this thesis, the role of TGF-β-Smad -signalling pathway using Smad3 -deficient knock out mice in the murine models of allergic diseases; atopic dermatitis, asthma and allergic contact reactions, was examined. Smad3-pathway regulates allergen induced skin inflammation and systemic IgE antibody production in a murine model atopic dermatitis. The defect in Smad3 -signalling decreased Th2 cytokine (IL-13 and IL-5) mRNA expression in the lung, modulated allergen induced specific IgG1 response, and affected mucus production in the lung in a murine model of asthma. TGF-β / Smad3 -signalling contributed to inflammatory hypersensitivity reactions and disease progression via modulation of chemokine and cytokine expression and inflammatory cell recruitment, cell proliferation and regulation of the specific antibody response in a murine model of contact hypersensitivity. TGF-β modulates inflammatory responses - at least partly through the Smad3 pathway - but also through other compensatory, non-Smad-dependent pathways. Understanding the effects of the TGF-β signalling pathway in the immune system and in disease models can help in elucidating the multilevel effects of TGF-β. Unravelling the mechanisms of Smad3 may open new possibilities for treating and preventing allergic responses, which may lead to severe illness and loss of work ability. In the future the Smad3 signalling pathway might be a potential target in the therapy of allergic diseases.


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Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) are a group of common chemicals that ubiquitously exist in wildlife and humans. Experimental data suggest that they may alter T-lymphocyte functioning in situ by preferentially enhancing the development of T-helper 2 (TH2)- and inhibiting TH1-lymphocyte development and might increase allergic inflammation, but few human studies have been conducted. To evaluate the association between serum PFAAs concentrations and T-lymphocyte-related immunological markers of asthma in children, and further to assess whether gender modified this association, 231 asthmatic children and 225 non-asthmatic control children from Northern Taiwan were recruited into the Genetic and Biomarker study for Childhood Asthma. Serum concentrations of ten PFAAs and levels of TH1 [interferon (IFN)-γ, interleukin (IL)-2] and TH2 (IL-4 and IL-5) cytokines were measured. The results showed that asthmatics had significantly higher serum PFAAs concentrations compared with the healthy controls. When stratified by gender, a greater number of significant associations between PFAAs and asthma outcomeswere found in males than in females. Among males, adjusted odds ratios for asthma among those with the highest versus lowest quartile of PFAAs exposure ranged from 2.59 (95% CI: 1.14, 5.87) for the perfluorobutanesulfonate (PFBS) to 4.38 (95% CI: 2.02, 9.50) for perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS); and serum PFAAs were associated positively with TH2 cytokines and inversely with TH1 cytokines among male asthmatics. Among females, no significant associations between PFAAs and TH2 cytokines could be detected. In conclusion, increased serum PFAAs levels may promote TH cell dysregulation and alter the availability of key TH1 and TH2 cytokines, ultimately contributing to the development of asthma that may differentially impact males to a greater degree than females. These results have potential relevance in asthma prevention.


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Exposure to water-damaged buildings and the associated health problems have evoked concern and created confusion during the past 20 years. Individuals exposed to moisture problem buildings report adverse health effects such as non-specific respiratory symptoms. Microbes, especially fungi, growing on the damp material have been considered as potential sources of the health problems encountered in these buildings. Fungi and their airborne fungal spores contain allergens and secondary metabolites which may trigger allergic as well as inflammatory types of responses in the eyes and airways. Although epidemiological studies have revealed an association between damp buildings and health problems, no direct cause-and-effect relationship has been established. Further knowledge is needed about the epidemiology and the mechanisms leading to the symptoms associated with exposure to fungi. Two different approaches have been used in this thesis in order to investigate the diverse health effects associated with exposure to moulds. In the first part, sensitization to moulds was evaluated and potential cross-reactivity studied in patients attending a hospital for suspected allergy. In the second part, one typical mould known to be found in water-damaged buildings and to produce toxic secondary metabolites was used to study the airway responses in an experimental model. Exposure studies were performed on both naive and allergen sensitized mice. The first part of the study showed that mould allergy is rare and highly dependent on the atopic status of the examined individual. The prevalence of sensitization was 2.7% to Cladosporium herbarum and 2.8% to Alternaria alternata in patients, the majority of whom were atopic subjects. Some of the patients sensitized to mould suffered from atopic eczema. Frequently the patients were observed to possess specific serum IgE antibodies to a yeast present in the normal skin flora, Pityrosporum ovale. In some of these patients, the IgE binding was partly found to be due to binding to shared glycoproteins in the mould and yeast allergen extracts. The second part of the study revealed that exposure to Stachybotrys chartarum spores induced an airway inflammation in the lungs of mice. The inflammation was characterized by an influx of inflammatory cells, mainly neutrophils and lymphocytes, into the lungs but with almost no differences in airway responses seen between the satratoxin producing and non-satratoxin producing strain. On the other hand, when mice were exposed to S. chartarum and sensitized/challenged with ovalbumin the extent of the inflammation was markedly enhanced. A synergistic increase in the numbers of inflammatory cells was seen in BAL and severe inflammation was observed in the histological lung sections. In conclusion, the results in this thesis imply that exposure to moulds in water damaged buildings may trigger health effects in susceptible individuals. The symptoms can rarely be explained by IgE mediated allergy to moulds. Other non-allergic mechanisms seem to be involved. Stachybotrys chartarum is one of the moulds potentially responsible for health problems. In this thesis, new reaction models for the airway inflammation induced by S. chartarum have been found using experimental approaches. The immunological status played an important role in the airway inflammation, enhancing the effects of mould exposure. The results imply that sensitized individuals may be more susceptible to exposure to moulds than non-sensitized individuals.


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The aim of the study was to compare the effect physical exercise and bright light has on mood in healthy, working-age subjects with varying degrees of depressive symptoms. Previous research suggests that exercise may have beneficial effects on mood at least in subjects with depression. Bright light exposure is an effective treatment of winter depression, and possibly of non-seasonal depression as well. Limited data exist on the effect of exercise and bright light on mood in non-clinical populations, and no research has been done on the combination of these interventions. Working-age subjects were recruited through occupational health centres and 244 subjects were randomized into intervention groups: exercise, either in bright light or normal lighting, and relaxation / stretching sessions, either in bright light or normal gym lighting. During the eight-week intervention in midwinter, subjects rated their mood using a self-rating version of the Hamilton Depression Scale with additional questions for atypical depressive symptoms. The main finding of the study was that both exercise and bright-light exposure were effective in treating depressive symptoms. When the interventions were combined, the relative reduction in the Hamilton Depression Scale was 40 to 66%, and in atypical depressive symptoms even higher, 45 to 85%. Bright light exposure was more effective than exercise in treating atypical depressive symptoms. No single factor could be found that would predict a good response to these interventions. In conclusion, aerobic physical exercise twice a week during wintertime was effective in treating depressive symptoms. Adding bright light exposure to exercise increased the benefit, especially by reducing atypical depressive symptoms. Since this is so, this treatment could prevent subsequent major depressive episodes among the population generally.


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Objective Australia has one of the highest skin cancer incidence and mortality rates in the world. Outdoor workers are a high risk group. Australian workplaces are undergoing large scale safety related changes, yet the mandate to provide specific sun safe practices remains absent. With much of the previous research aiming to improve sun safety in the workplace being quantitative in nature, relatively little is known about why certain sun safe strategies will or will not be successful in workplaces. Methods This qualitative article explores the enablers and barriers identified during an 18-month mixed methods project conducted in Queensland, Australia which aimed to improve workplace sun safe interventions. Results A variety of key enablers and barriers to implementing sun safe interventions in the workplace were identified, including presence of an engaged workplace champion, ownership and innovation by the workers. Conclusions These findings were part of a broader integration of interlinked qualitative and quantitative methods to yield a more complete picture of the determinants of the issue, implementation process and likelihood of changes at the workplace. Implications The paper provides guidance for public and occupational health practitioners on the selection of the most promising strategies when assisting workplaces to become sun safe.


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Driver fatigue has received increased attention during recent years and is now considered to be a major contributor to approximately 15â30% of all crashes. However, little is known about fatigue in city bus drivers. It is hypothesized that city bus drivers suffer from sleepiness, which is due to a combination of working conditions, lack of health and reduced sleep quantity and quality. The overall aim with the current study is to investigate if severe driver sleepiness, as indicated by subjective reports of having to fight sleep while driving, is a problem for city based bus drivers in Sweden and if so, to identify the determinants related to working conditions, health and sleep which contribute towards this. The results indicate that driver sleepiness is a problem for city bus drivers, with 19% having to fight to stay awake while driving the bus 2â3 times each week or more and nearly half experiencing this at least 2â4 times per month. In conclusion, severe sleepiness, as indicated by having to fight sleep during driving, was common among the city bus drivers. Severe sleepiness correlated with fatigue related safety risks, such as near crashes.


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AIM AND BACKGROUND: While the importance of morale is well researched in the nursing literature, strategies and interventions are not so prolific. The complexities of interpersonal relationships within the clinical domain, and the critical issues faced by nurses on a daily basis, indicate that morale, job satisfaction and motivation are essential components in improving workplace efficiency, output and communication amongst staff. Drawing on educational, organizational and psychological literature, this paper argues that the ability to inspire morale in staff is a fundamental indicator of sound leadership and managerial characteristics. EVALUATION AND KEY ISSUES: Four practical concepts that could be implemented in the clinical setting are proposed. These include: role preparation for managers, understanding internal and external motivation, fostering internal motivation in nursing staff, and the importance of attitude when investing in relationships.


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Background Australiaâs mineral, resource and infrastructure sectors continues to expand as operations in rural and remote locations increasingly rely on fly-in, fly-out or drive-in, drive-out workforces in order to become economically competitive. The issues in employing these workforces are becoming more apparent and include a range of physical, mental, psychosocial, safety and community challenges. Objectives This review aims to consolidate a range of research conducted to communicate potential challenges for industry in relation to a wide variety of issues when engaging and using FIFO/DIDO workforces which includes roster design, working hours, fatigue, safety performance, employee wellbeing, turnover, psychosocial relationships and community concerns. Methods A wide literature review was performed using EBSCOhost and Google Scholar, with a focus on FIFO or DIDO workforces engaged within the resources sector. Results A number of existing gaps in the management of FIFO workforces and potential for future research were identified. This included the identification of various roster designs and hours worked across the resources industry and how to best understand the influences of roster swings, and work hours on fatigue, safety, psychological wellbeing and job satisfaction. Fatigue management, particularly in relation to travelling after extended work shifts can increase the risk for road safety and influence safety performance while at work due to a culmination of long hours, roster cycle and accumulated sleep debt. Further challenges associated with the engagement of this workforce include feelings of isolation, physiological and general health and lifestyle concerns. Conclusions FIFO workforces appear to be at an increased risk physically and mentally due to a wide range of influences of this unique lifestyle, particularly in relation to rosters, length of shift and feelings of community disengagement. Research and data collected has been limited in understanding the influences on employee engagement, satisfaction, retention and safety. Ensuring the challenges associated with FIFO employment are understood, addressed and communicated to workers and their families may assist.