970 resultados para Norwegian newspapers


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Explosive ocean island volcanism in the Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian Sea (GIN Sea) is indicated by marine tephra layers at 10-300 ka. Peaks of explosive volcanism occurred in oxygen isotope stages 8, 7, 5 and 1. The depositional age of the tephra was estimated using the oxygen isotope stratigraphy and dating of marine records. Geochemical analyses of the tephra layers show that all originate from Iceland. Here we report the characteristics of tephra from these major Icelandic events in 30 deep-sea cores from the GIN Sea. Our findings provide constraints on the distribution of tephra from the eruption source. For the Vedde Ash (oxygen isotope stage 1) we estimate a minimum fallout area of 2*10**5 km**2, stretching from central Greenland in the west and southern Sweden in the east, to 71°N in the GIN Sea. The magnitude of the eruption and the regional wind conditions controlled the extent and concentrations of these ash fallout events. Oceanic circulation and differential settling may have affected the distribution and final deposition of ash particles such as bubble wall shards.


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The Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (Volgian-Ryazanian) was a period of a second-order sea-level low stand, and it provided excellent conditions for the formation of shallow marine black shales in the Norwegian-Greenland Seaway (NGS). IKU Petroleum Research drilling cores taken offshore along the Norwegian shelf were investigated with geochemical and microscopic approaches to (1) determine the composition of the organic matter, (2) characterize the depositional environments, and (3) discuss the mechanisms which may have controlled production, accumulation, and preservation of the organic matter. The black shale sequences show a wide range of organic carbon contents (0.5-7.0 wt %) and consist of thermally immature organic matter of type II to II/III kerogen. Rock-Eval pyrolysis revealed fair to very good petroleum source rock potential, suggesting a deposition in restricted shallow marine basins. Well-developed lamination and the formation of autochthonous pyrite framboids further indicate suboxic to anoxic bottom water conditions. In combination with very low sedimentation rates it seems likely that preservation was the principal control on organic matter accumulation. However, a decrease of organic carbon preservation and an increase of refractory organic matter from the Volgian to the Hauterivian are superimposed on short-term variations (probably reflecting Milankovitch cycles). Various parameters indicate that black shale formation in the NGS was gradually terminated by increased oxidative conditions in the course of a sea-level rise.


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High-, i.e. 15-140-yr-resolution climate records from sediment cores 23071, 23074, and PS2644 from the Nordic Seas were used to recon:;truct changes in the surface and deep water circulation during marine isotope stages 1-5.1, i.e. the last 82 000 yr. From this the causal links between the paleoceanographic signals and the Dansgaard-Oeschger events 1-21 revealed in 0180-ice-core records from Greenland were determined. The stratigraphy of the cores is based on the planktic 0180 curves, the minima of which were directly correlated with the GISP2-0180 record, numerous AMS 14C ages, and some ash layers. The planktic d18O and dl3C curves of all three cores reveal numerous meltwater events, the most pronounced of which were assigned to the Heinrich events 1-6. The meltwater events, among other things also accompanied by cold sea surface temperatures and high IRD concentration, correlate with the stadial phases of the Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles and in the western Iceland Sea also to colder periods or abrupt drops in 0180 within a few longer interstadials. Besides being more numerous, the meltwater events also show isotope values lighter in the Iceland Sea than in the central Norwegian Sea, especially if compared to core 23071. This implies a continuous inflow of relative warm Atlantic water into the Norwegian Sea and a cyclonic circulation regime.


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The ongoing process of ocean acidification already affects marine life and, according to the concept of oxygen- and capacity limitation of thermal tolerance (OCLTT), these effects may be exacerbated at the boarders of the thermal tolerance window. We studied the effects of elevated CO2 concentrations on clapping performance and energy metabolism of the commercially important scallop Pecten maximus. Individuals were exposed for at least 30 days to 4°C (winter) or to 10°C (spring/summer) at either ambient (0.04 kPa, normocapnia) or predicted future PCO2 levels (0.11 kPa, hypercapnia). Cold (4°C) exposed groups revealed thermal stress exacerbated by PCO2 indicated by a high mortality overall and its increase from 55% under normocapnia to 90% under hypercapnia. We therefore excluded the 4°C groups from further experimentation. Scallops at 10°C showed impaired clapping performance following hypercapnic exposure. Force production was significantly reduced although the number of claps was unchanged between normo- and hypercapnia exposed scallops. The difference between maximal and resting metabolic rate (aerobic scope) of the hypercapnic scallops was significantly reduced compared to normocapnic animals, indicating a reduction in net aerobic scope. Our data confirm that ocean acidification narrows the thermal tolerance range of scallops resulting in elevated vulnerability to temperature extremes and impairs the animal's performance capacity with potentially detrimental consequences for its fitness and survival in the ocean of tomorrow.


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Between 1914 and 1923, and in general during the 1910s and 1920s, important changes occurred in the Asturian press that can be seen, for example, in the type of dailies which achieved certain readership levels. The form and number of pages evolved, images became more common, so-called citizen journalism was more freely practised, and there was a trend -when there was an opportunity- towards publishing articles which involved the author travelling to distant lands. Simultaneously, the consideration of sport as a show and the treatment given to other content both helped outline a new media scenario.


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This poster addresses frequently asked questions regarding the Historic Maryland Newspapers Project, such as "What is the National Digital Newspaper Program?" and "How are titles selected for digitization?" It also provides information about the project's funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), newspaper titles digitized by the project to date, and the future of the project. This poster was presented at the UMD Libraries Research & Innovative Practice Forum, McKeldin Library, June 8, 2016.


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As a result of globalization, two thirds of the world’s business takes place nowadays in the service sector. In line, professional service firms are growing their share of the global service production. However, saturation of the professional service sector has forced professional service firms to search for more heuristic ways to conduct business in the international markets. By leveraging effectively the firm’s professionals, a professional service firm can lower its costs to clients and simultaneously generate additional value for the company and thus gain competitive advantage. Even though the academic field has shown growing interest towards services for decades, the fields of service productization and service internationalization are heavily understudied even today. Hence, the objective of this study was to contribute to the research on professional service internationalization and productization. The study concentrated on examining the impact that productization has on knowledge sharing and leveraging in professional service firms operating internationally. The research question focused on examining what implications productization has on knowledge transfer and leveraging during professional service internationalization by leaning on the existing research and on an empirical research. The empirical research was conducted as a single case study within a professional service firm operating in debt-related administrative service business. The case company is one of the leading operators in its field of business and therefore offered a fruitful environment to observe and analyze the topics in question. Additionally, the case company has a strong international presence and a large scale of operations in the selected markets, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Based on the previous literature and on the empirical research, this study found that for professional service firms to efficiently utilize individual, tacit knowledge, in its internationalization processes, it must be shared with the whole organization. By exploiting productization as a knowledge leveraging mechanism, a PSF can apply and transfer knowledge profoundly during its internationalization processes that would otherwise be difficult to tap into. Productization might not be sufficient alone, but by complementing it with a favorable organizational structure and culture, and by encouraging open communication, a PSF may take advantage of the whole potential that productization has to offer.


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Presentation from the MARAC conference in Baltimore, MD on October 16–18, 2014. S15 - Wikipedia: Getting Involved and Increasing Discoverability.