828 resultados para Naturalização, aspectos jurídicos, Brasil


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Incui notas explicativas, bibliográficas e bibliografia


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Inclui notas explicativas, bibliográficas e bibliografia


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Texto resultado de consultoria prestada ao Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento -BID pelo autor


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Esta tese estuda a tradição e transmissão religiosa da Congregação Cristã no Brasil, numa área de maior vulnerabilidade social, a partir da instituição e dos sujeitos. A reprodução religiosa, na modernidade contemporânea, é dificultada pela capacidade diminuída das instituições religiosas de regular as crenças dos seus fiéis, e esta capacidade é analisada no caso da Congregação Cristã no Brasil, num bairro de alta vulnerabilidade social, na fronteira entre São Bernardo do Campo e Diadema. São estudadas as dimensões sociais da Congregação Cristã no Brasil, a partir de um olhar estatístico do campo pentecostal brasileiro. É analisada a realidade social local e elaborada a situação periférica específica do bairro estudado. Uma etnografia do culto da Congregação Cristã fornece os dados para análise dos atores no culto, do processo ritual, e da função do culto para a articulação da identidade religiosa. Finalmente é elaborada, a partir de entrevistas em profundidade e detida observação de campo, uma etnografia dos sujeitos membros da Congregação Cristã, homens e mulheres, em situações diferenciadas de vulnerabilidade. Analisa-se quais redes sociais, internas na Congregação Cristã no Brasil e externas, estes membros criam e até onde as doutrinas e práticas da Congregação, transmitidas no rito, dispositivo de reprodução institucional por excelência, conseguem formar a subjetividade dos seus fiéis, entendida como complexo conjunto de percepção, afeto, pensamento, desejo e medo.(AU)


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The research that led to this dissertation adopted a set of scenic/ideological aspects inherent to the productions of the Culture Industry as its object of research. The intellectual output of Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer underscored the approaches on this subject, since it provides the same set of scenic/ideological features to be explored because, according to the authors, scenes produced by the culture industry are linked to the dominant ideology, since they act in favor of maintaining the status quo. The first objective was the definition this set of features inherent to the scene produced by the culture industry, through the exploration of literature produced by Adorno and Horkheimer, so it was possible to define a set composed of nine elements: Construction of characters as characteristic types; Stereotypes; Naturalization of Stereotyped language; Simplistic playwriting; Reuse dramatic formula; Love and sexuality as themes of plots; Utilization of tragic element; Objetive representation; Approximation of fiction and reality. The second goal was the analysis of scene produced by the culture industry nowadays, so that it was possible to verify if any scenic/ideological aspects indicated by Adorno and Horkheimer in the mid-twentieth century were present among the productions from this beginning of the twenty-first century. Through the analysis of three soap operas produced in Brazil in 2012, it was found that the nine scenic/ideological aspects as indicated by Adorno and Horkheimer appeared in the observed productions. Additionally, a new scenic/ideological feature, not indicated by Adorno and Horkheimer is present: the merchandising


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"Reúnem-se neste volume trabalhos jurídicos publicados pelo autor em várias revistas de direito".


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pòs-Graduação em Direito, 2015.


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Biological aspects of the blackmouth bass Synagrops bellus from the outer shelf and upper slope along the coast of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, are presented. The species represented about 71.6% and 9.7% in number of the total catch performed by balloom trawl in the isobaths of 300m and 500m respectively. Body sizes of 266 individuals ranged between 130 and 265mm total length, with sex ratio of 55.9% males, and 44.1% females, where most individuals were in maturation stage. Twenty two food items were found, pointing out Myctophidae fishes, Penaeidea and Caridea shrimps, Brachyuran megalopae, Enoploteuthidae and Cranchiidae cephalopods, pteropods and tunicates. The intestinal coefficient increases as the body size increase, and the number of gill rakers ranged between 16 and 17. Length-weight relationship was WT = 6.0 x 10-6 x TL3.12, r2 = 0.9495. Synagrops bellus is an important link between zooplankton and micronekton, and demersal and pelagic predators in the outer shelf and upper slope in southwestern Brazilian coast.


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The research that led to this dissertation adopted a set of scenic/ideological aspects inherent to the productions of the Culture Industry as its object of research. The intellectual output of Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer underscored the approaches on this subject, since it provides the same set of scenic/ideological features to be explored because, according to the authors, scenes produced by the culture industry are linked to the dominant ideology, since they act in favor of maintaining the status quo. The first objective was the definition this set of features inherent to the scene produced by the culture industry, through the exploration of literature produced by Adorno and Horkheimer, so it was possible to define a set composed of nine elements: Construction of characters as characteristic types; Stereotypes; Naturalization of Stereotyped language; Simplistic playwriting; Reuse dramatic formula; Love and sexuality as themes of plots; Utilization of tragic element; Objetive representation; Approximation of fiction and reality. The second goal was the analysis of scene produced by the culture industry nowadays, so that it was possible to verify if any scenic/ideological aspects indicated by Adorno and Horkheimer in the mid-twentieth century were present among the productions from this beginning of the twenty-first century. Through the analysis of three soap operas produced in Brazil in 2012, it was found that the nine scenic/ideological aspects as indicated by Adorno and Horkheimer appeared in the observed productions. Additionally, a new scenic/ideological feature, not indicated by Adorno and Horkheimer is present: the merchandising


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Female hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) nesting along the southeastcoastline of Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil (6º13'40"S, 35º03'05"W) were captured and weighed during the four months from January to April 2007, in the course of the annual egglaying season, which extended from 06 rd November 2006 to 30 rd May 2007. In all, 99 weight measurements were performed. On first contact the females exhibited an average post-oviposition weight of 79.1 kg (range 56.2-98.9 kg, SD = 10.9 kg, n = 44 females). Those individuals which were subsequently recaptured showed a mean weight loss of 1.7 kg (range 0.7-4.5 kg, SD = 1.0 kg, n = 39 sets of measurements on 20 females) in the interval between two consecutive post-ovipositions, separated by a maximum time interval of 17 days. In the cases where the female aborted the nesting process, the pre-oviposition weight was measured. The clutch weight, that is to say, the weight loss between consecutive pre-oviposition and post-oviposition measurements (separated by a maximum time interval of 3 days), was found to be 5.2 kg (range 4.3-6.0 kg, SD = 0.9 kg, n = 6 sets of measurements). This value is significantly higher (t-test, p<0.001) than the loss between two consecutive post-oviposition measurements with the same female. The mean recovery in body weight, that is to say, the average gain in weight between successive post-oviposition and pre-oviposition captures of the same individual (separated by a time interval of 12 to 17 days), was found to be 3.0 kg (range 1.9-4.3 kg, SD = 1.0 kg, n = 4 sets of measurements) Although the small sample size makes it unwise to generalise, the recovery in body weight was found to be always significantly lower (t-test, p<0.005) than the clutch weight. This fact is in agreement with the observed weight loss tendency throughout the breeding season for this species. Considering the clutch weight and the internidal recovery in body weight we found that the total weight loss of the adult hawksbill females after three to five nesting events varied from 10.4% (range 8.7-11.9%, SD = 1.6%, n = 3) to 14.1% (range 11.8-15.4%, SD = 1.3%, n = 6) in relation to their initial pre-oviposition weight. If there were no body weight recovery during the internesting interval we estimate that a female that nests three to five times in the course of the season would lose from 19% to 31% of its initial weight. We emphasise that our clutch weight estimate was performed by weighing the females and not by multiplying the number of eggs in the nest by their average unit weight. In this way, our measurements take into account the loss of liquid during the oviposition. Despite the unequivocal evidence of body weight recovery during the internidal interval, it is not clear if the cause of this process is rehydration or feeding


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento do mercado de madeira e celulose no Brasil e na Região Norte. O modelo de análise proposto inclui as variáveis relevantes que determinam a oferta e a demanda de madeira e celulose, assim como as expectativas sobre a formação de preços. Os resultados mostram que tanto a oferta quanto a demanda de celulose são inelásticas a preço. Isto significa que tanto o produtor quanto o consumidor fazem ajuste nas quantidades ofertada e demandada em proporção inferior às variações de preço. Outro fato relevante é que a demanda de celulose na Região Norte é perfeitamente inelástica à renda, indicando que o consumo não reage às mudanças na renda do consumidor. A conclusão que se tira dos resultados é que o setor torna-se muito vulnerável às mudanças de política tributária e cambial que incidem diretamente sobre a circulação do produto para mercados interno e internacional.