998 resultados para Modelos de Location-Allocation
Sex differences in cognition have been largely investigated. The most consistent sex differences favoring females are observed in object location memory involving the left hemisphere whereas the most consistent sex differences favoring males are observed in tasks that require mental rotation involving the right hemisphere. Here we used a task involving these two abilities to see the impact of mental rotation on object location memory. To that end we used a combination of behavioral and event-related potential (ERP) electroencephalography (EEG) measures.A computer screen displayed a square frame of 4 pairs of images (a "teddy" bear, a shoe, an umbrella and a lamp) randomly arranged around a central fixation cross. After a 10-second interval for memorization, images disappeared and were replaced by a test frame with no image but a random pair of two locations marked in black. In addition, this test frame was randomly displayed either in the original orientation (0° rotation) or in the rotated one (90° clockwise - CW - or 90° counterclockwise - CCW). Preceding the test frame, an arrow indicating the presence or the absence of rotation of the frame was displayed on the screen. The task of the participants (15 females and 15 males) was to determine if two marked locations corresponded or not to a pair of identical images. Each response was followed by feedback.Findings showed no significant sex differences in the performance of the original orientation. In comparison with this position, the rotation of the frame produced an equal decrease of male and female performance. In addition, this decrease was significantly higher when the rotation of the frame was in a CCW direction. We further assessed the ERP when the arrow indicated the direction of rotation as stimulus-onset, during four time windows representing major components C1, P1, N1 and N2. Although no sex differences were observed in performance, brain activities differed according to sex. Enhanced amplitudes were found for the CCW compared to CW rotation over the right posterior areas for the P1, N1 and N2 components for men as well as for women. Major topographical differences related to sex were measured for the CW rotation condition as marked lateralized amplitude: left-hemisphere amplitude larger than right one was measured during P1 time range for men. These similar patterns prolonged from P1 to N1 for women. Early distinctions were found in interaction with sex between CCW and CW waveform amplitudes, expressing over anterior electrode sites during C1 time range (0-50 ms post-stimulus).In conclusion (i) women do not outperform men in object location memory in this study (absence of rotation condition); (ii) mental rotation, in particular the direction of rotation, influences performance on object location memory; (iii) CCW rotation is associated with activity in the right parietal hemisphere whereas the CW rotation involves the left parietal hemisphere; (iv) this last effect is less pronounced in males, which could explain why greater involvement of right parietal areas in men and of bilateral posterior areas in women is generally reported in mental rotation tasks; and (v) the early distinctions between both directions of rotation located over anterior sites could be related to sex differences in their respective involvement of control mechanisms.
This study examines parental time investment in their children, distinguishing between developmental and non-developmental care. Our analyses centre on three influential determinants: educational background, marital homogamy, and spouses' relative bargaining power. We find that the emphasis on quality care time is correlated with parents' education, and that marital homogamy reduces couple specialization, but only among the highly educated. In line with earlier research, we identify gendered parental behaviour. The presence of boys is an important condition for fathers' time dedication, but primarly among lower educated fathers. To the extent that parental stimulation is decisive for child outcomes, our findings suggest the persistence of important inequalities. This emerges through our special attention to behavioural differences across the educational distribution among households.
This research report concerns about the post-doctoral activities, conducted betweenSeptember 2010 and March 2011 at the University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. It comes to identify the consequences of the convergence phenomenon on photojournalism.Thus, in a more general approach, the effort is to to recovery the structural elements of the convergence concept in journalism. It aims to map, as well, the current debates about the repositioning of photographic practices linked to the news produced in a widespread adoption of digital devices in contemporary workflow. It is also specified,the analysis of photographic collectives as a result of the convergence frameworkapplied to photojournalism; the debate on ways of funding; alternatives facing thealleged crisis of press photography and, finally, proposes to create qualifying stages ofdevelopment of photojournalism in the digital age as well as the proposition of hypotheses concerning the structure of the productive routines. In addition, we present three cases to be analyzed in order to explore and verify the occurrence ofcharacteristics that may identify the object of research in the state of practice. Finally,we work in a series of conclusions, revisiting the main hypotheses. With this strategy, ispossible to define an sequence of analysis capable of addressing the characteristics present in the studied cases and other ones in future, thus, be able to affirm this stage as a step, in the continuous historical course of photojournalism.
We present a polyhedral framework for establishing general structural properties on optimal solutions of stochastic scheduling problems, where multiple job classes vie for service resources: the existence of an optimal priority policy in a given family, characterized by a greedoid (whose feasible class subsets may receive higher priority), where optimal priorities are determined by class-ranking indices, under restricted linear performance objectives (partial indexability). This framework extends that of Bertsimas and Niño-Mora (1996), which explained the optimality of priority-index policies under all linear objectives (general indexability). We show that, if performance measures satisfy partial conservation laws (with respect to the greedoid), which extend previous generalized conservation laws, then the problem admits a strong LP relaxation over a so-called extended greedoid polytope, which has strong structural and algorithmic properties. We present an adaptive-greedy algorithm (which extends Klimov's) taking as input the linear objective coefficients, which (1) determines whether the optimal LP solution is achievable by a policy in the given family; and (2) if so, computes a set of class-ranking indices that characterize optimal priority policies in the family. In the special case of project scheduling, we show that, under additional conditions, the optimal indices can be computed separately for each project (index decomposition). We further apply the framework to the important restless bandit model (two-action Markov decision chains), obtaining new index policies, that extend Whittle's (1988), and simple sufficient conditions for their validity. These results highlight the power of polyhedral methods (the so-called achievable region approach) in dynamic and stochastic optimization.
The earning structure in science is known to be flat relative to the one in the private sector, which could cause a brain drain toward the private sector. In this paper, we assume that agents value both money and fame and study the role of the institution of science in the allocation of talent between the science sector and the private sector. Following works on the Sociology of Science, we model the institution of science as a mechanism distributing fame (i.e. peer recognition). We show that since the intrinsic performance is less noisy signal of talent in the science sector than in the private sector, a good institution of science can mitigate the brain drain. We also find that providing extra monetary incentives through the market might undermine the incentives provided by the institution and thereby worsen the brain drain. Finally, we study the optimal balance between monetary and non-monetary incentives in science.
If financial deepening aids economic growth, then financial repression should be harmful. We use a natural experiment – the change in the English usury laws in 1714 – to analyze the effects of interest rate restrictions. We use a sample of individual loan transactions to demonstrate how the reduction of the legal maximum rate of interest affected the supply and demand for credit. Average loan size and minimum loan size increased strongly, and access to credit worsened for those with little ‘social capital.’ While we have no direct evidence that loans were misallocated, the discontinuity in loan receipts makes this highly likely. We conclude that financial repression can undermine the positive effects of financial deepening.
In this paper we propose a metaheuristic to solve a new version of the Maximum Capture Problem. In the original MCP, market capture is obtained by lower traveling distances or lower traveling time, in this new version not only the traveling time but also the waiting time will affect the market share. This problem is hard to solve using standard optimization techniques. Metaheuristics are shown to offer accurate results within acceptable computing times.
The position of a gene in the genome may have important consequences for its function. Therefore, when a new duplicate gene arises, its location may be critical in determining its fate. Our recent work in humans, mouse, and Drosophila provided a test by studying the patterns of duplication in sex chromosome evolution. We revealed a bias in the generation and recruitment of new gene copies involving the X chromosome that has been shaped largely by selection for male germline functions. The gene movement patterns we observed reflect an ongoing process as some of the new genes are very young while others were present before the divergence of humans and mouse. This suggests a continuing redistribution of male-related genes to achieve a more efficient allocation of male functions. This notion should be further tested in organisms employing other sex determination systems or in organisms differing in germline sex chromosome inactivation. It is likely that the selective forces that were detected in these studies are also acting on other types of duplicate genes. As a result, future work elucidating sex chromosome differentiation by other mutational mechanisms will shed light on this important process.
Sex differences in cognition have been largely investigated. The most consistent sex differences favoring females are observed in object location memory involving the left hemisphere whereas the most consistent sex differences favoring males are observed in tasks that require mental rotation involving the right hemisphere. Here we used a task involving these two abilities to see the impact of mental rotation on object location memory. To that end we used a combination of behavioral and event-related potential (ERP) electroencephalography (EEG) measures.A computer screen displayed a square frame of 4 pairs of images (a "teddy" bear, a shoe, an umbrella and a lamp) randomly arranged around a central fixation cross. After a 10-second interval for memorization, images disappeared and were replaced by a test frame with no image but a random pair of two locations marked in black. In addition, this test frame was randomly displayed either in the original orientation (0° rotation) or in the rotated one (90° clockwise - CW - or 90° counterclockwise - CCW). Preceding the test frame, an arrow indicating the presence or the absence of rotation of the frame was displayed on the screen. The task of the participants (15 females and 15 males) was to determine if two marked locations corresponded or not to a pair of identical images. Each response was followed by feedback.Findings showed no significant sex differences in the performance of the original orientation. In comparison with this position, the rotation of the frame produced an equal decrease of male and female performance. In addition, this decrease was significantly higher when the rotation of the frame was in a CCW direction. We further assessed the ERP when the arrow indicated the direction of rotation as stimulus-onset, during four time windows representing major components C1, P1, N1 and N2. Although no sex differences were observed in performance, brain activities differed according to sex. Enhanced amplitudes were found for the CCW compared to CW rotation over the right posterior areas for the P1, N1 and N2 components for men as well as for women. Major topographical differences related to sex were measured for the CW rotation condition as marked lateralized amplitude: left-hemisphere amplitude larger than right one was measured during P1 time range for men. These similar patterns prolonged from P1 to N1 for women. Early distinctions were found in interaction with sex between CCW and CW waveform amplitudes, expressing over anterior electrode sites during C1 time range (0-50 ms post-stimulus).In conclusion (i) women do not outperform men in object location memory in this study (absence of rotation condition); (ii) mental rotation, in particular the direction of rotation, influences performance on object location memory; (iii) CCW rotation is associated with activity in the right parietal hemisphere whereas the CW rotation involves the left parietal hemisphere; (iv) this last effect is less pronounced in males, which could explain why greater involvement of right parietal areas in men and of bilateral posterior areas in women is generally reported in mental rotation tasks; and (v) the early distinctions between both directions of rotation located over anterior sites could be related to sex differences in their respective involvement of control mechanisms.
Propomos com este trabalho contribuir para a compreensão da influência da identificação étnica e dos modelos relacionais no bem-estar de adolescentes residentes em Portugal. Os dados foram recolhidos através de questionários de auto-preenchimento por setenta adolescentes com idades compreendidas entre os 15 e os 25 anos em contexto recreativo. No questionário, para avaliar as origens étnicas usou-se a escala Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measures (versão reduzida; MEIM) e medidas comportamentais (música e constituição do grupo de amigos); para analisar os modelos relacionais nos grupos (com família, amigos e professores) foi usada uma escala de Lickel et al (2006); e para avaliar o bem-estar utilizamos a escala de bem-estar psicológico inserida no KIDSCREN-27 (instrumento que avalia a qualidade de vida em crianças e adolescentes) traduzido e adaptado para Portugal (Gaspar & Matos, 2008). Em relação ao bem-estar, os resultados indicam um elevado nível de bem-estar psicológico nos adolescentes, independentemente do seu grupo étnico. Verificaram-se diferenças significativas ao nível das preferências musicais, embora se destaque uma preferência pelo género “ritmos africanos” quer pelos grupos étnicos minoritários, quer pelo grupo maioritário. No que concerne aos modelos relacionais, identificaram-se algumas correlações significativas com a identidade étnica, ao contrário do verificado com o bem-estar, onde não se encontraram correlações. São discutidas as principais conclusões do estudo à luz da literatura e reflecte-se sobre as implicações para os grupos quer maioritários quer minoritários da experiência de contextos jovens interculturais.
O presente estudo parte de uma questão orientadora da qual nos conduziu à elaboração de três objectivos específicos. O primeiro objectivo procura analisar as perspectivas teórico-conceptuais sobre avaliação institucional; o segundo, tenta analisar a realidade cabo-verdiana ao nível dos normativos sobre avaliação institucional no ensino superior, o terceiro procura compreender as perspectivas de diferentes gestores da Uni-CV e do Ministério do Ensino Superior, Ciência e Inovação (MESCI) sobre avaliação institucional. Na concecussão destes objectivos começámos por abordar, teoricamente, a avaliação institucional em estreita ligação com os conceitos-chave a ela inerentes: auto-avaliação e avaliação externa, os seus paradigmas, modelos e práticas. A abordagem e análise de literatura lida remeteu-nos para a necessidade de elaborar um roteiro de entrevista, tendo em vista a recolha de dados de opinião dos actores visados. As entrevistas foram administradas a um total de oito (8) gestores/adminstradores da Uni-CV e MESCI. As conclusões do nosso estudo, e de acordo com a metodologia utilizada, apontam que, apesar de existir o reconhecimento de que a avaliação institucional, na Uni-CV, quer auto-avaliação quer avaliação externa, serem indispensáveis para monitorar o desempenho e obter subsídios para a melhoria, não é ainda uma prática consolidada em todos os dominios da actuação. Não encontramos na Universidade de Cabo Verde um dispositivo que regula global e exclusivamente a avaliação institucional, mas não existe um total vazio regulamentar nesta matéria. Não existe um consenso quanto a periodicidade, tal deve proceder-se de acordo com as modalidades adoptadas. Depreende-se que quanto ao perfil, os avaliadores internos devem ser especialistas na área, e os avaliadores externos pessoal credenciado reconhecido a nivel internacional. Avaliação deve-se fazer com base na combinação dos instrumentos, recorrendo às técnicas e métodos diversificados. No que diz respeito a existência de avaliação institucional e uma cultura de avaliação, induz-se que é vista, por um lado, numa relação que reflecte a sua legitimidade e aceitação e por outro, numa relação de punição e de censura social.
(Introdução) Este ensaio enquadra-se num estudo para determinar modelo(s) de sistema de rega gota a gota que melhor satisfaz as exigências agronómicas e hídricas de uma serie de hortícola cultivadas em Cabo Verde. O objectivo principal do presente trabalho é estudar seis modelos diferentes de sistemas de rega gota a gota para determinar o de maior resultado sobre a produtividade da cenoura var. Brasília. (Material e método): o estudo foi levado a cabo entre Fevereiro e Maio de 2004, nas Estações experimentais do INIDA em S. Jorge dos Órgãos e em Tarrafal (Ilha de Santiago). Instalou-se sistema de rega gota a gota combinando diversos materiais: secundária em tubos Lay-falt e em polietileno (PE) e, laterais em tubo T-tape e tubo PE de 16mm com gotejadores de diferentes débitos e espaçamentos montados em linha; O dispositivo experimental adoptado é o de blocos aleatórios completos com seis tratamentos e três repetições. A sementeira efectuo-se nos dois lados do tubo sobre camalhão levantado para o efeito. Efectuaram-se desbastes deixando as plantas a 5 cm entre si, para uma densidade de 571.428 plantas/há. Os dados foram estatisticamente analisados e os resultados demonstraram melhor rendimento em frutos comercializáveis, tanto em S. Jorge como no Tarrafal, no modelo T1 = Tubo PE 40 mm c/ T-tape 500-20-500 ( 21,4 e 21,2 t/há respectivamente) Coeficiente de Pearson; p<0,05), sendo a produção influenciada de forma positiva pela uniformidade de rega (Correlação parcial; p=0,08).
INTRODUÇÃO As culturas geralmente apresentam um desenvolvimento e rendimento intensamente influenciados pelas condições do clima e da humidade do solo. A deficiência de água no solo é, frequentemente, o factor mais limitante para a obtenção de altos rendimentos, embora o excesso pode, também, ser prejudicial, ou perante o uso da má qualidade de água, a salinização do solo. Assim para que a gestão de irrigação se processe dentro de um critério racional, é necessário o controle da humidade do solo, durante todo o ciclo da cultura para, deste modo, determinar o momento da irrigação e a quantidade de água a ser aplicada. Com este propósito é necessário o conhecimento do complexo fenómeno da interacção solo-planta – clima. Em Cabo Verde, geralmente os agricultores utilizam uma mesma instalação de rega para um leque grande de hortícolas cujas distâncias de plantação diferem grandemente de espécie para espécie. O INIDA vem desenvolvendo uma pesquisa que engloba uma sucessão de ensaios com varias hortícolas sobre os mesmos modelos de instalação com o objectivo principal de encontrar modelo (s) de sistema de rega gota a gota de maior resultado sobre a produtividade das hortícolas em geral.
One of the assumptions of the Capacitated Facility Location Problem (CFLP) is thatdemand is known and fixed. Most often, this is not the case when managers take somestrategic decisions such as locating facilities and assigning demand points to thosefacilities. In this paper we consider demand as stochastic and we model each of thefacilities as an independent queue. Stochastic models of manufacturing systems anddeterministic location models are put together in order to obtain a formula for thebacklogging probability at a potential facility location.Several solution techniques have been proposed to solve the CFLP. One of the mostrecently proposed heuristics, a Reactive Greedy Adaptive Search Procedure, isimplemented in order to solve the model formulated. We present some computationalexperiments in order to evaluate the heuristics performance and to illustrate the use ofthis new formulation for the CFLP. The paper finishes with a simple simulationexercise.
The educational system in Spain is undergoing a reorganization. At present, high-school graduates who want to enroll at a public university must take a set of examinations Pruebas de Aptitud para el Acceso a la Universidad (PAAU). A "new formula" (components, weights, type of exam,...) for university admission is been discussed. The present paper summarizes part of the research done by the author in her PhD. The context for this thesis is the evaluation of large-scale and complex systems of assessment. The main objectives were: to achieve a deep knowledge of the entire university admissions process in Spain, to discover the main sources of uncertainty and topromote empirical research in a continual improvement of the entire process. Focusing in the suitable statistical models and strategies which allow to high-light the imperfections of the system and reduce them, the paper develops, among other approaches, some applications of multilevel modeling.