867 resultados para Media-education


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The present study examined the occupational aspirations of sixth-grade children in terms of occupational category, minimum education level and gender. In addition, the study identified the sources of occupational information used by the children and the factors they thought could influence them toward or away from a job. The study found that all of the children were able to express occupational aspirations. While the children obtained occupational information from a range of sources, including the media and family, the source most likely to influence them toward or away from choosing a job was family.


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A 3-year-old girl is brought to your office by her mother because she has a fever and complains that her ear hurts. She has no significant medical history. The child is not pleased to be in the physician's office and has been crying. Her mother explains that she developed a cold about 3 days ago with sniffles. Her temperature is 37.8 degreesC (100 degreesF), and the rest of the physical examination is completed with some difficulty. The only abnormalities are slight redness of the throat. a nose full of thick green mucus, and injected tympanic membranes. You wonder what findings other than red tympanic membranes should lead you to diagnose otitis media and also consider the recent controversy about whether to treat acute otitis media (AOM) with antibiotics.


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RECENT ANXIETY about the treatment of acute otitis media has been precipitated by a resistance to antibiotics by the common pathogens that can cause this infection.1, 2 The medical profession is facing an increasingly impotent option in the form of antibiotics, prompting physicians around the world to consider alternatives. In this issue of the ARCHIVES, Pichichero and Poole3 have undertaken a comprehensive study involving pediatricians and otorhinologists. The objectives were to assess their recognition of the physical findings of acute otitis media and their ability to perform myringotomy. The principal issue is the safety of performing myringotomy in children with acute otitis media. Because this is an office procedure in which a general anesthetic is not administered, the child is strapped to a papoose board and held down. Myringotomy is not without potential serious complications. The superior part of the middle ear cavity contains the ossicles and the chorda tympani branch . . . [Full Text of this Article]


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This special issue presents an excellent opportunity to study applied epistemology in public policy. This is an important task because the arena of public policy is the social domain in which macro conditions for ‘knowledge work’ and ‘knowledge industries’ are defined and created. We argue that knowledge-related public policy has become overly concerned with creating the politico-economic parameters for the commodification of knowledge. Our policy scope is broader than that of Fuller (1988), who emphasizes the need for a social epistemology of science policy. We extend our focus to a range of policy documents that include communications, science, education and innovation policy (collectively called knowledge-related public policy in acknowledgement of the fact that there is no defined policy silo called ‘knowledge policy’), all of which are central to policy concerned with the ‘knowledge economy’ (Rooney and Mandeville, 1998). However, what we will show here is that, as Fuller (1995) argues, ‘knowledge societies’ are not industrial societies permeated by knowledge, but that knowledge societies are permeated by industrial values. Our analysis is informed by an autopoietic perspective. Methodologically, we approach it from a sociolinguistic position that acknowledges the centrality of language to human societies (Graham, 2000). Here, what we call ‘knowledge’ is posited as a social and cognitive relationship between persons operating on and within multiple social and non-social (or, crudely, ‘physical’) environments. Moreover, knowing, we argue, is a sociolinguistically constituted process. Further, we emphasize that the evaluative dimension of language is most salient for analysing contemporary policy discourses about the commercialization of epistemology (Graham, in press). Finally, we provide a discourse analysis of a sample of exemplary texts drawn from a 1.3 million-word corpus of knowledge-related public policy documents that we compiled from local, state, national and supranational legislatures throughout the industrialized world. Our analysis exemplifies a propensity in policy for resorting to technocratic, instrumentalist and anti-intellectual views of knowledge in policy. We argue that what underpins these patterns is a commodity-based conceptualization of knowledge, which is underpinned by an axiology of narrowly economic imperatives at odds with the very nature of knowledge. The commodity view of knowledge, therefore, is flawed in its ignorance of the social systemic properties of ��knowing’.


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The importance of education and experience to the successful performance of new firms is well recognized both by management practitioners and academics. Yet empirical research to support the significance of this relationship is inconclusive. This paper discusses theories describing the relationship between education and experience and firm performance. It also analyses and classifies the differing measures of performance, education and experience, and compares the results of multiple studies undertaken between 1977 and 2000. Possible reasons for conflicting results are identified, such as lack of sound theoretical bases that relate education and experience to performance, varying definitions of the key variables and the diversity of measures used. Finally, a framework is developed that incorporates variables that interact with experience and education to influence new venture performance.


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Many coral reef fish are beautifully coloured and the reflectance spectra of their colour patterns may include UVa wavelengths (315-400 nm) that are largely invisible to the human eye (Losey, G. S., Cronin, T. W., Goldsmith, T. H., David, H., Marshall, N. J., & McFarland, W.N, (1999). The uv visual world of fishes: a review. Journal of Fish Biology, 54, 921-943; Marshall, N. J. & Oberwinkler, J. (1999). The colourful world of the mantis shrimp. Nature, 401, 873-874). Before the possible functional significance of UV patterns can be investigated, it is of course essential to establish whether coral reef fishes can see ultraviolet light. As a means of tackling this question, in this study the transmittance of the ocular media of 211 coral reef fish species was measured. It was found that the ocular media of 50.2% of the examined species strongly absorb light of wavelengths below 400 nm, which makes the perception of UV in these fish very unlikely. The remaining 49.8% of the species studied possess ocular media that do transmit UV light, making the perception of UV possible. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Ministry of Education in Singapore has embarked on the ambitious project of introducing IT in schools. The IT Masterplan, budgeted at a cost of $2 billion, aims to wire up all schools by the year 2002. While the well-funded IT Masterplan is seeing the project in its final phase of implementation, this paper argues for a "critical cyber pedagogy" along with the acquisition of the functional and operational skills of technology. Drawing on theories of critical multiliteracies (Burbules & Callister, 2000; Luke, 2000b; New London Group, 1996), this paper explores and suggests how an instructional design of two classroom activities can be utilized as new forms of cyber and technoliteracies. Through the critical evaluation of websites and hypertext construction, students will be equipped with a new literacy that extends reading and writing by incorporating new blended forms of hybrid textualities. This technology-assisted pedagogy can achieve the desired outcome of self-directed learning, teamwork, critical thinking and problem solving strategies necessary for a knowledge-based society.


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In recent years qualitative research methods have been adopted within in the field of music education and have received widespread acceptance. However, the theoretical framework provided by ethnomethodology (Garfinkel, 1974, in R. Turner, Ethnomethodology , Penguin, Middlesex, UK) and the tools of conversational analysis (Sacks, 1992, Lectures on Conversation , edited by Gail Jefferson, Blackwell, Oxford, UK) have, to this point, been overlooked by researchers in the field of music education. In this paper I argue that the application of ethnomethodological and conversation analytical approaches in the field of research in music education can provide fresh insights into the work of music teachers and how this work is accomplished in institutional settings. Here I demonstrate how a conversation analytical perspective drawing on an ethnomethodological framework might be used to investigate transcripts of audio-recorded interview talk. This type of analysis can illuminate aspects of members' roles in relation to, and perceptions about music education in school settings that might be overlooked in other types of analysis. A conversation analytical approach to the examination of talk-in-interaction explicates in fine-grained detail how members orient to matters at hand in the context of research settings, as well as revealing features of the cultural world of music teaching. Further application of the approach to research problems in other school settings, I argue, will inform the field of music education in ways yet to be realised.


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