996 resultados para Mann, Matt


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RESUMO: O presente estudo teve como objectivo avaliar a efectividade de um programa de intervenção de fisioterapia comparativamente ao tratamento conservador (calor húmido, ultra-som e massagem), relativamente à dor e capacidade funcional, no utente idoso com doença osteoarticular do joelho. A amostra foi aleatória, tendo sido seleccionados 20 utentes que respeitaram os critérios de inclusão, e que foram distribuídos aleatoriamente pelos dois grupos de tratamento, 9 no grupo A (experimental) e 11 no grupo B (controle). Todos os utentes deram o seu consentimento informado. Trata-se de um estudo experimental, controlado aleatorizado (RCT). A intervenção em estudo consistiu em 15 sessões de tratamento individuais, efectuadas 3 vezes por semana. O programa terapêutico efectuado pelo grupo A incluiu o tratamento conservador (20 minutos calor húmido, 5 minutos ultra-som (contínuo; 1,5W/cm2) e aproximadamente 10 minutos de massagem local) e o protocolo de exercícios terapêuticos em estudo. Este protocolo de exercícios foi progredindo semanalmente em termos da sua intensidade. Os utentes do Grupo B efectuaram apenas o tratamento conservador (tal como no grupo A). Para avaliar a dor e a capacidade funcional foi utilizado o Questionário knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score. A análise dos resultados foi realizada através dos testes Mann-Whitney e Kruskal-Wallis para a comparação entre grupos. Os resultados sugerem não haver diferenças estatisticamente significativos entre os grupos, embora o grupo de controle tenha obtido melhores resultados. O grupo B apresentou uma diminuição da dor de 17,33, comparativamente aos valores de -3,00 no grupo A (p=0,101), e melhoria da capacidade funcional de 13,00, mantendo-se a capacidade funcional igual, no grupo A (0,00) p=0,080). Estes resultados parecem sugerir que não há diferenças significativas entre as duas modalidades de intervenção, realçando a necessidade de continuar a investigar este protocolo de exercícios e a sua efectividade.-----------------ABSTRACT: The aims of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a treatment program compared with conventional treatment (post hoots, ultrasound and massage), for the outcomes pain and functional ability in elderly with knee osteoarthritis. The sample was non-probability, and 20 patients have been selected that fulfilled the criteria for inclusion and who were randomly assigned to the two treatment groups, in group A and 11 in group B. All of the patients gave their informed consent. This is an experimental, randomized controlled trial (RCT) with blinded assessment, of comparative design. This study protocol program was carry out in 15 individual treatment sessions, 3x per week. The therapeutic program made by group A consisted of the performance of conservative treatment: 20 minutes of hot packs, 5 minutes of ultrasound (continuous, 1.5 W/cm2) and 10 minutes of massage plus the exercise protocol therapy consisted of: isometric exercises of quadriceps contractions, muscle strengthening for knee and aerobic training. This exercise protocol was progressing every week in terms of its intensity. The users in Group B, only made the conservative treatment (such as in group A). In this study there were evaluated the pain and functional capacity, assessed by questionnaire knee Injury Osteoarthritis Outcome Score. For comparison between groups were used Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. The results revealed that in group B was that it obtained better results, although they are not statistical significance. The group B show a decrease in pain of 17.33 compared to -3.00 in group A (p = 0.101), and improved capacity functional of 13.00, keeping in group A (0.00) (p = 0.080). However, the differences are not statistically significant. These results show that there are not statistically significant in both treatments, but more studies are needed.


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From January, 1984 to March, 1999, 31 children under 15 y old (ages 1-14 y, median 8 y) were admitted after being bitten by rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus ssp). One patient was classified as "dry-bite", 3 as mild envenoming, 9 as moderate envenoming and 18 as severe envenoming. Most patients had neuromuscular manifestations, such as palpebral ptosis (27/31), myalgia (23/31) and weakness (20/31). Laboratory tests suggesting rhabdomyolysis included an increase in total blood creatine kinase (CK, 28/29) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, 25/25) levels and myoglobinuria (14/15). The main local signs and symptoms were slight edema (20/31) and erythema (19/31). Before antivenom (AV) administration, blood coagulation disorders were observed in 20/25 children that received AV only at our hospital (incoagulable blood in 17/25). AV early reactions were observed in 20 of these 25 cases (9/9 patients not pretreated and 11/16 patients pretreated with hydrocortisone and histamine H1 and H2 antagonists). There were no significant differences in the frequency of patients with AV early reactions between the groups that were and were not pretreated (Fisher's exact test, p = 0.12). Patients admitted less than and more than 6 h after the bite showed the same risk of developing severe envenoming (Fisher's exact test, p = 1). No children of the first group (< 6 h) showed severe complications whereas 3/6 children admitted more than 6 h post-bite developed acute renal failure. Patients bitten in the legs had a higher risk of developing severe envenoming (Fisher's exact test, p = 0.04). There was a significant association between both total CK and LDH blood enzyme levels and severity (p < 0.001 for CK and p < 0.001 for LDH; Mann-Whitney U test). No deaths were recorded.


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E. coli was submitted to a 5G electromagnetic field generated by a alternate 60 Hz voltage source. The differences on growth and glucose consume in control and exposed groups were evaluated using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test. There was a significant difference in glucose consume and growth in E. coli after 8 hours of exposition to electromagnetic field. It can be concluded that electromagnetic field had a positive effect in consume of glucose and growth of E. coli. The cause of these results can be explained by an increasing of glucose entrance through membrane due to the stimulated transport system via Facility Diffusion or cyclotron resonance. The growth can be caused by shortening of lag phase and excitement of log phase.


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A case of acute abdomen disease caused by abdominal angiostrongyliasis is reported. A 42-year-old otherwise healthy patient presented with a complaint of nine days of abdominal pain, constipation, disury, fever and right iliac fossa palpable mass. Exploratory laparotomy was performed. After surgical treatment the patient presented serious complications.


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RESUMO A malária é o principal problema de saúde em Moçambique, a região do Chowé é uma zona hiperendémica da malária, contribuindo os factores geográficos, a pobreza e o difícil acesso aos cuidados de saúde, para as altas taxas de mortalidade e morbilidade devidas à malária. A malária é uma doença relacionada com a pobreza e os factores económicos determinam os conhecimentos e comportamentos acerca da malária. O projecto Tisuna Muzototo – Programa de Controlo da Malária na Região de Chokwé, na província de Gaza, Moçambique e o acesso ao estudo dos Conhecimentos, Práticas e Cobertura (“KPC Study”), integrado no programa, permitiu desenvolver o estudo da relação entre o estatuto económico e os conhecimentos e comportamentos relacionados com a malária, na região do Chokwé. Este estudo é pertinente, no âmbito dos programas de controlo da malária na região, uma vez que identifica as diferenças nos conhecimentos e comportamentos relacionados com a malária mediante o estatuto económico, permitindo a integração das estratégias e recursos para as populações mais vulneráveis. O estudo é de natureza observacional, descritivo, inferencial de carácter exploratório, transversal e com uma abordagem quantitativa. A amostra, decidida pela equipa do estudo dos Conhecimentos, Práticas e Cobertura, é constituída por 887 mulheres, grávidas, mães ou cuidadoras de crianças dos 0 aos 59 meses de idade, que representam os seus agregados familiares, na Província de Gaza, nas aldeias dos distritos de Chokwè, Guijá, Massingir e Mabalane. O estatuto económico foi estudado, através do Índice de Riqueza (IR), construído segundo as recomendações de Rutstein e Jhonson (2004), a partir de variáveis que captem os padrões de vida dos agregados familiares. À semelhança do que tem sido descrito por alguns autores, construiu-se o Nível de Conhecimentos Acerca da Malária (NCAM). Através da aplicação de testes paramétricos (Teste T de Student e ANOVA) e não paramétricos (Teste Mann-Witney-Wilcoxon e Kruskall Wallis), para um nível de significância de 5%, conclui-se que: • Existe uma relação bivariada, estatisticamente significativa entre IR e: a escolaridade da mulher, a religião da mulher, a principal ocupação da mulher, a principal ocupação do marido e o meio onde habita (rural, urbano). • A um IR médio/mediano é significativamente mais elevado nas mulheres/domicílios com NCAM Alto; que utilizam métodos de prevenção da malária (independentemente da sua eficácia); que utilizam um maior número de métodos de prevenção da malária eficazes; que possuem redes mosquiteiras em geral; que possuem redes mosquiteiras permanentes e que as mantêm as redes mosquiteiras em boas condições. • Não existe uma relação estatisticamente significativa entre o IR e os comportamentos preventivos da malária na mulher durante a gravidez; os comportamentos relacionados com a gestão de casos de febre, das crianças com menos de 5 anos, pelas mulheres. Na região do Chokwé, considera-se que é importante, para a gestão dos programas de controlo da malária, a compreensão global da influência de factores socioeconómicos, demográficos e dos conhecimentos nos comportamentos protectores da malária. Pelo que se sugere o desenvolvimento de estudos multivariados com a aplicação de metodologias qualitativas e quantitativas. Palavras-chave: Malária; Índice de Riqueza; Conhecimentos; Comportamentos.


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A dissertação foi realizada em ambiente industrial, mais precisamente na empresa Monteiro, Ribas – Embalagens Flexíveis, S.A.. Esta empresa dedica-se à impressão e laminagem de filmes, assim como à confeção de sacos. Os seus produtos são direcionados na sua maioria para a indústria alimentar, exportando mais de 50% da sua produção, e dizem respeito a complexos (dois ou mais filmes unidos pela presença de um adesivo) que podem possuir impressão ou não. Estes complexos podem ser enviados para o cliente em bobina ou já em saco. Os objetivos propostos pela empresa diziam respeito a estudos relacionados com a força de laminagem dos complexos, com o coeficiente de atrito dos mesmos e com a identificação dos espetros dos componentes dos adesivos, assim como o estudo do processo de reticulação dos mesmos por espetrofotometria de Infravermelho. Relativamente aos resultados obtidos verificou-se que tanto a tinta como os metalizados influenciam negativamente a força de laminagem. Por sua vez o coeficiente de atrito é afetado por vários fatores. Através dos ensaios experimentais verificou-se que o adesivo, a tinta e o verniz mate favorecem o aumento do valor do COF. Além disso, nos complexos em que se utilizaram filmes de polietileno de maior espessura obtiveram-se valores de COF mais baixos, e no que diz respeito à temperatura e à tensão de enrolamento, verificou-se que valores mais elevados e muito baixos da primeira traduzem-se num aumento do valor do COF e uma tensão de enrolamento maior também tem o mesmo efeito. Relativamente ao tipo de filme impresso, substratos com maior energia superficial atraem mais o agente de deslizamento (slip). Por último, não se conseguiu perceber qual o tipo de adesivo (com ou sem solvente) que tem maior impacto no COF uma vez que em 55% dos casos o valor do COF é superior nas amostras que foram complexadas com adesivo sem solvente e em 45% o COF era superior nas amostras complexadas com adesivo base solvente. No que diz respeito aos espetros obtidos verificou-se que a reticulação dos adesivos é identificada pela diminuição da extensão do pico correspondente à ligação N=C=O.


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Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) is a public health problem and older women have higher incidence of this symptom, which affect body balance, functional capacity and behavior. The purpose of this study was to verifying the effect of exercises with Nintendo Wii on CLBP, functional capacity and mood of elderly. Thirty older women (68 ± 4 years; 68 ± 12 kg; 154 ± 5 cm) with CLBP participated in this study. Elderly individuals were divided into a Control Exercise Group (n = 14) and an Experimental Wii Group (n = 16). Control Exercise Group did strength exercises and core training, while Experimental Wii Group did ones additionally to exercises with Wii. CLBP, balance, functional capacity and mood were assessed pre and post training by the numeric pain scale, Wii Balance Board, sit to stand test and Profile of Mood States, respectively. Training lasted eight weeks and sessions were performed three times weekly. MANOVA 2 x 2 showed no interaction on pain, siting, stand-up and mood (P = 0.53). However, there was significant difference within groups (P = 0.0001). ANOVA 2 x 2 showed no interaction for each variable (P > 0.05). However, there were significant differences within groups in these variables (P < 0.05). Tukey's post-hoc test showed significant difference in pain on both groups (P = 0.0001). Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests identified no significant differences on balance (P > 0.01). Capacity to Sit improved only in Experimental Wii Group (P = 0.04). In conclusion, physical exercises with Nintendo Wii Fit Plus additional to strength and core training were effective only for sitting capacity, but effect size was small.


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Molecular characterization of Cryptosporidium spp.oocysts in clinical samples is useful for public health since it allows the study of sources of contamination as well as the transmission in different geographical regions. Although widely used in developed countries, in Brazil it is restricted to academic studies, mostly using commercial kits for the extraction of genomic DNA, or in collaboration with external reference centers, rendering the method expensive and limited. The study proposes the application of the modifications recently introduced in the method improving feasibility with lower cost. This method was efficient for clinical samples preserved at -20 °C for up to six years and the low number of oocysts may be overcomed by repetitions of extraction.


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PURPOSE: 1. Identify differences in optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) as an indirect measure of intracranial pressure (ICP) in glaucoma patients and a healthy population. 2. Identify variables that may correlate with ONSD in primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and normal tension glaucoma (NTG) patients. METHODS: Patients with NTG (n = 46) and POAG (n = 61), and healthy controls (n = 42) underwent B-scan ultrasound measurement of ONSD by an observer masked to the patient diagnosis. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured in all groups, with additional central corneal thickness (CCT) and visual field defect measurements in glaucomatous patients. Only one eye per patient was selected. Kruskal-Wallis or Mann-Whitney were used to compare the different variables between the diagnostic groups. Spearman correlations were used to explore relationships among these variables. RESULTS: ONSD was not significantly different between healthy, NTG and POAG patients (6.09 ± 0.78, 6.03 ± 0.69, and 5.71 ± 0.83 respectively; p = 0.08). Visual field damage and CCT were not correlated with ONSD in either of the glaucoma groups (POAG, p = 0.31 and 0.44; NTG, p = 0.48 and 0.90 respectively). However, ONSD did correlate with IOP in NTG patients (r = 0.53, p < 0.001), while it did not in POAG patients and healthy controls (p = 0.86, p = 0.46 respectively). Patient's age did not relate to ONSD in any of the groups (p > 0.25 in all groups). CONCLUSIONS: Indirect measurements of ICP by ultrasound assessment of the ONSD may provide further insights into the retrolaminar pressure component in glaucoma. The correlation of ONSD with IOP solely in NTG patients suggests that the translaminar pressure gradient may be of particular importance in this type of glaucoma.


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Recorrer aos testes paramétricos usuais em muitas situações reais, em que dispomos de amostras de pequena dimensão, e a grande variabilidade da magnitude dos dados lança dúvidas sobre a eventual gaussianidade dos dados, parece metodologicamente errado. A abordagem não-paramétrica, em que a magnitude dos dados é moderada por pesos que levam a que apenas se considerem os respectivos sinais, ou os ranks das observações, ou apenas contagens em classes, leva frequentemente a resultados mais fiáveis, e em algumas circunstâncias mais eficientes.


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Extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL) in enterobacteria are recognized worldwide as a great hospital problem. In this study, 127 ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae isolated in one year from inpatients and outpatients at a public teaching hospital at São Paulo, Brazil, were submitted to analysis by PCR with specific primers for blaSHV, blaTEM and blaCTX-M genes. From the 127 isolates, 96 (75.6%) Klebsiella pneumoniae, 12 (9.3%) Escherichia coli, 8 (6.2%) Morganella morganii, 3 (2.3%) Proteus mirabilis, 2 (1.6%) Klebsiella oxytoca, 2 (1.6%) Providencia rettgeri, 2 (1.6%) Providencia stuartti, 1 (0.8%) Enterobacter aerogenes and 1 (0.8%) Enterobacter cloacae were identified as ESBL producers. BlaSHV, blaTEM and blaCTX-M were detected in 63%, 17.3% and 33.9% strains, respectively. Pulsed field gel eletrophoresis genotyping of K. pneumoniae revealed four main molecular patterns and 29 unrelated profiles. PCR results showed a high variety of ESBL groups among strains, in nine different species. The results suggest the spread of resistance genes among genetically different strains of ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae in some hospital wards, and also that some strongly related strains were identified in different hospital wards, suggesting clonal spread in the institutional environment.


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Canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) is recognizable by characteristic signs of disease and is highly lethal. The infection, however, may be quite inapparent in some seropositive dogs, and this has raised the polemic question as to whether or not such animals can be a source of infection for Lutzomyia longipalpis, the vector of American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL). In this study we have examined 51 dogs with acute CVL from an AVL area in Pará State, northern Brazil, and compared the parasite density, amastigotes of Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi, in the skin, lymph node and viscera of symptomatic with that of nine asymptomatic but seropositive dogs (IFAT-IgG). Post-mortem biopsy fragments of these tissues were processed by immunohistochemistry, using a polyclonal antibody against Leishmania sp. The X² and Mann Whitney tests were used to evaluate the means of infected macrophage density (p < 0.05). There was no difference (p > 0.05) in the skin (10.7/mm² x 15.5/mm²) and lymph node (6.3/mm² x 8.3/mm²), between asymptomatic and symptomatic dogs, respectively. It was higher (p < 0.05), however, in the viscera of symptomatic (5.3/mm²) than it was in asymptomatic (1.4/mm²) dogs. These results strongly suggest that asymptomatic or symptomatic L. (L.) i. chagasi-infected dogs can serve as a source of infection, principally considering the highest (p < 0.05) parasite density from skin (10.7/mm² x 15.5/mm²), the place where the vetor L. longipalpis takes its blood meal, compared with those from lymph node (6.3/mm² x 8.3/mm²) and viscera (1.4/mm²x 5.3/mm²).


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Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a marine bacterium, responsible for gastroenteritis in humans. Most of the clinical isolates produce thermostable direct hemolysin (TDH) and TDH-related hemolysin (TRH) encoded by tdh and trh genes respectively. In this study, twenty-three V. parahaemolyticus, previously isolated from oysters and mussels were analyzed by PCR using specific primers for the 16S rRNA and virulence genes (tdh, trh and tlh) and for resistance to different classes of antibiotics and PFGE. Nineteen isolates were confirmed by PCR as V. parahaemolyticus. The tlh gene was present in 100% of isolates, the tdh gene was identified in two (10.5%) isolates, whereas the gene trh was not detected. Each isolate was resistant to at least one of the nine antimicrobials tested. Additionally, all isolates possessed the blaTEM-116 gene. The presence of this gene in V. parahaemolyticus indicates the possibility of spreading this gene in the environment. Atypical strains of V. parahaemolyticus were also detected in this study.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação do Doutor Carlos Quelhas Martins


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Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de Informação.