978 resultados para MUCUS CLEARANCE
PURPOSE: Hyperhomocyst(e)inaemia is an important risk factor for atherosclerosis, which is currently a major cause of death in renal transplant patients. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of immunosuppressive therapy on homocyst(e)inemia in renal transplant recipients. METHODS: Total serum homocysteine (by high performance liquid chromatography), creatinine, lipid profile, folic acid (by radioimmunoassay-RIA) and vitamin B12 (by RIA) concentrations were measured in 3 groups. Group I patients (n=20) were under treatment with cyclosporine, azathioprine, and prednisone; group II (n=9) were under treatment with azathioprine and prednisone; and group III (n=7) were composed of renal graft donors for groups I and II. Creatinine, estimated creatinine clearance, cyclosporine trough level, lipid profile, folic acid, and vitamin B12 concentrations and clinical characteristics of patients were assessed with the aim of ascertaining determinants of hyperhomocyst(e)inemia. RESULTS: Patient ages were 48.8 ± 15.1 yr (group I), 43.3 ± 11.3 yr (group II); and 46.5 ± 14.8 yr (group III). Mean serum homocyst(e)ine (tHcy) concentrations were 18.07 ± 8.29 mmol/l in renal transplant recipients; 16.55 ± 5.6 mmol/l and 21.44 ± 12.1 mmol/l respectively for group I (with cyclosporine) and group II (without cyclosporine) (NS). In renal donors, tHcy was significantly lower (9.07 ± 3.06 mmol/l; group I + group II vs. group III, p<0.008). There was an unadjusted correlation (p<0.10) between age (r=0.427; p<0.005) body weight (r=0.412; p<0.05), serum creatinine (r=0.427; p<0.05), estimated creatinine clearance (r=0.316; p<0.10), and tHcy in renal recipients (group I +II). Independent regressors (r²=0.46) identified in the multiple regression model were age (coefficient= 0.253; p=0.009) and serum creatinine (coefficient=8.07; p=0.045). We found no cases of hyperhomocyst(e)inemia in the control group. In contrast, 38% of renal recipients had hyperhomocyst(e)inemia: 7 cases (35%) on cyclosporine and 4 (45%) without cyclosporine, based on serum normal levels. CONCLUSIONS: Renal transplant recipients frequently have hyperhomocyst(e)inemia. Hyperhomocyst(e)inemia in renal transplant patients is independent of the scheme of immunosuppression they are taking. The older the patients are and the higher are their serum creatinine levels, the more susceptible they are to hyperhomocyst(e)inemia following renal transplantation.
OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were to evaluate the role of high resolution computed tomography of the torax in detecting abnormalities in chronic asthmatic patients and to determine the behavior of these lesions after at least one year. METHOD: Fourteen persistent asthmatic patients with a mean forced expiratory volume in 1-second that was 63% of predicted and a mean forced expiratory volume in 1-second /forced vital capacity of 60% had two high resolution computed tomographys separated by an interval of at least one year. RESULTS: All 14 patients had abnormalities on both scans. The most common abnormality was bronchial wall thickening, which was present in all patients on both computed tomographys. Bronchiectasis was suggested on the first computed tomography in 5 of the 14 (36%) patients, but on follow-up, the bronchial dilatation had disappeared in 2 and diminished in a third. Only one patient had any emphysematous changes; a minimal persistent area of paraseptal emphysema was present on both scans. In 3 patients, a "mosaic" appearance was observed on the first scan, and this persisted on the follow-up computed tomography. Two patients had persistent areas of mucoid impaction. In a third patient, mucus plugging was detected only on the second computed tomography. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that there are many abnormalities on the high resolution computed tomography of patients with persistent asthma. Changes suggestive of bronchiectasis, namely bronchial dilatation, frequently resolve spontaneously. Therefore, the diagnosis of bronchiectasis by high resolution computed tomography in asthmatic patients must be made with caution, since bronchial dilatation can be reversible or can represent false dilatation. Nonsmoking chronic asthmatic subjects in this study had no evidence of centrilobular or panacinar emphysema.
BACKGROUND: Diffuse panbronchiolitis is a clinical pathologic condition characterized by chronic inflammation of respiratory bronchioles, with clinical features that position it as a differential diagnosis among the sinopulmonary syndromes. METHODS AND RESULTS: We present 4 cases (1 Black, 2 Japanese descendants, and 1 Japanese), living in Brazil, in which the diagnosis was made by the clinical and radiological features and confirmed by transbronchial biopsy. The clinical findings included chronic sinusitis, productive cough, rhonchi, and wheezes. The pulmonary function tests showed an obstructive pattern. High resolution computerized tomography showed a diffuse nodular pattern, airway ectasia, and airway wall thickening. The biopsy showed interstitial accumulation of foam cells and lymphoid cells in the walls of respiratory bronchioles: 2 of our cases had bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue hyperplasia. We searched for the HLA Bw54 in all of our patients, but only 1 was positive. A low dose macrolide treatment was introduced, resulting in with clinical and functional improvement. A score that rated the extent of nodules, airway ectasia, mucus plugging, and airway wall thickening was applied on pre- and post-treatment High resolution computerized tomography results, revealing an improvement in tomographic pattern related to that observed in the pulmonary function tests. CONCLUSION: We conclude that diffuse panbronchiolitis is a systemic disease that is not exclusive to the Asian population, whose clinical and radiological features should be better known by occidental pulmonary physicians.
OBJECTIVE: To review the current literature on human herpesvirus 8 with particular attention to the aspects related to the etiopathogenesis of Kaposi's sarcoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The authors searched original research and review articles on specific aspects of human herpesvirus 8 infection, including virology, epidemiology, transmission, diagnosis, natural history, therapy, and Kaposi's sarcoma etiopathogenesis. The relevant material was evaluated and reviewed. RESULTS: Human herpesvirus 8 is a recently discovered DNA virus that is present throughout the world but with major geographic variation. In the Western world, the virus, transmitted mainly by means of sexual contact, is strongly associated with Kaposi's sarcoma and body cavity-based lymphoma and more controversially with multiple myeloma and other non-proliferative disorders. There is no specific effective treatment, but HIV protease inhibitors may play an indirect role in the clearance of human herpesvirus 8 DNA from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of HIV-infected patients. Human herpesvirus 8 DNA is present in saliva, but there are as yet no documented cases of nosocomial transmission to health care workers. The prevalence of human herpesvirus 8 among health care workers is probably similar to that in the general population. CONCLUSION: Human herpesvirus 8 appears to be, at least in Western Europe and United States, restricted to a population at risk of developing Kaposi's sarcoma. Human herpesvirus 8 certainly has the means to overcome cellular control and immune responses and thus predispose carriers to malignancy, particularly Kaposi's sarcoma. The wide diffusion of Human herpesvirus 8 in classic Kaposi's sarcoma areas appears to represent an important factor in the high incidence of the disease. However, additional co-factors are likely to play a role in the development of Kaposi's sarcoma.
The complement system is an important humoral defense mechanism that plays a relevant role against microbial agents, inflammatory response control, and immunocomplex clearance. Classical complement pathway activation is antibody-dependent. The C4 component participates in the initial step of activation, and C4 expression is determined by 2 pairs of allotypes: C4A and C4B. Deficiencies in C4 allotypes have been associated with several diseases. The aim of the present review is evaluate the reported data in the literature regarding specific C4A and C4B deficiencies and characterize their clinical relevance. We searched the MEDLINE and LILACS databases. Papers referring to total C4 deficiency without allotype evaluation and case reports of primary C4 deficiency were not included. Deficiencies in C4 allotypes have been associated with Mycobacterium leprae infection, erythema nodosum, systemic sclerosis with anti-topoisomerase I antibodies, intermediate congenital adrenal hyperplasia with DR5 genotype, diabetes mellitus type 1 with DR3,4 genotype, and diabetes mellitus with antibodies against islet cells. C4 allotype deficiency is also related to C4B deficiency and autoimmune-associated diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, or diseases with an autoimmune component, such as autism. Some reports associate C4A with thyroiditis after delivery as well as limited and systemic sclerosis without anti-topoisomerase I antibodies. However, the studies with C4A and C4B have been concentrated in isolated populations, and some of the studies could not be reproduced by other authors.
RESUMO: Os glicoconjugados que decoram a superfície celular e os lípidos e proteínas secretados ocupam o ponto de encontro onde normalmente ocorrem interacções críticas homólogas (hospedeiro-hospedeiro) e heterólogas (hospedeiro-patogénio). Apesar de ser largamente aceite que os glicanos são parte integrante do processo de imunidade, continua a não ser claro qual o papel que os glicanos, em toda a sua diversidade, tomam no quadro geral da imunidade. Os glicanos, que são frequentemente terminados por resíduos de ácido siálico, podem ser alterados por factores externos, tais como patogénios, ou por acontecimentos fisiológicos celulares específicos. Normalmente em posição terminal, as glico-estruturas que contêm ácido siálico assumem um papel fundamental numa quantidade substancial de receptores imunes envolvidos na adesividade e tráfico celular, tal como as Selectinas e as Siglecs, das quais se sabe apresentarem uma relevante função imune. À altura do início desta tese, era sabido que os ácidos siálicos expressos à superfície das células poderiam modular mecanismos importantes nas respostas imunes adaptativas. Considerando a posição de charneira que as células dendríticas (DCs) ocupam na transição da resposta imune inata para a adaptativa, antecipámos que os ácidos siálicos poderiam também modular mecanismos relevantes nas DCs humanas. As DCs têm uma função muito relevante na verificação e captura antigénica, migração para os gânglios linfáticos e apresentação antigénica aos linfócitos, uma sequência de funções que conduz, em ultima instância, à indução da resposta inata adaptativa. Considerando estas premissas, a nossa hipótese principal foi que os ácidos siálicos podem influenciar funções relevantes das DCs, tais como captura de antigénios, maturação, migração para os gânglios linfáticos e apresentação antigénica às células Para testar esta hipótese, dividimos o trabalho em quatro partes: 1) Analisámos os glicanos sialilados de superfície, expressos durante a diferenciação de monócitos humanos em DCs (moDCs). Os nossos dados mostraram que a expressão dos glicanos com ligações em O (O-glicanos) e sialilados em α2,3, assim como glicanos com ligações em N (N-glicanos) sialilados em α2,6 e α2,3 aumentou durante o processo de diferenciação das moDCs. Contribuindo para esta nova configuração glicosídica, três sialiltransferases (STs) poderão estar envolvidas: a ST6Gal-1 correlaciona-se com a expressão aumentada de N-glicanos sialilados em α2,6; a ST3Gal-1 contribui para a sialilação em α2,3 de O-glicanos, em especial de antigénios T; e a ST3Gal-4 poderá ser responsável pelo aumento de N-glicanos sialilados em α2,3. Após estímulo e consequente maturação das moDCs, ambos os níveis de expressão génica de ST6Gal-1 e ST3Gal-4 são negativamente modificados sendo, também, que a expressão de ST3Gal-1 varia consoante o estímulo. 2) Estudámos posteriormente as consequências da modulação dos ácidos siálicos de superfície nas funções das DCs. Observámos que a remoção dos ácidos siálicos de superfície diminui significativamente a capacidade de macropinocitose e endocitose mediada por receptores nas moDCs. Em contrapartida, o tratamento com sialidase aumentou significativamente a capacidade das moDCs para fagocitar Escherichia coli. Determinou-se também que este mecanismo requer a existência de ácido siálico presente nas E. coli indicando um mecanismo de interacção hospedeiro-patogénio dependente de ácido siálico em ambas as partes envolvidas. As moDCs tratadas com sialidase também apresentam um nível superior de expressão de moléculas de MHC e moléculas co-estimulatórias, sugerindo um fenótipo celular mais maduro. Recorrendo ao modelo de ratinho, utilizaram-se DCs derivadas de células da medula (BMDCs) de ratinhos deficientes em ST3Gal-1 e ST6Gal-1. Estes ensaios revelaram que quer a endocitose quer a maturação são influenciadas por modificações 37 nos glicanos sialilados em α2,3 ou α2,6. A detecção e quantificação de proteínas Nglicosiladas e sialiladas em α2,6 apontou para um potencial envolvimento de integrinas β2 nestes mecanismos. 3) O efeito da sialilação em α2,6 na migração das DCs para os gânglios linfáticos foi também analisado. Observámos que BMDCs deficientes para ST6Gal-1 apresentam uma redução de cerca de 50% nos níveis de migração das DCs para os gânglios linfáticos, tal como aferido em ensaios de inflamação in situ e estudos de transferência adoptiva de células. Uma redução dos níveis deste tipo de migração foi também observada quando BMDCs nativas foram transferidas para ratinhos receptores deficientes em ST6Gal-1. São, contudo, necessários mais ensaios de forma a identificar as moléculas envolvidas neste processo. 4) Por último, analisámos o impacto da sialilação na estimulação antigénica das DCs às células T. Assim, concluiu-se que moDCs tratadas com sialidase apresentam um nível de expressão superior de IL-12, TNF-ɑ, IL-6 e IL-10, e activação do factor de transcrição nuclear kappa B (NF-κB). As DCs tratadas com sialidase induziram uma maior proliferação nas células T, com expressão correspondente de interferão-γ. Este dado sugere que a remoção de ácidos siálicos de superfície contribui para o desenvolvimento de uma resposta pro-inflamatória do tipo 1 por células T auxiliares (resposta Th1). Considerando estes dados no seu todo, concluímos que o ácido siálico tem um papel marcante nas funções imunes das DCs. Alterações à concentração de ácido siálico à superfície das células podem alterar a endocitose/fagocitose, maturação, migração para os tecidos e gânglios linfáticos e capacidade estimulatória para com as células T. Complementando estes dados, as ligações glicosídicas de ácidos siálicos criados por ST6Gal-1 e ST3Gal-1 são funcionalmente relevantes. A modulação programada da sialilação do glicocálice, mediada por sialidases individuais ou sialiltransferases é uma possibilidade aceitável para a melhoria da fagocitose por DCs e da sua potência imunológica. Este facto tem um significado particular para imunoterapias baseadas em DCs, podendo provar-se decisivo para a sua eficiência e aplicabilidade num futuro muito próximo.-------------------------------ABSTRACT: Glycans decorating cell surface and secreted proteins and lipids occupy the junction where critical host–host and host-pathogen interactions occur. In spite of the wide acceptance that glycans are centrally implicated in immunity, exactly how glycans and their variety and variability contribute to the overall immune response remains poorly defined. Glycans, frequently terminated by sialic acid residues, may be modified by external factors such as pathogens or upon specific physiological cellular events. The terminal, privileged positions of sialic acid-modified structures makes them key, fundamental determinants for a number of immune receptors with known involvement in cellular adhesiveness and cell trafficking, such as Selectins and Siglecs, with known relevant immune functions. At the time this thesis was initiated, it was established that sialic acids expressed at cell surface could modulate important mechanisms of the adaptive immune responses. Given the key role of dendritic cells (DCs) in the transition from innate to the adaptive immune responses, we anticipated that sialic acids could also modulate important mechanisms of human DCs. DCs have a relevant role in antigen screening and uptake, migration to lymph nodes and antigen presentation to lymphocytes, ultimately triggering the adaptive immune response. Therefore, our primary hypothesis was that sialic acids may modulate DC functions, such as antigen uptake, maturation, homing to lymph nodes and antigen presentation to T cells. To test this hypothesis, we divided our work in four parts. 1) Surface sialylated glycans expressed during differentiation from human monocytes to DCs (moDCs) were analyzed. Our data showed that α2,3-sialylated O-glycans and α2,6- and α2,3-sialylated N-glycans expression increased during moDC differentiation. Three main sialyltransferases (STs) are committed with this new glycan configuration: ST6Gal- 1 correlates with the increased expression of α2,6-sialylated N-glycans; ST3Gal-1 32 contributes for the α2,3-sialylation of O-glycans, especially T antigens; and ST3Gal-4 may contribute for the increased α2,3-sialylated N-glycans. Upon moDC maturation, ST6Gal-1 and ST3Gal-4 are downregulated and ST3Gal-1 is altered in a stimulus dependent manner. 2) We subsequently analyzed the consequences of the modulation of cell surface sialic acids in DC functions. We observed that removing surface sialic acid by sialidase significantly decreased the capacity of moDCs to micropinocytose and receptormediated endocytose. In contrast, treatment with a sialidase significantly improved the capacity of moDCs to phagocytose Escherichia coli. The improved phagocytosis mechanism required E. coli sialic acids, indicating a mechanism of host–pathogen interaction dependent on sialic acid moieties. Sialidase-treated moDCs have increased expression of MHC and co-stimulatory molecules, suggesting a more mature phenotype. Experiments using mouse bone marrow-derived DCs (BMDCs) from ST3Gal-1-/- and ST6Gal-1-/- strains indicated that endocytosis and maturation are influenced by changes in either α2,3 or α2,6-sialylated glycans. The analysis of α2,6-sialylated, N-glycosylated proteins, strongly suggested the potential involvement of β2 integrins, underlying these mechanisms. 3) The effect of α2,6-sialylation in DC homing to lymph nodes was also analyzed. We observed that BMDCs deficient for ST6Gal-1 have an almost 50% reduction in DC homing, as assayed by in situ inflammation and adoptive transfer studies. A reduction in DC homing was also observed when wild type BMDCs were transferred into ST6Gal-1-/- recipient mice. Further investigations are necessary to identify the molecules involved in this process. 4) Finally, we also analyzed the impact of sialylation on DCs ability to prime T cells. Sialidase-treated moDCs show increased gene expression of IL-12, TNF-α, IL-6 and IL- 10 cytokines, and activation of the transcription factor nuclear factor-κB. Sialidase33 treated DCs induced a higher proliferative response of T cells with concomitant higher expression of interferon-γ, suggesting that the clearance of cell surface sialic acids contributes to the development of a T helper type 1 proinflammatory response. Together, our data strongly support sialic acid’s relevance in DC immune functions. Alterations of cell surface sialic acid content can alter the endocytosis/phagocytosis, maturation, migration/homing and the ability for T cell priming in human DCs. Moreover, sialic acid linkages created by ST6Gal-1 and ST3Gal-1 are functionally relevant. The engineering of cell surface sialylation, mediated by individual sialidases or sialyltransferases is a likely possibility to fine tune DC phagocytosis and immunological potency, with particular significance to DC-based therapies.
Soil conditions under pasture were examined in a range of sites representing the sequence of conversion of forest to pasture at two locations in the vicinity of Ilha de Maracã, Roraima. Comparisons were made with adjacent savana. Soil bulk densities shown to increase after forest clearance and soil chemical data indicate that the initial beneficial effects on nutrient supply of burning forest debris are rather short-lived. Very low levels of available phosphorus prevail in areas of savanna and cultivated pasture of all ages. Variations in the status of older cultivated pastures are mainly attributable to different grazing levelt.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Saúde
Staphylococcus epidermidis is a biofilm - forming bacterium and a leading etiological agent of nosocomial infections. The ability to establish biofilms on indwelling medical devices is a key virulence factor for this bacterium. Still, the influence of poly - N - acetyl glucosamine (PNAG), the major component of the extracellular biofilm matrix, in the host immune response has been scarcely studied. Here, t h is influence was assessed in mice challenged i.p. with PNAG - p roducing (WT) and isogenic - mutant lacking PNAG (M10) bacteria grown in biofilm - inducing conditions. Faster bacterial clearance was observed in the mice infected with WT bacteria than in M10 - infected counterparts , which w as accompanied by earlier neutrophil recruitment and higher IL - 6 production. Interestingly, in the WT - infected mice, but not in those infected with M10 , elevated serum IL - 10 was detected . To further study the effe ct of PNAG in the immune response, mice were primed with WT or M10 biofilm bacteria and subsequently infected with WT biofilm - released cells. WT - primed mice presented a higher frequency of splenic IFN - γ + and IL - 17 + CD4 + T cells, and more severe liver patho logy than M10 - primed counterparts. Nevertheless, T reg cells obtained from the WT - primed mice presented a higher suppressive function than those obtained from M10 - primed mice. This effect was abrogated when IL - 10 - deficient mice were similarly primed and infected indicating that PNAG promotes the differentiati on of highly suppressive T reg cells by a mechanism dependent on IL - 10. Altogether, these results provide evidence help ing explain ing the coexistence of inflammation and bacterial persistence often observed in biofilm - originated S. epidermidis infections
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia
Purpose: To evaluate changes in anterior corneal topography and higher-order aberrations (HOA) after 14-days of rigid gas-permeable (RGP) contact lens (CL) wear in keratoconus subjects comparing two different fitting approaches. Methods: Thirty-one keratoconus subjects (50 eyes) without previous history of CL wear were recruited for the study. Subjects were randomly fitted to either an apical-touch or three-pointtouch fitting approach. The lens’ back optic zone radius (BOZR) was 0.4 mm and 0.1 mm flatter than the first definite apical clearance lens, respectively. Differences between the baseline and post-CL wear for steepest, flattest and average corneal power (ACP) readings, central corneal astigmatism (CCA), maximum tangential curvature (KTag), anterior corneal surface asphericity, anterior corneal surface HOA and thinnest corneal thickness measured with Pentacam were compared. Results: A statistically significant flattening was found over time on the flattest and steepest simulated keratometry and ACP in apical-touch group (all p < 0.01). A statistically significant reduction in KTag was found in both groups after contact lens wear (all p < 0.05). Significant reduction was found over time in CCA (p = 0.001) and anterior corneal asphericity in both groups (p < 0.001). Thickness at the thinnest corneal point increased significantly after CL wear (p < 0.0001). Coma-like and total HOA root mean square (RMS) error were significantly reduced following CL wearing in both fitting approaches (all p < 0.05). Conclusion: Short-term rigid gas-permeable CL wear flattens the anterior cornea, increases the thinnest corneal thickness and reduces anterior surface HOA in keratoconus subjects. Apicaltouch was associated with greater corneal flattening in comparison to three-point-touch lens wear.
Insoluble and fibrillar forms of a-synuclein are the major components of Lewy bodies, a hallmark of several sporadic and inherited neurodegenerative diseases known as synucleinopathies. a-Synuclein is a natural unfolded and aggregation-prone protein that can be degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasomal system and the lysosomal degradation pathways. a-Synuclein is a target of the main cellular proteolytic systems, but it is also able to alter their function further, contributing to the progression of neurodegeneration. Aging, a major risk for synucleinopathies, is associated with a decrease activity of the proteolytic systems, further aggravating this toxic looping cycle. Here, the current literature on the basic aspects of the routes for a-synuclein clearance, as well as the consequences of the proteolytic systems collapse, will be discussed. Finally, particular focus will be given to the sirtuins's role on proteostasis regulation, since their modulation emerged as a promising therapeutic strategy to rescue cells from a-synuclein toxicity. The controversial reports on the potential role of sirtuins in the degradation of a-synuclein will be discussed. Connection between sirtuins and proteolytic systems is definitely worth of further studies to increase the knowledge that will allow its proper exploration as new avenue to fight synucleinopathies.
INRODUÇÃO: Limitações da qualidade de vida dos pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica (IRC) em programa de hemodiálise estão associadas a maior prevalência de transtornos psiquiátricos. O diagnóstico precoce e preciso pode contribuir na elaboração de estratégias de tratamento. OBJETIVO: Estudar a prevalência e o padrão dos transtornos psiquiátricos em pacientes hemodialisados, identificando variáveis relacionadas com sua ocorrência. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 244 pacientes e analisadas as variáveis associadas à ocorrência de transtornos psiquiátricos. Os pacientes foram avaliados através do Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). RESULTADOS: Pelo menos um diagnóstico psiquiátrico foi apresentado por 91 pacientes (37,3%). Os de ocorrência mais freqüente foram distimia (17,6%), risco de suicídio (16,4%) e episódio depressivo maior (8,6%). O sexo feminino apresentou maior risco de transtornos psiquiátricos (razão de chance [RC] = 2,77; intervalo de confiança [IC] 95%: 1,42-5,41). Os pacientes viúvos, separados e solteiros apresentaram maior risco de transtornos psiquiátricos do que os casados (RC= 5,507;IC95%:1,348-22,551). Aqueles com menos de dois anos em diálise apresentaram risco maior (RC = 2,075; IC 95%: 1,026-4,197). Os pacientes com clearance fracional de uréia (Kt/V) abaixo de 0,9 tiveram maior chance de apresentar transtornos psiquiátricos (RC = 3,955; IC 95%: 1,069-11,012). CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de transtornos psiquiátricos foi alta. Os transtornos afetivos foram os mais freqüentes. Nas mulheres e naqueles com Kt/V baixo, o risco foi maior. Nos pacientes casados e naqueles com mais de dois anos em tratamento o risco foi menor.
The relaxivity displayed by Gd3+ chelates immobilized onto gold nanoparticles is the result of complex interplay between nanoparticle size, water exchange rate and chelate structure. In this work we study the effect of the length of -thioalkyl linkers, anchoring fast water exchanging Gd3+ chelates onto gold nanoparticles, on the relaxivity of the immobilized chelates. Gold nanoparticles functionalized with Gd3+ chelates of mercaptoundecanoyl and lipoyl amide conjugates of the DO3A-N-(-amino)propionate chelator were prepared and studied as potential CA for MRI. High relaxivities per chelate, of the order of magnitude 28-38 mM-1s-1 (30 MHz, 25 ºC) were attained thanks to simultaneous optimization of the rotational correlation time and of the water exchange rate. Fast local rotational motions of the immobilized chelates around connecting linkers (internal flexibility) still limit the attainable relaxivity. The degree of internal flexibility of the immobilized chelates seems not to be correlated with the length of the connecting linkers. Biodistribution and MRI studies in mice suggest that the in vivo behavior of the gold nanoparticles is determined mainly by size. Small nanoparticles (HD= 3.9 nm) undergo fast renal clearance and avoidance of the RES organs while larger nanoparticles (HD= 4.8 nm) undergo predominantly hepatobiliary excretion. High relaxivities, allied to chelate and nanoparticle stability and fast renal clearance in vivo suggests that functionalized gold nanoparticles hold great potential for further investigation as MRI Contrast Agents. This study contributes to understand the effect of linker length on the relaxivity of gold nanoparticles functionalized with Gd3+ complexes. It is a relevant contribution towards “design rules” for nanostructures functionalized with Gd3+ chelates as Contrast Agents for MRI and multimodal imaging.
Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia Molecular e Ambiental (área de especialização em Biologia Celular e Saúde).