1000 resultados para Lake Guardian (Ship)


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This is a report on the results of the Frame Survey conducted in the Uganda side of Lake Victoria during August 2012 by the LVFO Institutions, namely: the Department of Fisheries Resources (DFR) Uganda and the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI) in close collaboration with the District Fisheries offices of Busia, Bugiri, Namayingo, Mayuge, Jinja, Buvuma, Buikwe, Mukono, Kampala, Wakiso, Mpigi, Kalungu, Masaka, Kalangala and Rakai. In the 2012 Frame survey some indicators of fishing effort including e.g. number of fishers, fishing crafts and long line hooks increased; whereas others like the number of gillnets less than 5 inches decreased by 10.4% from that recorded in 2010. The other indicators of fishing effort, which showed decrease in 2012 included illegal beach seines and undersized gillnets (<5 inch mesh size). However, a large proportion (66%) of long line hooks recorded in the 2012 survey were in the smallest size range (hook size >10), which target small Nile perch. The number of other illegal gears, i.e. cast nets and monofilament gillnets showed modest increases (25%) between 2010 and 2012 while beach seines decrease by 15%. Recent crackdown on illegal fishing activities as part of measures for recovery of the Nile perch stocks which are faced with depletion appear to have had an impact but much more needs to be done to eradicate illegal fishing. The fisheries in the Ugandan waters have remained predominantly near shore with 61% of all fishing crafts using paddles out of which 17% were tiny three plank, flat bottomed boats locally known as parachutes. The 2012 survey shows an increase in the number of fishing crafts using sails by 65% from 682 in 2010 to 1125 in 2012. This is an encouraging trend as more fishers are able to access distant fishing grounds using free wind power. The Mukene fishery in the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria remained underdeveloped comprising only 15.2% of all fishing crafts, of which 31% were motorised which is a great improvement from the situation recorded in 2010. The Catamarans increased to 18 with a majority in Buikwe district where there is a private investor fishing specifically for Mukene. The Catamarans in Kalangala were reported not to be working because of the high operating cost compared to ordinary Mukene fishing boats.


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Lake Wamala, a small lake (180 km2) located in Central Uganda and believed to have been part of the main Lake Victoria and only got separated about 4000 years ago, has already undergone different levels of fisheries evolution that warrant using it as a case study to inform changes in other systems. Using resources provided by the Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP) II, under the Applied Research Facility, we evaluated the fishing inputs, socio-economic infrastructure and analyzed trends in fishery benefits to guide evolution of management advice. A frame survey was conducted on the entire lake (13th - 23rd March 2012) enumerating all fishing factors and enlisting available and accessible socio-economic infrastructure along the shores of the lake. The lake traverses districts (Gomba, Mityana, and Mubende) with its largest portion lying in Mityana. There are 26 established fish landing sites and about 600 fishers with a similar number of boats on the lake. The total number of boats on the lake is almost equal to the number of fishers; illustrating the common type (paracute) and size (Small, about 4 m) of boats and hence a fishing crew structure of one fisher per boat. Main fishing gears are Gillnets targeting the tilapia (Ngege) and long line hooks (Protperus, Mamba, and Clarias, Male). Almost equal number of boats used the two main gears on the lake (about 300 each). 97% of the gill nets on the lake are small (3.5” (8.9 cm – 4.5” – 11.4 cm) stretched mesh size while 98% of the hoots are large (< size 10). The implication is gill net fishers target small tilapia while long line fishers aim at the large mamba and male. Generally the lake has poor socio-economic infrastructure compared to other lakes of Uganda probably due to its geo-morphological setting. The lakes fishing factors have continued to expand with the ever increasing population. There may be need to check the continued entry into the fisheries especially if the increasing effort does not translate into increase in fishery yield.


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The fisheries resources of Lakes Albert and Kyoga present a high potential for economic growth, food, employment and foreign earnings. However, livelihoods appear to be compromised with the emergence and rapid spread of HIV/AIDS in the fisher communities of L. Albert and Kyoga. HIV/AIDS is considered a silent epidemic that is unique, posing a great challenge to the fisheries managers, health service providers, development planners and the resource users themselves. Fishers have high HIV prevalence, as well as AIDS-related illnesses and mortality rates. The high HIV prevalence rates among the fishing communities in Uganda is between 10-40% compared to the national rates which lie between 6% and 7%. This indicates that the national programmes have not adequately addressed the plight of the fishing communities of Lakes Albert, and Kyoga and the consequences have been devastating. Men and women living in fishing villages across the world have been found to be between five and ten times more vulnerable to the disease than other communities (Tarzan et al 2005, FAO, 2007). The present prevalence rates among the fishing communities stands at 10 to 40 % (LVFO, 2008). Meanwhile the same fishing communities are the essential labour for the Lakes’ fishery industry which is thriving nationally and internationally. That resource potentially can alleviate poverty and the HIV/AIDS threat. Fishing communities are the hidden victims of the disease, mixing patterns with the general population could act as a reservoir of infection that could spill over into the general population to drive the epidemic. On L. Albert, a quarter of the fisher folk were HIV-positive by 1992 compared to 4% in a nearby Agricultural village. Since then, there have been no targeted studies to address or monitor the prevalence rates eight years later, yet the multiplicity factor is high. HIV/AIDS can be linked to unsustainable fisheries, as the labour force available would not go to deep waters to fish, instead would fish in the shallow waters as a coping mechanism. A further effect is the loss to National and local economies and reduced nutritional security for the wider population. HIV/AIDS remains a significant challenge that has created a mosaic of complexity in the fishery sector. This needs to be addressed. It is, therefore, paramount that a comprehensive study was under taken to address this pandemic and the phenomenon of HIV/AIDS based on the study objectives. 1. To determine the trend in HIV/AIDS infection among fishing communities and the factors affecting it 2. To assess the impacts of HIV/AIDS on fish production and the implications for fisheries management.


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This report presents findings of the CAS conducted in the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria in March 2010. The results of the previous ten CASs conducted under the same programme in July, August, September and November 2005; in March, August and December 2006; in March, and August 2007; in February and December 2008 are included to show the emerging trends. The report also presents total annual catch estimates for the Ugandan part of the lake from 2005 to 2010.


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Evidence is presented that cyclonic upwelling took place in the southern offshore waters of Lake Victoria on the 22nd to the 23rd March, 1969. Before this, the main upper thermocline was tilted downwards in the leeward northern half of the lake in response to the accumulation of epilimnetic water. Cyclonic upwelling might be quite common because of the frequent occurrence of storms on Lake Victoria, and probably on other tropical African lakes. However, to my knowledge, it has never been reported from any lake.


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Proximate composition, PH, total aerabic counts, coliform counts, appearance and taste of dried Lake Tanganyika sardine (Limnothrissa miodon and Stolothrissa tanganicae) sampled at Lusaka markets were analysed for the period July 1969 to February 1970. Water content for the dried sardine varied between 7 and l4% and oil content between 8 and 14% according to season. Flavour of the cooked sardine was scored as good to fair, which discredits the common belief that is poor in quality. Cooked fish scores correlated poorly to the oil content and bacterial counts of the dried fish.


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The diets of the three species of fish that predominate in the Lake Chilwa fishery are described in relation to various parameters using a semi-quantitative method of analysis of the digestive tract contents. Barbus paludinosus Peters fed during the day on zooplankton, non-filamentous green algae and some higher plant material; small fish fcd predominately on zooplankton but with increasiug size the diet was more varied. Clarias mossambicus Peters fed throughout the day and night and had a highly varied diet with fish becoming the major food item in large fish, Tilapia shirana chilwae Trewawas fed mainly during the day on higher plant material, filamentous green algae and zooplankton; smaller fish fed predominately on zooplankton. The importance of flexibility in the diet of the three fish species is stressed.


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Lake Chilwa and its environs present a unique challenge to science for two reasons: 1. The welfare of its people and the fish and crops on which they depend on incomes as well as subsistence are dominated by the vagaries of the periodic rise and fall of the lake. Inyears of high level the lake provides a relatively good living for the people of the plain and the fish is a major source of dietary protein for the densely populated Shire Highlands. Fish catches and fish consumption decline in years of low lake level. Could knowledge of the biology of the lake and the hydrology of the lake basin assist in stabilizing the fishing industry? 2. The area is underdeveloped, with the traditional matrilineal way of life, but it has considerable potential for a fishing industry, for agriculture, for livestock, for bird preservation and tourism and possibly, at some future date, for minerals. How can these interests be reconciled and in what order should developments take place?


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The amino acid composition was determined of three economic important fish species of Lake Tanganyika, representing 95% of the tolal catch:Stolothrissa tanganicae Regan, Limnothrissa miodon Boulenger and Luciolates stapersii Boulenger. The analysis of the whole sun dried fish indicate that, compared with Tilapia macrochir, beef and the whole hen's egg, the fish is of a very high nutritive value. The free amino acids in the dried fish count for an average of 11 %, indicating the degree of auteolysis.


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The potential for a clupcid fishery in Lake Kainji has been examined using both experimental fishing samples and the results obtained from those of the commercial fishermen. A total annual production of 1,400 tons has been estimated. In money terms, this amounls to N198.800 (£99,400) per annum. This production has been sustained by the abundant zooplankton food available the year round on the lake. Recommendations for the effective methods of cropping clupeids were made, bearing in mind the need to maintain the fishery on a sustained yield basis. The place of c1upeids in the ecology of the lake was examined and on the basis of the evidence available it was recommended that Pellonula afzeluisi could be exploited on a large commercial scale without any adverse effects on the fishery in the lake.


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The Tanzania part of Lake Victoria is the most important single fishery resource for the country. Past fishing practice caused disparity between the relative abundance in the catches and in the available stocks by overfishing some species while under-fishing others. Preliminary studies of distribution pattern, biomass estimates, etc, as derived from bollom trawl exploratory data, and the trend of the commercial catch statistics from 1958 to 1970, suggest that many of the commercially preferred species may not have the biotic potential 10 sustain higher yields under present ecological and fishing regimes. Haplochromis and a few other fish might be the only hope. Geographic extension of fishing to deeper waters may not be very promising as species diversificarion and fish density decline with depth. To develop and manage the fisheries, make full use of the resource and ensure economic and biological perpetuation of thc fishery, the appropriate fishing strategy cannot be properly developcd overnight.


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Malya dam had been stocked with several species of Tilapia. However all but the species endemic to the region, T esculentus, made only marginal contributions to the fishery. T. zilli particularly had failed to establish itself, probably because its niche had been previously filled by T. rendalii. Planktivorou Tilapia species predominate in Malya dam but in smaller dams in the region herbivoorous tilapia are relatively more abundant. Six non-cichlid species and one of Haplochromis were found in the dam. Tilapia esculenta the most economically important species, was estimated to grow within 9-10 cm first year and 16-18 cm second year. The largest, specimen caught was 30.5 cm and the smallest mature individual 19 cm. The fish of the dam grew more slowly and matured at a smaller size than those of the same species in Lake Victoria The biological pattern of T. esculenta in Malya dam was similar to that of this species in Lake Victoria.


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The report provides a summary of the frame survey results carried out in lakes Kyoga and Kwania in 1990. The ADP Fisheries Survey of Lake Kyoga is charged with a stock-assessment programme. The term stock-assessment is generally used to express the need of fisheries managers for knowledge on fish stocks which are allegedly over-exploited already. Stock-assessment can be very comprehensive, costly and time-consuming. Essentially however, investigations into exploited stocks and the fishery should provide viable answers to the questions of management at the shortest possible notice. Surveys should in any case provide indications concerning the rate of exploitation. That requires the execution of a catch assessment survey (CAS).


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The important pelagic fishery resources of northern Lake Tanganyika were identified after a preliminary scientific evaluation, and in Burundi, with governmental assistance they were rapidly developed and exploited more intensively until overfishing was thought to have occurred. At this point, legal measures were introduced in order to protect the resource by restricting fishing effort and maintaining the total yield near the apparent maximum sustained limit. Complementary biological research on the fish stocks did not accompany the rapid fishery development and now an intensive stock assessment programme has been launched by the Government and UNDP in order to define more precisely the available fish stocks and to consider, with the co-operation of the neighbouring lacustrine states, suitable ways of ensuring optimum levels of fish harvest from year to year.


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Gill-netting and rotenoning have been used for assessing and monitoring fish stock abundance in Volta Lake. The lake and the main gear types used on it have been described. Before a gill-net sampling plan was set up, a preliminary survey was undertaken which largely determined the final form of the plan. An investigation as to whether or not the lake was being overfished concluded that it was being underfished. Commercial and experimental catch data analyses disclosed that the adults of the small species were being little utilized. Commercial sized species were also not being harvested according to their apparent proportion in the population. Production is presently fluctuating between approximately 37,000 and 40,000 tonnes. A high correlation between commercial and experimental catch was realized. Developments which have followed in the wake of stock assessment and monitoring studies include: introduction of monofilament nylon net, development of a special scoop net to permit mass harvest of clupeids after they have been attracted to light, and the design of a larger canoe which would help to extend the fishery into open water. New regulation and management policies will have to be formulated in the light of new findings before a rational exploitation of all the species can be achieved.