997 resultados para Internet gaming


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This three-phase study was conducted to examine the effect of the Breast Cancer Patient’s Pathway program (BCPP) on breast cancer patients’ empowering process from the viewpoint of the difference between knowledge expectations and perceptions of received knowledge, knowledge level, quality of life, anxiety and treatment-related side effects during the breast cancer treatment process. The BCPP is an Internet-based patient education tool describing a flow chart of the patient pathway during the breast treatment process, from breast cancer diagnostic tests to the follow-up after treatments. The ultimate goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of the BCPP to the breast cancer patient’s empowerment by using the patient pathway as a patient education tool. In phase I, a systematic literature review was carried out to chart the solutions and outcomes of Internet-based educational programs for breast cancer patients. In phase II, a Delphi study was conducted to evaluate the usability of web pages and adequacy of their content. In phase III, the BCPP program was piloted with 10 patients and patients were randomised to an intervention group (n=50) and control group (n=48). According to the results of this study, the Internet is an effective patient education tool for increasing knowledge, and BCPP can be used as a patient education method supporting other education methods. However, breast cancer patients’ perceptions of received knowledge were not fulfilled; their knowledge expectations exceed the perceived amount of received knowledge. Although control group patients’ knowledge expectations were met better with the knowledge they received in hospital compared to the patients in the intervention group, no statistical differences were found between the groups in terms of quality of life, anxiety and treatment-related side effects. However, anxiety decreased faster in the intervention group when looking at internal differences between the groups at different measurement times. In the intervention group the relationship between the difference between knowledge expectations and perceptions of received knowledge correlated significantly with quality of life and anxiety. Their knowledge level was also significant higher than in the control group. These results support the theory that the empowering process requires patient’s awareness of knowledge expectations and perceptions of received knowledge. There is a need to develop patient education to meet patients’ perceptions of received knowledge, including oral and written education and BCPP, to fulfil patient’s knowledge expectations and facilitate the empowering process. Further research is needed on the process of cognitive empowerment with breast cancer patients. There is a need for new patient education methods to increase breast cancer patients’ awareness of knowing.


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Tutkielma kuvaa Suomen arpajaislain muutosprosessia ja sen taustalla olevia tekijöitä sekä muutoksen vaikutuksia rahapelien markkinointiin. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan erityisesti vuoden 2010 arpajaislain uudistusta ja vaikutuksia. Rahapelejä on kohdeltu Europpan Yhteisöjen lainsäädännössä eri tavalla verrattuna muuhun liiketoimintaan eikä siihen ole sovellettu palveluiden vapaan liikkuvuuden periaatetta samassa mittakaavassa kuin muuhun kaupalliseen toimintaan. Rahapelipalveluiden tarjoaminen internetissä on asettanut valtioiden vanhat rahapelimonopolit uusien haasteiden eteen myös lainsäädännöllisesti. Suomessa valtio on lainmuutoksilla pyrkinyt turvaamaan vallitsevan tilanteen, jossa rahapelipalveluiden tarjoamisesta suomalaisille vastaavat tietyt yhtiöt ja yhdistykset yksinoikeudella. Tutkielma pyrkii kuvaamaan tätä prosessia käyden läpi sen syitä ja seurauksia. Erityishuomion kohteeksi on otettu lakimuutosten vaikutukset ulkomaisten rahapeliyhtiöiden mainontaan suomalaisessa mediassa. Lähteinä on käytetty pääasiassa viranomaislähteitä, mutta tutkielmassa on pyritty tuomaan esille myös rahapelialan toimijoiden näkökulmia.


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Internetin kasvun ja teknologian digitalisoitumisen myötä media on pirstaloitunut yhä enenevässä määrin, ja massamedioista on siirrytty yhä enemmän pienempien ja kapea-alaisempien medioiden käyttöön. Vastaukseksi tähän haasteeseen yrityksille on esitetty integroitua markkinointiviestintää. Integroidussa markkinointiviestinnässä pyritään yhdistelemään eri markkinointiviestinnän kanavia siten, että yhden markkinointikanavan vahvuudet korvaavat toisen kanavan heikkouksia. Integroidussa markkinointiviestinnässä kuluttajille pyritään luomaan monen kanavan välityksellä selkeä ristiriidaton viesti. Viimeisten vuosien aikana monissa uutisissa ja tutkimuksissa on keskitytty sosiaaliseen mediaan ja jätetty yritysten Internet-sivut pienemmälle huomiolle, vaikka ne näyttelevätkin erittäin suurta osaa kuluttajien hakiessa tietoa yrityksistä ja niiden tuotteista tai palveluista. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia Internet-sivujen hyödyntämistä osana integroitua markkinointiviestintää. Tutkimuksen yleinen osatavoite jaetaan seuraaviin osaongelmiin: 1) Mitä integroitu markkinointiviestintä on? 2) Mitkä ovat Internet-sivujen markkinointiviestinnälliset ominaisuudet? 3) Miten yrityksen Internet-sivuja voidaan hyödyntää erityisesti integroidussa markkinointiviestinnässä? Tutkielman teoriatausta perustuu integroidusta markkinointiviestinnästä ja Internet-sivuista tehtyihin aiempiin tutkimuksiin. Tutkielmassa on käytetty metodina kvalitatiivista case- eli tapaustutkimusta, jossa tarkoituksena on muodostaa tutkittavasta aiheesta syvällinen käsitys valitun case-tapauksen avulla. Tutkielman empiirisessä osuudessa haastatellaan yhtä integroidun markkinointiviestinnän asiantuntijaa ja kolmea valitun case-yrityksen työntekijää, jotka työskentelevät markkinoinnin ja Internet-sivujen parissa. Tutkielman tulokset osoittavat, että integroidun markkinointiviestinnän määritelmästä on epäselvyyttä. Integroidun markkinointiviestinnän asiantuntija näkee, että kyseessä on laaja strateginen prosessi, jossa hän korostaa tavoitteellisuutta ja toiminnallisuutta. Case-yrityksessä integroitu markkinointiviestintä nähdään enimmäkseen markkinoinnin taktisten toimenpiteiden koordinoinnin työkaluna. Case-yritys näkee Internet-sivut lähinnä teknisten tietojen tiedonjakopaikkana ja ylimääräisenä ”myyntimiehenä”. Sivujen markkinointipotentiaaliin ei juurikaan uskota; sen sijaan sosiaalinen media nähdään potentiaalisempana kanavana markkinoinnille. Tutkielman perusteella caseyritys ei hyödynnä integroitua markkinointiviestintää ja Internet-sivuja niin tehokkaasti kuin tutkimusten ja markkinointikirjallisuuden mukaan olisi mahdollista. Tämä kielii paitsi sekä integroidun markkinointiviestintätoiminnan että Internet-sivujen siihen kytkemisen haasteellisuudesta käytännön liike-elämässä, myös siitä, että kehitettävää vielä on näissä asioissa sekä tutkitussa yrityksessä että hyvin todennäköisesti useimmissa muissakin yrityksissä.


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This work presents a methodology for the development of Teleoperated Robotic Systems through the Internet. Initially, it is presented a bibliographical review of the Telerobotic systems that uses Internet as way of control. The methodology is implemented and tested through the development of two systems. The first is a manipulator with two degrees of freedom commanded remotely through the Internet denominated RobWebCam (http://www.graco.unb.br/robwebcam). The second is a system which teleoperates an ABB (Asea Brown Boveri) Industrial Robot of six degrees of freedom denominated RobWebLink (http://webrobot.graco.unb.br). RobWebCam is composed of a manipulator with two degrees of freedom, a video camera, Internet, computers and communication driver between the manipulator and the Unix system; and RobWebLink composed of the same components plus the Industrial Robot. With the use of this technology, it is possible to move far distant positioning objects minimizing transport costs, materials and people; acting in real time in the process that is wanted to be controller. This work demonstrates that the teleoperating via Internet of robotic systems and other equipments is viable, in spite of using rate transmission data with low bandwidth. Possible applications include remote surveillance, control and remote diagnosis and maintenance of machines and equipments.


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A rapidly growing gaming industry, which specializes on PC, console, online and other games, attracts attention of investors and analysts, who try to understand what drives changes of the gaming industry companies’ stock prices. This master thesis shows the evidence that, besides long-established types of events (M&A and dividend payments), the companies’ stock price changes depend on industry-specific events. I analyzed specific for gaming industry events - game releases with respect to its subdivisions: new games-sequels, games ratings and subdivision according to a developer of a game (self-developed by publisher or outsourced). The master thesis analyzes stock prices of 55 companies from gaming industry from all over the world. The research period covers 5 year, spreading from April 2008 to April 2013. Executed with an event study method, results of the research show that all the analyzed events types have significant influence on the stock prices of the gaming industry companies. The current master thesis suggests that acquisitions in the industry affect positively bidders’ and targets’ stock prices. Mergers events cause positive stock price reactions as well. But dividends payments and game releases events influence negatively on the stock prices. Game releases’ effect is up to -2.2% of cumulative average abnormal return (CAAR) drop during the first ten days after the game releases. Having researched different kinds of events and identified the direction of their impact, the current paper can be of high value for investors, seeking profits in the gaming industry, and other interested parties.


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The goal of this thesis is to build a viral marketing management framework for a Finnish medium sized gaming company. This is achieved by first finding and building a theoretical five step management process framework based on literature, analyzing current model and giving recommendations for the case company to develop its own management process. In addition, viral marketing research is still in early stage resulting this study to propose its own take on the definition in the theory part. Empirical part is based on qualitative interviews, campaign material and secondary sources and is aimed to find out and analyze the case company’s current viral marketing state and to give recommendations to it. The final outcome of the study is a general, theoretical management framework for viral marketing campaigns and specified recommendations for the case company.


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Yandex is the dominant search engine in Russia, followed by the world leader Google. This study focuses on the performance differences between the two in search advertising in the context of tourism, by running two identical campaigns and measuring the KPI’s, such as CPA (cost-per-action), on both campaigns. Search engine advertising is a new and fast changing form of advertising, which should be studied frequently in order to keep up with the changes. Research was done as an experimental study in cooperation with a Finnish tourism company and the data is gathered from the clickstream and not from questionnaires, which is recommended method by the literature. The results of the study suggests that Yandex.Direct performed better in the selected niche and that the individual campaign planning for Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords is an important part of the optimization of search advertising in Russia.


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Since the 1990’s, the Internet has played a central role in our daily lives. The Internet is an integral part of our personal, business, family, research, entertainment, academic and social life. However, there are social implications in using the Internet that are dependent on categories such as gender, age, ethnicity and cultural attributes. This social aspect can play a detrimental role in the expression of human anxiety on the Internet. An anxiety is a complex phenomenon that requires further elaboration. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to investigate human anxiety, or specifically, whether Internet anxiety can be conceptualized and measured. This thesis utilizes literature, qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, and a triangulation validation approach to conceptualize and measure the Internet anxiety phenomenon. In particular, the aim is to explore anxiety levels of Internet participants to develop and validate an Internet anxiety scale based on earlier research on Internet anxiety. The results of the dissertation present a two phase study. In Phase I, a smaller set of studies were conducted with a limited sample size. In Phase II, the research topic was investigated using 385 participants. Based on a number of studies or experiments, the state-of-the-art discovered in this thesis is creation, design, and validation of two scales, the Self-Assessment Scale (SAS) and a Modified Internet Anxiety Scale (MIAS) for measuring users’ anxieties on the Internet. The result of this dissertation is a conceptualization and measurement of various types of Internet anxiety and measurement of affective feelings of users on the Internet. As a proof-of-concept of measuring Internet anxiety, this thesis describes the author’s implementation of three sets of tools: MyAnxiety, introducing Internet anxieties types; Intelligentia, for collecting Internet anxieties types; and MyIAControl tool, implemented as a browser plug-in, for measuring affective feelings of users on the Internet. Conclusions drawn from the results show that these empirically validated scales and tools might be useful for researchers and practitioners in understanding and measuring the Internet anxiety phenomenon further.


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This study discusses the procedures of value co-creation that persist in gaming industry. The purpose of this study was to identify the procedures that persist in current video gaming industry which answers the main research problem how value is co-created in video gaming industry followed by three sub questions: (i) What is value co-creation in gaming industry? (ii) Who participates in value co-creation in gaming industry? (iii) What are the procedures that are involved in value co-creation in gaming industry? The theoretical background of the study consists of literature relating to the theory of marketing i.e., notion of value, conventional understanding of value creation, value chain, co-creation approach, co-production approach. The research adopted qualitative research approach. As a platform of relationship researcher used web 2.0 tool interface. Data were collected from the social networks and netnography method was applied for analyzing them. Findings show that customer and company both co-create optimum level of value while they interact with each other and within the customers as well. However mostly the C2C interaction, discussions and dialogues threads that emerged around the main discussion facilitated to co-create value. In this manner, companies require exploiting and further motivating, developing and supporting the interactions between customers participating in value creation. Hierarchy of value co-creation processes is the result derived from the identified challenges of value co-creation approach and discussion forums data analysis. Overall three general sets and seven topics were found that explored the phenomenon of customer to customer (C2C) and business to customer (B2C) interaction/debating for value co-creation through user generated contents. These topics describe how gamer contributes and interacts in co-creating value along with companies. A methodical quest in current research literature acknowledged numerous evolving flows of value in this study. These are general management perspective, new product development and innovation, virtual customer environment, service science and service dominant logic. Overall the topics deliver various realistic and conceptual implications for using and handling gamers in social networks for augmenting customers’ value co-creation process.


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Innovations diffuse at different speed among the members of a social system through various communication channels. The group of early adopters can be seen as the most influential reference group for majority of people to base their innovation adoption decisions on. Thus, the early adopters can often accelerate the diffusion of innovations. The purpose of this research is to discover means of diffusion for an innovative product in Finnish market through the influential early adopters in respect to the characteristics of the case product. The purpose of the research can be achieved through the following sub objectives:  Who are the potential early adopters for the case product and why?  How the potential early adopters of the case product should be communicated with?  What would be the expectations, preferences, and experiences of the early adopters of the case product? The case product examined in this research is a new board game called Rock Science which is considered to be incremental innovation bringing board gaming and hard rock music together in a new way. The research was conducted in two different parts using both qualitative and quantitative research methods. This mixed method research began with expert interviews of six music industry experts. The information gathered from the interviews enabled researcher to compose the questionnaire for the quantitative part of the study. Internet survey that was sent out resulted with a sample of 97 responses from the targeted population. The key findings of the study suggest that (1) the potential early adopters for the case product are more likely to be young adults from the capital city area with great interest in rock music, (2) the early adopters can be reached effectively through credible online sources of information, and (3) the respondents overall product feedback is highly positive, except in the case of quality-price ratio of the product. This research indicates that more effective diffusion of Rock Science board game in Finland can be reached through (1) strategic alliances with music industry and media partnerships, (2) pricing adjustments, (3) use of supporting game formats, and (4) innovative use of various social media channels.