905 resultados para Inem Jorge Isaacs


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The work of Jorge Amado collects and processes relevant aspects of Brazilian miscegenation and allows discussion on various issues relating to the cultural productions of the country. If on the one hand the racial mixture can be seen as the result of an harmonious process, as is traditional Brazilian thought that comes from XVIII century, on the other hand it portrays the customs of Bahian society at different times, mixing the humorous tone to the optimistic view of the world. As for the miscegenation, reality of the Bahian people, as of all Brazil, can also be analyzed in their heterogeneity, for whom observes that, in the end, the crossing of economic, social and cultural boundaries have been, in many cases, quite problematic. The aim of this work is to make a journey into reality, past and present in Brazil, to understand the lexical regionalisms present in each work; it is important to understand the history of slavery, indigenous groups and the relation that the white man had with this world. All that enormous database of spoken language (a true linguistic laboratory) served and is serving to describe the Portuguese in Brazil in its regional, ethnic and social varieties. (Bagno, 2011: 104-105) I analyze here two works by Jorge Amado, Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon: Chronicle of an Inner City and Tieta of Agreste, which constitute the corpus of this work, which will consist in detecting an extensive glossary and the collection thereof as well as paremiological regionalisms; phrases or expressions corresponding to a region and time of Brazil...


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La presente investigación pretende analizar la apropiación del discurso emocional, como estrategia de Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, para la movilización de masas. El análisis del discurso emocional supone el estudio desde ámbitos psicológicos, sociológicos y políticos que constituyen un andamiaje diferente al de otras investigaciones hechas con base en el fenómeno “Gaitán” y a la concepción de las emociones en la movilización. Para lograr los objetivos de este estudio de caso, se realizará un análisis de fuentes primarias (discursos de Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, testimonios documentados sobre varias movilizaciones que surgieron en la época en la que el líder político era visible en las esferas del poder). Adicional a lo anterior, se realizará una revisión documental sobre las el uso del discurso emocional como estrategia para movilizar masas, influir en las decisiones de la población, crear juicios a partir de las motivaciones que la masa construía y así generar acciones concretas.


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Informaciones de limpieza de sangre e hidalguía de Luis Francisco Jorge y Guzmán cura de la villa de Espinal, entregadas al Colegio Mayor del Rosario para solicitar una de sus becas vacantes. Contiene las partidas de bautismo de los padres y los interrogatorios que dan cuenta de su filiación religiosa, además de los oficios de sus familiares. Las informaciones fueron aprobadas por el rector, vicerrector y consiliarios.


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El conflicto armado en Guatemala se originó por el abuso de poder, la desigualdad, la exclusión y la profunda discriminación, sobre todo hacia la población indígena, a la que se le han desconocido históricamente sus derechos y que fue la más afligida durante el conflicto. Lo que desembocó en el nacimiento de grupos al margen de la ley, cuyo propósito fue reivindicar los derechos de la población, así como la equidad y justicia social. El conflicto se caracterizó por la formación de grupos paramilitares, la violación al Derecho Internacional Humanitario, el elevado número de víctimas del conflicto, mayoritariamente indígenas y porque más del 85% de las violaciones a los derechos humanos fueron perpetradas por el Estado. Gracias a la voluntad política, al respaldo de la comunidad internacional, especialmente de la Organización de Naciones Unidas -ONU, y a los buenos oficios de la Comisión Nacional de Reconciliación – CNR, se lograron firmar los Acuerdos de Paz y dar fin a este cruento conflicto de más de 36 años. Las partes firmantes vieron la necesidad de que un ente autónomo e imparcial de Naciones Unidas, verificara el cumplimiento de La Misión de Naciones Unidas en Guatemala - MINUGUA contribuyó a la promoción, defensa y garantía de los derechos de la población indígena guatemalteca. Específicamente, incidió en el cumplimiento de los compromisos contenidos en el Acuerdo sobre Identidad y Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas guatemaltecos –AIDPI, que fue suscrito el 31 de marzo de 1995, asimismo, contribuyó a la garantía del derecho a la justicia de la población indígena, lo que se evidenció en las acciones y el papel que desempeñó en los componentes de verdad, justicia y reparación.


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El texto es el resultado del trabajo de investigación con dos agrupaciones musicales de la ciudad de Cali, durante el 2013 y el 2015. Hace una reflexión sociológica sobre la relación entre economía y cultura, a través de las apropiaciones que hacen estos músicos de las músicas de marimba del Pacífico del sur de Colombia, para posicionarse en escenarios de industria cultural. Con una metodología cualitativa basada en la interacción, estudia las trayectorias, prácticas y discursos de estos grupos que se consolidan en las estrategias que utilizan para ingresar en estos escenarios construidos como producto de fenómenos macrosociales globales y locales que permiten la transformación de la música como una herramienta mediadora para contar la cotidianidad que estas bandas viven en su ciudad.


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Jorge Botelho Moniz


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Mapa de ubicación de amenazas naturales, con el objetivo de apoyar el proceso de prevención contra desastres naturales en el nivel local.


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From the 70's, Africa was a massive wave of independence process. However, such processes are not meant processes of decolonization. According with Fanon (1961) also decolonization is based not only on the territorial and political, but mostly mental. While some former colonies resist colonial hegemony still visible in the local culture, others are colluding with the colonizing process. Thus, it will analyze the subservience and resistance to colonization in Lusophone African poetry, especially with the Angolan Viriato da Cruz, with the poem MaKézú (1961) and Cape Verdian Jorge Barbosa with Prelude (1956).


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We intend to study this text as Jorge de Lima establishes the relationship between two distinct activities, poetry and religion, for the elaboration of the A Túnica Inconsútil. In our perspective, the effective union of these two perspectives will be accomplished through the technique of surrealist collage, which makes use of the combination of disparate elements, together with the exploitation of classic tops of literature, such as the trip and the island. Join this practice the metaphysical poet's ideological project, which aims to establish the "poetry in Christ".


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What are the ethical and political implications when the very foundations of life —things of awe and spiritual significance — are translated into products accessible to few people? This book critically analyses this historic recontextualisation. Through mediation — when meaning moves ‘from one text to another, from one discourse to another’ — biotechnology is transformed into analysable data and into public discourses. The unique book links biotechnology with media and citizenship. As with any ‘commodity’, biological products have been commodified. Because enormous speculative investment rests on this, risk will be understated and benefit will be overstated. Benefits will be unfairly distributed. Already, the bioprospecting of Southern megadiverse nations, legally sanctioned by U.S. property rights conventions, has led to wealth and health benefits in the North. Crucial to this development are biotechnological discourses that shift meanings from a “language of life” into technocratic discourses, infused with neo-liberal economic assumptions that promise progress and benefits for all. Crucial in this is the mass media’s representation of biotechnology for an audience with poor scientific literacy. Yet, even apparently benign biotechnology spawned by the Human Genome Project such as prenatal screening has eugenic possibilities, and genetic codes for illness are eagerly sought by insurance companies seeking to exclude certain people. These issues raise important questions about a citizenship that is founded on moral responsibility for the wellbeing of society now and into the future. After all, biotechnology is very much concerned with the essence of life itself. This book provides a space for alternative and dissident voices beyond the hype that surrounds biotechnology.


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Computer vision is much more than a technique to sense and recover environmental information from an UAV. It should play a main role regarding UAVs’ functionality because of the big amount of information that can be extracted, its possible uses and applications, and its natural connection to human driven tasks, taking into account that vision is our main interface to world understanding. Our current research’s focus lays on the development of techniques that allow UAVs to maneuver in spaces using visual information as their main input source. This task involves the creation of techniques that allow an UAV to maneuver towards features of interest whenever a GPS signal is not reliable or sufficient, e.g. when signal dropouts occur (which usually happens in urban areas, when flying through terrestrial urban canyons or when operating on remote planetary bodies), or when tracking or inspecting visual targets—including moving ones—without knowing their exact UMT coordinates. This paper also investigates visual serving control techniques that use velocity and position of suitable image features to compute the references for flight control. This paper aims to give a global view of the main aspects related to the research field of computer vision for UAVs, clustered in four main active research lines: visual serving and control, stereo-based visual navigation, image processing algorithms for detection and tracking, and visual SLAM. Finally, the results of applying these techniques in several applications are presented and discussed: this study will encompass power line inspection, mobile target tracking, stereo distance estimation, mapping and positioning.


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This paper studies the evolution of tax morale in Spain in the post-France era. In contrast to the previous tax compliance literature, the current paper investigates tax morale as the dependent variable and attempts to answer what actually shapes tax morale. Te analysis uses suevey data from two sources; the World Values Survey and the European Values Survey, allowing us to observe tax morale in Spain for the years 1981,1990, 1995 and 1999/2000. The sutudy of evolution of tax morale in Spain over nearly a 20-year span is particularly interesting because the political and fiscal system evolved very rapidly during this period.